The Alpha Moon

Chapter It Wasn’t A Dream…



It Wasn’t A Dream…

I replied him with a yes and then I saw Amara bringing us dinner. We ate the scrumptious meal while talking and giggling. After that, I went home and straight to bed.

I opened my eyes to see the same wolf again; sapphire eyes and grey fur. This time though, I did not faint. She walked toward me and growled. I was confused, in pain, even mesmerized but one thing I wasn’t was afraid. Even though a predator, she did not seem as a threat.

In fact, it was like she was a part of me, and always had been, I just didn’t notice. I felt the connection that we had. It was powerful and unbreakable. She growled again and we just stared at each other. Her growl felt like the inside voice I always heard.

She walked closer to me and so did I. We touched each other and then zap, I woke up.

“It wasn’t a dream…” I said to myself for the first time.

“But I’ll figure that out later, cause right now, I have a date to go to.” I said to myself, smiling.

I took a quick shower and then jumped in my wardrobe to find the perfect dress; One that is cute, chick but not too much. I was about to wear a black dress but I realized I was going to a forest and I went for a cute crop top and jeans instead.

It was 11:45 a.m. when I realized what the time it was and quickly rushed out of my house and into my car.

I met Cyrus there. He had a basket with him. Then he led me to a place in the forest with an amazing view. There was already a picnic mat spread there. We sat down and talked and laughed and gazed at each other for hours. It wasn't untill sunset did I decide to go back home.

This continued for a few more days. We went to different spots and just talked to each other about everything. He knew everything about me and I knew everything about him.

A few days later…..

I was on my way to our spot again to meet Cyrus. I found him already there. He looked up at me with excitement in his eyes and let out a small glee.

Then he walked to me, took my hand and twirled me. “You look absolutely enchanting my princess.”

I giggled, “Princess? You met me like last week!”

“And still you managed to steal my heart.”

I giggled again.

“Too cheesy?” he asked.

“Well, a little bit. But I didn’t hate it.”

“Okay princess, are you ready?”

“For what?”

“For your surprise.”

“I didn’t know there was a surprise.”

“Well, there is and you have to come with me. I want to make our date stunning.” He said grabbing my hand again and dragging me forward.

“Okay…..” I said catching up to him.

After a few minutes of walking silently, he stopped and stepped back.

“Close your eyes!” he said.

I closed my eyes and felt his soft, strong hand on them like gentle water on my skin. Merely his touch gave my body chills as we walked forward and then took a turn. After a few more steps, he stopped. He took off his hand and I opened my eyes.

I gasped at the spectacular view. There was a gazebo in the center of a small lake. There were lotuses floating in the water. The gazebo had blue net curtains falling down like a waterfall from every side. At one side the curtains were clipped to the side, making a triangular entrance. Inside was a small table with a lot of food and candles. Two chairs were kept at the sides.

I just looked at in for a complete minute when Cyrus said, “Come on now, the sunset looks spectacular from there. You don’t want to miss it.”

I looked smiling at his dark brown eyes and pale skin and looked even better due to the reflecting sunlight. He walked me to a small bridge and led the way.

We sat down at the table and I watched him gracefully opening the lids of the dishes and serving it’s content to our plates.

He said, “I decorated this place myself. My father proposed my mother at this very place. Also, I made the dinner so tell me if you like it. I’m said to be a very good cook though.”

“Ah, my prince is a cook, how romantic!”

He blushed at the compliment and gazed me for a few seconds.

After that, he said, “There you go princess, the best sunset you’ll ever see.”

I shifted my gaze from him to the sun on my right. He was right, it really was the best sunset I had ever seen.

After an amazing meal and talking till midnight, we stood up as he led me back at the bridge. While crossing it, I slipped. He quickly grabbed my waist. Our eyes locked into each other’s as I felt him breathing. He leaned in slowly till his lips touched mine. He gave me a long, deep and intense kiss. It was so good that we wouldn’t have stopped if I hadn’t heard a click and felt a deep pain in my shoulder.

He stopped and looked at me with a serious look. “You’re shifting.” He said immediately taking my hand and running back into the forest.

“SHIFTING!?!” I shouted while doing so as another one of my bone cracked.

He stopped and looked around making sure no one was there. “You are a werewolf, like me. It’ll be okay, trust me. You must have already met your wolf. Right now, she’s just taking over. I know it will pain but you must trust her. That’s all you need to know right now. I promise I’ll tell you everything in detail afterwards.”

I nodded through my confusion keeping the millions of questions I had aside. I felt the breaking of my bones faster and I screamed in pain. I saw my wolf again, entering my body and taking control. Of course I didn’t completely lose control over my body, but it felt like I just sat back and watched a 3-D movie. It took me a few minutes to completely shift into a wolf. I saw Cyrus turn into his wolf with ease. He looked at me with his wolf eyes and smiled at me.

My wolf smiled back at him and ran around in circles around him. Then she howled at the full moon above us. He howled too. After an hour of just running around with Cyrus, I changed back. I don’t know how but my bones just started cracking again and I was back in my human body. And in case you’re wondering, with full clothes.

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