Taken by my mate

Chapter Chapter thirty-six


I wasn’t going to catch him.

Fuck I’m not going to catch him.

I couldn’t give up total control to Emrys, he wasn’t thinking rationally these days and whatever Garrett was planning would be a well calculated defence. He would still be faster, but if I could use Emrys it would give me something more behind my strides. I knew why Covyn had stayed behind, but I had watched Garrett fight before he was sent to the cells and knew it would be bloody.

Alphas are naturally stronger and faster, it comes with the position, and he having any lead at all would only change if I could be faster. I saw with horror that Evadiene was sitting on the railing of their bedroom deck, but she couldn’t see us. I knew she heard us, as she looked into the darkness and I was scared that snarling or barking to warn her would startle her into falling.

He would need to shift to get up the stairs, and that would be enough time for her to run inside to safety, but he didn’t aim for the stairs. Colliding with some of the deck supports sent the structure rattling and she tumbled off landing limply on his back and sliding off onto the ground. She didn’t move or make any sounds, so she must have hit her head in the fall, or passed out from fear during the fall.

I saw Garrett circle around looking for her, finding her laying in the grass and sniffing at her. I growled lowly and he seemed to realize for the first time that he had been followed. He stepped in front of her and kicked dirt back toward her like he was marking his territory.

‘She doesn’t even smell like him and those marks look repulsive. What kind of mate has your alpha really been?’ He thought to me in the mind link.

‘I suppose you think yourself an improvement?’ I returned, trying to get him to circle away from her; unsuccessfully.

‘Absolutely not.’ His lips pulled into a toothy grin. ‘But she would always smell like me and her marks would be so well tended to that her pussy would always be wet, except when I could lick it dry. A little know intimidation tactic is greeting others when your breath smells of pussy.’

‘I know, but it doesn’t have the same effect when you smell like cock. Listen I know prison was lonely but did you have to suck so many?” I scoffed.

His ego was huge, and that was enough to make him furious. He lunged for me and we started to wrestle, not far enough from the Luna in my opinion. I tried to toss him farther away but he got my front leg in his mouth and snapped the ankle. Teeth were gnashing and claws flew. By the end of it we would both need medical attention, if we both lived. I was hindered by worrying about the Luna, but he had no such restrictions or concerns for her.

We hadn’t been fighting long but he had gotten too many hits on me, and I was slowing down. I managed to get myself between him and the Luna, growling towards him but no longer attacking.

‘Spencer!’ I felt the Alpha mind linking with me and I startled by the sudden clarity in my thoughts.

‘Yes Alpha, Garrett was after the Luna,’ I began but the Alpha’s growl in my head was so loud it could have shook my eye balls and I had to pause. ‘She was on the desk of your bedroom. She fell, she will be okay, but Garrett is still fighting.’

‘I’m on my way,’ was the cold return.

If Alpha Stone didn’t subdued him first, our Alpha would tear Garrett to shreds, and I wouldn’t be mad if he then made me clean it up for failing. Despite no longer being her personal guard, it was the entire packs job to protect the Luna, and I hadn’t done that. I heard Ellion and Daley before I got their mind link and immediately worried what Covyn was going to do to us after Garrett was handled.

Ellion had sent Daley ahead to be with the Luna while he handled a matter in the kitchen. Daley had knocked and knocked, even rattling the doorknob, for the Luna but she heard no reply, probably because she was of human hearing and on the deck. The door was reinforced so they couldn’t break in, but when Ellion caught up they had gunned it for the next room and jumped out a window to check in through her balcony window. Once outside they heard the commotion and shifted to join me.

Garrett began backing up now with three of us, but then he looked at me. ‘I have nothing left to lose.’

He ran at us, fighting to inflict pain and injury over getting to the Luna. All he wanted was a small opening and then he would risk his own pain and injury to get at her. What he wanted anymore I couldn’t be sure, but I could see his fighting get sloppy and unpredictable the longer he tried.

Navi came out of the darkness seeing pure red as he took Garrett out. Alpha Stone was right behind him in both a rage and a panic. I’m sure in those moments before our Alpha and Garrett started fight he wondered who he should help.

