Tattooed Luna by Mrs Smith

Chapter 2

Chapter 0002

“Where have you girls been?” As soon as our bikes pulled up to the pack house, my

mother was already jumping down my throat. For a Luna, she was especially over bearing

and always nagging on me about something I did wrong. I was never good enough in her


She was a tiny thing a just under 5’5” and not an ounce of fat on her. Luna An n was a

force to be wrecked with if she has her mind made up. Usually, she always believes I am

wrong without even hearing my side. Thankfully, Colt can see through her. She is

technically our step-mother as our mother died giving birth to us. Dad mated with her not

even a year later. Colt was a spinning image of our dad. Even though we looked similar, I

looked more like my mother growing up.

“Just finished up at the shop. We are going to go for a run and meet some friends for

supper.” I said stopping in front of her.

“I don’t think so! You haven’t finished any of the work that I put on the list for you!” A little

vein threatened to burst in her forehead.

“I did it this morning! Before school! Did you even check before you accuse me of

something?” I yelled, instantly pis sed.

“What is going on here?” Dad, Colt and the boys walked out of the pack house.

“Once again, she is ignoring her duties I gave her and being disrespectful! This is the last

time!” She raised her hand to slap me across the face. Fortunately, Colt stepped in and

caught her hand before she do it.

“You will not hit her.” Colt said with narrow eyes.

“You little brat!”

“An n, enough. Kris, did you do your chores?” Dad asked as he folded his hands over his


“Yes, sir. I did them this morning before school.”

“She is lying!” Luna An n shrieked.

“No, I’m not!” I yelled back as I grabbed my phone. “See?” I held up my email to show my

dad. Intentionally, walking around An n as I didn’t want to show her.

“Looks like she did it.” Dad nodded. “What are you doing this evening?”

“Emmy and I were going to go for a run and then meet the guys at the pizza parlor.”

“That is what I told you.” Colt stood up for me.

“Okay. Have a good run.” Dad said handing me back my phone.

“I also emailed you the report from today. I should let you know that Alpha Marc’s son

came in and asked for a full back tattoo. I gave him the papers and he is coming in

tomorrow to get it started.”

Dad looked at me for a minute. “What time?”

“4pm, sir.”

“Okay, I will swing by sometime.” Dad nodded and turned to leave.

“That’s it? No punishment for being disrespectful?” Ann chased after Dad.

“What did you do to get her fired up like that?” Colt asked.

“We literally just pulled up. She was waiting here when we got here. I can’t wait to get out

of this f uc king place. Come our 18th birthday, I am gone.” I said to Colt as Emmy and I

headed to our rooms to change.

“Running away isn’t the answer.”

“What is going to change? You won’t be Alpha for another seven years. Dad already said

you will get it once you are 25 and not sooner. I’m not waiting around for seven more

years of this.”

“What if your mate is here?” Colt asked. We were at my bedroom and all three guys

looked like I punched them in the face.

“I hope he will like to travel, I will be traveling the world for seven years.” Going into my

closet, I changed into a of black spandex shorts, a neon pink sports bra that popped out of

the black sport razer back tank I put on.

When I got out, I grabbed a hair tie and loosely tied it back into a pony tail. “Look, I know

you don’t like it but what else do you want me to do? A girl can only handle so much with

no one in her corner.”

“I’m in your corner.” Colt said.

“And I love you for it but you know you can only do so much. You aren’t there to stop the

physical hits.”

“I hate that.” Colt looked down at his shoes.

“It’s fine. You have hit me harder than that.” I joked as I grabbed my phone and ear buds.

“Not that same thing.” Colt’s eyes narrowed.

“I love you, bro but I don’t have any options.” Finally, grabbing my black and pink tennis

shoes, I put them on. “I need to go run.” I debated if I wanted to put on another sports bra

as my watermelons occasionally hurt when running.

“Ready?” Emmy bounced in my room.

“Yes!” I was happy she was here.

“See you boys!”

“We will be at the pizza parlor in an hour!” Jacob yelled after us.

“Got it!” As we ran out of the packhouse, I could still hear An n going off to my dad about

me when we passed his office. His door wasn’t fully shut but I didn’t want to risk getting

into trouble, so we kept going.

“What path?” Emmy asked as she fixed her air-pods.

“Let’s run down town today. We can take the long way to the parlor.” Center was the name

of the town that all of the packs used. It wasn’t part of anyone’s territory and it’s where

our school is located.

“Sounds good.”

We took off running at the same speed. Our long legs stride out. With each step, my

worries and anxiety fade away. Everything that was stressing me out was gone. Just the

sound of my feet pounding on the hard Earth. Even the music playing in my ear drifted to

the background.

