The Alpha Moon

Chapter The Alpha moon (Part 1)



The Alpha moon

I woke up immediately when I heard Celina shout. I felt her heart racing. I held her hand to calm her down. After a minute of complete silence, I asked her

“What did you see?”

She took a deep breath and told me everything she saw.

“But why will I die? I don’t need to die to call the goddess do I?” she asked.

I shook my head, “No, and you won’t die. I’ll make sure of it. I’ll do whatever it needs to keep you safe.” I said

“I know, I trust you.” She said softly.

Today, my mother, Amara and our cousins went to the famous market in our neighborhood to do some shopping so Celina and I had a whole day for training.

After a nonstop training session, We took a break for lunch at about 2 p.m. We ate tacos my mother prepared for us before going and then went back to training. We were on our way to our backyard when Celina suddenly stopped in front of my mother’s library.

“Is that picture of my… mom?” she said with her eyes locked at picture hanging on the wall of her mother with mine.

“I guess so.”

She went inside and touched the picture.

“I only had one picture of my parents. I never thought I’ll find another.” She told me without looking at me.

“Why? Didn’t your grandmother gave you any pictures or albums of your parents?”

“Grandma used to live with us so all the pictures were in my original house which burnt the day my parents died. She was at her parents’ house that day so she survived. None of our stuff survived that fire so I only had one picture that my grandma used to carry around with her.”

“Oh, I’m so sorry.”

“It’s okay. Now let’s not waste any more time and go back to training.” She said wiping her tears.

“Are you okay?”

“Yes, I’m fine. I’ve been alone for so long, I got used to it now. Now let’s go, we don’t have much time.”

As much as I wanted to comfort her, she was right, we couldn’t lose any more time.

After that we didn’t stop till we heard Peter coming in shouting about his new toys. We were going back inside when I heard a voice behind me.

I turned around to see someone moving at great speed. I heard Celina scream a second later. I turned into my wolf and scratched the vampire’s face.

Celina, taking the advantage of this opportunity, kicked him and escaped. She used her claws to give him a deep wound and threw him outside.

Just then another vampire held me firmly while two others attacked Celina. She fought bravely while I tried to escape the one that held me.

A few seconds later Amara came and snapped the neck of the one that held me while Chris and Emma helped Celina defeat the two.

“A great gift requires a great sacrifice for which great power will suffer. You might have saved her now but she will die that day.” The alive vampires said while picking up their partners and running away.

Janelle and dad entered the room too. After the vampires were gone, I held Celina’s hands and asked her if she was okay.

“What was that?” Chris asked me “Why are there vampires in a wolf zone?”

“And why do they want Celina?” Emma asked.

“Because Celina is the last Alpha!” I said answering their ongoing questions.

“What?!?” Emma, Chris and Janelle exclaimed together.

“So the rumors are true? The vampires are conducting the Alpha moon ceremony.” Janelle asked.

I nodded.

“We have to keep her safe. We are with you on this. We’ll help in every way we can.” Emma said and the others nodded.

“No, I can’t drag you in this. It’s way too dangerous!” I said and Celina nodded.

“She might be your mate but she’s the Alpha. We have every right to protect our princess. You can’t stop us from that.” Janelle said.

So, after that we started coming up with plans to keep Celina safe. Tomorrow was the Alpha moon and we needed to be extremely careful.

After we made a plan, we all went to our rooms to go to sleep so we could be ready for tomorrow.

“So I had been thinking about what the vampires said.” Celina came to me and said seriously. “A great gift requires a great sacrifice. The gift they’ll be asking must be huge because they’re putting in so much effort to conduct the spell but what about the sacrifice. They’ll have to make the sacrifice huge. And what would be better than your favorite child?”

“You don’t think that…”

“I think they’ll sacrifice me. I shouldn’t be dying to call her. It doesn’t make sense. I’ll die because they’ll kill me.”

“But that won’t happen. I won’t let it happen. I’m not losing you. Not so fast. And that is a promise.” I said looking dead serious in her eyes.

Mom made arrangements for some wolves to secure our house for that night and the day after. The next morning, we all got up and got ready for the day.

No one left the house all day and we all were very cautious. We talked, ate and played with a Peter a little bit with prepared minds that anything could happen at any second. But nothing happened all day.

We were in the living room where Janelle was telling about the day Amara got fractured.

“And then she stood upon the swing as it flew higher and higher and then she jumped from it.”

Before she could finish, we heard a creak. We all stood up and prepared ourselves.

“We’re back! And this time we won’t lose.” One of them said.

“Now princess, it’s time for you to meet the king, the king of vamps.” Another one said.

We then saw one of them flash by. Then another and another. After that they all came at once and said “Boo!”

They were like ten vampires in the room.

“How did you come in?” Amara asked.

“Well your little guards are off duty.” They answered.

“You compelled them?” Janelle asked.

“Vampires can compel others?” Celina asked.

“Yes, we can, weak ones at least like humans and normal werewolves, sadly not chiefs or Alphas or witches. But we do lose memories along with it.” One of them explained.

“Don’t waste your energy talking, she’ll die soon anyways.” Another one taunted.

He nodded and made his first attack. So did the others. After a few neck were snapped, I heard a scream. It was Peter.

“Either come with us princess or the boy dies.” The vampire said.

“Leave the boy! I’ll come with you.” Celina said.

“And no funny business.” He said looking at us.

Celina nodded.

“Noooo!” I screamed.

Celina looked at me one more time and said, “It’s okay.”

And with that she went away with them. They put their nasty hands on her precious skin and just like that, they took her away from me. Tears flew through my cheeks but I didn’t care right now. I had to save her. That’s all I really cared about.

I and the others followed the vampires which led us to a forest. After that they just disappeared.

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