The Alpha Wants Everything Book 2 The Devil's Baker

Chapter 42: War Was Declared!

Tyler followed the scent of cookies deep through the woods, how she made it so far in a small amount of time he didn’t know. He came upon her sitting in a meadow atop a giant rock. She clutched her knees to her chest and she was shaking her head, fighting back the emotion that was flooding around her.

“Kenzi?” Tyler called to her, he saw her tense and start to wipe furiously at her eyes, but she never turned to face him. Don’t feel it, don’t show it, don’t be a burden, it’s not important! Running on a loop through her head. She knew this day was coming and it was her fault this hurt so much. Stupid, stupid girl!

“It’s ok Tyler. I kn-new this d-d-day was c-co-coming, I jus wasn’t r-re-ready.” She whispered.

“What day?” He asked, slowly approaching her,

“The day he f-fi-finded his mate. I j-ju-jus th-th-ou-ght I had mo-more tine. I’m, I’m ha-ap-py for him, I really am” Tyler wasn’t too sure who she was trying to convince herself or him, but the heartbreak in her voice was anything but happy.

“That not his mate” Tyler said,

“Wh-what?” A small hiccup escaped her as she turned to look at him then and he could see the red rim around her eyes from the tears that were threatening to fall again.

“Not his mate” Tyler repeated,

“Bu-bu-but how….how do you know?” She asked, Tyler hesitated, he didn’t know if he should tell her that Odin snapped the girls neck. To not tell her would be a lie and he vowed he would never lie to his sister.

“Odin snap her neck.” Her eyes went wide as she stared at him. “What her did was disrespectful. You don’t jus kiss a Alpha like that. If that his mate he fine her the second her hit the BBQ an her been by his side the whole night. Her wasn’t, so her not. Her disrespect a Alpha on his territory in front of his pack an visitors, an they consequences for that.” Tyler tried to explain.

“I-i-is it like a la-law?” She squeaked out when she could finally say something,

“Yeah! It demon law!” Tyler nodded,

“I-Is he o-ok?” Kenzi asked, Tyler had to bite back a grin.

“He angry, he don’t like bein disrespect like that. Her stole somein from him.” Tyler said,

“An in….inti….inti-mate moment” She said and Tyler just nodded,

“Why you run Kenzi?” Tyler asked. Adonis was in the shadows listening in to their conversation. She took the news of him killing someone rather well, seemed to understand why he did it.

Kenzi sat on the rock trying to keep control of what she was feeling, trying not to let it show.

“It’s o-ok Tyler, it’s not imp-import-tant.” She said, she looked away from him and rested her cheek on her arms.

“Kenzi, you important, you know that right? You one of the mos important people to me. You my family, an my family an important thin to me. So it not ok that you sittin on a rock on the verge of tears sayin it not important” Tyler climbed onto the rock and sat down beside her. This would probably get him killed, but he gathered her into his arms and held her as she crumpled into him. Brother protects his sister! The fuck is he doing? She is ours not his! Calm down Odin, she needs this! She is ours! Tyler knows that, he has his own mate! Tell him to go fucking hug her then! CALM DOWN!! It should be us! Yes it should be! Adonis continued to watch on from the shadows. His mate needed this, it’s what he kept telling himself to keep planted in spot and not race across the field and rip Tyler to pieces for touching her. It should be him consoling her, it should be him with his arms around her. He also had a feeling it was him that caused this and if he were to do that she wouldn’t say anything.

“I screw-ed up!” She whispered,

“How? How you screw up?” Tyler asked,

“Cause I’m a s-st-stu-pid, s-sel-sel-fish girl” the tears slipped from her eyes, how easily they fell now. The dam burst and her tears just freely fell whenever she got sad.

“Don’t say that, you not a stupid girl an you ain’t selfish” Tyler bit back the growl Bal was trying to release. Neither liked it that she called herself that, they didn’t like that that’s how she saw herself, that’s how someone made her see herself.

“I g-get-ted my ho-hopes up, I g-get-ted too cl-clo-se and I kn-knew. I kn-ew I sh-shou-dint has, but I did. H-he’s not mine, h-he’s not m-mi-mine and I w-wa-nt him to be m-m-ine but h-he’s not. H-h-he is s-some-ones and it’s not me, and I-I-I has to l-l-l-et him g-go and I d-don’t w-wa-nt to.” Kenzi buried her face in her arms, fighting to choke back every tear that fell, but she was failing, her heart hurt, it felt like it was being ripped from her chest. Her world flipped and shattered and she was holding on by a thread. That girl might not have been his mate, but it was a wake up call to her, that’s what was going to happen when he did find his true mate. Tyler held her tighter.

