Take Me To The Mountain: A Modern Mail Order Bride Romance (Mountain Men of Whiskey River Book 5)

Take Me To The Mountain: Chapter 20

side of the door is Detective Geer. He was a huge help with Hope and Jana were kidnapped and have taken the men up here on the mountain under his wing and we all appreciate it.

‘Bennett,’ he says.

I lower my shotgun and invite him in.

‘Listen, Willow’s uncle has come into the station saying that you kidnapped her and that you’re holding her against her will,’ he says.

I know the instant Willow pops up beside me because she starts talking.

‘No, I ran away from my uncle and came here where Bennett and I were married. It was both of our choices, and he’s not holding me against my will.’ She sounds panicked and I hate that.

Wrapping my arm around her waist, I hope it will help calm her down. I trust detective Greer and I know that everything will be all right, even if it doesn’t seem like it right now.

‘I know all that, but I need you both to come down to the station and give a statement. That way, we will have it on file. Though it’s not going to be fun, and you will have to be questioned in separate rooms. We have to do this by the book so that it can’t be used against you later. I know the type of person your uncle is and I think we have a long fight ahead of us. Everyone at the station is willing to make that fight with you, but we have to do it the right way.’

Greer says this with such sincerity in his voice that we can’t help but trust him. All of this is difficult because I want to be the one to protect her. Now I have to hand it off to someone else.

‘Okay, let me call the guys. Then we will follow you in,’ I tell him and Willow’s eyes go wide.

‘It’s all right, Willow. We had to go through this with Axel and Emelie. They will ask us some questions on the record, and we will be home for dinner tonight.’ I hope I’m telling her the truth, so I look over at Detective Greer who nods to me.

A quick call to Phoenix and he lets me know he’ll call the other guys and Jack to meet us down at the station.

Then we begin the drive into town.. The whole way there, I can feel Willow’s nerves. I try to comfort her the best that I can by holding her hand and letting her know I’m there for her.

Once we arrive at the police station, we’re put in separate rooms just like we expected to be. With my nervous energy, it’s impossible to sit at the table, so I pace around the room. I hate being away from Willow and knowing she’s nervous and scared and that there’s nothing I can do about it.

It seems like an eternity before Detective Greer steps into the room. He goes through the whole spiel of who he is and why we’re here before sitting down at the table. Only then, do I sit down even though I still have way too much nervous energy to be sitting still.

‘How did you and Willow meet?’

‘On an online dating website.’

‘Were you aware that her uncle was a politician?’

‘Not until she told me after we were married.’

He nods and takes some notes.

‘How long did you and Willow date before you got married?’

‘We talked long distance for a few weeks and then she came out here. After a few weeks, we decided to get married.’

‘How many weeks? One, two, three?

‘I don’t know how many weeks we talked, but she came out here about two weeks before we got married.’

‘And that was a rushed wedding?’

Even though I know has to ask certain questions based on the claims that her uncle is making, I get irritated. Especially because it’s easy to make what we have seem wrong.

‘It wasn’t rushed. Neither of us wanted a huge wedding. She didn’t have any family to invite, and I didn’t either, so we celebrated with our friends.’

‘So, her aunt and uncle were not invited to the wedding?’

‘No, they weren’t. And since you know why, can you blame her?’

He nods but doesn’t say anything. I’m sure he has to maintain a level of professionalism.

After going over several more questions with me, he steps out of the room. Immediately, I stand pacing again and it seems like forever before he steps back into the room.

‘Hey Bennett, you’re good to go. If you follow me, I’ll take you out to the waiting area where your friends are.’

I follow him down a few hallways to the waiting area where I find Phoenix, Axel, Cash, and Cole, along with their wives.

‘Willow’s not out yet?’ I ask,

‘No, and Jack is back there as well. I don’t know if he’s with her or if he’s talking to someone else,’ Axel says.

Even though I try to sit down, I can’t sit still and begin pacing again. I need to know that she’s okay and to be there to offer her comfort. This can’t be easy for her.

‘This is a lot like what happened with me and Emelie,’ Axel says trying to calm me.

‘Only with us it was my ex-boyfriend, not a family member. But the cops were great at handling it, so I’m sure they will do good with this as well.’

While I know that they’re trying to offer comfort, it all means nothing. Until I have my wife back in my arms safe and sound, where I can protect her and make sure that she’s taken care of and safe, then I’ll relax.

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