Take Me To The Mountain: A Modern Mail Order Bride Romance (Mountain Men of Whiskey River Book 5)

Take Me To The Mountain: Chapter 4

the rodeo and we’re just sitting down to have breakfast together. Though I could tell something was up last night, I didn’t feel like it was the right time to bring it up. I want her to trust me and feel like she can open up to me and I know that will come in time. Even still, I have this feeling that I can’t shake that something’s wrong.

‘I was wondering, and don’t feel like you have to answer if you don’t want to,” I say. “But I was curious why you did this mail-order bride thing,’ I ask, hoping to get some insight.

‘I was raised by my father. When I was really young, my mom took off, though she was never really in the picture. During my senior year in high school, my dad got cancer and fought hard. It went into remission, but we were left with a stack of bills. Both of us worked hard to pay them off, but then the cancer came back and this time he lost his battle. With the sale of the house, I was left with just enough money to cover his debt, but I had nothing. After the…’

She stops and clears her throat. ‘After the funeral, I moved in to a women’s shelter for a while and one of the women there told me about the website. I figured with everything it was best to get out of town.’

Listening to her, it’s very clear she’s hiding something, but whatever it is she’s not comfortable telling me. The last thing I want to do is pressure her and push her further away. Whatever she’s hiding, it doesn’t matter because she’s here with me. And what matters the most is she’s safe with me.

I’ll do everything in my power to keep her safe. Though it would be much easier if I knew what I was up against. No matter what it is, she doesn’t want to be found. Yesterday, it was obvious by the way she acted toward the photographer taking pictures in our direction. I make a mental note to avoid large crowds like that for the time being.

‘What about you? Why did you do it?’ she asks.

I was expecting her question, as I can’t ask something of her that am not willing to share myself.

‘Emelie, who you met last night tried to get me on a few online dating websites. Since I’m the last one of us not married, I think she saw something in my eyes when I would watch them. I have to admit that I want what they have badly.

But I didn’t like the website that she shared. Then I went down black hole of different websites and somehow ended up on the mail-order bride one. I thought it was interesting because I didn’t realize they still did the mail-order bride thing anymore. So, I decided to take a look and your picture caught my eye and it was just something about you.’

‘Me?’ she asks a little shocked.

‘Yes, you even from your picture, I felt this connection that I couldn’t explain. When I saw you get off the bus, the feeling was even stronger.’

Hopefully, I’m not scaring her off, but I want her to know that I’m telling the truth. She studies me for a bit like she wants to say something, but she’s not sure she should. Then not quite meeting my eyes, she offers me a smile.

‘I feel safe around you and that’s saying a lot because I haven’t felt safe since my dad passed.’

I tuck that little bit of information away because I feel like it’s going to be useful trying to figure her out.

But I’m glad she feels safe, and I’ll make sure that when I’m around she continues to feel protected at all costs.

Even though the rest of breakfast is comfortable and the conversation is us getting to know each other, something in the back of my head is uneasy. I can’t help wondering what it is she needs to feel safe from and how I can make her feel completely protected and secure again.

After breakfast, I head out to do some chores with the animals and she stays inside to clean up and do whatever else she has decided to do to keep her busy.

Though I hated being at the rodeo in the crowds and other than the photographer, she seemed to have a good time. But until I know what she’s running from and how to protect her, I think it’s best to keep her away from crowds. Tonight, I can talk to the guys about it and get their opinion.

And then tomorrow we can take a nice relaxing day and I can show her the property. The top of my list is to make sure she knows at least the basics on how to get around and where she can normally find me.

Once I’m done, I go inside to take shower and get ready.

When she steps out in jeans and a t-shirt that’s nice and simple and make her curves pop and her long legs stand out, she looks absolutely stunning. Her light brown hair frames her face perfectly.

While she seems slightly nervous on the way over to Emelie’s house, I assume it’s because she’s meeting new people. But we both know they’re going to be asking a ton of questions.

‘I was thinking maybe we just tell people that we met at an online dating website and leave the mail-order bride part out of it,’ I tell her as we’re driving.

At first, she doesn’t say anything. But then she looks over at me. ‘I think that’s for the best. It means fewer questions and we can always tell them later if we want to or not. They’re your friends, so I’ll let you make that decision.’

‘Well, I’m hoping over time they’ll become your friends too,’ I tell her honestly, I hesitantly reach for her hand trying to offer her a bit of encouragement.

‘I hope so, too. Making friends was never easy for me.’

We are the last ones to get to Axel and Emelie’s. Even though this is where everyone tends to meet, their place is harder to get to since you have to park and then walk up their driveway instead of being able to park the car right by the house.

As we reach the door, I can pick up on her nerves, so I wrap my arm around her waist to give her some comfort and strength.

‘The guests of honor have arrived! Come in, come in.’ Emelie greets us at the door with a warm smile and a hug for both of us.