“You love him?” He asked, she nodded her head. She couldn’t bring herself to say the words, she did, she was head over heels for him and he wasn’t hers.

“Yeah, you love him.” Tyler lifted her head so she looked at him, it broke his heart to see her like this. “It hurt now Kenzi an it hurt tomorrow, but it won’t hurt forever. Big thins in yur future lil girl, it work out the way it posed to an I see you standin on top. You made for great thins. You special, you the only person I know that give up happiness for someone else. You not selfish Kenzi, you can’t be, it not in yur nature.” Tyler wrapped his arms back around her, he took one look over his shoulder into the shadows of the trees and gave a slight bow and they sat there in silence.

Adonis stood there still in shock at the words that she spoke. She doesn’t want to give him up, she wants him to be hers. He was told countless times that he would never have a mate, and if he did she would never love him, she would be terrified of him. Who would ever love The Devil? But there she was, his tiny dancer, she loved him, she wanted him, she was not afraid of him. She was giving up happiness for him. Our mate loves us! Yes she does, now we need to make sure she is safe! What are we going to do? Ridgeview declared war by fucking with our mate. Now we get to do what we do best! Rip things to pieces! Yes Odin, we get to rip things into many many pieces! Violently! With his hellbeast’s maniacal laughter in his head, he ripped back through the woods.


The bone chilling howl tore from his chest piercing the silence of the night.

“Ready your demons!

Tyler tensed when he heard the call of his Alpha. War has been declared.

“What was that?” Kenzi asked as a not good kind shiver ripped down her spine,

“Come on Kenzi, we gotta head back” Tyler said as he helped her from the rock. She nodded her head, then she froze and went wide eyed.

“Oh crackers! I forget-ed, we gotta, we gotta go Tyler” She grabbed his hand and started pulling him back towards her house.

“Forgot what? What you forget?” He stumbled trying to keep up with her.

“I has people. I has people staying with me and I forget-ed. The Apple Byron and his Biter John.” Kenzi exclaimed,

“The what?” Tyler stopped in his tracks, not sure if he heard her correctly.

“Apple Byron and his Biter John” She said, still pulling him. He stared at her wide eyed, then erupted into a fit of laughter.

“What? What’s funny?” She asked, confusion creasing her brow. He could only shake his head.

“Tha….that….no….not….wh….what….th….they….call….called” he finally managed to choke out. His sides hurt, his lungs burned, but he couldn’t stop the laughter. Oh how he was going to harass the shit out of Jackson with that one. Even Bal was howling in his head. Biter Jackass! Biter Ko!

“That’s not what they’re call-ed?” Tyler just shook his head again.

“Are you sure?” He could only nod, tears streamed down his cheeks, his breath coming in gasps.

“Aw nuts!” She huffed.

“I….I….a….Del….ta Delta” Tyler choked out.

“A Del-ta?” He nodded his head, he didn’t want to know what she thought his title was. He finally got control of himself and was able to walk beside her, though he was still laughing.

“Apple and his Biter, that gold. I gonna raz the shit outta Jackass” Tyler chuckled,

“Can we not tell Adonis I call-ed him an Apple?” Kenzi asked,

“Yeah, I homicidal, not suicidal,” Tyler agreed, nodding.

“Tyler, what’s a Del-ta?” Kenzi asked as they continued walking towards her house.

“Delta protects the Luna” Tyler said proudly, Kenzi nodded,

“What’s a Luna?” She asked, looking at him,

“A Luna the mate of the Apple” Tyler laughed at her expression,

“Ha, ha Tyler” She said, “What was the howl we hearded?”

“That Odin” Tyler said, “He callin his demons”

“He soun-ded angry” She said,

“Yup!” Was all Tyler said.

They made it back to her house and she was thankful her houseguests hadn’t shown up yet, she would feel awful if they were waiting for her when she got there. She quickly went inside and got her spare rooms ready for them. When she stepped out of the second bedroom there was a knock on her door. Taking a quick look over her shoulder to make sure her rooms were decent she went to answer the door.

