Tales of Regventus Book 6: Aurumist

Chapter 26

Ansel followed Griffa closely as they entered the city. Fighting had already erupted all over the fifth ring as soldiers had been waiting for the magical folk to enter. Ansel and Talon had moved slightly behind Griffa so Kedan could walk at her side. Ansel could feel a shield surround them as Kedan raised his hand. Griffa moved her hand to the side to send some soldiers flying. Ansel moved his hands out sending a fierce wind at a group of soldiers fighting with some people from the Valley. Talon charmed some water from a nearby well and froze it in midair, sending spikes of ice at a group of Aurumist soldiers.

Ansel kept close to Griffa’s back as she made her way towards the fourth ring of the city. He worked with Talon to help clear a way for her and to watch her back. Griffa flung out her staff as she walked, causing soldiers to be thrown about. She held up her hand and threw some water from a nearby well onto a house that was burning.

As they got close to the entrance to the fourth ring a large group of soldiers came from the left. Kedan moved slightly ahead of Griffa and held out his hands, reinforcing his shield. Ansel and Talon moved ahead of Griffa throwing curses at the soldiers. Ansel produced some fire in his hand and threw it at the soldiers. It caused the group to split. Talon ran forward with his hand raised. He threw it out and a hard wind sliced through the air knocking down soldiers and twisting their bodies.

Talon and Ansel continued to advance in front of Griffa. Ansel saw a couple of curses sent by her fly past him. They sliced through a group of soldiers, leaving bloodied bodies in his wake. Ansel was throwing a curse when he heard a loud noise behind him. He turned to Talon who was looking behind him. Talon yelled out Griffa’s name as Ansel turned. A large stone wall was falling right towards Griffa.

Talon had thrown out his hands, but whatever he sent wouldn’t make it in time. Griffa turned, seeing the wall coming towards her. Right before the wall would hit her, Hector Delis ran up to her and pushed her out of the way. She fell into Kedan, and they both hit the ground and rolled. Ansel looked at the rubble and saw that it had covered Hector Delis.

Talon had turned and was throwing curses at soldiers coming at them. Ansel watched a moment more as Malchom looked at the rubble, and Desmona came running up to where her father had been. Malchom yelled at Griffa to go, and she ran towards Ansel with Kedan by her side. Ansel turned and helped Talon take out the last of the large group of soldiers that had been in front of them.

He ran into the fourth ring with Griffa at his side. The stopped for a moment by a large building to catch their breath. Ansel looked at Griffa and saw that she had tears in her eyes.

“Hector,” said Griffa breathlessly. “He’s gone.”

“I know,” said Ansel. “I saw it.”

“He died because of me. It doesn’t seem fair.”

“He died doing what he wanted to do, Griffa.” Ansel looked around to make sure they were safe for a moment. “He wanted to make it up to you for what he had done to your father and you.”

Griffa nodded. “We have to get to the temple so I can stop all of this.”

“Do you know what you will do when you get there?” asked Ansel.

“No, but I know I have to go there. The gods are drawing me there now. Let’s go.”

Griffa looked at Kedan and then ran from the building and through the fourth ring as Talon and Ansel ran behind them. Griffa threw up her hands to clear the way as Ansel and Talon stayed close enough to keep within Kedan’s shield. Soldiers threw curses at them, trying to stop them, but it did them no good. Their curses would deflect away from all of them.

When they entered the third ring, the people from the Valley were all engaged with Aurumist soldiers. There were soldiers everywhere. Griffa stopped and raised her hand and staff, and one of the groups of soldiers was thrown into the air. She brought her staff down, and the soldiers hit the ground hard. Their bodies were broken and bleeding.

She turned to another group and swept out her hand and staff. Soldiers all doubled over and fell to the ground dead. She turned to another group, and Talon grabbed her and pulled her close. “We have to keep going, Griffa. Let your people fight for you. You said we need to get you to the temple.”

“It’s hard to just leave them here, Talon. I want to help them.”

“They know what they are doing. You will honor them by keeping yourself safe, and doing what you need to do, now keep moving to the next ring.”

Griffa nodded as Talon let go of her arm, and she moved forward towards the entrance to the second ring. There weren’t many soldiers there, just a couple of groups. They turned towards Griffa as she entered. Kedan threw out his hands, and one of the groups was blown back on their backs. She raised her staff, and they flew up in the air and far away into the large field behind the library.

They moved on to the first ring to find it was eerily quiet. There were no soldiers anywhere, and no one walking about. The pathways were deserted, and the homes seem to be shut up. The only sound was distant fighting from the other rings and the harsh cold wind that was blowing that day.

Griffa looked around as she moved towards the palace. Ansel kept at her back looking for any movement. Talon did the same. Kedan kept up his shield as they walked along. They were met by no one as they came upon the pathway that ran in front of the palace. Griffa turned to the right and walked towards a large building that Ansel knew must be the temple.

As they approached the temple, he heard footsteps coming from somewhere in the first ring. He turned to see Philo Quick leading a group of soldiers. Talon reacted quickly, and he sent out a curse at Philo. Philo held out his hand and Talon’s curse deflected harmlessly. Ansel threw out a couple of curses, and Philo waved his hand. The curses deflected away to the sides.

