The Alpha Wants Everything Book 2 The Devil's Baker

Chapter 21: Thinking Thoughts!

Long after Teagan had left and breakfast was cleaned up, Kenzi still hadn’t entered the house. They saw her sitting on the edge of the dock clutching her knees to her chest. Her hands covered her ears as she tried to block it all out, but they knew it was getting through, they could see it getting through to her. Adonis knew what she was doing, she was biting back everything, she was stomping it all down, telling herself not to feel it, not to show it. To not be a burden and that she wasn’t important. But he could also see her fighting to control it. The emotion didn’t want to be stomped down or buried, it wanted out. She had pushed so much down that she couldn’t hold it in anymore and she was starting to crack again. Sending Jackson and Elijah home, he stepped out the sliding door and followed the well carved path from her backyard to the dock. The closer he got to her the more he could see her struggle for control. He could hear her fighting to control the sobs that were breaking through. Her body shook and with each shaky breath she took, her control over what she was feeling was faltering, with each hushed whimper. Without wasting another minute he crossed the dock and gathered her into his arms holding her close to him. Crumpling into him, not even trying to fight his embrace she cracked. The tears spilled from her eyes in never ending streams.

“I got you sweetheart. I’m not going anywhere” Adonis kissed the side of her head whispering over and over that he wasn’t leaving her, that he wasn’t going anywhere. He held her tight to him and let her cry, he let her show everything she was fighting to bury, she was not a burden or an inconvenience. She was important, everything she was feeling, everything she was fighting to cover up was important.

When the last of her tears had spilled he continued to hold her, running his hand up and down her back in slow and steady passes. When he saw her on the dock, he had decided at that moment he was spending the rest of the day with her. She needed to understand that he didn’t want anything from her, he was going to prove that bitch wrong. He just wanted her. He wanted her by his side, in his arms. He wanted her happiness, there isn’t anything he wouldn’t do to make her happy, Goddess willing he had a lifetime to do it.

“W-wh-at d-do-do you want f-fr-om me?” Her voice was small and still shook with emotion when she spoke.

“Nothing. We don’t want anything from you, other than to be your friend. We want to see you smile and hear you laugh. We want you to tell your stories. You’re the first person I have met who is genuine. You are the sweetest little thing ever and absolutely charming. Your smile is infectious and I want to know you, I want to know everything. Every hope, every dream, every fear.” He held her tighter, her little fists clutched at his shirt that even if he wanted to leave he couldn’t.

“B-b-but Teagan says I-I-I don’t has a-an-y f-fri-ends, they all jus w-wa-nt something from me.” A small hiccup escaped, as she fought off another wave of emotion. How long has she buried her feelings? Her whole life!

“Teagan doesn’t know us, she doesn’t get to make that decision for us. And I think Maggie, Patrick, Joe and Harvey would have something to say about you not having friends” Adonis wrapped his arms more around her when he felt her shiver. “You’re cold, sweetheart. Let’s get you back in the house”

“It’s ok, it’s not impor….”

“It’s not ok and it is important. You are out here in nothing but a thin t-shirt” he cut her off, he was getting tired of hearing that, he would have to think of something to make her stop saying it. “Besides, if you don’t go willingly, I can make you,” he added.

“It’s ok. It’s not important.” There she goes again, biting back the growl he wanted to release.

“You say that a lot!” His mouth set in a thin line, the muscle in his jaw began to tick.

“Say what?” Her eyes widened when she saw the look upon his face. She didn’t understand why he was upset all of a sudden.

“Things are ok when they’re not. Things aren’t important when they are. If being attacked on your front lawn is ok, I’m wondering what you find not ok? If standing out here on a dock shivering, fighting to keep control of your emotions is not important, I’m curious as to what it is you do find important” his emerald orbs bore into her silver ones. She bit her lip, not sure how to answer that.

“um….Maggie and Patrick, Joe, Frank, Barabara and Gerty. Harvey and Tea….” starting to feel trapped by him she looked for an escape. He could feel her body beginning to tense, and she started to push away. He wouldn’t let her, she was not going to push him away.

