That Boy: A Small Town, Friends-to-Lovers Romance (That Boy Series Book 1)

That Boy: Chapter 39

I lie in bed, staring at Phillip’s note. It makes my heart feel warm. I close my eyes and relive our week together. I’ve had such a wonderful time with him. I really could picture myself marrying him. And, evidently, the chicken in me has flown the coop because it’s not even that scary of a thought anymore. I probably should get up. I think I’ll pamper myself and spend most of the day getting ready. I really want to look great tonight. So, I get up, have a bowl of Frosted Flakes, and decide to start by giving myself a pedicure.

I’m digging through my bathroom closet for pedicure supplies when my doorbell rings.

I run to the door and look out the window. I see a huge bouquet of roses with two legs. I open the door, and the deliveryman, who does have more to his body than just two legs, hands me a massive bouquet.


There are three—yes, three—dozen beautiful, long-stemmed red roses in a huge vase.

I just stand there for a minute and breathe them in. They smell wonderful!

Gosh, I wonder who they’re from.

Actually, I’m just teasing. I have a pretty good idea who they’re from.


Wow! He’s really getting into this whole first-date thing.

I mean, no one ever sends flowers like this before a first date. But I guess this isn’t your typical first date. I mean, we have had an amazing week together.

And rarely do you get them after the first date because the guy would be all afraid to look like he was crazy about you even if he was.

Guys would think that wasn’t cool.

But Phillip knows I love flowers, and knowing him, he probably knows exactly how many times and from whom I have gotten flowers in the past. My record is two-dozen pink roses from Jason O’Connor. Jason was from a very wealthy family, so Phillip irritatingly called him Richie Rich. Jason was adorable, but he could be a bit arrogant and tended to drink a lot. Bad combination. He got wasted at my winter formal, got mouthy, and started a fight. I’d had enough, so I left him at the dance. The next day, he sent me the flowers as an apology. I accepted the roses but not his apology. One of the few times I have actually followed Phillip’s advice on boys.

So, Phillip knows that three-dozen roses is by far the biggest arrangement I have ever received—or practically seen, for that matter.

I’m just ready to close my door and go into the house when Phillip’s sister, Ashley, comes walking up the sidewalk. I can just see her through some of the stems.

“Hey, JJ. Wow, those flowers are gorgeous! Are they from anyone I might know?”

“Well, I don’t know. I have so many men in my life these days.”

Actually, that’s how it used to be. I always had lots of boys around, and I liked it because it meant I didn’t have to get serious with any of them. And, in retrospect, I probably didn’t get serious with anyone because I’d always had Phillip.

I’m happy to say that, for one whole week, there has been only one man in my life.

And has he been in my life. I can’t seem to get rid of him.

He wants to be with me every second.

And guess what.

That’s not even bugging me yet! So, things are going really well!

“What are you doing here?”

“I came to pick you up.”

“Oh, I’m sorry, Ash, but I’m already sort of spoken for.”

“Very funny.” She rolls her eyes at me.

I walk back inside and put the gorgeous bouquet on my kitchen table. It dwarfs it. This flower arrangement is so big; it looks like it should be in the lobby of a Vegas casino. Oh, I don’t mean that they are tacky or gaudy in any way. It’s just so very large!

“So,” Ashley says, “big first date tonight, huh?” She frowns at me. “Hmm. You don’t look like you’re ready.”

“Uh, no, I’m not since the date doesn’t start for, like, seven hours. I kinda thought I’d pace myself, Ash, but I was just getting ready to paint my toenails.”

“Not anymore. We are going to get you beautiful.”

Like I’m not already?

“We are?”

“Yes. I’m taking you to Bloom Beautiful Spa, that new place.”

“Wow! I’ve heard that place is incredible.”

“It is, and I don’t want to be late, so we have to leave. Now!”

Ashley is still very bossy. I’m glad she’s married because, now, she has someone else to boss around.

Bloom is a great place. I love it!

Ashley and I are immediately treated to a glass of wine. When I question her about drinking wine at ten o’clock in the morning, she just raises her glass to me, takes a drink, and says, “Hey, it’s five o’clock somewhere.”

