Tales of Regventus Book 6: Aurumist

Chapter 11

Ansel slowly blinked his eyes open. Everything was very blurry. He knew he was in a bed, and he was cold. He reached over for Griffa to pull her close when he grabbed an arm that did not feel right. He blinked his eyes again, trying to focus. He looked over and saw Talon staring at him with half opened eyes. Ansel rolled over and sat up. He put his hand to his head as a pain shot through it.

“What are you doing here, Talon?” asked Ansel as he rubbed his head.

“What are you talking about? This is my bed,” replied Talon sleepily.

Ansel looked around. He could see they were in Keene Manor in the room Talon usually stayed. The room spun, and Ansel laid back down.

“How did we get here?” Ansel put his hand over his eyes.

“I think Griffa brought us up here. I don’t know how we got to Abscon, but I distinctly remember walking with Griffa. I think she might be angry with us.”

Ansel tried to think of what had happened. He remembered being in a village and eating lunch. Something had happened after that. Had they been drinking? It felt like they had been drinking. He had foggy memories of talking to some women. He remembered seeing Max and being pulled out of a window. He also remembered holding Griffa as he fell asleep.

The door of the room opened, and Ansel heard Talon groan as someone slammed it shut. Ansel took his hand off his eyes to see Griffa walking towards the bed in a dark blue dress. She laid something on a table by the bed on Talon’s side before walking to the foot of the bed, and jumping on it, right in the middle of Talon and Ansel. Ansel shook his head as the movement of the bed made his stomach roll.

“Well, good evening, you two,” said Griffa loudly. “It’s about time you woke up.”

“Griffa,” groaned Talon, “Can you not talk so loudly?”

Griffa as leaned over Talon. “Am I talking loudly, Talon? I really can’t tell.”

“What happened?” asked Ansel looking at Griffa. “How did we get back to Abscon?”

“You were taken by some magical folk in that village. I’m not sure if they found you in the state you were in or they put you in it. We came, got you, and brought you here. Whatever happened to you before that, I’m not sure. From what you told me this morning, it sounded very interesting.”

Ansel wondered what they had said to Griffa that morning. The way she was talking, it could not have been good.

“Griffa, you have something for us to take for these headaches, don’t you? Are you going to torture us all night?” asked Talon.

Griffa sighed. “I had thought about letting you tough out the consequences of over drinking, but I’m not sure it’s your fault.”

Ansel watched as Griffa leaned over Talon. She picked up the two vials she had put there and moved back to sitting between Talon and Ansel. She handed each one of them a vial.

Ansel sat up and opened his, drinking every bit of it. He felt the warm liquid fill his body, settling his stomach and clearing his head. He looked a Griffa who had her hand out. He handed her the vial and smiled at her. She gave him a half smile before collecting Talon’s vial and putting them both in her pocket.

“Do you two want to tell me what happened to you?”

“I honestly don’t remember much,” said Talon sitting up. “We had gone to the village and worked all morning with the sick. A young woman showed us where to get lunch. After that I only have vague memories of talking to some women, and walking here with you.”

“We must have been given something,” said Ansel. “I remember feeling dizzy at lunch. I think they must have had us drink whatever it was a few times. I believe I remember Max coming in and taking us out of a window.”

“I received a letter stating you were being held, and I was told to come alone and turn myself in. If I did not, they would kill you. With Daracha’s help, I was able to come to the village with Max, Addie, Kedan, Daracha, and some of her people. She had ways to hide magical folk from detection. Max and Addi were able to get both of you out. Everything went to plan until Philo showed up.”

Ansel turned his head sharply to Griffa. “Philo showed up?” He felt his stomach turn again, this time at the thought of Griffa being harmed by Philo.

“Yes, but it was fine. With Kedan’s help I was able to get everyone out of the village safely. I traveled here with Kedan, and then walked you two home. We all had some very interesting conversations.”

Ansel looked at Talon who shrugged.