Ansel looked at Talon. Something was wrong. Philo should not have been able to deflect any of those curses so easily. Ansel glanced behind him to see Griffa staring at Philo. Kedan was by her side with a shield in place around them. Philo smiled and threw up his hands sending a hard spell hurdling towards them. The spell broke through Kedan’s shield and threw all of them different ways. Ansel fell to his side. He looked over to see Talon rolling over and standing up. He looked behind him to see Kedan running over to Griffa. He stood up and ran towards Griffa. Talon got there at the same time. They both covered Griffa and Kedan as Kedan helped her up.

“What was that?” asked Griffa

“Philo has done something to himself,” said Talon. “He’s more powerful. I can feel it.”

Griffa nodded. “I can too. We have to get into the temple.”

Ansel looked to their left to see the temple was very close. “We need to throw everything we can at Philo, Talon. Griffa, you and Kedan run for the temple, we will follow you.”

Talon raised his hand as Ansel did the same. They both sent multiple curses at Philo as Griffa and Kedan ran for the temple. Philo raised his hand and pushed out. The curses rebounded and came flying back towards Ansel and Talon. Ansel threw up a block, but Talon and Ansel were both thrown off their feet several feet back.

Ansel felt the breath get knocked out of him as he hit the hard stone of the path. He lay there gasping for a minute as Talon struggled to sit up next to him. Ansel finally sat up to see Philo advancing on Griffa. He had his hand up. She was next to the temple door and seemed to not be able to move. Philo flicked his hand and Kedan was thrown to the side. He moved his hand again and Griffa was thrown through the door of the temple.

Ansel stood up and offered his hand to Talon who took it got up. They both ran towards the temple. Soldiers stood in front of the broken door as Philo entered. Talon raised his hands and fire formed in both of them. He threw them out and the flames ran through the soldiers. Some dropped where they were, others fled on fire.

Ansel and Talon ran to the entrance as Kedan got to his feet. He joined them as they entered the temple. They hurried past the fountain in the front, Ansel glancing at the twelve faceless statues that encircled the fountain. They walked into the main room of the temple to see Griffa laying in the middle of the floor in the bare circle formed by the benches around it.

Philo was standing over her, and he had a knife in his hands. A few benches seemed to have been pushed to the side to make room for a magical fire that had a kettle set up over it. Helmer stood next to it, brewing some foul-smelling potion. Next to the fire was Marcus with Cassia Delis by his side. Marcus looked dazed. He was breathing heavily with his eyes half opened.

“Philo, you can’t do this,” said Talon furiously. “You will destroy the kingdom.”

Philo laughed. “I will make this kingdom as it should be. Once I take this right to rule, I will usher in a new era where magical folk are in power as they always should have been. I will show you all I am the chosen ruler of Regventus.”

“But you’re not,” said Griffa weakly. “The gods will not let you do this. They will destroy this kingdom before they let you rule.”

Philo looked down at her and sneered. “You think the gods have chosen you, Gryphon? Why would they do that? You are weak and pathetic. You cannot do the necessary things that need to be done. You would rather show mercy and help the non-gifted. Whatever have they done for you or any of us?”

“They are the people of this kingdom. They deserve the same respect and rights as you and me. I have seen them show great kindness and bravery. If we don’t find a way to live together, our kingdom cannot stand. You will be the ruin of Regventus, Philo.”

Philo bent down over Griffa. He raised his hand, and Griffa flew into the air. He lowered it, and she slammed down hard on the ground. She let out a cry of pain. Ansel shuddered and cried out as she hit the ground, his head was full of panic and anger. He looked at Philo, wanting nothing more than to rip his head off of his body.

Talon moved his hands and threw a curse at Philo. It was absorbed by some shield that seemed to cover most of the room, keeping Talon, Ansel, and Kedan away. Talon walked forward and stopped. He put his hands out and looked at Ansel. Ansel moved forward until he was stopped by the shield in front of him. He could not get any closer to Philo or Griffa.

“I could kill all three of you now,” said Philo looking at Talon, Kedan, and Ansel. “It would be easy, but I think I’ll let you watch first. I’ll let you see what I do to your queen. Then when I have my right to rule, I will be done with all three of you.”

Ansel looked down at Griffa to see she was moving slightly. Her eyes were closed, and she was moaning. He glanced at Talon who seemed to be leaning against the shield as he stared at Griffa. Kedan walked to the other side of Talon. He had his hand up and was watching Griffa. Talon straighten himself and threw a spell at the shield in front of him. He tried again and again but nothing would break through. He stopped and turned to Ansel.

“What can we do?” asked Talon desperately.

Ansel didn’t know. They had to do something, didn’t they? He couldn’t stand there and watch Griffa die. He moved closer to Talon and stared at Griffa. She opened her tear filled eyes and stared at them. She reached out for them as Philo turned to Helmer.

“Griffa,” Talon whispered as tears fell down his cheeks.

Ansel spread out his hand on the shield. He wanted to something to get to her, but there was nothing to be done. He could feel the power coming off the shield. Nothing he could throw at it would work. Ansel looked at Kedan who was intensely staring at Griffa with his hand up. Their only hope was Kedan and his protector’s magic.

“The potion is ready, Philo. It is time,” said Helmer.

Philo smiled and raised his knife as he walked slowly over to Griffa. Ansel couldn’t breathe as he stared at Griffa, knowing there was no way he could help her.

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