Tales of temptation Greeds unlikely love

Chapter Clashes of desires (greeds pov)

The night air was heavy with the residue of our time together, the echoes of shared moments etched in my mind. A sense of contentment had enveloped me, a feeling that was as foreign as it was intoxicating. The encounter with Aurora had left me with a rare smile—a reflection of emotions I hadn't anticipated.

But as we strolled through the corridors of my domain, her words shattered the fragile tranquility that had settled within me. She mentioned the stranger—the one who had interrupted our conversation at the bar. My suspicions, once subtle whispers in the back of my mind, had gained a voice, and a sense of unease coursed through me.

The pieces fell into place—a puzzle that revealed the truth I had feared. The stranger was none other than my brother Lust—a revelation that stirred a tempest of emotions within me. Anger, frustration, and a seething jealousy roiled beneath the surface, threatening to eclipse the sense of happiness I had briefly known.

As I reached Lust's room, my irritation reached its peak. Without hesitation, I kicked down the door, the forceful entrance a testament to the storm that raged within me. The scene before me was a familiar one—Lust and his bed partners in a tangle of limbs and desires.

But his words, laden with his characteristic charm, only fueled my anger. His invitation, delivered with a lustful grin, was met with a glare that betrayed none of the turmoil within me. With an authoritative command, I dismissed the women, their presence an unwanted reminder of Lust's influence.

As they hurriedly exited the room, I turned my attention to Lust, his nonchalant expression a stark contrast to the tempest of emotions that consumed me. In an instant, I gripped him, my rage manifesting in a body slam that sent him crashing to the floor. His surrender was punctuated by a smile—a smile that taunted, that reveled in the chaos he had incited.

His words danced on the edge of mockery, his playful demeanor juxtaposed against my seething anger. But his insinuations only served to fan the flames of my frustration. And so, with a final warning, I released my grip and exited the room, my steps heavy with the weight of emotions left unspoken.

As the door closed behind me, I was left to grapple with the complexity of my feelings—the clash between the happiness I had found and the jealousy that now threatened to consume me. The journey ahead was fraught with challenges, and the connection I shared with Aurora would be tested in ways I could only begin to fathom.

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