Griffa smiled at both of them. “We can talk about it later. You two should get cleaned up. Dinner will be soon, and you both haven’t eaten in a while.” She patted both their legs. “I am glad to have both of you back safe.” She turned and kissed Talon on the cheek before turning to Ansel and pecking him on the lips as she rolled over him to get out of the bed.

Ansel watched her as she walked to the door. She opened it and looked at Ansel and Talon. “I will say that I think you have severely disturbed my protector with your conversations this morning. I am also very interested to hear about your Margie, Ansel.” With that Griffa walked out the door and closed it.

Ansel turned to Talon. “You told her about Margie?” he asked angrily.

“I don’t know. Maybe you did.”

Ansel rolled out of bed. He collected his cloak and hat and went to the room he shared with Griffa. He found that Griffa had the tub filled with water, and he bathed, trying to remember what had happened. Whatever did happen, it seemed he and Talon had somehow put Griffa in danger. What if Philo had gotten her? It would have been his fault because he had not been vigilant enough.

Ansel dressed and walked down to the dining room to find everyone around the table. He took the open seat next to Talon and across from Griffa.

She looked up at him as he sat down. “Are you feeling better?”

“Yes, much better,” said Ansel as he filled his plate.

He looked over next to Griffa to see Kedan looking at him darkly. Throughout the meal Kedan gave Ansel and Talon dirty looks. Ansel looked at Talon questionably, but Talon only responded with a small shrug. Dinner was mostly quiet with only Griffa and Addi having conversation periodically. Kedan would only look at Talon and Ansel as Max sat silently at the head of the table seeming to be considering something.

After dinner, they all moved to the parlor. Kedan and Addi sat on either side of Griffa on the sofa, leaving Ansel to sit in nearby chair with Talon in a chair next to him. Max sat by the fire and stared into it. Ansel watched Griffa and noticed that Kedan often took her hand. He wondered if something was wrong with her. He looked closer at her and saw that she looked very tired. She soon excused herself to go to bed early, and Addi offered to accompany her upstairs.

“I’ll go with you as well,” said Ansel staring to rise.

“Actually, I would like to have a word with you and Talon,” said Kedan stopping him.

Max looked over and got up. “I think I will go to bed. It has been a long day.”

He left the room, leaving Kedan alone with Ansel and Talon. Kedan looked at them from the sofa.

“I’m not sure what happened to you. I’m not sure how much of what did is your fault, but whatever did happen put our queen in extreme danger.”

“Do you think we wanted to be in the state we were in?” asked Talon. “Neither of us remember how it happened. We were tricked.”

“You weren’t being aware. You should have been more cautious. Saving both of you put not only our queen at risk, but Max, Addi, Daracha, and her people in danger as well. If Griffa had not been thinking quickly when Philo showed up, Daracha and her people could have perished, and our queen could have been taken. Do you think we would have gotten to her in time to save her, in the condition you were both in?

“I don’t even want to get started on the display you both put on this morning. You embarrassed Griffa, and I’m surprised she is still talking to either of you. I will not have any of it. You will both start behaving as men worthy of our queen’s devotion, or I will find a way to send you both away whether Griffa agrees or not.”

Talon started to say something, but Ansel looked at Talon and shook his head.

“You are right, Kedan,” said Ansel looking down. “We weren’t being careful enough. We were stupid.” Ansel turned to Talon. “I feel like all we have done lately is add to Griffa’s burdens and put her in danger.”

Talon closed his eyes and nodded. “We have not done right by our queen. All that matters to me is Griffa’s well-being. I will do better.”

“Griffa is better than either of you deserve. I think she might be too good for this kingdom, and you should remember that when you are acting like fools. I’m going to go check on our queen, and go to bed. I suggest you both spend some time working out whatever you need to amongst yourselves and be ready to move on. I think things are going to change very quickly with what Griffa has learned at Daracha’s.”

“What did Griffa learn at Daracha’s?” asked Ansel as he and Talon both looked at Kedan.

