Take Me To The Cabin: A Billionaire, Mountain Man Romance (Mountain Men of Whiskey River Book 2)

Take Me To The Cabin: Chapter 16

    my eyes, I know I’m not in my own room. The bed is way too comfortable, and I seem to have my own personal heater. Opening my eyes, the first thing I see is Phoenix, who I’m wrapped around. This brings a smile to my face. What a way to start the day. What girl wouldn’t want to wake up wrapped around her own personal mountain man?

After enjoying the sight of him for a moment, I slowly attempt to maneuver out of bed. When I try to move his arm off me, he just tightens his hold. I change gears, moving my legs off and slowly sliding from under his arm, which works. After finger combing my hair, I decide it’s the best it’s going to get, but still looks like a wild mess.

I head into the kitchen, poking around a bit, and deciding to make him breakfast. Omelets and bacon and some quick biscuits. I also get the coffee going.

I’m standing in front of the stove, waiting to flip the last omelet when strong arms wrap around my waist from behind. Phoenix kisses my bare shoulder where the shirt has slipped down and presses his hard, muscled body to my back, including his very hard cock.

‘I didn’t like waking up to an empty bed,’ Phoenix murmurs against my neck.

‘You had a death grip on me, so I had to use my best ninja skills to get out so I could make you breakfast. If you hadn’t woken up, I was going to bring you breakfast in bed.’

‘Waking up to you cooking breakfast for me is second best.’

After he sits down, I begin plating everything and set it at the kitchen island for us to eat. He pulls my chair as close to him as he can get it and wraps one arm around me, holding me to his side. It’s as if he can’t keep his hands off me. I like it a lot, so I snuggle into him.

‘There was something I wanted to ask you,’ I say, suddenly nervous about putting words to the thoughts that have been swirling around my head all morning.

It’s been like pulling teeth to get him to open up, and I know it’s the same for me. We both have so much in our pasts we’d rather keep buried. But at some point, we also know we have to talk about things. If I ask Phoenix questions, I have to be open to answering his questions.

‘What’s that?’

My nerves are on high alert, and there are millions of butterflies in my stomach. My fight or flight is shouting to run away or, at least, abort and change the subject. Pull off something silly and keep the mood light.

Instead, I take a deep breath and jump off the cliff. ‘Why did you stop when we were kissing last night in bed?’

His grip on my hip tightens, and he takes a moment to finish the food in his mouth before answering me. Every second that ticks by feels like an hour, and I almost get up and start cleaning the kitchen for something to do.

‘You know my story. I didn’t date in school, and I haven’t dated since I’ve been out here either.’

I think he’s going to add more to explain what he’s trying to say, but he doesn’t. Maybe I don’t have enough coffee in me because it takes longer than it should to put the pieces together. If he hasn’t dated, does that mean he hasn’t done other things? Guys have one-night stands all the time. I’m sure there isn’t a lack of tourist women in the summer who would love a vacation fling with a sexy mountain man like him. Surely he isn’t…

‘Are you…?” Not sure how to ask, I pause.

‘I’m a virgin. Hell, you were my first kiss since we appear to be having this discussion.’ He starts to remove his arm like he’s going to crawl back into his shell.

But I’m not going to let him.

I grab his arm and snuggle into him even more. I wait for him to relax before I go on. ‘I’m honored to have been your first kiss, and if it helps, I would never have guessed it was your first. You’re a really good kisser.’

His face turns from pink to bright red, not just red, but bright tomato red.

I rest my head on his shoulder. ‘I like that you’re a virgin, too. A part of you no one else has gotten. If you choose to go that far with me, I’d be honored. But I won’t push you. Just know if and when you’re ready, I’m ready. Actually, I’m ready all the time around you.’

His breathing quickens. ‘You are?’

I move his hand from around me and slowly up my thigh. His eyes are glued to where his hand is disappearing under the shirt. When his fingers come into contact with my bare pussy, he inhales sharply but doesn’t say a word.

I spread my thighs in invitation. ‘Feel how wet I am? I’m always like this around you.’

