The Alpha King’s Heart: His Rejected Mate (The Alpha King Series Book 1)

The Alpha King’s Heart: His Rejected Mate: Chapter 7

I abruptly turned around to see Grayson standing there, looking pissed like he wanted to attack the Alpha king. Wyatt pushed me behind him and advanced towards him stealthily.

‘Who the fuck are you calling in such a manner?’ He growled. Stacy ran to her husband with a few guards. She bowed in the presence of the king several times and said ‘ forgive him, your highness, he took some pills that are bad for him,’

indeed, Grayson was high on something and couldn’t stand straight but his red eyes were on me and he looked like he was crying.

‘fucking pest, I’ll deal with him,’ Wyatt said but I grabbed his hand. He tilted his head and his eyes met mine. I shook my head no and his eyes softened immediately.

‘please, help me take him inside,’ Stacy whispered to the guards.

‘No, I want to talk to her… it’s important, please,’ Grayson slurred. The guards dragged him back in the pack house despite his struggle. Stacy once again bowed to the Alpha king,

‘forgive him, the drugs her took were prescribed by the pack doctor but he just overused them… accidentally, of course,’ Stacy will always make up excuses for Grayson’s mess ups and childish behavior. Prescribed Drugs, seriously? Girl bye.

Wyatt dismissed her with a wave of his head and he stroked my hair gently, calming me.

‘Adira,’ He called seriously, my name sounded so sexy when he used it

‘No one will mistreat you again, ever, I will punish those who do myself because no one disrespects my queen,’ He was solemn as he uttered those words and I believed each word. I only nodded and took his hand.

‘I’ll make you breakfast if you don’t mind,’ I said and he smirked, it made my heart skip a bit.


‘Nothing and as much as I’d like to come in and eat what you cook, I have a meeting,’ He said. I sighed and waved at him but he didn’t turn around to leave, instead, he was looking past my shoulder. I turned around and followed his gaze to the window, Lucas was standing there, watching us with a frown.

‘That’s Lucas, I’m sure he’s angry that I didn’t call last night,’ I said and he waved at the boy but my brother didn’t react.

‘I have a feeling he won’t like me,’

‘He’s just angry. I better go and pacify him with eggs and bacon,’ I said, he still didn’t leave.

‘Go,’ I urged. He nodded and turned to leave, he didn’t reach far when he turned around to wave at me.

‘Bye, little bird,’

‘Nooo,’ I screamed. Not him too!

‘Jett and Aspen told me what happened that night,’ I closed my ears and rushed into the house. Did they tell him how I fell from the tree?

Wyatt didn’t seem as brutal and cold-hearted Alpha king people talked about. He seemed normal.

‘He’s not a normal wolf, Adira, it took all my power not to run from him, you might not feel it as much as I do, but he’s a very powerful man, and his aura is dark and tumultuous,’

‘I’m hungry,’ My brother’s voice came.

‘I’m sorry, love, I passed out,’ I said.

‘You were drinking?’

‘No, I was just too tired and slept, that’s why I didn’t call,’

Wyatt’s POV

I took a shower and got ready for the day, my beta and Gamma were outside my door as soon as I stepped out.

‘Yes, did you find out anything about Adira Wade?’ I asked and suddenly the floor looked so interesting to them.

‘Aspen, Jett, answer my fucking question, now,’

‘Wyatt, we did ask around and yes, she’s abused both physically and emotionally, also was imprisoned and tortured for over six months after her parents’ execution,’

‘It was bad, Wyatt… They even had her in solitary confinement, she’s a strong girl,’ Jett added. I was fucking enraged. They didn’t only kill her parents but abused her too.

‘I want them all to pay, I want names of her tormenters, all of them, no matter how small the issue was,’ I ordered.

They followed me as I marched to the Alpha’s office. Reaching his office, I pushed the double doors open and he stood up. I glared at him and the fucker was shaking.

‘My- My king, you didn’t have to come all this way, you should have sent for me and I would have rushed to you,’ He said, coming around to me. I was surprised he dared to. Mars was a coward, everyone knew that even though he pretended to be pompous and powerful in front of others.

‘You fucking lied to me, your king!’

‘I don’t understand,’ he said, wiping his face with a white cloth, Mars was sweating like a pig.

‘You allowed your pack to bully, mistreat, abuse, and even torture my mate for years,’ I spat.

‘It’s not like that and questioning her after her parent’s betrayal is pack procedure,’ He stammers.

‘And, locking her up and torturing her to admit to something false?’

‘I was – I just, we just didn’t want to risk the pack,’ The man couldn’t even formulate sentences. ‘ We just didn’t want to anger you, that’s why we hid the truth,’

‘I didn’t want to anger you and what happened-,’

‘Does he look happy now?’ Aspen cut him. Glaring at the man who looked at him in fear.

‘Forgive me, sir, it was my mistake, ‘ Mars said. I enjoyed seeing him like this, so humble and pathetic because he is nothing.

‘You have to be punished, for not only lying to me but for all the crimes you committed against Adira,’ I declared, his eyes bulged and he shook his head.

‘No, king Wyatt, I’ve always protected that girl even though all members demanded she should be exiled from the pack, and on top of that, I got her in a good home where she can take care of her brother and be far from the packhouse where she received ill-treatment,’

‘Do you want me to applaud you for doing that? As an Alpha, you must protect everyone in your pack!’ I growled, anger rising in me and Rolf wanted to tear this man to shreds. He hated that our beautiful mate wasn’t treated right because of accusations that were made against her parents.

‘You’re right, I didn’t handle the situation as I should have,’ He continued but I already turned a deaf ear to his pleas. So, I asked my beta and Gamma to show him hell in the training field, and they were allowed to make permanent injuries.

‘I want everyone who hurt my mate to pay,’ I said via mind link. Jett was more than happy to oblige, torturing criminals was his favorite pastime.

Leaving Mars’ office, I went to do some work but my wolf was urging me to go to her but I didn’t. By evening, all I was hearing were screams and cries of pain from some pack members.

I decided to go to the training fields where ten of my men were torturing anyone who had anything to do with my mate’s abuse, and I smirked when I saw the Alpha’s son, whatever his name is. I didn’t care enough to know it as he wasn’t important to me.

‘he’s down from his high now,’

He was beaten and barely recognizable, his wife’s fingers were broken too.

Damn, my men are good at this torturing shit. They need a raise.

‘We need to kill that man.’ Rolf growled. I growled thinking how he behaved earlier when he was high on drugs. He must be the man who deserted her, the mother fucker even married her best friend. His loss, my gain. He was glaring at me, and I smirked.

‘My king, isn’t this too much?’ Mars asked. He was no exception from the hell and I see they did a number on him. I ignored him and watched the crowd.

‘What have you done,’ A soft voice came from behind me.


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