“Hello sweetheart!” Adonis stood there with Alpha Byron and Beta John standing behind him further down the stairs. “Thank you for doing this”

“It’s my ple-sure” she replied, though she wouldn’t lift her eyes to meet his gaze. The posture she could see told her he was still angry, very angry. “Hello Mr. Byron, Mr. John, please come in” Tyler told her what the head wolf’s title was again, but she forgot it and she didn’t want to risk calling Mr. Byron an apple by accident.

“Thank you my dear, but please there is no need for such formalities. You can call me Byron, and he is John. This is my son Bradly, he is not staying here though.” Alpha Byron added the last part when he saw Kenzi’s eyes widen.

“Hello Ms. Templeton,” Bradly extended his hand and she shook it immediately.

“Hi, it’s Kenzi. Where are you staying?” Kenzi asked as the men entered her house.

“He’ll be staying with me.” Adonis answered, like hell he’d let this boy stay with his mate. Though Alpha Bradly was older than him, Adonis still had more experience, and in his eyes that made him a boy.

“I was an unexpected guest,” Bradly said, causing her to giggle.

Adonis stayed at the door with Alpha Bradly while she showed Alpha Byron and Beta John to their rooms and showed them where the restroom was.

“It would do you well not to flirt with her” Adonis warned him. Alpha Bradly stole a glance in Adonis’s direction and saw the displeased look on his face.

“She is….”

“Spoken for” Adonis finished for him,

“Apologies Alpha Adonis I wasn’t aware” He said,

“Now you are” Adonis said,

“It won’t happen again” Alpha Bradly cast his eyes to the floor.

“Be sure that it doesn’t. I am ending one alliance tonight with blood shed. With the mood I am in right now I don’t care how it will look to end another one before it even gets started the same way.” Adonis replied, causing Alpha Bradly to swallow hard as he continued his fascination with the floor. The stories of Alpha Adonis running through his head and his fathers warning about angering The Devil playing on a loop, he stood there as the deathly silence surrounded them.

“The rooms are wonderful, Kenzi. I have stayed in numerous packhouses and I don’t think anything comes close to the feeling of comfort these rooms give off.” Alpha Byron was saying, her pink blush sat upon her face as the older wolf complimented her.

“Thank you Mr….Byron” She said, he has already corrected her three times about being formal with him and she didn’t want to offend him.

“Your neighbour is an absolute delight, and we will be most comfortable here. I would recommend having her decorate the guest rooms at your packhouse when it is built. She knows what she is doing. I have never seen John so relaxed.” Kenzi looked at Beta John, he still carried a stone face and his shoulders were still tense.

“That’s relax-ded? I don’t think he’s doing it right.” She blurted, before she could even think about it. The room fell silent as all eyes turned to her.

Oops….pressing her lips together she cast her eyes down to the floor, already cringing, then she heard his deep laugh, rumble through the main floor. She stole a glance at him, and the genuine smile she saw on his face, had her breathing a small sigh of relief.

“I’m sorry, it slipp-ded out” Kenzi apologized,

“It’s alright. Being on another’s territory can be unsettling at the best of times. It is even worse when the power felt is strong and there is a sense of unrest in the air.” Beta John said to her.

“Some feel it more than others,” Alpha Byron informed her. They all turned their attention to Adonis. It was the first time she has looked at him since they arrived. He was standing at her front door in a highly agitated state wearing only basketball shorts. Dark shadows crossed and masked his features. His posture was rigid and exuded power and dominance. Though when she looked at him, he felt himself relax a bit.

“If you gentlemen will excuse us, I would like to have a word with Kenzi in private.” Adonis spoke, his voice deep and gravely, they nodded their heads and she walked towards him as he opened the front door and stepped out onto her porch. She saw other wolves shifting into their furry forms as they were waiting for orders from their Alpha.

“What’s going on?” She asked, taking in the scene around her.

“War has been declared” Adonis answered,

“War? Who de...dec...who did that?” She asked, alarmed by this.

“There was another pack at the BBQ tonight. One that I had made an alliance with when I first got here. What happened on the deck was not the first time they have disrespected me, my pack or you.” She looked up at him, her lips parted to say something, but she looked away as the memory of him kissing another girl flooded her mind. “They were warned that if it happened again there would be consequences. An example needs to be set” He continued, growing agitated again as her sadness flooded around him.