I couldn’t hold my form any longer and I could feel every bone in my body break and break again, the pain bringing me onto my knees. Ellion and Daley shifted back beside me and I waved them back to check on the Luna. Ellion picked her up and handed her to Daley before coming back to me.

“She’s going to be fine, nothing broken,” he said, gripping me under the arm and tossing me over his shoulder.

I had failed her in a lot of ways over the course of the day.



I woke up slowly, first smelling that scent of residual bleach and disinfectant, and then noticing the stiff bed I was on. My eyes opened slowly, and I tried to keep my breathing slow and controlled but I could hear my own heart racing. I turned my head and I could see I was in the medical bay, hooked up to a heart rate monitor. People rushed over to me quickly as I sat up, in the corner of an open room, and I saw Spencer beside me.

My eyes grew wide at the amount of blood on him. “I’m fine, help Spencer,” I demanded, wanting to move to check on him but knowing I should stay out of the way.


“Quiet you, don’t distract them while they work.” My face fell as the moments before I passed out came back to me. “This is my fault isn’t it? I’m so stupid, I should have known none of the wolven would run over to me like that. I thought maybe he had a message from Covyn.” I shock my head, brows knit together tightly. “I should have gone inside, you never would have been hurt.”

“That’s not true, I definitely would have fought with him anyway, but help wouldn’t have come as fast if people weren’t worried about you.” He winked at me and I fought against smiling back. “You probably saved my life.”

“I’m so sorry,” I whispered, cringing as the doctors broke the bones in his wrist into place and bandaged it up.

“You don’t need to….”

Spencer didn’t get to finish what he was saying, and I barely had time to notice that Ellion and Daley were standing on the other side of my bed, as Covyn walked in. His long strides and line to his eyebrows showed his determination and he scanned the room looking for me. When our eyes met it was like he mapped at the fastest route to me, cutting through people working or talking to arrive at my bed.

He was almost as bloody as Spencer but didn’t look as injured. From his snarling I assumed that the wolf who came at me wasn’t dead, but it felt like there was even more beneath his anger. His eyes never left mine, however I never saw the worry I had expected to find. His anger was the only thing I saw in his eyes, and I couldn’t make that better.

“Evadiene! What were you doing outside?” He demanded, moving to the space between mine and Spencer’s beds.

“i..I…” why was I stuttering, why was I so nervous? “I was only on the deck, I wanted some fresh air while I waited to go to dinner. I didn’t wander anywhere.”

“I told you to stay and wait for Ellion and Daley….”

“I didn’t know the deck attached to the room you want me caged in was also off-limits!” I snapped back.

“Now you do,” he growled back. “Are you okay?”

I rolled my eyes. “I’m fine, I passed out..”

“Passed out?” He gasped. “Do you have a concussion?”

“No, I’m fine…”

“Doctor!” Covyn yelled and I watched Tina drop what she was doing and rush over, bowing her head. “What were her injuries?” His demanding tone made me feel like he was mad at me for being here.

Tina also seemed to feel like she was being scolded when she spoke. “Well, she…”

“You don’t even seem like you care, so why are you asking?” I demanded, jumping off the hospital bed but he didn’t say anything before looking back at Tina so I took off.

I knew exactly where I wanted to go and took off through the house to the garage. I passed tons of people along the way but, as promised that day before dinner, no one touched me. On the way I found Covyn’s spare keys for his truck and headed for it.

I wished he could feel the pain as I did in the marks, but I would sever that bond soon. Mate or no, everyday since meeting him something had happened, and I would go through the weeks of pain to cut this tie on my own over the pain I felt now.

The sparks when he touched me and the way he could make me feel meant nothing if every day would be like this.

I started his truck and pressed the button to open the garage doors. Sequoia was smart, she could sense me, and she would meet me at the boarder. I knew I left the door outside open and she would find me the first chance she got, but I needed out of here. Now, while he was distracted with whatever he had talked to Spencer about, was my best chance of getting a lead on him. I would drive until the tank was empty, catch the first bus in any direction, and break the bond at the first opportunity.

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