“So everyone but you. When do you get to be important, Kenzi? When is ok no longer ok?” He cut her off before she could say her sister’s name. As far as he was concerned that bitch was not important.

“Teagan says wanting to be important is selfish. I don’t wanna be selfish. She says you’re eizer important or you’re not and I’m not and I has to be ok with that.” Now he understood, he understood why she said it all the time. That stupid bitch of a sister has it in her head that she is not important. The fuck! Easy Odin! Don’t you easy Odin me, that stupid succubitch, I’ma eat her! To stop the hellbeast raging in his head, he wrapped his arms more around her holding her close to him, breathing in her scent allowing it to soothe him and calm the hellbeast. That’s cheating! That’s doing what is necessary! He would show her just how important she actually was. He would make her see how important she was. He would show her just how much of a liar her sister really was.

Scooping her into his arms he headed back towards the house. The quick unexpected action caused her to squeal and grab onto him.

“What are you doing?” She asked, staring up at him shocked, clinging tighter to him then probably necessary.

“I told you if you didn’t go willingly I would make you” He replied. She didn’t know what to say to that. Her mouth opened but when no sound, no words came out she just closed it again. He said he would make her, and this was making her. Sure she could protest and argue, but she didn’t think that would get her very far and it wouldn’t make him put her down. It would probably just upset him some more and she’s already angered and upset enough people for one day and the days barely started. It’s true what they say, can’t please everyone, but making them mad was a piece of cake.

He only put her down when they were back inside and he had the sliding door closed.

“What are your plans today?” He asked, his tone had softened a bit. Odin was still unhappy and grumbling in his head about the sister telling her she was unimportant.

“Did you clean up after breakfast?” She asked back as she looked around her clean kitchen.

“Yes, we did.” He answered, he could see her fighting something and pushing it down.

“You did-int has to do that. I could has done it” She replied back, biting her lip. She wasn’t sure what to think, she had put the burden of cleaning up on them. Don’t feel it, don’t show it, stop being a burden, you’re not important! She could feel it bubbling up in her, the more she saw her clean kitchen, the more she knew Teagan was right. She wasn’t just a horrible selfish sister, she was a horrible selfish person.

“You cooked, we cleaned. It’s the rules I grew up with.” He countered. This was upsetting to him as well. Why is she upset? “Why is that upsetting to you?” He asked,

“It’s ok, it’s not important” She shook her head, fighting for control over herself. ….grrrrrr…. It was low and quiet and he couldn’t bite it back this time. SMACK!! ….eeeep….

“Did you jus….?” The little sound came from her as she jumped forward and spun to face him. She looked up at him, her eyes wide, her hand flying to the now stinging left cheek of her bottom. Did you just….? Odin was dumbfounded. He didn’t even think, he just acted on pure impulse when he crossed the room. He was tired of her saying it, he was tired of hearing it.

“Yes I did! And I will do it again. I am tired of hearing that things are ok when they’re not. I am tired of hearing that it’s not important when it is. Everytime you say that I will spank you and I will keep doing it until you understand, so you better understand that fast or you will have a very sore bottom. And don’t think for one second I won’t do it in public.”

“Ok!” That was all she could say. Yup, making them mad is a piece of cake!

“Now, what are you doing today?” He asked, repeating his previous question.

“I has to get things set up for tomorrow at the bakery” She replied, her hand still resting on her stinging bottom. Maybe you spanked her a little too hard! Pushing her hand to the side he moved his hand to the cheek he just smacked and started rubbing small slow circles. Her eyes went wider, looking at her bottom and his hand then back up at him.

“Then you should go get ready and we’ll head over there” He responded, the circles he was doing turning into a gentle message, she was lost in the feel of it, electricity coursing, swirling through her body, then it registered what he said.

“We?” She squeaked out when she looked up at him again, her cheeks flush with an ever darkening shade of pink.