“I will let our queen tell you tomorrow. You may not like what she has to say or what she has done, especially you Talon, but you will not question it,” said Kedan as he stood up.

Talon looked at Ansel and then nodded at Kedan. “I will trust whatever our queen has decided.”

“See that you do.” Kedan turned and walked from the room.

“We have messed up, Ansel. I’d like to think some of it was not our fault, but we have been stupid and careless. I can’t imagine how I would feel if Philo had taken Griffa or hurt her somehow,” said Talon throwing his head back in his chair.

“We will have to do better,” said Ansel sitting forward in his chair with his head down. “We cannot do anything to put Griffa in more danger. We need to do whatever she needs from us; starting with us both getting along.”

“I will stop trying to irritate you. It is fun, but it is not good for anyone. I can’t promise I won’t argue with you when you are wrong, but I will not let it become a problem.”

“I will try to understand your relationship with Griffa, Talon. I do trust you both, and I know she needs you in her fight for the kingdom. I will try to keep in mind how much you care about her, before I speak in anger.”

“I wonder what Griffa learned at Daracha’s, and why I particularly won’t like it,” said Talon.

“We will have to wait for Griffa to tell us when she is ready. I think she was too tried tonight to do much of anything. I should probably go check on her. Hopefully, she lets me stay with her tonight.”

“She will,” said Talon. “She forgives easily. Kedan is right. She is better than either of us deserve.”

“We may never deserve her, but we need to at least work on being a little worthy of her love.”

Ansel walked from the parlor and up the stairs towards the room he shared with Griffa. He met Kedan just as he was closing to the door to Griffa’s room.

“Is Griffa alright?” asked Ansel.

“She is tired. It has been a hard day for our queen. There are also many things weighing on her about the kingdom,” replied Kedan as he blocked the door from Ansel.

“I will not add to her worries, Kedan. I just want to be with her and take care of her the best I can.” Kedan eyed Ansel and then moved aside. “I appreciate how well you take care of her as her protector, Kedan. It has been hard giving up the right to serve Griffa as her protector, but I am thankful for the job you have done.”

“Protecting our queen is my duty, but it also what I want to do. Griffa is truly the best person I have ever met. After spending more time with her, I really do believe she is too good for this kingdom, but I hope the gods let her rule over it for many years,” said Kedan. He looked at Ansel and then walked to his own room.

Ansel opened the door to Griffa’s room and quietly walked in. She was on her side of the bed in her night gown, facing Ansel. Her eyes were closed, and she appeared to be asleep. He thought of leaving to his old room to not disturb her, but he couldn’t take being apart from her. He wanted to just lie next to her. He got ready for bed before carefully laying down and turning to look at Griffa.

She was so beautiful. She looked so peaceful and relaxed in her sleep. Ansel couldn’t help but reach out to her. He lifted his hand and touched her soft cheek. He lightly traced the faded scar he could barely see. He was filled with so much love for her. How he had ever earned her love, he did not know, but he would not waste it. He would do better. He would be whoever she needed him to be. He would do whatever she needed. Ansel watched as Griffa’s eyes fluttered open. She looked at him and smiled.

“I’m sorry to wake you,” said Ansel quietly. “I should have left you to yourself.”

“No,” said Griffa stretching lightly. “I would rather you be here with me. I missed you these past two nights.”

“Griffa, I am sorry for the trouble I have caused you. I’ve been an idiot.”

“You’ve been a little silly, but I do not blame you for the trouble in the Grasslands. You were drugged and taken. It is not your fault.”

“I should have been more vigilant. I let my guard down, and you almost paid the price for it. I will do better.” Ansel put his arm around her, and she moved closer to him.

“We will all have to do better. We will have to go to Aurumist soon. I learned some things at Daracha’s that I can’t ignore.”

“Kedan mentioned it. What did you learn?” asked Ansel.

“I don’t want to talk about it tonight. I will tell you tomorrow,” said Griffa as she leaned forward and kissed him.

