The 5-time Rejected Gamma & the Lycan King

Chapter 218

Chapter 218 Two Hundred and Eighteen

The Duke's animal was still covering its ears from the deafening scream. Implanting a device in Kelissa’s room was tricky but the idiotic heiress actually believed that Greg knocked on her door the other night just to ask for the Wi-Fi password.

By leveraging the heiress's need to flaunt in just about everything, Greg complimented her room when he was at her door, and he instantly received the invitation to enter to have a look around before he stealthily stuck the device behind her nightstand.

He read about the infiltration, and was actually impressed that his cousin managed to keep Lucianne safe for once. With the rogue corporation now gone, Greg could safely send out his long-awaited, final order to Alivia and Ivory since the Kyltons won't be able to send any rogues to slaughter the inhabitants of Blue Crescent anymore. Greg slit the second and last paper clip gadget taken from his shoe onto his wristband. When it emitted the faint green glow, he linked Alissa, “0187, Phoenix Road. Send a message to the Queen. Tell her I'm here with the founders of Wu Bi. Be discreet. You don't want to get caught. Keep watching her. Link Hailey and Desmond if you and Ivory need help.’

“That won't be a problem, your Grace, but uh... Ivory and I...lost her for a few hours when she took flights two days ago and yester—'

'Did she come back hurt?’

“No, but she did look tired.’

“As long as she's safe, you did your job."

Alissa hesitated before she linked in concem, “I heard that there isn't a timeline to come get you, your Grace?’

There isn't. I'll get out when I need to. Just do as I say."

“As you wish, your Grace."

After ending the link, he heard a knock on his door, and hurriedly hid the used paper clip in his shoe before going to see who was bothering him. The second he saw Livia in a see-through lingerie that left nothing to the imagination, he slammed the door shut without a word.

The silver lining for the Duke was that he was going to be out of this prison soon...probably only to be put in another prison. Then again, anywhere was better than staying with these dim people. He chuckled as he thought about how the Kyltons' contingency plan is now blown to bits. Greg would admit that the family’s back-up plan to destroy Blue Crescent was a...wise Plan B if one were on their side but putting all their eggs into that one basket of counting on the rogues to get everything done, so sure that they would never get caught, was their downfall.

“Idiots”, Greg chuckled darkly as he thought to himself. If he learned anything, it would be that having Plans C, D, E and F were mandatory. All he had to do now was wait for Alissa's message to get to Lucianne, so he'll be out by tomorrow, at latest. He could stay in his room until then. He had a big breakfast this morning, and still had some snacks he stole from around the house to keep him alive for a few more hours. With that in mind, he decided to take a nap. 3


Alissa linked Ivory about Greg's instructions, and while Ivory watched Lucianne, Alissa headed to a bookstore. She then picked out a plain card and an envelope with her glove- covered hands. After paying, she headed to the pen section to scribble the Duke's message. That was the easy part.

In the cloudy early afternoon, Alissa made her way to the King's residence as a random jogger. Ivory had already sent her the approximate time the mail would reach the King’s home, so when Alissa saw the van pulling to a stop, she bent down to tie her shoelaces before getting back up when the mailman stepped out with a small stack on envelopes about the same size as the one she had in her hand. She continued jogging, and “accidentally’ bumped into him, making all the letters scatter over the ground before she apologized profusely as she helped him gather up his mail, sneaking in her own envelope into the stack. The mailman thanked her, and asked her to be more careful before dropping off the stack of letters with Xandar's guards.


Everyone who was in Xandar's office to plan the infiltration was now back in his office to discuss the issues arising from the infiltration. The good news was that there were no casualties from their side, although several Lycan warriors andpolicemen were still in the hospital as the doctors monitored their bloodstreams to make sure that there weren't any traces Oleander left in their systems.

Chief Dalloway was given the floor first since everyone wanted to know what information that he and his police force managed to get in the last 24 hours when they went through every inch of the headquarters. “Every rogue confirmed that the one you killed is the leader of the corporation, my King. However, the leader is subordinate to a higher authority, one unknown to any of the rogues we arrested.”

As Xandar pulled the standing Lucianne onto his lap and wrapped an arm around her abdomen, he asked the Chief, “Did any of them say who may know their superior?”

Dalloway reported, “That would be the two who restrained the Queen before the leader attempted to...” since everyone around him knew what was going to come out of his mouth next, and Xandar's eyes were turning onyx at the memory, the Chief chose to say, “Well, the three of them were the only ones who have met the superiors of Wu Bi Corp, your Highnesses.” As Xandar smelled her hair, Lucianne asked, “Have the rogues given anything useful, Chief? Is there anything we don't know yet?”

“Only bad news, my Queen.” All ears perked up as he continued, “They told us about their database. Our people scoured through it but it's empty.”

Christian muttered, “They must have deleted everything while we surrounded their hideout.” Dalloway nodded in agreement and proceeded to say, “As for their confessions, we are told that hundreds have escaped through an underground tunnel before taking their own submarine to flee from the island.”

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