Tangled in Moonlight: Unshifted

Chapter 179 Ava: Surprise Visit

Selene lies curled in a patch of moonlight, her head resting on her tail, eyes closed. Her presence usually brings me comfort, but even she can't soothe the anxiety that grips me now.

The room feels more like a prison than a sanctuary, the air thick with unspoken animosity. I glance out the window again, searching the darkness for any sign of movement, any indication that Lucas and the others are okay.

Nothing, of course.

They're miles away.

Their howls fill the air, raising the hair on my arms and the back of my neck.

It takes time, Selene murmurs, her eyes still closed as she basks in the moonlight.

She looks as relaxed as can be, but the edge in her mental voice tells me otherwise.

The knot in my stomach refuses to unravel. It's the same feeling I had before the attack on the party, a sense of impending doom that crawls beneath my skin and sets my nerves on edge.

The two shifters standing guard don't help matters. They're strangers to me, with unfamiliar faces and rigid stances. The tension in the room is palpable. I can't bring myself to attempt conversation, not when every instinct screams that they despise me.

Minutes drag by, and nothing changes.

No updates.

Only the occasional cough from the guard with short hair and a scar under his left eye.

By the unfocused look that comes over their faces here and there, I know they're listening in to the hunt. They know something.

My thoughts keep circling back to Lucas and the others out there hunting the vampire. The not knowing is torture, my imagination conjuring up increasingly horrific scenarios with each passing second.

Unable to bear it any longer, I turn to the shifters, my words tight with barely restrained panic. "Any updates on the vampire?"

The taller of the two, a broad-shouldered man with cold brown eyes, regards me with open disdain. "Why do you even care?"

His harsh tone catches me off guard, and I flinch as if he'd struck me. Heat rushes to my cheeks, a mixture of embarrassment and indignation. "I'm worried people will get hurt tonight," I manage to say, my voice sounding small and defensive even to my own ears.

The second shifter grabs his companion's arm, shaking his head in silent warning. They both turn away from me, their dismissal cutting like a knife.

I'm pretty sure this is where Selene would normally tell me to stand up for myself and not let them treat me like this, but she's quiet.

Maybe, like me, she feels the treatment is warranted.

Don't wallow, Selene says suddenly, startling me in the silence. I'm only quiet because I'm thinking things through.


Was I wallowing again?


Damn it.

Restless energy floods my limbs and I pace the room, starting with a small square, then expanding my field of march. The guards step back, giving me space, though they share a look that doesn't feel very complimentary.

The acrid scent of cigarette smoke wafts through the air as the tall guard lights up, filling the room with a haze. My nose wrinkles in distaste. "Could you please not smoke in here?" I ask, trying to keep my tone polite despite the growing irritation.

He looks at me with disdain, taking a long drag before blowing the smoke in my direction. "Save your complaints, Blackwood."

The other guard elbows him sharply in the ribs, hissing under his breath. "Stop it before you get us in trouble."

But the tall guard isn't deterred. He leans against the wall, a sneer twisting his features. "She's not even our alpha's mate. She was rejected. Nothing but a plague on our pack."

His words hit me like a physical blow, knocking the air from my lungs. I know I'm not well-liked here, but to hear it stated so bluntly...

"Mia said the vampires were only there for her," he continues, jerking his chin in my direction.

Mia? How would she know something like that? Questions swirl in my mind, but before I can voice them, both guards suddenly collapse to the ground, their bodies hitting the floor with a dull thud.

I gasp, my heart leaping into my throat as a figure materializes out of thin air. Sister Miriam. She bends down, picking up the still-smoldering cigarette from the tall guard's limp fingers. Taking a long drag, she regards the unconscious man with a look of disdain before delivering a sharp kick to his head.

I wince at the sound, even as a small, vindictive part of me whispers that he deserves it.

Sister Miriam turns to me, an apologetic smile on her face. "Sorry for the dramatic entrance, my dear. But I come bearing a warning."

Selene is on her feet now, hackles raised as she positions herself between me and the enigmatic woman. She shouldn't be able to get in here, she growls in my mind.

"Oh, stop that, you short-sighted furball." Sister Miriam flicks her cigarette ashes in Selene's direction. "Never able to see past the nose on your face. Ava, you'll be pleased to hear that the Mad Prince hasn't been able to do much to your precious friend. He's been on a bit of a merry chase."

"A merry chase?"

Her lips curve, and her unsettling eyes sparkle for a moment in a way that almost makes her look human. "Never you mind. It keeps him away from the city, and will for some time. Your Lisa is safe for now."

"I… see." Sister Miriam still throws me off kilter, and I don't know how to feel about her. Friend? Foe?

Selene growls. "How did you enter this place?"

She kicks the toe of her glossy black pump at the lighter that fell to the floor. "I had a link, wolf. Don't be so suspicious. We're all allies here, aren't we?"

"Are we?" I ask, trying to edge my way to the door. Just in case.

She glances out the window. "Ah, time. I don't have much more of it. Ava, have you prepared your price?"

"My price?"

She taps her chest. "For your power. I said I would find you a teacher."

"Oh. No." My answer is swift. "You told me to be more careful about agreeing to things so easily."

"I did, indeed." She smiles as she looks me over. "It seems like there's been some change in you, child. How interesting. In exchange for that interesting bit of amusement, let me offer you advice."

"Advice?" Wary, I take another step toward the door. Her eyes flick to it and back to me, and her lips curve into a sardonic smile.

"Yes, Ava. Advice."

Selene growls, still between us. I don't like this, Ava.

"What advice?" I ask in suspicion.

"Tell your alpha not to wait so long before burning them next time." She glances out the window, shaking her head slightly. "A twofold tragedy. It's a shame."

"Twofold…?" A horrifying possibility comes to mind, and she laughs.

"Worse than you're thinking. Far worse." Her gaze returns to mine, and she smiles again, that weird smile that doesn't quite touch her eyes. "I'll be seeing you in the Unregistered City soon, Ava. Remember to apply under my grace."

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