Tangled in Moonlight: Unshifted

Chapter 177 Ava: Accepting Her Pack

During the few funeral rites Alpha Renard held in Blackwood, he spent a lot of time pontificating. Especially during the rites for his sons.

Here, Lucas says nothing. Does nothing. Only stands there, his arms crossed over his chest, as he watches the pyres burn.

The amount of human bodies decreases as they all take to their wolf forms, standing and waiting. When I glance at Kellan, I can see that unfocused look in his eyes.

Lucas must be talking through the pack link.

That's why it's quiet.

There are wolves to either side of him, and I don't recognize any of them. Then again, I know very few members of the pack.

I'd chafed over that, used it as an excuse to go to the party.

But how much effort had I made to get to know these people?

At every turn, I felt stifled by their regard for me as Lucas' mate.

Did I ever engage the wolves around me in conversation? I don't even know most of their names.

If I can't even get to know the bodyguards sent to keep me safe at the cost of their own lives…

What kind of person doesn't even try, and just complains about her lack of freedom?

If I had gotten to know them, perhaps things would be different. Instead of complaining that I couldn't go anywhere without them, maybe outings would have been fun with them. Maybe the other pack members would have seen me trying to be friends…


All those people watching me during training take on a different meaning in my head now.

Who would welcome an aloof wolf into their midst, knowing she's made no effort to assimilate into the pack?

My whining is a sour taste in my mouth, especially knowing that some of those people have now lost their lives because of me.

Despite understanding the tragedy, despite feeling terrible over the loss of life and injuries, I'd never once put a single one of their lives as a priority. I'd focused instead on Lisa.

They deserve more from us, Selene murmurs, sitting beside me with her ears flat against her skull. I once led my pack. I would have never…

Her words trail off in confusion once more, and I stroke a hand over her head without looking down.

Without breaking eye contact with those burning pyres and the smoke covering the sky in a dense, gray-black cloud.

I cannot sacrifice this pack to save Lisa, I whisper back, feeling the tears filling my eyes once more. We cannot lose more people. I don't know what to do. I don't know what's right. But I know that this… This was wrong.

Selene stiffens. Ava.

The warning in her voice catches me off guard. She's no longer staring toward the bodies burning in front of us. She's staring into the forest, her ears pricked forward and body tense.

What is it?

Selene lifts her muzzle, her nostrils flaring as she scents the air. I'm not sure. It seems familiar, but wrong.

Kellan doesn't seem to notice anything. No one here does, and they're all in their wolf forms now.

Only Lucas, Kellan, and I remain in our human forms.

Lucas' eyes connect with mine from across the clearing, his amber eyes fiery as they reflect the light of the burning pyres.

That fated bond between us is a warm weight, a comfort in my chest, even through the guilt.

Tapping Kellan's arm, I wait until his eyes meet mine. Not wanting to cause panic with words, I jerk my thumb toward Selene, still alerting to something off in the distance.

He takes in her body language and turns in the same direction with a frown, before that familiar, unfocused look hits his eyes once again.

A wolf breaks away from the pack in that direction.

They're checking on it, I assure Selene, but I can hear her mental whine, as if she's struggling not to run over there herself.

You can go, too, I offer to her, but she presses her body against my shins, even as she continues to stare in the distance.

No. They might focus on my scent, instead.

Ah. I hadn't thought of that. It isn't like every member of the pack is attuned to Selene's scent.

Lucas shifts into his massive wolf, larger than any of the others. His fur is so dark it's nearly black, but the flickering light of the funeral pyres highlights the deep brown undertones.

He lifts his muzzle to the sky as the last vestiges of twilight fade into the oncoming night. A howl rips from his throat, deep and mournful, the sound vibrating through my chest.

One by one, the other wolves join in the lament until the entire area echoes with their song of grief and loss. Tears streak down my cheeks, but I make no move to wipe them away. The weight of the lives lost settles on my shoulders, threatening to crush me.

As the fires continue to burn, several wolves break from the pack and lope into the forest.

"Many will spend the night in their wolf forms," Kellan murmurs in my ear, his voice taut with tension. "A pack hunt to honor the fallen."

I nod to show I heard him, but my eyes are locked on Lucas' wolf. He stares back at me, his amber eyes glowing in the flickering light. The bond between us pulses, and I want nothing more than to go to him, to bury my face in his fur and share in his grief.

But Selene tenses beside me, a low whine escaping her. Ava, we should get in the car.

She sounds troubled, her ears still pricked towards the forest. Before I can even respond, Lucas bolts. His powerful legs propel him forward at a monstrous pace as he races in the direction Selene had been scenting.

"Ava, get in the car. Now!" Kellan barks, shoving me none-too-gently towards the vehicle.

Chaos erupts, snarls and growls that sound far too vicious for a simple hunt. Fear claws at my throat. Another fight? "What's happening?"

"They caught the scent of a vampire." Kellan practically throws me into the backseat before jumping behind the wheel. "They're on the hunt."

As we peel away from the scene, I twist in my seat to stare out the back window at the blazing pyres lighting the sky. The wolves are gone, vanished into the dark forest.

A vampire? Here?

Margot's warning slams into me, and I curse myself for not remembering sooner. "Kellan, Margot mentioned something about a vampire at Blackwood when she bulldozed her way to my room. I'm sorry. I was so focused on getting here that I forgot to warn you before we left."

Kellan curses under his breath and pulls out his phone, punching in a number. "Vester? Is everything okay there? Any sign of a vampire?" He's silent for a moment, listening. "Alright, keep me updated."

He ends the call and glances at me in the rearview mirror. "Vester says everything is peaceful in Blackwood, but he's sending his men out. You think the bloodsucker followed you here?"

My heart sinks like a stone.

"I don't know," I admit, hating how little information I have to give. "I got the impression it was a vampire that had business with Blackwood, not necessarily one associated with the Mad Prince."

Kellan's brows shoot up. "How do you know about the Mad Prince?"

I stumble over my words, not sure how much to explain. Only Lucas knows about Sister Miriam, and my instinct is to keep everything a secret still.

But that doesn't seem right.

It's Kellan. He wants Lisa back as much as I do. He's kept me safe at all costs. He was there when Lucas pulled me out of my parents' home.

I can't stop holding everyone at a distance. He's an ally I can lean on. Just like Vanessa tried to explain to me.

"It's a long story, but there's a vampire who was working with Blackwood. The one who sent the letter here. Sister Miriam? I met with her, and she told me that the Mad Prince is the one who took Lisa."

Kellan grunts. "That explains the lead Lucas brought me."

We've reached the alpha lodge. Kellan parks the car and turns to face me fully, his face grave.

"Ava, I know you've fought being brought here before, but we weren't prepared—"

"It's fine. I'm not going to fight you guys anymore." I meet his gaze with more confidence than I feel, as my heart tremors in my chest. "Our pack has lost too many lives because I was being stubborn. I never want that to happen again."

He watches me in silence before giving a sharp nod. "Good. I'm going to hunt down this motherfucker. You'll have two guards with you in the room, two outside, and several more in the area. Don't do anything until you hear from us. Not even if a vampire comes out front holding Lisa hostage—you don't leave your room.

Do you understand?"

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