“Yes, we. I’ve seen how much work you do, and I’m not about to let you do it all by yourself.” He watched as her cheeks went darker, he heard the hitches in her breath. The jolts shooting up his arm rocking through him. The mix of emotions he saw cross her face in that moment had him trying to figure out what was going through her head.

“You don’t has to do that. It’s ok, I can do it. It’s not important” the words barely left her mouth. SMACK!! ….eeeep…. She yelped from the sudden sharp contact and her hand flew to the other cheek, only to collide with his. Repeating the same circular motion as before, soothing the sting from the smack.

“What did I say?” He asked as he went from slow circles to a gentle message.

“Don’t say that.” Hooking his finger under her chin he lifted her face to meet his gaze.

“I’m serious, I don’t want to hear that anymore. It’s not ok and it is important. Now go get ready” the gold in his eyes swirled, as his tone held a warning.

“Ok!” She stood there for a second longer before she backed away from him slowly watching him carefully. Only when she had gotten far enough away from him did she turn away and move up the stairs with haste.

He also needed to change, working in the bakery in a suit was a recipe for disaster, grabbing a cold shower might not be a bad idea as well. Touching her the way he did shook him to his core. If she would have let one moan slip, like she wanted to, he could see it was right there on the tip of her tongue, every hitch of her breath was pushing her towards it. If he would have moved his hand a fraction closer to her, he would have taken her right there on the kitchen floor. He needed to get better control of himself. You pushed her too far! We’ll see! You pushed too hard! No, I didn’t! She’s going to hate us! No, she won’t! You’re going to make her fear us! No, I won’t! You spanked her….twice! She needs to understand that the shit she goes through is not ok! YOU SPANKED HER! I know what I did, Odin! My temper got the better of me! You lost control! I KNOW. What was I supposed to do? You couldn’t kiss her or something? I didn’t think. It was an impulse! Some impulse! I can’t go back on it now! Maybe don’t spank her so hard! That was an accident! Was the massage an accident as well? I’m a bad, bad man!

The whole time Kenzi was in the shower all she could think about was his hands on her. The way they felt, how gentle they were, the promises they held. Her brain had a meltdown over the attention her body received. Shiver after shiver ripped through her, stealing her breath for seconds at a time, she could still feel his hands. Then a thought popped into her head. What if he had kissed her? What would she have done if he did? She was shamefully inexperienced, she wouldn’t know what to do if he had. Didn’t stop her from wanting him too? Her inexperience didn’t stop her body from reacting to him. It didn’t stop the butterflies, or the jolts of electricity that swirled through her when he touched her. It didn’t stop the throbbing between her thighs or her skin from coming alive. Didn’t stop the dreams, or the visions, or the thoughts, and oh holy jeepers the fantasies. Does ez-ry-one feel these? Did simple soft touches make everyone else’s skin jolt to life? Do whispers make them shiver and want more? What was wrong with her? He just spanked her….twice….and her body won’t stop shivering at the memory of his touch. Just the thought of that brought a deep red blush to her whole body.

“Ok stop thinking, no more thinking, no more th-th-ough-ts. No more thinking th-th-ough-ts. Nope, no, no more.” Except she could only think thoughts, thoughts of him, his hands and his lips. He would be working with her today, in the bakery, by themselves, unattended. No Maggie to burst into the kitchen. And the thinking th-th-ough-ts are back! How was she going to look at him and not go red as a tomato? She’s doomed.

“Hope-fully he can’t read thinking th-th-ough-ts.”

Coming down from her bedroom to an empty living room, both relief and sadness washed over her. Relief that she wouldn’t turn bright red when she saw him and sadness because he was gone. At least she would be able to work and sort her thinking thoughts out before the next time she saw him. She’d give herself the day for thinking thoughts and then no more. No more thinking th-th-ough-ts! No more thinking th-th-ough-ts of tall towers with promising hands and soft lips! How soft are his lips? They feel soft when they touch her forehead or temple. How soft would they be if they really kissed her? Are men pose to has soft lips? Wait….! Why was she not mad at him? He spankded me….hard….twice. And said he would do it again! She should be mad at him.