We sit and relax for a bit. Ashley is babbling on about something, but I’m kinda tuning her out because my mind is on Phillip.

I thought it was pretty cool that he left me a sweet note this morning, but then, wow, the flowers were amazing.

And, now, the spa?

I’ve known Phillip for a long time, and he has only sent flowers to a girl twice—once being Valentine’s Day and the other … I forget really why, but they were both way back in high school.

Really, that seems a bit odd to me now that I think about it because Phillip has had quite a few girlfriends.

They just never seemed to last.

I wonder if that was my fault.

And, if it was, I’m glad.

Sorry, but I am.

Phillip has always given me flowers on Valentine’s Day. They were not, like, delivered or anything, but he would usually stop at the grocery store and buy me a sweet little bouquet.

I used to tease him, telling him that he must have a secret crush on me, and he would jokingly tell me that he only did it because he was afraid I wouldn’t get anything from a real guy, and then I’d be horrible to live with. He has always been so sweet to me. I seriously do not know why I never hooked up with him before this.

Maybe I knew deep down that he was worth more than that.

The other night, I asked him why he never tried anything with me, and he said he was waiting for me to make a move.

I was like, “So, you really didn’t want to?”

And he was like, “No, I just—I don’t know. It just never felt like the right time, and I didn’t want to be like all the other random guys.”

And I was like, “Chicken.”

And then he attacked me.


I hear my name being called, and it breaks my daydream.

I stand up and ask Ashley, “Hey, did Phillip plan all the spa stuff, too?”

She just smiles that sneaky smile of hers. She loves knowing stuff that you don’t know.

My first treatment is a gingerbread body scrub. After nearly an hour of having my body scrubbed and massaged, I’m feeling amazing. I go back to the relaxation area, curl up on a chaise, and read the latest Cosmo.

Well, I am specifically reading an article about how to please my man, which I am hoping could be, um, useful tonight.

Ashley comes out of her treatment room and says, “Isn’t this place just heavenly?”

She looks all limp, like they poured her out of the room, and she is practically drooling. I think she is really enjoying herself.

My name is called again, this time for a pumpkin enzyme facial. Afterward, my skin feels so smooth, and I must say, I smell incredible.

Seriously, Phillip will not be able to resist me tonight. I smell like pumpkin bread and gingerbread cookies, which are two of his very favorites!

We are served a wonderful, yummy lunch and more wine. I’m really quite relaxed, which is probably a good thing because, if I wasn’t, I might be thinking about tonight, about Phillip, about our future, if we have a future—all that scary stuff.

And, all of a sudden, I am really, surprisingly nervous for our date.

I know that sounds silly, having known Phillip forever, but I want it to go well.

It needs to go well.

I think that, in my mind, I have always thought Phillip kind of crushed on me, and I’ve always felt sort of in control of our friendship, but now … I’m thinking that I did my fair share of crushing as well, and, well, I really think I love that boy.

I mean, I think.

I’m pretty positive—well, practically, completely, mostly positive—and I really want to make a good impression.

Like a knock-his-socks-off impression.

Next up is a side-by-side pedicure with Ash. Ashley and I have fun during the pedicure. We talk and laugh about all the stupid stuff we did as kids and how Phillip and Danny used to be scrawny little things. And how that has really changed. I mean, they are both very hot and very not scrawny.

After a blissful pedicure, I have sparkly, bright red toenails. What is it about painted toenails that make you feel so sexy?

Next, we get our nails done. French manicure for me and bright fuchsia for Ashley.

“Okay, time for hair and makeup,” she says, floating down the hall in front of me.

She leads me to Rico’s styling chair. Ashley and Rico start discussing my hair, like I’m invisible and I have no say in the matter.

Ashley is telling him, “This is a very special occasion. I really think it needs to go in a pretty updo.”

And I’m thinking, Very special occasion?

Kind of special?




Very special?

I don’t know.

It’s not like it’s prom. I mean, yes, I want to make a good impression and look amazing, but it’s still just a first date!