His eyes shoot to mine. Slowly, he moves his fingers against my clit, and it feels so damn good. He doesn’t miss a single thing. Based on my reactions, he adjusts his movements, and in no time at all, he’s driving me crazy. When he slides a finger into me, my restraint slips. I close my eyes, losing myself in the sensations he’s causing.

When I open my eyes again, he’s still watching me, but there’s a small smile on his face. Yeah, he’s pretty freakin’ good at this, and now he knows it. I try to hold back my orgasm to allow him time to play, but it’s like he knows what I’m doing, and he doubles his efforts.

I give in and grab the counter in front of me as I come. He doesn’t stop moving, drawing my orgasm out until I’m over-sensitive. Only then does he pull his fingers from me and bring them to his mouth, licking them clean.

“Wow,” he says, leaning forward to kiss me softly. “That was…”

”Amazing,” I finish breathlessly.

He presses his forehead to mine. ‘I should check the road for you.’

He doesn’t move, and neither do I. Neither one of us likes the idea of me leaving right now.

He got to play, and now I want to take my turn. But when I reach for his hard cock, he grips my wrist and stops me. Bringing my hand up to his mouth, he places a kiss on the center of my palm. His lips are soft, and my hand tingles from his touch. The gesture is so sweet and caring. I don’t think anyone has ever given me this kind of attention.

He looks up and his eyes lock with mine. The air around us seems to sizzle for a moment before he clears his throat. ‘I was thinking of going hunting again today.’

Though I want to go, this time I want to go for me. Not for the book, or photos. I want to go and learn. Maybe fool myself that this could be my life someday. Lord knows I want it bad enough.

‘I’d like to go with you. This time I want to learn to hunt. No camera.’

When I mention leaving the camera at home, a brilliant smile takes over his face. ‘Let’s do it.’ He scoops me up into his arms.

Gasping, I wrap my arms around his neck as he carries me to his room, and we get ready to head out. I put on my clothes from yesterday and he loans me some camouflage. It’s like we’ve been doing this for years. Getting ready to go out together is so easy and fun. For a moment, I wonder if this is a brief glimpse of a life I might have, and I know right then I want it more than anything.

After getting everything together, we go outside, and Phoenix gives me a quick lesson on using the hunting rifle in case I need it for protection. Then we’re off to a different meadow to the one he showed me the last time. It isn’t long before I realize this trip is more about spending time with me, and me not leaving today, than it is about our hunting.

‘If you wanted to spend more time with me, you could have just said so. I didn’t want to leave either,’ I tell him.

The shy smile I love covers his face. If he only knew the things that smile does to my body, he’d use it daily as a weapon against me. I’m so turned on I’d let him throw me down in the mud and have his way with me if he just gave me that smile.

‘Will you stay for dinner again tonight? Tomorrow, I’ll go check the roads for you.’

I nod in reply, taking his hand as we leisurely walk back to the cabin. ‘So, tell me. What are winters like up here? From what I’ve heard, tourists stop passing through around Labor Day, so there are probably fewer people.’

‘Yeah. Though, we get winter tourists starting in December or after our first big snow. They’re the people who like winter sports, but it’s nowhere near like it is now. The guys and I normally get snowed in for most of the winter, so we prep and plan for that. We plan so we don’t have to make it to town until spring. None of us like fighting the mountain because it ices over and can be treacherous.’

‘Do you have a snowmobile to get around with?’

‘Of course. Otherwise, there’s no way I could stay in the cabin for months on end. In the workshop, I have a stockpile of wood so I can keep working. Come spring, I always have a large load of stuff ready to take down to the shop.’

‘Do you think Jack would be willing to see if some of my prints sell? I can frame them. Maybe include some local shots?’

‘I think that’s a great idea. Tourists love local stuff. Things to take home to remind them of their time here. It’s why Jack’s shop does so well.’

‘I’ll run it by him and see what he thinks.’

We talk more on our way to the cabin, and he seems to relax more and more with each step we take.

As for me, each step feels more and more like home, and that’s a dangerous feeling.

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