The Alpha Abandoned Bride by Queenlovely

Chapter 28

Chapter 28



Everything was happening too fast for me to comprehend. I couldn’t do anything. I went from one investor to the other yet none did anything for me.

“It’s just over. It’s over.” Leah whispered and I said nothing in return because she was right. I couldn’t convince her that it

wasn’t over.

I wish there was something that I could sleep. That night when I was going back home, I was blocked by Logan.

“What are you doing here?” I asked.

“What am I doing here? You came to me before for help and so I decided to come here.”

I furrowed my brows in confusion. “What do you mean?”

“Let me help you. Isabel. I have seen the situation of things and I want to help you. Would you rather everything fall because of your pride! I mean take a look around. You’ve come so far to lose so why don’t you just do it?”

“What are you trying to talk about?” I was frantic.

I already offered you a deal. It’s going to be a win for both of us. You become my se x sl ave and I’d help you and Leah bring this company b ack on top. He said and I rolled my eyes at his statement.

“And I already made myself clear to you, wasn’t I? I told you I wouldn’t so what made you think I’d want to do so?” I chided.

He moved closer to me, his hand tucked in his pants pocket respectively.

You claim not to care about me so this should be easy to do, don’t you think? It’s like we are both using each other,” he stated.

“Aren’t you disgusted by your suggestion?”

“Disgusted? And why should I be? Why are you acting like you are some kind of saint when you have two kids with two different men,” he uttered and I scoffed in disbelief.

“And where did you get your information from?” I couldn’t believe my ears.

“That’s none of your business. I am here telling you I want to help and you are refusing to accept my help all because of the past that can be put behind us.”

“After calling une a s lut indirectly? You don’t know anything and if there’s anyone who should feel ashamed? Are you okay? I mean why am I even surprised at your attitude? It’s nothing new and that’s just who you are. You are always caring about yourself and what you want. Not about anyone and what about your wife?”

“Do you think I’ve forgotten about her? Aren’t you disgusted…”

“I’m not going to be married anymore if that’s what’s bothering you.” He stated.

The fact I fell in love with this human baffles me. He doesn’t look like the same man that I know.

“All of this talk isn’t needed. Be my sex mate. Satisfy your cravings after all I’m sure that you’ve missed what we used to have. Don’t deprive yourself of all of this because of one human. He commented.

“Let me f uck you properly. I’m not even bragging. Soon you will be mine and that’s it.”




Yalla Ludo

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Fri, May

Chapter 28

“You are unbelievable and I am a fool for standing here and listening to you because all you’ve been saying is trash!” I decided to walk away not wanting to entertain this conversation mymore but before I could take any step, he pulled me. towards him and wrapped his arms around me.

“Let me go,” I struggled to get off his hold but he held me firm, refusing to let me go.

“I’ve missed you so much Isabel and you don’t know how it’s driving me crazy. I admit I’ve been a jerk and all but please give me a chance. A chance is all I ask for and you keep refusing. I don’t care about your past or what you’ve done, I just want you back in my life. He whispered.

I felt his hot breath fawn all over my neck, bringing goosebumps to my skin and I recalled those days unwillingly. Those days when I was head over heels for him and cared about him alone until he broke and shattered my heart.

“What about Jade?”

“Why do you keep mentioning her after I have made it clear that I have nothing to do with her? Why do you keep mentioning her? Give me a chance Isabel. Scratch that. Just give me tonight and that’s it. I just want you to give me tonight to prove to you that I am that man you knew and love.”

“Love? I loved you. It’s not there anymore.” I corrected.

“You might say those words because you are still angry with me but deep down inside of you, you know that it’s me you’d

ever love.” He remarked.

I tried to pull away from him but he held me still. “Give me a chance please.”

“And why should I give it to you? What good will it do? It can’t change the past. It won’t change the past. Nothing will change. Just leave me be” I cried.

“I can only leave you be when you finally give me a chance and that’s what you haven’t given me. Please give me a chance. Please I’m pleading.” He pleaded

I took in a deep breath and exhaled. No matter how much I told him to stay away, he didn’t just seem to get it. “Alright||

I’ve decided to give him a chance. Maybe he’d leave me after this.

“For real?” He slowly let go of me.

“Yes. You want a chance and now you got it so you better make me don’t regret it,” I stated.

“Shall we?” I did fail to notice the smile that formed on his face, one that I was so much in love with. The smile melted my heart each time I saw it and it did tonight.

I quickly cautioned myself when I realized that I was getting melted by the smile when I shouldn’t be.

He led me towards his car. I got in and then he got in afterwards “Where are you driving me to?”

“Just a place to chill and have fun,” he replied.

“Chill and have fun? I thought we were going to talk?”

“Yes, we are. We will talk, chill, and have fun like old times. We can’t just talk alone, don’t you think?”

I rolled my eyes at his words. “You do realize I have more pressing issues on the ground and I have my kids at home, don’t you? Also, why do you think I…”

“I know you have your kids and that’s why I already spoke to their nanny. Don’t worry they’d be fine.” He cuts me off.



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11:12 Fri, May

Chapter 28


“What? Did you speak to my kids’ nanny? Why would you do that?” The moment I said that word, it dawned on me what he had just done.

“So this means that you believed I’d go out with you? You were that confident that you made plans ahead? You are unbelievable. Why were you so sure?”

“Because I was going to make sure to spend time with you today by all means and I didn’t plan on giving up and you are just like you were in the past. I’m sorry for acting how I did but I love you, Isabel. I’ve always loved you.”

1 swallowed the lump that formed in my throat. I was surprised at his blunt confession. I didn’t expect him to say that and I wasn’t sure if I believed him or not although a part of me wanted to believe him.

“Just forget the past for tonight and give me a chance to show you that I never meant to hurt you. If after tonight, I’m unable to convince you then I’d never disturb you. Ever again. Please forget the past and let’s enjoy tonight.”

I kept quiet. I didn’t say anything. I tried not to think about anything but the fact Jade existed bothered me.

Jade was his wife yet he said they won’t be together anymore. I had so many questions to ask but I went against it, deciding to listen to him. I will keep the past in the past and focus on tonight.

I should give him a chance at least to know what happens. I might lie to myself or avoid it, but the truth was, I never healed from what happened in the past and if I wanted closure then tonight was the best time to get it.

“Don’t worry. Tonight will be one of your best nights and I promise you that,” he said.

I looked through the window all through the night.


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