“I agree,” said Ansel, “there are things I would much rather do than talk.”

He leaned forward to kiss her when she spoke. “I would like to know more about this Margie you and Talon have spoken of.”

Ansel leaned back and sighed. “It was a long time ago, Griffa. I was young and stupid. I haven’t seen her in years. I don’t even know how she remembered me.”

Griffa smiled and laughed. “I was joking Ansel. Don’t be so serious. I know you have a past, and you know I have one as well. At least yours doesn’t sleep down the hall from us as mine does.”

“She is very much in the past. I haven’t been with anyone else since I kissed you for the first time during the spring festival.”

“You didn’t go visit your Margie all those months you were close to her in the Valley training your guards?” asked Griffa.

Ansel leaned forward. “I did try once, but found I could not do it. My head was too full of you. I loved you then. I was too blind to see it, but I was very much in love with you.”

“I almost went to the Valley a few times after you kissed me that spring and left. I was lonely and confused. I thought to go to Talon, but I couldn’t do it. I didn’t want him. I wanted you.”

“You should have come to the Valley and found me. You should have come and talked some sense into me.”

Griffa laughed. “What would you have done if I had gone to the Valley and demanded you speak to me of us? What would you have done if I had grabbed you in front of all your guards and kissed you?”

“I know what I would have liked to have done,” said Ansel as he laid his forehead against hers.

“What would that be?” asked Griffa quietly.

“I can show you now if you would like,” said Ansel before kissing her.

The next morning, they all met in the parlor so Griffa could explain what had happened at Daracha’s. Everyone sat except for Griffa and Kedan. Griffa stood in front of the fireplace as her protector stood to her left, watching her.

“Daracha had an unexpected guest who wished to see me at dinner the first night we were there,” said Griffa looking at the Ansel and Talon who were on the sofa.

“Did you know this guest?” asked Ansel.

“Yes, quite well. I have known him all my life.” Griffa looked at Talon. “He is quite well known to you, Talon.”

Talon looked at Ansel and then at Griffa. “Who was it, Griffa?”

“It was Devland Clarke,” answered Griffa staring at Talon.

Talon stood up off the couch. “Daracha let that man into her house? Did she not know what he had done to you?”

“She knew. He explained everything to her. She let him into her home because he said he could help me,” explained Griffa.

“Help you?” scoffed Talon. “He said he would help you? How could he possibly help you? You should have cursed him as soon as you saw him. I know I would have.”

“Sit back down, Talon,” commanded Griffa.

Talon crossed his arms and looked at her as Kedan stepped forward slightly, staring at Talon. Talon sighed and dropped his arms, sitting heavily on the sofa.

“He had news from Aurumist. It seems more newly released magical users have fallen ill. There are many who are sick, and Camelia is caring for them in the Belles Mansion.” Griffa paced a little in front of the fireplace.

“What can be done to help them?” asked Ansel.

“I’m not sure,” replied Griffa. “Max and I have both been looking at the elixir that was used by Golnar, but we haven’t found any way to combat what has been done.”

“The problem is the intent of Golnar was made into the potion,” said Max. “You will excuse me for saying so Kedan, but even your wife’s motives and intentions may have tainted the elixir. I believe her blood was used for a good deal of the elixir that was made.”

“Teryn wanted power and position. She worked with Golan to get it,” said Kedan looking down.

Griffa reached out and took Kedan’s hand. “She also wanted you, Kedan. She loved you. Her way of getting you may have been wrong, but don’t forget that she did love you.”

“What else did Devland have to say?” asked Talon.

“He said Philo has no idea what is going on in the city. He said Helmer is the new Viceroy of Aurumist, and he believes Helmer is working on trying to create more elixir to release magical users,” replied Max.

“After he told you all this, why did you let him go?” asked Talon. “Addie, you are on the council, and you know what he did to our village. You know what he did to our queen and Max.”