“Are people gonna get hurt? Are they gonna die?” She asked when she looked back up at him. Fear swirled in her dark silver orbs.

“Yes” He replied, she nodded her head and looked back at all the wolves on the front lawn. Tyler told her he was angry, and demon law was broken, death was a consequence of breaking that law. It was understandable, in human law if you steal something you go to jail. Actions have consequences, don’t want to face those consequences, don’t break the law.

“Are you gonna get hurt?” She asked looking back up at him.

“No!” Kenzi wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tight. He wasn’t hers and she might have to give him up, but she cared for him deeply and didn’t want to see anything bad happen to him. Engulfing her in his arms, his body warmed at her scent, vibrated with the electric surges from her touch. He would come back to her. He kissed the top of her head, but that was not enough for him. His lips brushed hers and when her mouth parted, he claimed them, hard and demanding. He was told he couldn’t do this anymore, but he didn’t care. She was his mate and he could kiss her if he wanted to.

“When I get back I am going to do this again” He spoke when the kiss parted. She nodded her head and he kissed her one more time before he let her go.

“Stay in the house, don’t come out” He said as he descended the stairs. Before she could say anything she watched him shift and Odin took off across the lawn with an army following him.

“You need to go inside now Ms. Kenzi” Tommy said to her. She saw two others with him, and three more moved around the back of the house. She nodded her head again, and with one more look in the direction Odin ran she headed back inside.

Odin stood in the shadows watching the Ridgeview packhouse. His pack had it surrounded and were awaiting his signal. He was looking for someone, his target, the whole reason for his being here. He had every intention of ringing the bell, he was just waiting for the right time. The Ridgeview members that remained at his territory were dispatched. But the one he wanted had gotten away in the chaos. Fuck with mine will you, now consequences need to be paid! Odin had gone over and over in his head all the different ways he wanted to pay those consequences and he hadn’t settled on one way. He would figure it out when the time came. The whimper from his Delta behind him caught his attention, he was getting antsy. They all knew he was waiting, he wanted his target. There….there she is in all her succuwhorish glory! From shadow to shadow Odin moved with stealth, he wanted her to feel safe, he wanted her to feel secure. To be completely at ease before he tore that out from under her. He wanted her father to witness what he was going to do to his precious little succuwhore. Show him why you don’t fuck with The Devil. Closer and closer he came to her. Look at her, not a care in the world, not an ounce of regret or remorse for what she did to our mate! He would make her regret it, make her beg for mercy. The Devil doesn’t grant mercy, just painful violent death.



The growl ripped through the night followed by the blood curdling scream and Legion converged on the house. ....ahhhhhhhhh.... ….grRrRrRrr…. ….grrRrRrrrRrRrrr…. ….ahhhhhhhhhhhh…. Doors were thrown open and wolves ripped from their homes and beds to be executed. ....ahhhhhhhhh.... Alpha Leon was thrown to the lawn and laid on the ground at the feet of Odin. ....ahhhhhhhhh.... Fear swirling all around. ….ahhhhhhhhhhhh…. Odin’s demons feeding off of it continued their actions. ….grrRrRrrrRrRrrr…. Screams could be heard, blood could be smelled, it shattered the stillness of the night. ….grrRrRrrrRrRrrr…. ….grrrRRRrrrr…. Those that tried to fight back against what was happening just prolonged the inevitable. ....ahhhhhhhhh.... Ridgeview was going to end tonight. ….grrrRRRrrrr…. ....ahhhhhhhhh.... ….grrRrRrrrRrRrrr….

“Al-Al-Alpha Adonis, wh-wh-what is the meaning of this?” Alpha Leon looked up at him, only to be greeted with the flaming eyes of The Devil. ….ahhhhhh…. Gripped tightly in his arms, fighting for her life was his daughter. ....ahhhhhhhhh.... Her screams fell on the deaf ears of those around her as she begged for her life.

“Pl-pl-please don’t do this. Show mercy” Alpha Leon begged him, begged him to let his daughter go.

NO MERCY!” Odin growled as he stepped back from the man dragging the daughter with him.