“I should be mad at him. I am mad at him….I am, he spankded me. He can’t spankded me, that’s not pose to happen. How would he like it if I spankded him? Maybe I should!” She scowled. Her hands once again moved to her bottom where he smacked. When she looked in the shower, there were two red marks, but she didn’t really know if that was from the smack or the massage. Oh that massage, it felt so nice. No one’s ever touched her like that before.

“No, no, no I’m mad….I’m mad at him….I’m not mad at him….I’m not mad. He does it again and I’ll be mad at him.” She huffed, then let out a sigh. She was standing in her living room trying to convince herself to be mad at the man that spanked her twice and promised to do it again. But she couldn’t, she couldn’t feel one ounce of anger towards Adonis and what he did. She’d go to the bakery and bury herself in her work while she dissected this. Grabbing everything she needed she headed out the door.

Stopping dead in her tracks as she was about to descend the stairs of her porch. The blush hit her face immediately when she saw Adonis leaning against the hood of his truck. Towering tall and looking very handsome in his dark shades, faded blue jeans and tightly stretched black t-shirt. Looking from his soft lips, to his promising hands to the ground. Yup, the ground was a good place to keep her attention. She’d be less likely to trip on something. So much for a day of thinking thoughts to herself, now she’s going to be thinking thoughts of the man who’s going to be in the same room with her. Yup, doomded!!

“Ready to go?” He asked, arching an eyebrow at her. His deep rich voice only made the blush on her cheeks darken. What was she thinking? Her face went red as soon as she saw him. Not trusting anything her mouth might say, Kenzi pressed her lips together and just nodded her head. Moving to the passenger side he opened the door for her and waited. Deep breath, deeper breath. One foot in front of the other and get in the truck. Ok here we go! Making it down the porch steps with her thinking thoughts swirling in her mind, she moved towards the truck, the open passenger door and the waiting tower. She looked up at him in confusion, where was the truck from yesterday? This truck was a monster. How was she supposed to get in it? She wasn’t even certain a step stool could help her into this truck. He stood there and watched as she tried to figure out how she was to get in the truck. She would look at him, confusion crossing her delicate features then back at the truck.

“This thing’s a monster!” She finally spoke.

He watched her exit her house, she was completely lost in thought, engulfed by whatever was going through her head. Then she saw him, and stopped dead standing frozen to the porch as her cheeks turned a deep shade of scarlet he didn’t think was possible. And you thought we’d scare her? I have no words! Let’s keep it that way! Asshole! You said it Odin, she’s special! Our special mate! He watched as she looked him over then averted her eyes to the ground and kept them focused there. With his shades on he took his time roaming his eyes over her body. He touched one part of her, now he wanted to touch every part of her. The cold shower he had did nothing to extinguish the inferno that was raging inside of him. He wanted her, she wasn’t ready, but it didn’t stop him from wanting. He would start by claiming that mouth of hers. That innocent, filterless mouth. He spoke three words to her and then watched as the blush deepened more, spreading across her face, darkening her lips. What tantalizing thoughts were running through her mind, that just the sound of his voice would invoke that kind of response? This intrigued him greatly. She breathed deep a few times, gaining her courage before she finally descended the stairs. The closer she came to him, the more she looked at the truck, her eyes growing a bit wider at the size of it. A small smile played on his lips, there was no way she was getting in without his help. Just could he control himself when he put his hands on her again? That was the question, he didn’t want to push her, but he wanted to touch her again, he had to touch her again. His body was craving it, one touch was all it took, for him to become addicted to her. They were going to be working in the bakery, alone, left unattended with no one to burst into the kitchen at any given moment. He was going to be tested and pushed past his limits of control. This was going to be an interesting day.

“This thing’s a monster” Four musical words escaped her mouth and he hung on every note.

