Take Me To The Cabin: A Billionaire, Mountain Man Romance (Mountain Men of Whiskey River Book 2)

Take Me To The Cabin: Chapter 7

    wanted to do this morning was to get out of bed. It’s probably a good thing I don’t have a way to cancel on Phoenix because I probably would have stayed in and not left my nice warm covers. I kept thinking about how Axel safeguards Emelie and how much I want that. Last night I dreamt of a life out here with Phoenix and having him protect me like Axel does his wife.

By the time I’m driving out of town, I’m grateful I didn’t cancel because the last place I want to be is at my cabin now my ex knows my address. Being on the mountain today with Phoenix sounds like the perfect getaway.

When Jack brought me dinner last night, he said it was courtesy of Phoenix, who wanted to make sure I was okay and had something to eat. I invited him in and we ate together and talked. He told me he’s never seen Phoenix so protective of someone.

Jack also told me about his life before opening the store. How he was a lawyer and was forced to defend criminals who admitted they were guilty. The firm he worked for expected him to acquit them of whatever crime they were charged with. It wasn’t long before he decided he couldn’t, in clear conscience, keep doing it.

I asked Jack why he didn’t just open up his own little practice. He told me he’d been thinking about it but he came here to Whiskey River on vacation and just never left. The store was up for sale, and on a whim, he bought it. He expanded it to what it is today, and he hasn’t looked back.

Jack made a point to tell me that his license is still active if I were to need his services. He’s helped out some people in town when needed, but he only works with people he likes who are innocent. No more criminals.

Jack asked me why Phoenix thought I needed someone to check on me and I couldn’t stop the smile on my face. Knowing that he cared enough to make sure that I was okay makes me feel valued and protected.

I told Jack about my ex knocking on the door and how Phoenix saw it all. Told him everything ugly thing my ex said. It was good to have someone other than Phoenix to talk to.

Sharing my story seemed to send Jack into protective mode. He advised me that my ex can’t legally demand the money for the wedding, and if he tries anything, I should let the police know.

A week ago, I would have said it was unlike Chad, that he’d never do anything like that. But after his performance on my doorstep, I’m not sure I ever really knew him.

As I turn into Phoenix’s driveway, I try to push all of this out of my head. I want to concentrate on him. This feels like a date. He wants to take me to one of his favorite places, even if it means hiking instead of the traditional dinner and a movie.

I get the feeling that Phoenix doesn’t do anything the traditional way. Especially after that kiss last night. It wasn’t a traditional first kiss, but holy hell, what a kiss. I’d never known a kiss could feel like that. It kept me up most of the night, replaying it over and over in my head. It’s a wonder I got any sleep because thoughts of that one kiss had me so turned on.

Phoenix is sitting on the front porch as I pull up at his cabin, and he stands to greet me as I get out of the car.

I give him a shy smile as I hold up my camera. ‘Is it okay if I bring this? You never know what we might come across, and I hate to be without it.’

His smile dims, but he nods. I know I’m using it as an excuse to have something to fiddle with and focus my attention on other than him. When things get too intense, I find myself needing a distraction.

Reaching into my car, I pull out my hydration backpack that Jack insisted I bring on any kind of a hike out here.

‘I packed a lunch and some snacks,’ Phoenix says as he pulls his hydration backpack over his shoulders and secures it. Then he slings a rifle over his back. It doesn’t faze me because I’ve learned that with all the wildlife out here, it’s more common for someone to carry a gun than not.

‘Thank you for dinner, by the way. Jack stayed and ate with me, and it was nice to not be alone, so thank you.’ I want to make sure he knows I appreciate what he did for me.

He steps up to me and takes my hand in his. ‘You don’t have to thank me. I’ll always make sure you’re okay and taken care of.’ As he says this, he stares me right in the eye.

Those words would have meant a lot to me no matter how he said them, but having his eyes on me makes them even more poignant. ‘Thank you.’ It doesn’t seem like enough but it’s the only thing I can think of to say.

He keeps hold of my hand as we walk down a path behind his cabin.

‘So, where are we going?’ I ask.

Not answering me, he just turns and smiles. I guess I’ll see when we get there.

