Tales of Regventus Book Three: Raya

Chapter 5

Kedan sat in his sitting room by the fire drinking a glass of wine. It had been a long day. He had read message after message from people all over the kingdom. There were so many letters that kept coming for him. There was still a large pile on his desk at this moment. They were filled with news and worries. Leaders of villages worried that Aurumist soldiers had been patrolling their streets. There was news of shortages of supplies in areas of the kingdom. Some leaders needed help with sicknesses that were plaquing their villages. A couple of viceroys were unhappy with the changes they knew where going on in Aurumist. They worried what would happen when Golnar turned his eye towards their lands. They wanted Kedan to intervene, to try to make Golnar and others on the council understand that things didn’t need to change.

Kedan stared at the fire. He wasn’t sure things didn’t need to change. He knew there was much poverty in the kingdom. He had heard tales of people dying of hunger. He knew there were many who had no warm place to call home this winter. Things definitely needed to change, but Kedan wasn’t sure if Golnar’s way was what was needed. He had seen all the magic users that had been released. He had watched them trained. He had seen what many of the soldiers of Aurumist could do now. He had heard Golnar talk of magic users as the future and non-gifted people as having to find their place.

Kedan had asked over and over again what that meant. He was worried for his kingdom. He was worried for the people, especially those marked as non-gifted. His informant who had been messaging him since the river house had told him that those without magic would be tossed aside. They would be used for some purpose if they could, but if not, they would be left in underserved communities to starve. Some might even be killed by soldiers. Kedan didn’t know if he believed this. It sounded so heartless. Maybe he didn’t want to believe it.

He knew Golnar was getting frustrated with him. He was scared of Golnar. Kedan could admit that. Golnar had powers Kedan could never had. He also had Philo Quick on his side. Kedan didn’t know Philo well, but he seemed to be a power-hungry man with few scruples. With the two of them running the kingdom and Aurumist’s forces, Kedan could understand how someone would be worried about non-gifted people. It seemed whoever was in Golnar and Philo’s way were taken out somehow. Kedan knew they were probably starting to see him as an obstacle, but he couldn’t stop. He would have to protect his kingdom somehow.

He knew he was only the leader of the kingdom because of other’s hard work. His mother and father had planned and schemed to make him the Lord of the Kingdom. Golnar and Till had campaigned and made promises for Kedan to have his honorary title of king. It should be such an empty title, but to Kedan it meant something. If he was going to be called king, then he was going to act like it. He was going to do everything he could to be a good king.

As Kedan was thinking over these things, Teryn came into the room from the bedroom. He looked up at her in her nightgown. Her stomach was round with child. She walked over and sat down slowly next to Kedan in a chair.

“What are you thinking about, my love?” asked Teryn.

“The kingdom and what’s been going on. I’m not sure about these changes Golnar has been making.”

“How so? What are you worried about?” asked Teryn looking at Kedan.

“I’m worried about many things. I’m worried about all these people whose magic we have released, including you. Do we know if this will have unpleasant long-term effects? I’m worried about non-magic users, and what will happen to them in this new kingdom Golnar is dreaming up,” said Kedan putting down his glass and looking at Teryn.

“Kedan, you don’t need to worry about me or the other magic users. I feel fine. It was a little strange at first. Perhaps many of us went too far with our magic, but it has settled now. As for non-magical users, I thought Golnar said this would be a good thing for everyone. It will mean less poverty and need in the kingdom.”

“Yes, but how, Teryn? I’ve heard some things about what they plan to do to those who have no magical ability, and none of it sounds good. They are talked of as if they aren’t even living things worthy of respect.” Kedan shook his head.

“Who have you heard this from? Where are you getting these ideas?”

“I don’t know. It’s just from some people who have sent me messages. They have told me things, and I think I believe them. Teryn, I want to be a good king for the people. I don’t want people to get hurt, not for things they can’t control.”

Teryn leaned forward and took Kedan’s hand. She smiled slightly at him. “You are a good king, Kedan. You have been working so hard to help so many people. I know when something is new it’s scary. We don’t know what is going to happen. What you have heard are rumors and could very well be untrue. Have you asked Golnar about them?”

“I have. He won’t tell me much. He tells me to stay out of his affairs. He tells me to focus on what I am supposed to be doing. When I tell him, the kingdom’s work is what I’m supposed to be doing, he says I should just smile and tell the people what they want to hear. I know he is angry at me.”

Teryn looked at him with a startled look. “Has Golnar said he is displeased with you?”

