Tales of temptation Greeds unlikely love

Chapter Tangled fates ( aurora’s pov)

In the abyss of nothingness, I felt a release—an escape from the pain that had enveloped me. The darkness held a certain allure, a sanctuary away from the torment I had known. But then, a voice emerged from the void—a voice that seemed to tug at my consciousness, pulling me back from the brink.

As my senses slowly returned, his face materialized—a visage of concern, of lost desperation. His tears painted a picture of sorrow that touched my heart, but I couldn't comprehend why he was crying for me. After all, what was I but a broken soul, lost in the shadows?

My eyes fluttered open, and there he was—my stranger, my beacon of light in the darkest corners of my life. His plea resonated in the air, the desperation of his words carving a path through the confusion that clouded my mind. He begged me to come back to him, his voice a lifeline that anchored me in a reality I struggled to grasp.

As my hand reached out to touch his face, I felt the dampness of his tears against my fingertips. A rush of empathy coursed through me—the desire to wipe away his pain, to offer solace to the one who had become my unexpected source of strength.

His gaze met mine—a connection that defied words, that transcended the barriers of our individual experiences. In that moment, I understood—the bond that had formed between us was no mere coincidence. He held my gaze, and I saw a reflection of my own longing mirrored in his eyes.

He spoke of not knowing how to live without me—a sentiment that echoed within me as well. For he had become more than just a stranger, more than just a fleeting connection. He was an obsession, a presence that had woven itself into the fabric of my existence, a presence that I couldn't fathom living without.

And as I looked into his eyes, a realization dawned upon me—it wasn't just him who felt greedy for me. I, too, was consumed by a longing, a desire that defied reason. In the midst of our tangled fates, I understood that our connection was a force beyond comprehension—a force that had taken hold of my heart and refused to let go.

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