There’s another quick round of introductions so that Willow can put a name to everyone’s face once again. The girls head off to the kitchen area to do their thing and the guys gather in the living room where we can still watch our girls but have a separate conversation.

We begin by planning a group hunting trip. It’ll be the first time we do something like this. Normally, each of us hunts for ourselves and at our own speed. But I do like the idea of going out in a group and having a little interaction with each other. It also appeals to me because we can get to know each other better and possibly to learn something from each of the other men. Everybody hunts differently, and up here it’s never a bad thing to have too many skills or too many ways to do something.

As they talk, I’m watching Willow interact with the other girls. Though I can tell she’s a little shy, but she’s smiling and talking, which is a good thing. I can’t always pick up on what she’s saying, but she does appear hesitant like she’s holding back. Which makes me wonder if it’s just because of the way we met or if she’s trying to make sure that she doesn’t say too much or, for all I know, it could be something else.

‘You’re watching her, trying to figure something out.’ Cash says which turns the other guy’s attention to me as well.

‘Even though I know moving here is a huge change for her, I just can’t shake this feeling like she’s holding something back,’ I tell them as honestly as I can.

‘How did you two meet?’ Phoenix asks.

‘Online. Emelie actually recommended a few online dating places that I checked out. I found her on one of them and we kind of clicked. Almost instantly from seeing her, I knew that she was the one. For me, it was something I felt in my gut.’

‘And you said she’s your wife at the store a couple of weeks ago?’ Axel asks because I did say that.

‘She’s going to be. We’re not married yet. I wanted her to come to the mountain to make sure this is what she truly wants. If it is, we will be married and soon. Cole, we might even beat you to the altar.’ I joke with him, but he just grins and shakes his head, looking over at his bride to be, Jana. Though he doesn’t even try to hide the smile that covers his face.

When Cash’s fiancé, Hope was kidnapped by her mother, he got Cole who is his neighbor, to help get her back. But Hope’s mother had also kidnapped her best friend, Jana.

Cole had the same reaction to Jana as I did when I saw Willow the first time. We both had undeniable feelings that these women were ours. Jana had been hurt, so Cole took her back to his place to take care of her and the two have been inseparable ever since.

‘What do you think she is holding back?’ Axel asks.

‘I honestly have no idea. Really, there wasn’t anyone to leave behind in Chicago as her father had died. Even though she had no desire to stay there, I get this feeling that she’s running from something. I need her to trust me enough for her to open up about it.’

‘Well, if you need us, let us know,’ Cole says.

I know he means more than just in a friendly way as he’s one of the best trackers I’ve ever seen. Also, there’s Cash who knows a lot to do with security. Plus, the rest of guys will help protect my cabin if need be.

Watching Willow interact as the night goes on, she slowly relaxes and begins to enjoy herself. After we eat, the girls separate to play some card games and while us men take over doing the dishes since the ladies cooked.

By the time we get ready to head home, Willow is all smiles.

‘Your friends are really great. It makes me miss my friend, Aspen back home,’ she says her smile faltering.

‘You know you can call her and talk anytime that you want, right?’ I tell her because this is her home now.

‘She was in the middle of… a few things. Maybe I can shoot her an e-mail with the phone number, and she can call when she gets the chance?’

‘Of course, next time we’re in town we will stop by Jack’s shop. There’s a computer that he lets me use and you can send her an e-mail.’

Once we’re back inside, she’s all smiles again.

‘I had a really good time tonight,’ I tell her as I reach for her. Does she realize that she’s leaning into me? I wonder.

‘I did too. After a few questions, the girls pretty much accepted me as one of their own. It was really nice.’

When I take another step towards her, she wraps her arms around my waist. Standing there, looking at each other for a moment, we’re waiting to see what the other is going to do.

This time when I lean in and kiss her, it’s not hesitant or soft. I have been dying to taste her lips again all day and I don’t want to deny myself anymore.

She is addicting and she alone could pull me to heaven or hell with a just promise of a taste of her lips.

Wrapping my arms around her, I pull her into me. I’m hard as nails and I want to her feel me, to know what she does to me. She stands on her tiptoes as if trying to get closer even though there is no space between us.

Needing more and wanting all of her, I back her up and press her against the door before gripping her ass and hoisting her up. She wraps her legs around my waist and holds on without breaking our kiss.

When my tongue brushes hers for the first time, tingles races over my body. I want her more than my next breath, but I want her to know I will always do right by her too. I need her to trust me.

So reluctantly I pull back and set her down on her feet and place a kiss on her forehead.

‘Get some sleep. Tomorrow we’ll go check out some of the mountains,’ I tell her and she nods a bit dazed.

Knowing I put that dazed look on her face is sexy as hell. After she goes off to the bedroom and closes the door, I get ready for bed and lay down on the couch.

I know there’s one way that I can make her feel safe, hopefully, it will be enough.

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