Taming My Arrogant Husband

Chapter 121: Epilogue -- Part two

"I just realized how lucky I am, I mean my sister and I have been so lucky to have you both as our parents. And I know I haven't told you this, but I want to say thank you for everything that you've given me especially for introducing Sophia to me. You're the best parents a child could ever have so, thank you and happy father's, Dad."

"I told you, son, don't mention it as it was our obligation as parents. And by the way, happy father's day to you too."

I chuckled at his greetings, but of course, knowing my Dad, I just chose to ignore him and excused myself that I'm going to talk to Tatay Berto and Alex. For sure they were sharing again some jokes based on their body language.

"Happy father's day, Tatay Berto." I greet the old man when I stopped right in front of them.

"Thank you, Anak. Happy father's day too." He winked at me.

It's the second time that someone has greeted me happy father's day...what the hell is going on with them?

"Ahm... is there any occasion to celebrate today other than father's day?" I couldn't help asking again and again as no one answers my question.

"No, we're celebrating father's day only." Alex tapped my shoulder before his eyes passed through me.

I got confused as to why he's looking over my shoulder so, I turned around only to see my beautiful wife standing a few meters away from me.

My breath hitched seeing her in a purple floral sundress. Her hair was in a high ponytail which gives a brighter look on her face. I couldn't explain the excitement that arose within me as I began to take a step towards her... especially when she flashed me a smile. Oh, God! She doesn't even know that her smile always makes me weak, and her scent makes me jump out of my sanity. How did I get so lucky? "Hi, sweetheart. How's your---"

I didn't let her finish what she was going to say as I cupped her cheek, pulled her by her waist and kissed her deeply. She gasped in surprised but eventually returned the kiss and put her hands around my shoulders.

I don't know how long we were standing in the middle. But thank God that before we could drown in our emotions and completely forgotten that we were in the middle, a tiny voice scolded us from behind. "Hey! That's rated PG!"

We ended the kiss and my wife immediately bit her lower lip to control her laugher. It was Dino. His arms were crossed in front of his chest while his eyebrows almost formed a straight line. "That's rated PG, Uncle Dani!"

I chuckled...asking myself silently. Where in the hands of God did this 6-year-old kid get that idea?

"You shouldn't do that in front of the kids!" Dino added that makes everyone laugh. It's as if he's no longer a kid.

"Oops! I'm sorry, little guy. I just missed your Aunt and I couldn't control my emotion when I saw her so beautiful earlier."

"Hmmp!" He snorted. "Fine, I'll let you pass this time because it's your night, but not the next time!'

And since he's a kid, I didn't take his words seriously. I just let it passed through my ears like what I did with Dad and Tatay Berto's words. "Alright." I shrugged then turned to my wife. "I missed you." I didn't wait for her response. I pulled her again into a tight hug and she giggled. "Hey, it's not even a day that pass---"

"I know, but can you blame me? I couldn't even last a day without holding you." I released her to kiss her forehead. "Anyway, why were they all here?" "Uhmm... they were here to join us to celebrate today's special occasion." She shrugs but that just made me confused even more.

"Special occasion? What is it? Why haven't I informed about it?"

"But you've been since you entered the house."

"What? As I remembered, they were here because of fathers day celebration."


"W-Wait! I don't understand." The smile she gave me...makes me feel nervous up to my spine.

"Well, someone is going to be a father anytime soon."

"What? I mean, who---"

"Have you greet your father already?"


And because I misunderstood the meaning of her question, I started asking questions randomly.

"Y-You mean to say my Dad is going to be a father again?" I turned to my father frowning. "What the hell! How did it happen? Mom, do you know about this---" But my question was suspended in mid-air when they all shouted at the same time.

"Happy father's day, Daniel!"

Then confetti showered over me after their greetings. What did they say?

"Did I hear them correctly?" I remained shocked, confused and open-mouthed until Sophia stood in front of me with a small rectangular box in her hand. "W-What is this, sweetheart?"

"The answer to all the questions in your head since you came home tonight, sweetheart." I looked at her and noticed how happy the smile she wears as she waited for me to open the box. The folded white paper was the first thing I saw when I opened the box.

"Ultrasound result?"

"Uhuh." She nodded.

At that time, my chest started pounding faster and I don't know why. I think my mind already knew what the ultrasound result is for, but I still want to make sure so I asked her again. "I-Is this yours?" Everyone laughed at me. Yeah, I know that's a stupid question.

"Just read it."

And I did. My eyes have already scanned the paper. Holding my breath, I tried to ask the question that caused lumps in my throat

"You're pregnant...?"

I know it didn't seem like a question but when she nodded, tears started to form around my eyes and I didn't wait for any second to pull her and hold her tightly in my arms.

"Oh, God, sweetheart!" I screamed, scooping her by her waist and twirled her around. Her screams and laughter seem music to my ears, filling my heart with joy and so much love that I think has no end. "Be careful, son!

"Oh, God, Dani! She's damned pregnant! Put her down" I heard Mom and Rian scream at the same time.

When I put her down, I hold her tight against my chest like the way of protecting her as if she's the most delicate thing my hands could hold. I couldn't explain how I feel when she also wrapped her hands around me.

"I'm going to be a father," I whispered.

"Yes, sweetheart. In six months you'll become a father.

"Ahh...thank you! Thank you, sweetheart!" I said giving her kisses all over her face and then hugged her again. "You don't know how happy I am hearing your news."

I was about to kiss her in her lips when I noticed Dad shaking his head on me.

"Dad..." I called him awkwardly.

"How dare you, son. Do you really think I could cheat on your mother, huh?" We burst into laughter especially my Mom.

Yeah...how stupid of me to think about that ridiculous idea, right?

Well, I went to him and apologized as I hugged him tightly. And when I walked back to where my wife was standing put my hand on her belly. Sets of tears ran down my face before I found myself on my knees I with my hands rubbing the slight round of her belly.

"Hey, little one... how are you there? I-I don't know how to say this but...you surprised me, you really surprised your daddy. Please, be healthy, my little one, and I promise care of you and your mom. kwill love both of you more than my own life and I will do everything to protect you. Can you hear me, my baby?" I know that all eyes were on me, but I

don't mind them as I placed my ear

on Sophia's belly.

"Sweetheart, he's only three months, he still can't hear you." I heard my wife giggle, motioning me to stand up.

"He?" I glanced at her.

She nodded.

"What if it's a girl---I mean if she's a girl?"

"No, sweetheart, I know he's a boy."

"I don't think so. I believe he is a girl."

"Ohh, no... trust me, he's a boy. I know it because I can feel his movements inside me.


But I was interrupted when out of the blue, Alex laughter rang all over the living room. We all turned to him confused, including his wife.

"Oops! I just remembered

something." He shrugged, still

laughing. "I think this is the same

argument with what you guys had a

year ago when I ran to the penthouse and asked for your help because my wife was missing. You're also arguing then what gender our child would be...if it's a girl or a boy."


We shared a look, both having a known smile on our face.

"I think I remember now what he's talking about, Daniel Kelley. How about you? Do you still remember that day?"

I nodded.

"Yup, I do. I can clearly remember that day."

We stared into each other's eyes and smiled as our minds travelled into that day. The day where it all started.

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