The walk itself, even though we aren’t talking, is extremely calming. Listening to the sounds of nature is soothing. The birds, the small animals, the rustling of leaves. and the crunch of our footsteps. The further we hike into the woods, the more relaxed I get.

I have no camping or outdoor experience besides hiking in a couple of national parks, so I should be nervous, but I trust Phoenix. This is his land, and I have faith that he knows every inch of it.

‘What’s the most interesting animal you’ve ever run into while out here?’ I ask.

‘A few years ago, I ran across a mother bear and two baby cubs by the river. The mother sat on the riverbank and the cubs played in the water. Until they leisurely walked off, I stayed and watched the whole thing. The only other experience that ties with that one is the pack of wild horses that runs through here. There are several valleys on my land that they like to graze in, and I’ll usually see them once or twice a year.’

‘That’s amazing.’

We hike for about thirty minutes until the trees open up to a breathtaking view of the mountains and the river below. We’re up a slight cliff with the river below us and a path down to our right. In front of us, a hammock is stretched between two trees, looking down the river to the mountains beyond.

‘May I?’ I hold up my camera and he hesitates for a moment, then nods.

I snap a few photos from behind the hammock and the view beyond it so you can imagine yourself sitting there and what the view would be.

After taking a few photos, I put my camera away, and Phoenix relaxes again. I’ve picked up that, for whatever reason, the camera makes him nervous, but I’m grateful for the pictures he lets me take.

He takes the packed lunch out of his backpack and sits down in the hammock facing the river. ‘Come join me.’ He pats the spot next to him.

Setting my backpack down next to the tree, I join him on the hammock.

‘I can’t say I’ve ever sat in a hammock before, but I’m officially a fan. The view is absolutely beautiful, and the company is pretty good, too.’

That causes a smile to fill his face as he hands me a sandwich.

‘So, how often do you come up here?’ I ask him as we eat our lunch.

‘At least once a week, if not more. I get my best ideas for the things I create for the shop here.’

‘I bet watching the sunset or sunrise is breathtaking, especially when you see the lights bounce off the water in the mountains.’ I can almost see in my head how perfect and relaxing it would be.

We spend some time talking about the spot–how he found it, and the different things he’s seen sitting up here.

Long after we finish our lunch, we continue to sit in comfortable silence, letting the breeze wash over us. It’s as if the wind up here sweeps away all your problems and leaves you feeling refreshed and renewed.

Sitting here with him, I’m aware that my entire left side is pressed up against him from shoulder to knee. Since I’m pretty sure he’s flirting with me just a little, I decide to take a chance, especially after our kiss last night. I simply rest my head on his shoulder and continue staring out at the view. He tenses for just a moment, and then relaxes, taking my hand in his.

‘There’s supposed to be a storm rolling in tomorrow morning. It’ll be raining for most of the day. Then the following day I’m planning on going hunting. You should join me. Bring your camera because you never know what you’ll find exploring after a good rainstorm,’ he says as we swing slowly in the hammock.

‘I’d like that. What time do you plan on leaving?’

‘7:00 a.m.’

‘I’ll meet you at your place. We should probably start heading back. I have dinner plans with Emelie and Axel tonight,’ I tell him.

‘In town?’ he asks as we stand up and start collecting our stuff.

‘Yes, at the cafe on Main Street. Dinner is going to be just Emelie and me, but Axel is bringing her into town. She said not to freak out if he stalks us.’ I laugh and shake my head.

When Emelie said it, I guess my surprise showed on my face because she was quick to reassure me that it’s just Axel’s thing. He’ll watch over us, but stay far enough away so we can have our time together. As I thought about it later, I found it kind of sweet that he wanted to make sure she was okay.

‘He’s very protective of her, and when you’re with them, he’ll be just as protective of you,’ Phoenix says.

‘It’ll take some getting used to. I’m used to controlling, not protective.’ I realize I’ve said too much, and immediately turn and grab my stuff.

‘Too bad I didn’t bring my suit. The river would be a great place to take a dip,’ I say, changing the subject.

‘You don’t need a suit.’ He gives me a wicked grin, making his way down to the water.

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