It was a total of ten miles until we hit the town. Once our feet hit the old brick road, we

stopped running to catch our breath. “That felt like it lasted forever.” Emmy was really


I was winded but not near as bad. “Eating too much candy?” I teased. The pizza parlor was

only three blocks in town. It was a popular hangout for high school age kids. Even the

humans gathered around. So it was no surprise when we got there that it was packed.

Looking around, I saw Jacob with his arm around a girl in the far corner. Weaving between

people, we made our way over to our group. “About time you girls show up!” The girl on

Jacob’s arm looked us up and down. She was human and already annoyed me.

“Gotta keep this figure up. Where is my drink?” I looked around and didn’t see anything.

“Colt hasn’t gotten here yet.” Ace was sitting across from Jacob. There was a girl trying to

get his attention. I smirked at him and lifted an eyebrow. He shook his head at me, telling

me he wasn’t feeling it.

“I think there is a seat over there, why don’t you girls go over there?” The human girl

under Jacob’s arm bravely said.

Jacob and Ace shared a look. “Excuse me?” I said like I didn’t hear her.

“Whoa! Just go get some drinks and order three large pizzas for us. I’ll handle it.” Jacob

answered quickly.

“Yes, please do.” I said before turning around. Emmy stayed behind as I walked up to the

counter. I wasn’t paying attention to who was in front of me when when they stepped back

and landed on my foot. I wasn’t happy.

“The f u-”

The green eyes looked back and looked down at me holding my toe before looking at my

b*dy. I felt butterflies in my stomach. “My apolog-”

“Watch where you are walking!” A girl came up to us and wrapped her arm around Alec’s


What is with these b itches? “He stepped on me!” I said standing up. She was a wolf and I

had no problem putting her in her place.

“Angela, this is Alpha Brian’s daughter, Kris.”

Her voice changed but not her attitude or the hatred in her eyes. “Nice to meet you.” She

said through her teeth. Not even sticking her hand out.

“Yeah.” I said. The counter was clear so I walked around them.

“Hey, Kris! Usual?” The cashier was from our pack and in my grade. Her name is Wendy.

“Yes, please!”

“Alpha Colt’s tab?”

“That would be great.”

“Stu pid bi tch thinks she owns the place.” I heard whispered behind me. Wendy’s eyes

got wide as I turned around.

“Let’s try this again.” I pushed my aura out on her. I kept it light since there are humans

around. “My name is Kris and as the daughter of Alpha Brian, I would expect some

respect. If that is too hard for you, feel free to step outside and we can handle it.”

“No need for that. I will handle her disrespect. Please accept my apologizes on her behalf.”

Alec looked murderous as he held her upper arm like a child. She was still bending her

neck in submission.

Pulling back my aura, I stepped back so the audience we had gained, looked away. “I don’t

give second changes.” I said looking directly in Alec’s eyes.


“Um, Kris?” Wendy softly called behind me.

I heard Alec drag the b itch with him outside. “Thank you for the glasses.” I said with a

smile. Taking them, I went to fill them up. Most people know me and know of my

reputation so it’s not often I am messed with.

“Need help?” Turning, I saw Colt walking up behind me with his girlfriend, Kara.

“Please.” I said as I handed them the glasses.

“What is up with Alpha Alec?” Colt asked.

“His bi tch was being disrespectful. I told her to step outside and he said he would handle

it so I let him handle it.” We were walking back to the table. The round table that Jacob

picked was a little tight so we were sitting shoulder to shoulder. Somehow, I got pushed

against Ace. He lifted his arm and rested on the boot behind me. It wasn’t a romantic

gesture but more of a necessity so we could eat.

“How was your run?” The girl on Jacob’s arm asked me, shyly.

“It was good. Helps me clear my head.” I said, making nice. I could clearly see Jacob relax

at my tone.

“I wish I enjoyed running but it’s never been for me.” She took a sip of her drink.

“So, Kris, hows business?” Kara asked me. We aren’t super close since I don’t think she

will last either. Colt gets bored and honestly, until he finds his mate or tells me he actually

loves them, I don’t get too attached.

“Great. Already ahead of last year.” The pizza arrived then.

“I said three larges!” Jacob said looking at it all.

“You three men will eat a large to yourself.” Colt usually orders five larges and they will

always get ate fully. Not sure why Jacob only wanted three.

The gang started chatting and I stared off into space. It wasn’t until my eyes landed on a

set of green ones that I me ntally came back to it. He signaled for me to follow him outside

as he was standing by the front door.

“I need to get out for a second.” I said. Colt, Kara and Emmy slide out so I could get out


“Do you need me to go?” Ace asked in my mind-link.

“No. Probably wants to make sure I don’t kill his girlfriend.”

I felt this disapproval from him. We weren’t together but occasionally when we got drunk,

we would make out. It never went past that but he always had a slight jealousy when it

came to me.

Walking out, I spotted Alec sitting on his bike. “Wasn’t sure if you were going to come out

or not.” He said. The hairs on my arms were instantly raised.

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