Rico says, “No, I do some-zhing differ-int.”

Different? Now, that worries me.

I could end up with purple hair or something. Plus, from personal experience, I have learned updos don’t stay up so good if the guy you’re with likes to play with your hair. And Phillip is always messing with my hair. I have to admit that I love it. Honestly, I love pretty much everything that boy does to me.

So, I take control and say, “You know, Phillip always sees me in a ponytail, so I definitely want my hair down. Maybe you could do some of those sexy waves all the stars are wearing these days?”

Rico considers my request by running his fingers through my hair. “Ch-es, I zink wee could do zhat. Perfecto.”

Two hours later, my body has had about all the relaxation and primping it can take. Aside from my sexy toes, pretty nails, and tasty body, I’m sporting long, sexy waves and a face full of artfully applied makeup.

I look and feel great.

“Almost perfect,” Ashley says, appraising me in the mirror.


What else could there be?

“Well, you can’t wear sweats there, can you?” Ashley snips in her sassy way.

Ashley drives me back home and lugs a beautifully wrapped box and a gift bag into my house.

“I have a couple of presents for you,” she teases. She knows I love presents. “But, first, champagne.”

She pulls a bottle out of the bag and opens it without getting it all over. That’s a talent I didn’t know she had, and I’m impressed because I always seem to make a big mess with champagne. I get a couple of flutes from the kitchen and hand them to her.

“Sit down.” She pours champagne into our glasses and dramatically raises her glass into the air, like she’s in front of an audience and not just me. “I propose a toast. To one of my best friends, someone who is like a sister to me. I hope that, someday, my brother will get off his ass and make us sisters for real.”

I hesitate on that toast.

“Drink,” she bosses.

When the queen says drink, we drink.

“Ash, that’s very nice, but don’t you think you’re jumping the gun a little?”

“No, I don’t. And we’re going to toast again. This time to the fact that, with this date, you are headed down the road to becoming my sister.”

“Ashley, I can’t drink to that.”

I mean, I seriously hope that’s the road I’m heading down, but she doesn’t need to know that.

She gets testy with me and says, “Well, what will you drink to then?”

“Gosh, I can drink to the fact that I am indeed on a road.”

She grins at me.

I shake my head and say, “This road is long and windy and could have many forks in it as well, and it is a possibility, albeit a small one, that one of those paths could possibly, eventually lead to marriage someday.”

She drinks to this.

I swear, I’m going to be drunk before my date.

A horn honks outside.

“Crap. So soon? It’s only four thirty. He is not supposed to be here until five. We’re not even ready yet,” she mutters as she heads toward the door. “I hate being rushed.”

“Uh, Ashley, it’s ten till five. Is Phillip out there? I mean, it’s okay with me if—”

“No, he’s not out there,” she says, quickly interrupting me, “but the limo is.”

I watch Ashley run out my front door and think, A limo?

Ashley comes flying back in the house. “I told him we needed a few more minutes.”

“Oh! I’ve got to get dressed, Ash. Come help me decide which dress to wear. I have four different ones, but I just don’t know who I want to be tonight.”

Who you want to be?” She laughs at me like I’m nuts. “What do you mean?”

“Well, come in my room, and you’ll see.”

Ashley sits on my bed, watching me.

I’m cheap entertainment, I think.

I pull the first dress out of my closet. “Okay, so this dress is kind of sexy, wild me,” I say, holding up a slinky red wrap dress. I put it down on the bed and grab another one. “This one is more conservative me.” I hold a little black dress in front of me and then place it on the bed. “This third one”—a flowing fuchsia-and-gold paisley dress with a scalloped hem—“is creative, kind of artsy me. And the last one”—a simple cream silk dress—“is demure, innocent me.”

I still have no idea who I should be. Really none of them seem quite right, and that’s not the way it’s supposed to be because I look great, and, you know, I feel complete.

And then I start to panic a little.

“Ashley, what does Phillip like? Who should I be?”

“JJ, don’t freak. He likes you. All of you,” she says, rolling her eyes at me and apparently insinuating I have multiple personalities.