“I’m a big guy, I’m not a fan of smaller vehicles.” He offered his hand to help her up, but it was clear that wasn’t going to work. Focusing his mind elsewhere and not on the fact that he needed to put his hands around her waist, he lifted her up into the truck. She still had to crawl onto the seat, and he found it endearing that her feet swung freely above the floor.

“What’s so funny?” She asked, not understanding why he had a smile on his face and was fighting an urge to laugh. When he saw that she could barely see over the dashboard he just about lost control. His tiny adorable little mate.

“Sweetheart, do you want me to lift the seat so you can at least see out the window?” He asked. She looked out the windshield and could only see the top portion of her house then down at the floor and saw that her feet couldn’t touch. She smiled brightly at him.

“If you do that, then I really won’t be able to touch the floor, and you’d has to lif me in and out of the truck.” Her silver eyes sparkled and danced in the sunlight. Awww, that’s a shame. More time with her in our arms! Odin’s thoughts matched his own. That would be a damn shame!

“Fair enough, but I’m not sure you’ll be able to get out without assistance anyway.” He smiled back at her as he closed the door. Crossing in front of the truck, he could just make out her large eyes behind the dash. Again fighting back the laugh when he saw this, he could see the hints of a smile as she watched him.

Arriving at the bakery before ten, she unlocked the front door and relocked it after he entered behind her.

“So what needs to be done?” He asked as he followed her to the kitchen and waited while she felt the wall for the light switch.

“Some badders and doughs need to be made and storded in the fridge, stock needs to be takded, orders need to be placded and dry mixes need to be preppded” She answered.

“Then let’s get started” she grabbed a clipboard then headed back out to the front. While he counted she would write everything down. It made stock that much easier and quicker and she was on the phone placing her orders that much sooner. He listened in as whoever it was was trying their hardest to flirt with her, but his sweet innocent little mate was oblivious to it and just happily placed her order for what she needed. The other end hung up with a deep sigh and sure it’ll be delivered by mid week. She’s not oblivious when we flirt! No she’s not! You’re also shameless about it! Shut up! Jus saying! Stop saying! He noticed that at the party and the bar as well. Other men would look at her, hungrily roaming their eyes over her and she was completely unaware of what was happening. The few that tried to strike up a conversation or dared to flirt with her at the party, were met with big smiles and idle chit chat, she just thought they were being friendly. Then a pack member would move in and hide her somewhere when he got too close to finding her. He rather enjoyed hunting her and couldn’t wait to do it again.

Starting on the prep work for tomorrow, they got the dough for bread, buns, baguettes and donuts ready to go. He continued his relentless flirting with her, and with no one here his touches turned into caresses. He’d brush the flour from her cheek or her forehead. Tuck stray strands of hair behind her ear, all the while thinking about her lips. He could just claim them, but then if he did that nothing would get done. He had also spanked her a few more times after she told him something was ok and it wasn’t important.

“Are you getting hungry? I can go grab us some lunch?” He asked, she was busy with her head down making pie dough. Her cheeks flaming red, from the flirting and the spankings. She was lost in a world of her own thinking thoughts, after every spank he would massage the cheek to ease the stinging.

“Kenzi!” Her eyes snapping to his in a wide eyed stare,

“I’m sorry….did you say sum-thing?” She asked.

“Are you getting hungry? Would you like some lunch?” He repeated his question with a deep chuckle. What was she thinking?

“Um….” before she could say anything her stomach answered for her and her blush darkened. “It’s ok, it’s not important. I can wait till I ged home.” SMACK!!

OW!!!” She yelped, as she rubbed her bottom.

“What did I say?” He asked, now standing behind her, pulling her back into him so he could hold her close.

“Don’t say that!” She replied, enjoying the feeling of his hands on her, as he soothed her bottom. That was the tenth time he’s done that since they got to the bakery and she was trying to be mad at him, she was trying to be mad every time he did it, but she couldn’t. She couldn’t bring herself to be mad, didn’t stop it from hurting though.

“It’s not ok and it is important. You’re hungry and need lunch, now what would you like?” He asked, whispering in her ear.