“He offered to serve our queen,” replied Addie quietly. “I wanted to curse him on site. I was ready to hold him to face you, Talon, but our queen decided otherwise.”

“Really, Griffa?” asked Talon. “Why would you let him go?”

“He said he could spy in the city for us. He agreed to send me regular messages,” said Griffa. “He said he would fight for me when we came to take the city.”

“And you decided to believe him and let him go?” asked Talon angrily. “He was on my council, and he destroyed my village. What gives you the right to let him go?”

Griffa looked sternly at Talon. “My right as you queen. I judged it was best we let him go so he could be useful. If he lives through the war, he will be turned over to you to do as you see fit.”

“She was right to do it,” defended Max. He stood up and joined Griffa at the fireplace. “I know you are angry, Talon, but he is more useful to us alive and in the city, than dead at your hand.”

“You told me last night you wouldn’t question our queen’s decision,” reminded Kedan moving close to Griffa and looking at Talon. “I understand your village had many losses, but he hurt Griffa and Max as well. This was not an easy decision for our queen, and she made it not for personal reasons, but for the kingdom.”

Talon looked at Kedan and then Griffa. He closed his eyes and nodded.

“I understand your anger at him, Talon,” said Griffa. “He will face consequences for his crimes someday. I swear to you.”

Ansel understood Talon’s anger. He wondered how he himself would have acted had he been at Daracha’s and come face to face with Devland. He wanted Devland to pay for what pain he had caused Griffa and Max, but Griffa’s decision was right. What they were fighting for was bigger than personal reasons.

“What will we do next?” asked Ansel looking at Griffa. “Will we go back out into the kingdom with the cure?”

“No,” said Griffa as she turned to Kedan. “Kedan, we will send out your guards with the cure to all areas of the kingdom. They will take it to villages we send them to and give it to healers. They will not linger in any of these villages as it will not be safe for them to do so.”

“It will be done my queen,” said Kedan.

“We have met with many leaders of magical villages. The ones we haven’t met we will send messages. If they wish to meet with us, they will come here. Soon, we will hold a meeting with the Ring, the council of the Valley, and every leader of every magical villages we can manage.”

“Will you be able to stay in Abscon, Griffa?” asked Ansel. “Will you be able to resist helping you people?”

“It will be difficult,” admitted Griffa. “But even if I am out in the kingdom amongst the ill, I will be affected by what is happening in the city. The truth is Regventus is an unwell kingdom. If we just keep treating the symptoms, it will never recover. The time is coming where we must figure out how to cure it completely. Unless I feel I am desperately needed somewhere in the kingdom, I will stay here and plan.”

Max took Griffa’s hand and looked at her. “I am with you, my queen. Whatever you have to do, I will help you do it. I will work hard to try to figure out how to help the released magical users. There must be something to combat the effects of the elixir.”

“I will help Kedan with the guards if he wishes,” said Ansel. “I know he could handle it, but I would be happy to help him coordinate groups to go out in the kingdom.”

“I will be happy to have your assistance, Ansel,” said Kedan.

“I can help Max and also keep brewing the cure here. I am not bad with potions. I can also coordinate the cure effort in the Valley. It will be a burden you do not need,” said Addi smiling.

Talon got off the sofa and walked over to Griffa. He took her hand. “I am sorry I questioned you my queen. Your decision was correct.”

“You are always welcomed to question my decisions, Talon. I only ask that you try to see my reasons before you dismiss them completely.”

“As the second chair on your Ring, I should know better than to think you don’t do anything without a good reason. I always support you, Griffa,” said Talon as he took her hand and kissed it quickly. He moved to her side. “I will help you contact leaders throughout Regventus. If they need convincing to come meet you in Abscon, I can go out and persuade them. Whatever you might need, I am here.”

“I appreciate all of your support. We will move on Aurumist as soon as we can arrange it. I don’t know why, but I have a feeling the longer we wait, the harder it will be to combat Philo and his forces. You should all plan to celebrate mid-winter in Aurumist this year.”

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