No, no daddy please. Please daddy help me” She screamed for him. Two of his pack members held Alpha Leon in place. ….grRrRrRrr…. ….grRRrRRRrRRrr…. ….grRrRrRrr…. Forcing him to watch what was about to happen, to his whore of a daughter. ....ahhhhhhhhh....

“I-I-I’m sorry. I-I-I’m so sorry. I-I-I won’t do it again, I won’t do it again. Please, Please” Kiara begged, for him to spare her. CRACK! ....ahhhhhhhhh.... Her scream pierced the night, when Odin snapped her arm when he threw her to the ground. ....ahhhhhhhhh.... CRUNCH! ....ahhhhhhhhh.... The sound of her ankles being crushed, preventing her from being able to get up and run. ….grRRrRRRrRRrr…. ….grRrRrRrr…. Alpha Leon struggled to get to his daughter, he fought against the demons that held him in place. ….grRRrRRRrRRrr…. ….grRrRrRrr…. One backhanded him while the other drove his knee into his chest twice to bring him down. ….grRRrRRRrRRrr…. ….grRrRrRrr….


Another scream pierced the night, as two more demons had thrown Luna Mara onto the front lawn. ….grRrRrRrr…. ….grRRrRRRrRRrr…. Odin could only laugh at the look of horror on Alpha Leon’s face when he saw his mate being crowded by demons.

MARA!” He yelled for her,

LEON!” She screamed back at him to help her.

“Why? Why Alpha Adonis? Why are you doing this? Please don’t do this!” He begged, pleaded with him to stop.

“….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr…. You tried to take something from me, now I WILL take everything from you” Came Odin’s growled reply. Kiara had been trying to crawl away and she got a very far distance before Odin grabbed her ankles ....ahhhhhhhhh.... Crushing what was left of the bone as he pulled her back across the lawn towards him. Another scream left her lips piercing the air.

Tsk, tsk, tsk little succuwhore ….grrrrrr….. Why are you trying to get away from me? I thought you wanted me?” Odin glowered as he loomed above her. She shook her head vigorously.

“No!” She squeaked out as his teeth became more visible to her.

“….grrrrrr…. Do I frighten you?” He could smell her fear, it poured from her, swirling around him. ….grRrRrRrr…. He fed off of it. She nodded her head.

That is why you are not my mate ….grRrRrRrr…. She is not afraid of me ….grRRrRRRrRRrr…. ” Odin growled,

“Y-y-your mate?” She cried,

“….grRRrRRRrRRrr…. You fucked with her at my BBQ, and that is the reason you are all going to die tonight. ….grRRrRRRrRRrr…. I WARNED YOU!” Odin raged, Kiara’s eyes widened when she realized who he was talking about. ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr….


Luna Mara’s pain laced scream echoed through the night bringing all their attention to her. She was being thrown around the yard by four of his demons like she was nothing more than a rag doll.

MARA….NOOOO….” Alpha Leon called, his voice catching in his throat and his eyes widening as he watched his wife ripped to pieces before his eyes in a savage game of tug-o-war. ….owooooooooooo…. Howls erupted from the participants before they ran to enjoy more fun and games. ….owooooooooooo….

MOMMY!” Kiara screamed only to be backhanded by Odin to silence her. ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr….

YOU DARED TO TAKE WHAT WAS MINE, TO DESTROY HER ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr…. TURN HER AGAINST ME” Odin struck her again. CRACK! The sound of her other arm breaking. SNAP! SNAP! SNAP! SNAP! Her ribs broke like toothpicks as he brought his foot down repeatedly on her chest. She groaned in pain, still pleading with him to stop.

“….grRRrRRRrRRrr…. You didn’t stop when you were told,” Odin hissed. Drawing his arm back as far as he could he drove it into her chest. She gasped hard, her eyes wide.

KIARA!” Alpha Leon cried out for her as he watched Odin rip her still beating heart from her chest and crush it in his hand.

“….grRRrRRRrRRrr…. Listen Alpha Leon as your pack screams for mercy. ….grRRrRRRrRRrr…. The Devil doesn’t show mercy. When you fuck with The Devil. He comes for you” ….grrRrRrRrRRRrRrRrRrrr…. Running towards him Odin shifted to his true form and when he reached Alpha Leon he proceeded to rip him limb from limb.


