The Alpha King’s Heart: His Rejected Mate (The Alpha King Series Book 1)

The Alpha King’s Heart: His Rejected Mate: Chapter 37

I felt a chill run down my spine, and cold sweat dripped from my temple, ‘ What?’

He nodded, looking ashamed.

‘But why?’

‘He did it to me a few years back,’

‘You had a mate before me?!’ I bellowed. He shook his head.

‘No, but I was seeing and one day after a fight, Azriel boasted about fucking her,’ I didn’t know what to say and he continued, ‘ I was hurt because I had feelings for that woman so I held a grudge, later that year, he found his mate and I fucked her,’

Oh, my gods. It was not just irking each other at this point. Their vendetta was not just about power or birthright. They both did each other dirty and it pierced their hearts.

Wyatt was worried that Azriel will retaliate for what he did by using me. Now, I had so many questions, is that why Azriel didn’t save his mate from his father, he did mention he could have saved her if he wanted.

‘I’m sorry, baby, we were young and immature,’

‘You are worried that he will do what you did to him,’ I said slowly and he nodded.

‘I know it may sound stupid but I can tell he likes you, he wants you and he will try everything in his power to have you just to spite me,’ he said venomously.

‘I wouldn’t allow myself to be a pawn in such a despicable game. I’m yours forever and always,’ I said and he smiled, leaning into me and I tilted my lips to kiss him. It was sensual and deep, his fingers gripped my ass, squeezing it.

We walked back inside the house, everyone was drinking and chatting. Dalla immediately put a wine glass in my hands and I took a sip.

‘I want to make a toast,’ Dalla cheered. We all raised our glasses,

‘To, Adira. Welcome to the Black Diamond pack and I can’t wait for you to officially take over as Queen,’

The evening was pleasant from there onwards and I avoided looking at Azriel. Faye was all over him and it left a bad taste in my mouth for some reason. I also wondered if he would use me to get back at my mate for sleeping with his mate. However, he had not shown me any favor in that kind of way, in fact, he tried to avoid me even though we worked in the same place.

I was sitting on Wyatt’s lap, listening to the stories Dalla and Eva were telling me about Wyatt. I couldn’t believe he was so mischievous as a child.

‘Oh yes, we were even locked in a store once thanks to that precious mate of yours, and I had to pee in a cup, it was the most humiliating night of my life and I’ve had plenty!’ Eva sneered, glaring at Wyatt who just chuckled.

‘Humiliating? I’ve had plenty of humiliating days, like that time the cops brought you girls naked in a police car,’ Aspen chuckled.

‘I blame Azriel on that one. He wanted to enter that damn facility so bad that he used us as bait for the security guard,’ Faye added, smiling at Azriel. So, all seven of them grew up together and even though there was bad blood between Wyatt and Azriel, they still hang out together and tolerated one another. The next day was Monday. The driver took Lucas and I in the morning since I was teaching the first period today.

‘Hey, pretty,’ Monique, the art teacher greeted. She was friendly and we got along well.

‘What happened to you?’ I asked, noting the paint on her clothes. She groaned and leaned against the wall.

‘Some entitled brat threw it at me in a fit of rage,’

‘Oh, one of those days, huh,’

‘Yea, recently shifted and emotions are heightened, you know,’ she scowled, her phone rang and her cheeks turned crimson.

‘he called,’ she murmured. Monique excused herself to answer the call and I went to the Gym.

Azriel was there, training the older boys.

I went to the girls’ section, however, they didn’t seem motivated today. I noticed a group looking at the guys with envy while the others were ogling Azriel and sending flirtatious glances. Azriel was famous around the school because of his good looks.

I stood in front of them and they followed my lead, doing simple stretches.

‘Girls get in form and pair up,’ I clapped once and they obliged after telling them twice. Their training routine wasn’t so hard, it was just the basic. They did hand-to-hand combat as the book I’m following said. The training was over in an hour and two girls approached me, Jesse and Mara.

‘Miss Wade, why is our routine different from the boys?’ Jesse asked. She was a pretty girl who play volleyball against her parent’s permission. Scared that their child will get hurt despite her love for the sport.

‘Well, this is what is in your program,’

‘That’s so unfair,’ Mara withered, glancing over to the boys who were having intense training. Azriel wasn’t going easy on them.

A few other girls backed Jess and Mara in saying they want to get the training. Maybe I should talk to the school about changing their routine, clearly, the girls were eager to learn more.

‘I’ll see what I can do about it,’ I said and they cheered.

‘What the fuck! I’m not going to do what they do. NO!’ Becky, the head cheerleader shrieked. I rolled my eyes as the girls bickered amongst each other. I go to an office that Azriel and I share after taking a shower. I sit on the laptop, preparing the lesson plan for my next class on Thursday since we have a public holiday. I stiffen when Azriel entered.

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