She runs in the kitchen, grabs the big box, and sets it on my bed. “Why don’t you open this and see if it’ll solve your problem?”

So, I open it.

And I think she is very right.

Problem solved.

Nestled in the box is the most beautiful dress I have ever seen. It’s made of stretchy ivory lace, lined with a golden-colored silk.

It’s the kind of dress in which, from a distance, you look naked underneath the lace.

I know this because a girl from my sorority had a top made this way, and when we walked in the bar, the boys practically went crazy and couldn’t get over there fast enough to see her up close.

They really thought her shirt was see-through.

Needless to say, they were disappointed.

Scattered on the ivory lace are millions of little iridescent ivory sequins, which I see now that I get it out of the box are not ivory but more golden, almost the exact color of my hair. The sequins shimmer when I move the dress.

The cut of the dress is, well, pretty damn sexy, and it isn’t even on my body yet! The top part of it is a halter. It’s cut low in the front, and the skirt is straight and short.

I can’t wait to try this thing on. I sure hope it fits!

I put the dress on, and it fits like a glove. The neckline plunges down and shows off my, um, assets, and the skirt makes me look skinny. I love it! I grab the satin and rhinestone sandals I wore to Danny and Lori’s wedding and put them on.

Ashley and I look at my reflection in the mirror.

“Now, you look perfect!” Ashley beams.

And that is a really good thing because Ashley is not a very complimentary person. I mean, she doesn’t give out many compliments. So, I must look good.

Very good.

I look at myself in the mirror. One more time!

It’s amazing! This dress is perfect. It’s sexy, demure, wild, and creative, all at the same time.

Just like me.

Phillip will love it.

“Where did you get this dress?” I gush.

“I didn’t get it. Phillip did.”


“Yeah, believe it or not, he did. My brother, the guy who bought me Scooby-Doo slippers last Christmas, bought this amazing dress. I didn’t think he had it in him. Evidently, he saw it a few weeks ago when he was in Kansas City, visiting Danny and Lori. He had Lori go back to the store and buy it.”

He did?


I should take him shopping with me more often. I didn’t know he could find such great stuff.

Ashley hands me my glass.

Another toast, God forbid.

Then, she gives me another gift. “Hurry, open this.”

She is getting awfully bossy now, but I know she can’t really help herself because that trait definitely runs in the family.

I open the package, and inside is a silver link bracelet.

“It’s beautiful,” I say as I start to put it on.

“Wait,” she says and hands me a smaller box.

I open the little box, and inside is a charm. It’s a rose.

“Here, let me put it on for you,” she says, snatching them out of my hands.

I just stand and watch. She gets the bracelet and the charm the way she wants it and puts it on my wrist.

“All right, the limo is waiting for you. You’d better get out there.” She looks at me like she’s never going to see me again. She is really acting weird.

“Thanks, Ash, for everything,” I say as I give her a hug.

Then, she gets all teary-eyed.

What’s going on with her?

I’d blame it on PMS, but I hate when I have important feelings that are glossed over as PMS. So, I won’t.

“Um, isn’t Phillip going to come get me at the door? I mean, the flowers, the dress, the champagne, the bracelet, and he isn’t even going to walk up to the door and get me? What, is he just going to honk and wait in the car? Jake used to do that. It drove my dad and Phillip nuts. They said it meant he didn’t respect me.”

Obviously, they were right.

As if on cue, the limo honks.

“I told you. Phillip isn’t in the limo, JJ. He’s meeting you … um, somewhere … else. You need to go!”

Okay! So, I’m going.

I take a deep breath, but then I stop quickly to smell my roses and realize that, in all the excitement, I haven’t opened the card.

I open it quick.

The card has no signature. There is just a big heart drawn in the middle. I still have no idea what the heart means exactly, but it really makes me smile.

“JJ, stop stalling. You really have to go, or you will be late for …”

“Late for what?” I ask, holding my heart card up to my chest.

“Um, for your dinner reservations,” she tells me, but I get the feeling she’s not being one hundred percent truthful.

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