“Fries!” She replied, fighting the shiver as his hot breath fanned her skin. He was right there, all she had to do was turn her head and she could find out if his lips were as soft as they looked.

“Fries, do you want a burger to go with those fries?” He could see how he was affecting her, if she only knew what she was doing to him. It was getting harder and harder to stop himself.

“No!” Thinking thoughts, thinking thoughts, so many thinking thoughts. He’s right there, be a brave girl and jus turn your head! His hands moved from her bottom to her hips to her midsection. Pressing into her more, his fingers flirting with the hem of her shirt.

“Anything else?” His lips brushed her ear, and she couldn’t fight the shiver that ripped through her from it. He could feel her skin vibrating from the attention.

“A double chocolate vanilla milkshake.” Her cheeks were redder now than before, she was trying to keep her focus on what he was saying and not what his hands were doing. She swallowed hard and her breath hitched when his thumbs grazed the skin of her waist sending another shiver through her. Holding her impossibly closer to him now, he dared to move his hand a fraction higher, she gasped at the contact and pressed more into him and he felt every bit of the shiver that ran through her at his touch. Don’t lose control, don’t rush her! Moving his hands back down to her hips, he kept her held to him.

“Ok!” Don’t push her, slow down. Maintain control! These words ran on a never ending loop through his brain. He pulled his lips from their resting place near her ear, if he didn’t he would lose control. He had a thirst only she could quench. Her scent was intoxicating, her body as addictive as a well aged whisky and he was in desperate need of a drink.

“Really? I can jus has fries.” She looked up at him, eyes wide. Whatever she was feeling still swirled in her silver eyes but now he could see hints of excitement.

“Of course, you asked for fries I’ll get you fries” He replied. The smile that broke across her face, and the excitement he felt ripple through her at the thought of just getting fries for lunch, made him happy.

“Yay!” He could only chuckle at her excitement. Sliding his hand into her pocket he retrieved her keys, so he could get back into the bakery.

“I’ll see you in a bit, sweetheart.” Kissing the side of her head, he left her in the kitchen, bouncing with excitement.

She had gotten back to work after taking a few minutes to try and calm down. The butterflies wouldn’t settle down, her skin wouldn’t stop humming from where he caressed it. She felt a blanket of warmth and safety around her and his masculine scent clung to the air. Having never felt like this before, and not understanding what she was feeling she wasn’t going to question it. He made her happy and that’s all that mattered. She’s never had a friend quite like him before, not one that made her feel the way he does. Not one that made shivers run up her back and excitement ripple through her at the very thought of him. His flirting, though relentless and shameless as it was, really did make her feel special. She turned on some music as she waited for him to return, the smile never leaving her face.

Not much time passed before she heard a knocking on the back door. Releasing a laugh at his goofiness, why was he knocking when he had the keys. She ran to answer the door giggling the whole time.

“Why are you knocking you has....ADAM!!SMACK! She stumbled backwards slamming her back into the wall. Her cheek stinging and the taste of blood entered her mouth.

You fucking slut!” He growled at her.

“Wh-wh-what are y-y-you d-d-doing here?” She stuttered backing away from him.

“You think I wouldn’t find out, you think I wouldn’t know. You’re my girlfriend. MY GIRLFRIEND!!” He screamed at her

“B-b-but” Kenzi didn’t understand. He ended things.

“MY GIRLFRIEND! And you’re dancing with another man, deny it my friends saw you.” His anger contorted his face as he barked his words at her.

“B-b-b-but” SMACK!! She fell to the ground this time as an explosion of pain shot across her cheek.

“You let him put his hands on you, you slut, did you fuck him? Huh, did you?” Shaking her head vigorously Kenzi scrambled backwards across the floor to get away from him.

“Y-y-you s-s-said” No he said they were done, and over.

“What did I say Kenzi? Huh, what did I say?” He advanced towards her and she backed up even more.

