The Alpha Bond

Chapter Epilogue

Song rec- Call it what you want, Taylor Swift



Dream Proposal

Damon and I have been together for a few months now and it’s been amazing. We’ve gone on several dates and spent almost all our time together. We’ve not mated or marked each other yet because that has to be done on our coronation, either that or my Dad just wants to delay our mating, but we still sleep cuddled up with each other every day. My Dad obviously doesn’t know about that but my Mom does.

Today, Damon is taking me on a date, again, but he says the location is a surprise. He has told me nothing about this date and I can’t tell if I’m more annoyed or excited. It’s almost evening right now and I haven’t seen him since the morning after he snuck out of my bed. Violet asked me to wear the dress I bought after coming back from hell, you know the one in Damon’s favorite color. I was sceptic at first but agreed. It’s a little short on me now but it’s still wearable.

I got ready and went outside where Damon was waiting for me. He was wearing a similar-colored shirt with black trousers and a coat. He stared at me awe-struck and that made me smile. No matter how many times he’s seen me dressed up, he always stares at me like seeing me for the first time.

“You look amazing too. Now can we please go to this mystery date? Suspense is killing me,” I exclaimed.

“Of course,” he smiled and placed a quick kiss on my lips.

He took my hand and led me to his car (he got it some time ago). He opened my door for me and closed it after I sat down. Then, he slipped into the driver’s seat and started driving. He turned on the radio and we enjoyed the comfortable silence while I tried to figure out where he was taking me. We were driving through the forest and I immediately recognized the route. He was taking me to the gazebo.

It was where my grandfather and father had proposed to their mates. While weddings are not necessary for wolves, most of my family has gotten married. It’s always been my dream to get proposed on that gazebo. It’s in the middle of a pond with a perfect view of the sunset. Another part of my dream proposal is that my mate proposes to me at ’love story’s line ‘and he knelt on the ground and pulled out a ring’. It’s not very unique considering how many people have done that, but that doesn’t make me want it any less. I’d dreamt about it before I even saw those proposals. Either way, I’m not telling any of this to Damon because I want to see what he does, considering that he does propose to me.

As we reached our destination, which was the gazebo, a hope to get proposed like I’ve always wanted grew in me. However, I do not want to be let down if he doesn’t propose, so I’m just not going to think about it.

He had organized a dinner there and led me hand in hand to the gazebo across the bridge.

“Do you like it?” he asked nervously.

“No, I don’t like it,” I said and he looked even more nervous now.

“I love it!” I said giggling.

“God earthling! You scared me!” he exclaimed, hitting me lightly.

“Ow!” I reacted dramatically even though I barely even felt that and he just rolled his eyes.

“Well since you are so deeply hurt now, we can’t have you walking on your own,” he replied.

Then he took me off my feet and held me in bridal style in his arms. I yelped and put my arm around his neck.

“Damon!” I exclaimed.

He just gave me a smile and continued to walk to the gazebo. I could’ve gotten out of his hold probably, but I kind of liked it there. He put me down on the chair and took the lid off the dishes.

“Here you go, Madame. These delicacies are bought from my mother’s kitchen because she’s an amazing cook, while all I can make is a….. a sandwich, and because I did not know any good restaurants that could’ve delivered hot food in the middle of the forest,” he explained while doing so and I laughed.

He is a terrible cook. We were having the monthly cooking day that my Mom, Dad, and I had and I invited him. He somehow burnt his hand while boiling water and spilled all of the cake batter I asked him to stir.

He took a seat and smiled.

“I hope you like it,” he said and we started eating.

“Did I tell you my favourite food?” I asked because that is what was prepared.

“No, I had to search the highs and lows of this world for that,” he replied seriously.

“Violet helped you out?” I asked amused and he nodded sheepishly.

“Well, I love it,” I smiled.

We ate the food while talking about random things. Light music was playing in the background and with the candlelights and the setting sun, it was very romantic. After we were done with the food, Damon smiled at me and said,

“Now, let’s dance while I take my daily dose of Taylor Swift.”

With that, he played lover and took my hand.

“You listen to Taylor Swift every day?” I asked shocked.

“Well, I have to know what you are talking about when you talk about her. A swiftie cannot have a Taylor oblivious mate, can she?” he answered.

Butterflies filled my stomach and I kissed him. God, I fell in love with him a little bit more with that line. I must have done something very good to have him as my mate.

He twirled me around after breaking from the kiss. We started laughing and dancing to the music, with me singing it obviously. After that, ‘Love Story’ started playing and we continued dancing.

Then, ladies and gentlemen, on that specific line he knelt down and pulled out a

box with a diamond ring from his back pocket.

I was screaming inside but frozen in time. Way too many butterflies were fluttering in my stomach and my heart was pounding inside my chest so loud that I was sure it would pop out any minute.

Did I predict this? Yes.

Did that make me any less surprised? No.

I have always dreamt of this but none of my fantasies could have prepared me for it actually happening.

“Is that a yes? Or no?” he asked very nervously, still knelt in front of me.

That’s when I realized, that I was just frozen. I broke into a grin.

“Yes,” I said.

“Yes yes yes, a thousand times yes!” I continued and he took my hand and slid the ring on my ring finger.

“Oh thank god. Otherwise, me buying Spotify premium for one day would’ve gone to waste,” he sighed in relief.

“What about the diamond ring?” I asked, still laughing.

“Well, you would’ve said yes to me at some point. It’s not like I was going to lose hope after just one attempt. You can’t get rid of me that easily babe,” he replied and kissed me.

“I love you so much hellion,” I said.

“I love you more earthling,” he said hugging me.

“Now Mrs. Moonlight, it’s time for dessert,” he said.

“Aren’t I now Mrs. Teufel?” I asked since Teufel was his last name.

“No way, you are not taking my surname, I’ll be taking yours. I can’t change a queen’s last name just because she married me! Plus, I like yours better,” he replied.

“Hellion, stop making me fall in love with you a little more with every line!” I replied and he just laughed.

“I love you Cyra, always and forever,” he said.

And with that, we lived happily forever. Nah, who am I kidding? We all know that never happens. But either way, no matter what problems life threw at us, we faced them together. It was me and him, or should I say Mr. and Mrs. Moonlight, forever.


I-- *sobs in Italian*

I can't believe the Alpha Bond is over.

I'm crying like my children just got married, which is weird considering I'm a teenager. I fell in love with Dyra while writing them and now it's just over. *sobs in German*

Anyways, if you read my book, tysm for giving it a go and don't forget to like, comment and review it.

Until I start writing another book,



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