“We have had a couple of arguments. He wants me to sit back and let him do whatever he wants, but is that really wise? Many people’s lives are at stake. What becomes of the kingdom is on my shoulders.”

Teryn took a deep breath. “Kedan, I think you should step back for a moment. I don’t want you to get hurt. Golnar has been planning this for a while. Why not see what happens at first?”

Kedan shook his head. “What good is my safety if my people suffer, Teryn? I know I have been a selfish man for most of my young life, but I don’t want to live like that anymore. The more I study the kingdom and hear from the people, the more I realize how much I have taken for granted. I can’t live my life in luxury and safety while those out there suffer.”

Teryn smiled sadly. She put her hand on Kedan’s face. “You put too much on yourself. Can you not focus on us just for a while and see what happens? Our child will be here soon. We will be so happy, the three of us. Focus on that and let what happens happen. Then you can see what needs to be done in the kingdom.”

Kedan grabbed her hand from his face, brought it down and held it. He looked into Teryn’s eyes. “How can I look at my child one day and not see all the children in the kingdom who are starving or homeless. I love you, Teryn. I love our child, but for me to be the father and husband I need to be, I have to be the king I should be. I want our child to grow up differently than me. I want him to grow up knowing his life means something. I want him to know what it is to serve his kingdom.”

Kedan looked at Teryn, and she had tears in her eyes. “Kedan, you are too much sometimes. I have loved you for so long, but I didn’t realize how much until recently. I can’t lose you. I can’t raise this child by myself. I need you to take care of yourself. I know I should care about the kingdom and the people, but what I really care about is you. If you aren’t safe, here with me, then I don’t care about the rest of the kingdom.”

Teryn broke down into tears. Kedan held out his arms, and she came to him. He held her in his lap. After a while he placed his hand on her stomach.

“Teryn, I do love you, and our child. You two are the most important things to me in the kingdom, but I have to help create a kingdom I want our child to grow up in. I have to help create a kingdom I want our child to lead. I will try to be careful. I will try to use caution and play along a bit, but I will stand up for what is right. I won’t do something just because it’s convenient or safe for me. You understand that, don’t you?”

Teryn nodded and snuggled up under Kedan’s chin. He held her and thought of what they had just discussed. Kedan sometimes wished he could close his eyes and ignore what was happening throughout the kingdom. He almost wished he could just focus on Teryn and their child. He was tempted at times to be as he was before. He could just go to parties and make appearances. He could smile for the crowds and half listen in council meetings. He could spend his life in leisure. He certainly had enough practice. It sounded appealing in ways, but it could not be. Now that he had made the choice to care, to be active in the kingdom, he could not go back.

Teryn moved from her position to where she was looking at Kedan. She had tears in her eyes as she placed her hand on Kedan’s cheek.

“Kedan, I love you so much,” said Teryn. “I would do anything to keep you safe, to keep you with me.”

Kedan nodded as Teryn continue to stare at him.

“Whatever I do, I want you to know it is because of love you. I never want to hurt you or deceive you; I just want to keep you from harm.”

Kedan looked confused. “What are you talking about, Teryn? You have never hurt me. I trust no one as much as I trust you.”

“Oh Kedan,” said Teryn with feeling. “Look at me, Kedan. I love you. You are such a good, good king. You have done so much, and you need to rest. You have done too much lately, and you need to rest. You will come to bed with me tonight, and tomorrow you will spend the day with me in our rooms.”

Kedan felt warm and sleepy. His head started feeling foggy. He had forgotten half of what he had said to Teryn. He felt so confused. “Teryn, what are you talking about?”

Teryn grabbed his face in both of her hands and stared at Kedan with tear filled eyes. “Kedan, you are tired, and you need a break. Come with me to our bedroom tonight. You will stay with me all day tomorrow.”

Kedan felt himself smile at Teryn. He was so tired and so filled with love for her. “Our bedroom? I should stay with you in our bedroom?”

“Yes, my love, our bedroom. Stay with me. I need you here with me. You need to be with me.”

Kedan’s eyelids felt so heavy. “Of course, Teryn. You are all that matters. I will stay with you. I am tired, and I need rest.”

Teryn stood up and took Kedan’s hand. She smiled at him sadly as he stood up. “Come with me, my love. Come to bed.”

“Yes, Teryn.” Kedan let Teryn led him to his bed. He was so tired; he would definitely need to rest tomorrow and maybe the day after.

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