….owooooooooooo…. Rung through the air, Ridgeview had fallen and the war was over. ….owooooooooooo…. ….grRrrrRrr…. Howls and growls rose up through the night celebrating their victory. ….grRrrrRrr…. ….owooooooooooo….

“Geezus fuck!” Came Jackson from behind him. Adonis looked over his shoulder at his Beta covered head to toe in the blood of another.

“Survivors?” He asked as he stood up.

“Nope!” Jackson took in the mess in front of him.

“Injured?” Adonis looked around him.

“A few! They be fine doc already lookin at em, nuttin a few days of rest won’t fix.” Jackson answered, throwing him a pair of basketball shorts.

“Rip her heart out?” He asked as he looked over the body of Kiara,

“Odin….” Adonis couldn’t even begin to describe what was going through Odin’s head when he did that. She broke our mate’s heart, so I took hers!

“Nuff said!” Jackson said grinning. “Clean up crew on the way” Adonis just nodded.

Kenzi and the others were enjoying food, drinks and conversation throughout the night. Alpha Malone and Beta Morgan showed up just after Adonis had left, to stay with her as well. Since he had found her again Alpha Malone has done everything in his power to keep her safe, there would be no exception tonight, should members of Ridgeview venture this way. Though he didn’t think they would make it past the six wolves standing guard outside, or the others he was certain Alpha Adonis had stationed in the woods. She was a little Luna, loved by The Devil and protected by his demons. Goddess help those that dared to harm her. Most wolves would fall at the loss of their mate. Both he and his brother almost did, if it wasn’t for their children they would have. He didn’t think that would be the case for Adonis. Should something happen to the mate of The Devil, he feared The Devil would throw open the gates of hell and bring it with him when he destroyed everything.

“You are a bastard Vincient, you have been keeping this little lovely all to yourself for years.” Byron said to his brother,

“Forgive me brother, I didn’t want to share. Could you honestly tell me after tasting her food you would?” Malone replied back after he finished eating the second supper Kenzi had prepared for them.

“Hell no I wouldn’t.” Byron exclaimed. Both wolves had gushed over her cooking, her baking and her taste in decor. Malone was not upset by the decor in the room he was staying in. He understood it, still when he saw the room his brother was staying in he gave him an earful.

Kenzi had gone to step out onto her back deck only to be chased back inside by one of the other wolves.

“No Ms. Kenzi, you are to stay inside tonight. Alpha’s orders” He spoke,

“But….” She tried to protest,

“No Ms. Kenzi, back inside please” He spoke again moving quickly towards the deck, after he checked over his shoulder.

“Ok!” She said as she stepped back into her house. She watched as he tested the door then stood with his back to it.

“How come I can’t go outside?” She asked as she faced the men sitting at her kitchen table.

“War was declared” Alpha Byron spoke,

“And that means I can’t go outside?” She looked at him confused,

“Yes!” Alpha Byron said.

“But why? Who would do that?” She asked, looking at them all. Kenzi watched as they all shared looks amongst themselves.

“The other pack. By disrespecting Alpha Adonis on his territory, it’s seen as a sign of war. Instead of waiting for them, Alpha Adonis brought the war to the other territory. This is just a precaution. The warriors he left behind are here to protect the territory, you live on his territory so you have the protection of the pack.” Alpha Malone replied,

“Oh! Well that’s nice. How long does war take?” She asked, the men fought back their smiles.

“Because of who he is, it should be over tonight” Beta John spoke.

“Cause he’s The Devil right?” She asked, looking at him, he only nodded his reply. “He’s not though,” she added quietly.

“Are you not scared of him?” Alpha Bradly asked,

“No!” Kenzi shook her head as she poured them another round. “I was a little when Odin steal-ded my pork chop the first night I met him….he knock-ded me on my bot-tom. I’ve never seen a wolfie that big before. He’s like seven feet tall and I’m only little.” She added when they all stared at her.

“You met Odin?” Alpha Bradly said, his eyes wide as saucers.

“Yeah! You hasn’t?” She looked at them all with a shocked expression. “Did I do something wrong? Are you not pose to meet them?”

“No, you can meet them, it’s highly encouraged. I’ve only heard stories about him. Tonight was the first time I have ever seen him. And it was just a flash of black.” Beta Morgan replied.