“Y-y-you s-s-said, y-y-you d-d-did-int w-w-want t-to b-be to-toge-ther n-n-no-more.” Her heart was hammering in her chest and her breath was coming out in quick gasps the closer he came to her,

“I said that, I said that? Or is that what you wanted to hear?” She scurried back faster and faster till she could climb to her feet and run. But Adam was faster and caught up to her in the kitchen. Grabbing a fistful of her hair he pulled her back towards him where he wrapped his other hand around her neck.

She scratched and clawed at his hand, as he squeezed tighter, her strangled cries escaping her. He lifted and she began kicking her legs wildly trying to connect with whatever part of him she could. Her world was starting to fade as her body begged for oxygen.

“Huh, I asked you a question, you wanted to hear that we were done so you could give it up to him. I put in the time, I put in the effort and what do I get?” Finally she connected with his leg hard and he dropped her to the ground. THUD! Gasping for breath trying to draw as much oxygen into her lungs as she could before she scrambled to her feet.

“You stupid bitch, this is how you treat me, this is the thanks I get” He grabbed her arm before she could get passed him and pulled her towards him. She fought and struggled, pulling hard to get away from him. SMACK!! He backhanded her, stars exploding behind her eyes as her world spun from the contact. An intense pressure on her arms drew her out of her daze and she looked up at him with frightened wide eyes. He screamed about how stupid she was, how pathetic. Shook her keeping her off balance. No longer hearing what he was saying she continued to try and fight him off.

“P-p-please s-s-stop!” She begged, tears involuntarily streaming down her cheeks. She saw her life flash before her eyes, she didn’t want to die.

“I will take what is owed me” he hissed, pulling her into him as his hands slid over her body. She bucked and squirmed, trying to get him off of her; CRASH! They crashed into a bread rack, knocking it over. BANG! He slammed her into a table spilling the contents to the floor. When she tried to scream he covered her mouth and she bit him as hard as she could.

You fucking bitch” Turning her to face him. SMACK! He pushed her backwards hard, colliding the left side of her back with the corner of the stainless steel counter, she cried out as pain exploded through her and she fell forward. THUMP! Her head collided with the floor, the room spinning, as darkness crept in around her and everything began to fade.

“Kenzi…..” was the last thing she heard, before the black abyss consumed her.

Adam stared at her motionless body on the floor of the bakery kitchen. Fear ripped through him, as he saw her blood oozing from the wound on her head.

“Kenzi!” He received no response,

Kenzi!” Nothing,

KENZI!” He tried louder, but still silence surrounded him. He crouched down on the floor next to her, turning her to face him. She was faking it, she had to be faking it. Her eyes were closed, blood flowed from both her lip and nose and the gash she had received to her forehead earlier last week was now a wide open gushing wound.

Kenzi!” She still didn’t open her eyes, panic flooded through him.

“Damnit Kenzi, open your eyes” He begged, pleaded with her, shook her. He listened as her breaths were quick and shallow, and saw the light rise and fall of her chest. He looked around the kitchen, he didn’t know who else would be there but there was no one. He had come when he knew she would be alone. He had to get out of there, no one knew he came to see her, no one would know he was responsible for this. Washing the blood from his hands in the sink he took one last look around the kitchen, before hurrying out the back door. It will just look like she was attacked, no one will know! He thought as he ran from the back of the building.

Adonis sat at the counter waiting for his order after another exciting round of interrogation with Maggie. She was curious as to why he needed extra fries. Though he refused to tell her, the smile she gave him said she already knew who the fries were for. He then overheard the conversation between Patrick and Maggie. Apparently he was spoiling her by just letting her have fries and a milkshake, according to Patrick, but according to Maggie she deserved to be spoiled and he should be quiet and let the man spoil her if he wants too. The conversations that interested him were the hushed ones they would have. The ones he couldn’t hear. One or the other would look in his direction but neither spoke loud enough for him to catch what was being said. Now he sat there, an amused look on his face as both Patrick and Maggie grumbled at each other.

