Tangled in His Obsession Series

Chapter 62

Chapter 62
On this day, Seraphina was feeling particularly chil
Balch had the moming off and they had bakfast together, then he took her to an auction His orginal goal was to toga paiming but
when he tow how much Seraphina admired a sapphim jewelry set heplaced a bid ferit
Theewer aber bidsen, but in the end Batch went for a cretly penny
Once the auron was over Seraphina chuckled and said, “Mr Lawson, so you’re not afraid to drop some serious dough, hunt
To which Each responded, “Value is in the eye of the beholder if someone appreciates et prats wheers woles Would you do me
the honor Ms. Bennett?”
Seraphina laughed out loud, then nodded, “Wel since you’ve already bought it can hold onto it for a who
After the wacher, a swarm of reporters were waiting outside Balch wasnt.one for intergewe and Seraphina was used to dodging
tough questions, always managing to keep her cool and stay quiet.
Still, the news that Balch had splurged ona sapphire every ses and fed into Seraphina spread like fire, al quertown within an hour
In the afternoon Each ited to hire and Semphing warthome and posteli photos of the entire jewelry set on her social media She’d
had the amount for a whre but has tally posted anything, and had just a handful of follows. Thanks to the po of social media,
though, her past got shared over a thousand times
half an hour. Ten minutes later it had been shared”
She made hell a cup of coffee sipping and enjoying the frenzy on socialmedia. Just as interupting her. She frowned, but
bwas enjoying reading her direct messages, herp’onerang
Take you to Heynolds Manas
Ms. Bennett, el ‘ken Mi Reynolds asked me to pick you up
Hearing this Seraphina’s mind came to hah. Was Leandrs having en pick her up to help her with her publicity, or did he actually
want to see her? Either way, she couldn’t refuse. She had come this far
Thad no son to abandon her entire plan just becausec! Grunds
Tim at home’ she answered calmly “Come on over
At half-part four Keen picked up Seraphina and drove fer through the busy city to Reynolds Manot an hour later,
Andul the otherwise quiet mansion took on an even may desolate buta.
in the mansion, she came to a sudden hat. The dimly ithal was fled with
Seraphina rated the car and promptly headed inside. The moment the stepped int anbousted fumtus tharthapes sagi te dimness,
al pocket for a conspicuous whitechurt

Leandro was there seated alone on a rouch. The moment Sraphina entered, he sparked up a z garense. The flame hnefly illum
rated his lowered face His expression seemed dimached apathec, and had an undercument of danger
Seraphina hadn’t opted to find Leandro here at this hour Shouldn’t this workaholic typically being away
“Is something unmod with grandpa Senphins asked
e office past midnight?
Leandro sinaly Legal ha head, grany her a seemingly casual glance. Yes. Seraphina found it impossible to decipher his
emotions. Mut warding is inger, she humied upstairs
Upstairs, there was no one
Seraphina stood at Conway’s door standing qually for a wide then slowly understood Leandro did-lining her here to boost her
publicity, not for grandpa. He just. wanted to see het that was al. But what could be so important that he would take time out to
meet net a me in this house?
Seaphina walked is the sarcase and slowly descented The light in the room seemed even dance, and Leandro was still quietly
uefly sitting on the sofa tha only. movement was the flickering fame between his fingers
For a moment, Seraphinata childown her neck. But what was there to fear for someone who has already skelet
Descending Six 201, Seraphina took a seat next is leandro, She nonchalantly switched on a atrali table lamp positioned next to
the sola. The warm, orange light softly illuminated the aes around the sofa, where a glass of whiskey within stood on the
emailable in front of them. A ring of condensation on the glass indicated that had been left untouched for some m
The room was filed with anelusive and enchanting ambiance.
After a momentel sience, Seraphina turned to the man besitetet “What’s yourned mowe Me Beyroids?”
Slowly Crancio Mied his gaze and blew a cloud of umske mo Seraphina’s face.
“Make love to you”

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