“He’s jus a big cuddly puppy. He can be a little grumbly though.” She said, nodding her head as she took a drink. The men tried to suppress their laughter, but they failed. Though none of them would ever look at Adonis or Odin as a big cuddly puppy, it was humorous nonetheless that was not only how she saw them but described them.


Hours had passed and they were deep into a conversation when they heard a growl deep in the distance.

“What was that?” She asked, looking towards the doors,

“The battle has ended” Alpha Malone said,

“Ended? They’re not at war no more?” She asked,

“No” He replied,

“They will be returning soon, the guards on the house and the woods will be performing their final rounds and informing Alpha Adonis if it is safe to do so” Alpha Byron added,

“I’m still not pose to go outside, am I?” She asked, they all shook their heads.

“Not until Alpha Adonis has returned” Beta Morgan answered.

“Ok!” She said,

“Why don’t we watch a movie while we wait for their return?” Alpha Bradly suggested.

“Ok!” She nodded her head

“You two go ahead,” Alpha Malone said. Kenzi got up from the table, she wasn’t sure how much of the movie she was going to watch, she was tired but she was trying to stay awake for when Adonis came back. He said he would come back. She sat on the couch and curled her feet under her, twenty minutes later she was fast asleep. Alpha Malone pulled a blanket over her and they all sat back around the table, while the movie silently played in the background.

“Thank you for telling me the gorgeous little baker was the mate of The Devil,” Bradly said to his father,

“It was clear who she was to him, if you were paying attention, you would have seen it” Beta John said,

“He wasn’t anywhere near her all night. I only saw them converse when they were here standing in her front hall” Bradly shot back,

“To keep a treasure such as her safe, it was better that he didn’t have her at his side tonight. And that he didn’t announce who she was.” Alpha Byron replied, “What did he say to you?”

“He was ending one alliance with blood shed, and he didn’t care how it looked if he ended one before it got started the same way. How is she not afraid of him?” Bradly asked.

“She is a special girl. She has known about the existence of werewolves since she was born. She just doesn’t know she knows. She was six months old when I growled after hearing some displeasing news and I had her in my arms. I expected her to cry, scream, make a fuss. Instead she started laughing. The more I growled the more she laughed and this peace fell over the room. She is not like normal humans, you can’t smell her emotions, you feel them. When she is happy everything is calm and you feel at peace. When she is upset….” Alpha Malone replied.

“Rooms get destroyed and wars breakout” Beta Morgan cut in,

“Rooms get destroyed?” Alpha Byron raised a quizzical eyebrow at his brother.

“She was getting a test done and a question upset her. Alpha Adonis’s Delta was with her and he got extremely upset. Beta Jackson threw him into a room and they destroyed it going at each other. Something tells me they can do more damage to each other than any other wolf could possibly do to them.” Beta Morgan explained,

“How come she smells like mom’s cookies?” Bradly asked,

“That I don’t know, but it reminds you of home” Alpha Malone answered with a slight shrug.

“Does she know who she is?” Bradley asked,

“No! She has not been told that yet” Alpha Malone answered, “And it is not our place to let it slip”

“He is a monster of a man, how is he not going to crush her?” They all looked at Alpha Bradly. Though it was a question they had all asked themselves, none dared to ask it out loud before. They couldn’t help but erupt into laughter.

With one less threat to worry about, and the crater now his, Adonis and his pack headed back. The mess would be cleaned and he would figure out what to do with the Ridgeview packhouse in the morning. He wanted to see his mate, he promised her he would return. The scouts and guards had given him the all clear and they headed for home. Heading south he cleaned off in the lake before he went to see her. He stood on her lawn looking for any sign of her. It was late and he knew she was tired. What are we going to do? See our mate! What if she’s asleep? Then she wakes up in our arms! He moved up the front porch and lightly wrapped on the door. Alpha Malone answered and immediately moved to the side.

“She is on the couch.” He whispered,

“Thank you” Adonis moved swiftly into the house and gathered her in his arms. She curled into his embrace and a warmth spread through him. Not saying another word, Alpha Malone and Beta Morgan left Kenzi’s house. Alpha Byron and his Beta had already turned in for the night and quiet surrounded the house like a blanket.

“My little mate,” He whispered, pressing his lips to her head. “I love you!” He moved up to her room and placed her in the bed and crawled beside her wrapping her in his arms once more. He would never let her go. This is where he always wanted to be.

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