When he first stepped into the diner, it fell silent as the patrons looked at him. Unspoken questions and comments swirled around but he blocked them out, he didn’t care what these pathetic people thought. It wasn’t hard to tell they were speaking about him anyway. He heard their whispers, saw them motioning in his direction. The door opened and closed as new waves of silence fell over the room. Members of his pack were coming in, and the town was all curious about them as well. This town needs to get a life! Odin huffed in his head. It’s a small town and we don’t blend in, many new faces have come to it. Only natural for them to be curious! Stupid humans! Relax Odin! I want our mate! We’ll be back with her soon enough! Just kiss her already! When I get my opening I will. The door opened and then closed and a scent flooded him, lavender and green apples. Mate? It couldn’t be, the scent wasn’t strong enough. It was her but it was faint. There was something else in the air as well, metallic….copperish. Blood! Growing concerned he looked for the source of the scent. It seemed to be coming off a man 5’10, brown hair and looked to have had a go around with two demons. He saw fresh scratch marks on his hand. MATE! Odin yelled in his head. Adonis was on his feet and out the diner door running towards the bakery, something was wrong.

A handful of pack members had scrambled out of the diner following him. Something was definitely wrong, their Alpha was on the move. Making it to the bakery he had the keys out and the door unlocked before anyone could stop to wait. Two pack members went around back, they had caught a scent and followed it.

Kenzi!” Adonis called as he moved towards the kitchen.

Kenzi!” Nothing but silence greeted him. Now running to the kitchen he threw open the door ripping it from its hinges.

KENZI!” His blood turned cold, his breath catching in his throat as he took in the sight before him. The knocked over bread racks, the pie dough that she was working on now lay on the floor, but no Kenzi. The pool of black blood he saw had his anger rising and blood boiling. Where was his mate, where was Kenzi? Where the fuck is our mate? Odin growled.

Shut up!” He commanded the noise in the bakery, falling silent as he listened. She was here, somewhere, he could feel her. Her fear radiated from everywhere, but so did her scent. THU-THUMP THU-THUMP THU-THUMP! It was distant, but fast. Listening around the room moving in whichever direction he heard it the loudest. He stood at the bottom of a staircase. THU-THUMP THU-THUMP THU-THUMP! The sound grew louder, and so did the smell of copper.

“Get the doctor!” Two wolves ran from the kitchen. Quietly as he could he climbed the stairs. THU-THUMP THU-THUMP THU-THUMP! Her heart beat getting louder and louder the closer he came to the room at the top. She was terrified, he couldn’t smell it but he felt it the higher and higher he climbed. She was injured and terrified.

“Sweetheart!” He pressed his hands to the door, the only sign of her presence was her heart beating wild and out of control on the other side of it. THU-THUMP THU-THUMP THU-THUMP

“Sweetheart, it’s just me. Can you open the door?” Break the fucking thing down! Odin raged in his head. It’ll scare her more! That son of a bitch dies!

“Sweetheart, please open the door” he finally heard movement on the other side. THUMP! Her muffled cry, and he broke the door off its hinges and was by her side in a second.

“I-I-I th-th-thou….h-he sa-said it was over, it was o-o-ver, he s-s-aid it was o-o-ver. I d-d-di-di-nt kn-ow, I di-dint know” as carefully as he could he gathered her in his arms, she clung to him, muffled her cries in his chest. He tried to wrap his arms around her but when he touched her back, she cried out in pain and clutched him tighter. He couldn’t touch her, but she didn’t want him to let go.

“I-I-I di-dint kn-ow, I di-dint know, he said it was o-o-ver, he said. I di-dint know, I-I-I di-dint know. I’m sorry I di-dint kn-ow.” She kept repeating these words over and over again, while he did his best to comfort her.

“It’s over sweetheart, it’s over. He won’t do this ever again. He won’t touch you ever again.” Adonis whispered to her. Looking to the door frame he saw Maggie standing there. The anger he saw on her face was only rivaled by his own. They were both thinking the exact same thought. Adam Walsh dies!

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