That Ring: A Second Chance Sports Romance (That Boy® Book 5)

That Ring: Chapter 24

“I missed seeing you yesterday morning,” Jadyn says when I wander over there around nine to retrieve the pile of scripts that I left in her office. “How’s it going?”

“I feel very domestic. I made everyone smoothies today.”

Her phone rings. “Oh, hey, Cade. Sure. She’s actually right here.” She hands me the phone.

“Hey. What’s up?” I greet.

“What’s up is, you haven’t answered your phone for, like, two days.”

“Oh, yeah, sorry. It’s been busy. Danny’s divorce got finalized, and I moved in with him and the kids, so—”

“You’ve been enjoying it,” he interrupts.


“Well, the reason I’m calling is, I heard through the grapevine that you are coming to Danny’s game in LA and were maybe hoping to sit with us.”

“The grapevine, huh? Did Danny call you?”

“No, but he talked to Carter, so I’m calling to formally invite you and the Mackenzies to join us in our suite. And, in case you forgot amid all the amazing sex you’re probably having, tomorrow is my birthday. Palmer is throwing a little get-together at The Good Guy.”

“Oh, very trendy.”

“And very exclusive,” he adds. “We’ll start at the bar around seven and move to a private spot outside around eight thirty for dinner. We have you down for four.”

“That sounds perfect. Thanks, Cade, and in case I forget to tell you later, happy birthday.”

“Thank you.”

“The Good Guy?” Jadyn says when I end the call. “That’s where all the celebrities go, isn’t it?”

“Yeah, it’s a cool place.”

“Do we have anything cool enough to wear?” she asks.

“You can wear whatever.” I pause. “Actually, that’s not true. I’ll go in your closet and pick a few things out for you. And if you don’t like them, we’ll find something when we get to the house. My assistant has had the pleasure of unpacking all my clothes and organizing my closet over the last week. And you know what? I’m going to have hair and makeup fix us up. What time will we arrive?”

“We’re set to take off at noon, which should put us at your house around two, LA time.”

“Perfect. We’ll look amazing.”

“Good, because my pants are starting to get a little tight.”

“When are you going to tell the kids?”

“We have an ultrasound scheduled for next week. I’m thinking around Christmas. I’ll have to figure out a fun way to tell them.”


“This is it!” Jennifer says excitedly.

I know she wants me to love her house as much as she does, and I don’t want to disappoint her.

We pull into the drive of a beautiful home. It has a relaxed, coastal vibe and traditional lines.

“It’s gorgeous,” I say, giving her hand a squeeze and feeling instantly relieved.

I look around the neighborhood. The homes are spread apart on large lots with lush landscaping, and there is a mix of architectural styles from Spanish stucco with tiled roofs to clean-lined, modern mansions and more traditional, board and batten, coastal homes.

We get out of the car, and she leads me up the sidewalk to the front door, unlocks it, and then starts to go in.

“Not so fast, missy.” I surprise her when I swoop her into my arms and carry her over the threshold.

She wraps her arms around my neck and sighs, “Oh, Danny. How did I get so lucky?”

“You were dealt a royal flush,” I tease.

“What do you mean?” She looks perplexed.

“All Diamonds,” I say with a laugh.

She lets out a content sigh. “I’m glad I got all Diamonds.”

“Wow, look at this place,” I say once I finally look up. I set her down and walk straight through to the windows. “What a view!”

She jumps up and down. “I know! Do you love it?”

“I think I need the whole tour to be sure,” I say. “You’d better show me.”

She leads me through the entire house, and I do love it. Mostly though, I love seeing how excited and happy she is. She was broken and not exactly herself when she first got to Kansas City. I understand all too well how it feels to be betrayed by someone you love and how it can adversely affect your life. Now, she looks whole again. The girl I fell in love with at the beach so many years ago. Her sparkle and joy is flowing through her even more so today. And once I tell her how I feel, I think she will be even happier.

I start to speak, but she puts her finger in front of my mouth.

“No verdict until after you’ve been outside.”

She runs in front of me, turning around to give me a sexy smirk, and she gestures with her finger for me to follow her. I take off after her, catching her in my arms before she can open the door to the backyard.

“Take my hand and run with me,” she says.

I let go of her and do as she asked, only to discover she’s leading me straight to the edge of the pool. “Are we really doing this?” I yell.

“Jump!” She giggles as we both fly up into the air, hands locked together, and land in the very chilly pool.

“You’re crazy,” I say when I come up for air.

“I know, but it was fun. Tell me what you think now.”

I swim over to her, pulling her close. Her hair is wet, slicked back off her face, her clothes clinging to her body. The water is cold, but I feel warm inside. Happy. Young. In love.

“I’ve been to California many times over the years and always thought it was a pretty place. But that’s it. I never imagined myself living here because it seemed so different from what I knew, what I grew up with. What I wanted for my life. For my kids. I love you, but I will admit, this was the piece of the puzzle that worried me. I know that you fit seamlessly into my world. You being in Kansas City with us has been easy. It’s felt natural. I was a little nervous that when we came here, I wouldn’t be able to fit that way into yours. But this house, it’s not just a house; it’s a home. It’s practical, comfortable, and beautiful, all at the same time. This house is you. No, it’s us. When I stepped inside, I felt like I did when I’d first met you. A little overwhelmed by its perfection. And not perfection in general, I mean, perfection for me.”

She looks at me with tears in her eyes. Happy tears. “What you just said makes me so incredibly happy,” she says with a shiver. “But I’m freezing. Whose stupid idea was it to jump in here anyway?”


What Danny said in the pool earlier today struck me. How we would fit into each other’s lives is something that has worried me. Not only was I concerned about him being comfortable in my home, but also in the spotlight that comes with my career. Would he ever go to a movie premiere with me? Would he hate being there and complain the whole time like Troy did?

I rarely took Troy on the red carpet with me. After one drunken scene, Cade told me that he wasn’t allowed. And it was lonely, walking by myself. I wanted to share my big moments with the person I loved.

From the second we arrived at Cade’s birthday party to the moment we left, Danny, Phillip, and Jadyn all had a good time. Danny already knew the Crawford brothers but everyone else, including my friend Rachel and her husband, he met for the first time. Danny was as charismatic with them as he is with me. When he converses with people he meets, it’s with real interest, not just superficial small talk.

Danny has no problem with the intense spotlight and even seems to relish in it, but it’s clear, based on his friendships, that he doesn’t need it. He doesn’t crave it.

He’s a man I would be proud to go anywhere with.

I have to admit, I might have even fallen more in love with him because of it.

And I show him how thrilled I am the second we get home and into the bedroom. Good thing he doesn’t have a game tomorrow because I thoroughly wear him out.

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