The Alpha King’s Heart: His Rejected Mate (The Alpha King Series Book 1)

The Alpha King’s Heart: His Rejected Mate: Chapter 50

We later went to Monique’s apartment, it was lovely with a nice view. It looked so girly and elegant.

‘Beautiful place,’ I said.

‘Thank you. I used most of my inheritance on it,’ she informed me.


‘Yes, my parents were in the army so they made something, and gave me my inheritance,’

‘oh, I’m sorry about you’re parents,’ I said and she chuckled.

‘They are not dead, Silly,’


‘They traveled, and I asked for it. Trust me, those men are not dying anytime soon and I couldn’t continue living on a Teacher’s salary,’ she explained. ‘ I have two dads,’

I did pick up on that. I smiled and squeezed her hand ‘ Where is the tequila?’

‘Yes! Shots!’ she screamed, pulling me towards the kitchen. We each took our shots but decided it wasn’t enough, so we drank half of the bottle.

We quickly got ready and got into the elevator. Once on the ground floor and outside, there was an escalade waiting for us; ‘ Is that ours?’ I asked. A tall man held the door open for us.

‘Yes, Chuck sent it. He does want to treat me like a princess,’ she beamed. We went to the car and entered, two bouquets of red roses and bottles of champagne were there with a card.

‘Enjoy your night, ladies,’

‘He’s so sweet,’ I said and she nodded.

‘I didn’t … know,’ she looked uncertain. She didn’t know what to expect from this relationship I’m sure so all this was new

‘I didn’t know what to expect,’ she murmured. I caressed her hair and smiled at her.

‘Don’t fight it, you won’t win… just enjoy,’ I said. Her dark brown eyes held so many emotions.

‘Yes!’ she breathed sharply, grabbing a bottle and opening it.

We were too busy drinking and having fun when the driver announced that we have arrived at our destination.

He opened the door for us and my mouth fall open at the sight before my eyes.

‘The palace,’ I whispered. I couldn’t believe it. We were coming here.

It was bigger than I’d seen on Tv or in magazines. The building was over 110 meters, and we were in front of an incredible garden that had a huge water fountain in the middle.

‘Surprise!’ Monique hugged me from behind. My heart started to pound as we walked towards the entrance and I was most grateful I dressed up because everyone I looked at was elegant and beautiful, their necks and wrists adorned in expensive jewelry.

We linked our arms together as we entered the halls of the palace.

‘Oh my lord, this is crazy. This is beyond my imagination,’ Monique whispered in my ear and I nodded. We entered a huge ballroom, and I could feel eyes on me. I raised my head as we found our spot.

A waiter brought us champagne immediately, and we took it.

‘Is it me or are we getting attention,’ I murmured.

‘I mean, look at us,’ she said confidently, gesturing to her stunning dress that accentuated her breast size and shaped her round ass. ‘ We are glamorous,’

‘Indeed,’ I smiled and we clicked glasses, and drank.

My eyes roamed around the room, hoping I’d see someone I recognized but I didn’t. I wondered if my mate or any of the girls will be in attendance but I doubted that because no one told me about it. People were discussing and others were dancing on the dance floor. I wish I could dance like that with Wyatt.

‘Hello, beautiful ladies,’ Two men approached us, they were good looking and one could tell they were of high class and of high position from the aura they radiated.

‘Hello,’ Monique and I said at once.

‘I’m Richard and this is my friend, Gilbert,’ They introduced, with charming smile.

‘Adira and Monique,’

I gave Richard my hand to shake just as Monique did the same to Gilbert, and both gentlemen kiss our hands.

‘So what are you two ladies doing here without male escorts,’

‘Maybe no one was bold enough to approach us,’

‘You turned heads when you worked in with much beauty and confidence now, all males are intimidated,’ Richard said, his gaze fixed on me with a smile.

‘Can we keep you company?’

‘Aren’t you intimidated by us, and what will your dates think?’ I asked boldly.

‘We are not here with dates, we were hoping we’d find some here,’ Gilbert winked, his accent was thick. ‘ We mean no harm,’ he said.

Having the two men on our side gave us even more attention, other guests were coming to pay their respects to them. I wondered who they were.

Richard and Gilbert were good company indeed and were conversing normally.

‘I always thought the Marshals were hiding something indeed,’ Monica sighed, she seemed to know a lot of people around too.

‘Well, everyone is icing them out after their fall from grace. I wonder how they got an invite,’ Gilbert wondered, looking at Richard in thought.

‘I’m sure the king wanted something from them,’ My heart skipped a bit at the mention of Wyatt. I was hoping he’d make an appearance here and I’d surprise him. That’s why I didn’t text him.

‘And Rachel faltered, that woman insulted her last ball,’ chuckled Gilbert. Rachel, I repeated. I heard that name somewhere before. I chewed on my bottom lip, thinking.

‘This is my favorite dance, a dance, Adira?’ I heard Richard ask, snapping me awake from my thoughts.

‘I’m in a relationship,’ I blurted out. They all stared at me, not expecting me to say that out loud as I did.

‘Good, aren’t we all, however, we can dance as two people attending the same ball,’ he said seriously. I smiled and nodded.

‘I don’t think my mate will like that. He’s jealous,’ I sighed. I didn’t want to dance right now but I didn’t want to be rude by rejecting him so bluntly.

‘Gosh, you are such a people pleaser sometimes,’ Kira barked in my head.

‘I’m not!’ I retorted.

‘I insist, my lady?’ he extended his long arms to me and I glanced at Monique who nodded encouragingly.

‘Don’t do it!’

I was swept off my feet by him and I found myself on the dancefloor and he twirled me. I shook my hips to the rhythm of the song. The dance was soft and right. The atmosphere around was calm and friendly.

‘You’re a good dancer,’ he complimented, I abruptly turned to him and he grabbed my hand, pulling me closer to him.

‘You’re not bad yourself,’

Monique and Gilbert joined us too on the dancefloor and many others as the song changed to a faster one. We lingered on the stage when the song stopped, smiling and laughing.

‘I don’t remember being taught that,’ Richard laughed.

‘I forgot the steps so I improvised,’ I confessed. One of the reasons I loved balls was the different types of dances.

‘And you stepped on my foot,’ Gilbert grimaced.

‘I’m sorry,’ I purred.

I felt eyes on me, hot eyes and I scanned the room. My heart pounded against my chest so hard. Azriel was looking at me. He had a woman next to him, her arm linked to his and she was looking up at him but he didn’t pay her any attention. I gave him the tiniest of smiles before I looked away.

‘Adira, are you alright?’ Richard asked concerned. I nodded and extended my hand.

‘One more dance?’ I asked all of them. I recognize the new tune and dance, we could dance all four of us.

‘Yes, please,’ Monique cheered. We held hands and started to move to the tune but it soon stopped and the room fell silent.

‘What is-‘

I felt it, Wyatt’s aura as he entered the room.

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