Tempting the Player (Campus Wallflowers Book 4)

Tempting the Player: Chapter 37

The following weekend, Daisy, Violet, Dahlia and I all find ourselves free on a Friday night. The hockey and basketball teams have away games, Felix is out with the football guys, and Hendrick went to watch Flynn play baseball. One sporting season ended and baby Holland jumped right into another.

“The house smells like a locker room,” I tell them. The girls laugh as I wave my hands around dramatically. They’ve been firing questions at me about living with Hendrick and his brothers. “And bacon. I swear Knox fries a pound of bacon every day. He puts it in everything, even green beans.”

“You must not mind the smell too much,” Vi says pointedly. “Because you two never stay here.”

“No, I don’t mind at all. It’s different, and obviously I miss being here with you guys, but it’s fun to experience a big family dynamic like that. It’s loud and messy, but so full of life. And I really love seeing how they all interact. One minute they’re annoyed and yelling at each other, and the next they’re laughing like nothing happened. You should see Hendrick with Flynn. He’s such a good big brother. It makes my ovaries swoon. Me, the girl who doesn’t want kids until I’m at least thirty.” I sigh.

The girls are quiet as they stare at me with matching expressions like they’re fighting back laughter.


“You have it so bad.” Daisy tosses a throw pillow at me. We erupt into giggles, but then Violet silences us with a gasp. “Oh, oh, oh. It’s my favorite part.”

A hush falls over the room as we turn to stare at the TV. We’re watching Pride and Prejudice for the millionth time. The Keira Knightley version. The four of us all have our favorite moments. I love the ball at the beginning where Elizabeth and Darcy meet for the first time, Daisy loves the moment when Darcy helps Elizabeth off the carriage, Dahlia enjoys the end where Darcy crosses the field, and Vi loves the scene we’re watching now where Darcy confesses his love to Elizabeth in the rain and she tells him he’s the last man she would ever marry.

When it’s over, we fall right back into conversation.

“He has it bad for you, too,” Dahlia says.

“You think?” I ask. He’s said as much, not in those exact words, but there’s something about my friends’ opinions that make it feel more real.

“Definitely.” Daisy nods. “The way⁠—”

A knock at the front door interrupts her. We all share a confused look.

“Who could that be?” Vi asks. She looks to Dahlia, then grins. “Ten bucks says it’s a tipsy Felix.”

I stand, calling out as I walk to the door, “Walters, no boys are allowed tonight.”

Pulling it open, I give the man on the other side of the door a playful glare. A man that is not Felix.

“Hendrick? What are you doing here?” Surprised, I step back and open the door wider.

“Hey!” The girls say in unison, waving at my boyfriend still standing outside.

“Hi, ladies.” He steps inside. “Sorry to interrupt. I just wanted to check the house before I head to bed.” His gaze shoots over to me. “Alone.”

“Awww.” My friends are swooning. Me too.

My cheeks flush as I shut the door. “You didn’t need to do that.”

Hendrick is already checking the windows, making sure they’re shut and locked. “I did if I wanted to sleep tonight.”

With a wink, he takes off for the kitchen, presumably to check the back door. I settle back on the floor with the girls. My insides are mushy from the sweet gesture, and I feel a little breathless as I realize Daisy was absolutely correct. I smile at my friends. “I have it so, so bad.”

Before he leaves, I walk Hendrick out.

“Are you sure you don’t wanna stay over?”

His lips tease mine. “Mmmm. I’d love to, but earlier you told me no boys allowed.”

“I changed my mind.”

He chuckles. “I’ll be back in the morning. Early tomorrow morning.”

“Okay.” I press up on my toes and throw my arms around his neck while I kiss him like tomorrow morning is days away instead of hours.

He untangles himself from me with a groan. “Call me if you need anything.”

“I will.” I stare after him as he walks to his truck.

He hits me with a wink. “Be good.”

I wake up on the pillow fort in Dahlia’s room. I sit up, smiling when I see Felix in bed with her. They’re all curled up together. So adorable and making me that much more anxious to see my man.

Quietly, I tiptoe out of the room. I text Hendrick as soon as I’ve showered and changed, then head downstairs to wait for him.

When his truck comes into view, I hurry outside. He flashes me a smile like maybe he’s missed me as much as I did him as he gets out to greet me, but he pauses halfway up the driveway. His smile falls and I follow his gaze to my car. My steps falter as I take in the broken glass in front of me.

“Careful.” Hendrick holds out a hand to stop me from coming any closer.

My pulse races as he walks around my vehicle. The back seat windows are completely shattered. I can see through the front passenger window that my nice headphones and designer sunglasses are still sitting in the console, so whoever did this obviously wasn’t interested in what was inside.

After he’s circled the car, he comes over to me and hands me a piece of paper. “This was tucked under the door handle on the driver’s side.”

The notebook paper is creased where it was folded several times and in slanted, red pen says, Leave town now, bitch.

I swallow around the lump in my throat. When I look up, his hazel eyes are filled with fiery anger and a touch of remorse. I don’t need to hear him say it to know he’s blaming himself for not being here. This isn’t his fault. He needs to hear me say the words, but when I open my mouth to say them, a sob escapes.

He has me in his arms in a flash. Pressed up against his chest, one of his big palms cradling my head to him. “I got you, sweetheart. I’m here.”

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