Swipe Me: A Friends-to-Lovers College Football Romance (Covey U Book 1)

Swipe Me: Chapter 27

I gasped out a breath, I can barely open my eyes or speak. ‘Right there.’ Is all I manage to whisper as Devin’s hand holds my stomach down. His other squeezes my thigh as he licks and nips me in ways that’s driving me insane. I only came upstairs to get my purse. I hadn’t noticed Devin following me until he pushed me onto the bed, forcing my back to the mattress. With one quick flick, he’d lifted my dress up, pulled my panties to the side, and started feasting on me like I was his last meal. 

He doesn’t answer me, just teases my opening with his thick finger. His mouth is all over me, making me cry out in frustration and pleasure. I need more. His tongue laps at my clit and I pull his hair holding him in place as he hits all the right spots. If he moves, I’m worried this will all be for nothing. He knows I’m close, I’m sure he can feel my body tensing. Devin moans into my center as two of his fingers enter me filling me up while he eats me out. All it takes is a few strokes and I’m done for, climaxing all over his hand and mouth. What the hell just happened?

Devin pulled my panties over, flipped my dress back into place. He glances up, giving me a devilish smile as he propped himself on his elbow beside me, watching as I come down from my high. I can’t focus on him, I’m too busy regaining my composure. When I finally opened my eyes, he had this smug smile on his face, ‘Did you enjoy that?’

Before I could playfully slap him on the chest, he grabbed my hand, dragging me on top of him into his warm embrace. Not one to miss an opportunity, I snuggled down into his chest, loving how perfect this feels. ‘What do you think?’ I asked sarcastically, nuzzling his neck, and fully prepared to return the favor. My hand hovered over his crotch, clutching at the rough fabric of his jeans.

He chuckled, letting my hand linger there for a few more seconds. ‘Well, I’m guessing that’s a yes.’ He checked his watch, lacing his hands with mine, and bringing my attention to his face. ‘Now come on. If we don’t go in the next five minutes we’re going to be late.’ He jumped up, leaving just the warm sheets behind him as he walked over to my bathroom to wash his face and hands.

All I could do was gape at him with my hair mussed and panties a little wet from his adventures. ‘Why did you do that to me if you knew I couldn’t take a shower?’ I pouted, forcing myself up towards my drawers desperately trying to pat down my sex hair. If I couldn’t take a shower, the least I could do is change my panties.

Devin shrugged as he walked out of the bathroom, smelling minty fresh. I’m glad I brought him that extra toothbrush since he practically lives in this room now. ‘It’s payback for last night when we were watching the game and you decided to brush your hand across my dick in front of the guys knowing full well I couldn’t do a damn thing about it.’ He pulled me into a hug and planted a gentle kiss on my forehead.  The last month has been a whirlwind, we’ve been spending every free minute we’ve had wrapped up in each other, knowing that it won’t last all that long. It’s been perfect. Devin’s everything I could have asked for. We just fit.

‘We’ve gotta go. We only get an hour with her and I don’t want to waste that time on the road.’ Devin took my hand, leading me out to his car. There was always an extra hop in his step on the days we went to visit his sister. Today was no different. It will be one of the visits he can do before the Draft so it’s no surprise he wants to make it count. ‘In her last email, she mentioned she wants to talk to you about The Bachelorette choice. Something about the girl hooking up with Shawn in the ocean or something.’ He waved it off, acting as though he had no idea what Chloe was talking about. As though he doesn’t sit on my bed every Monday eagerly waiting with wine and cheesy popcorn.

‘Cool. I also forgot to mention last time that I’d listened to a couple of the bands she recommended.’ I met Chloe a few days after making it official with Devin and it was easy to see why he loved her so much. I didn’t know her at her worst but she seems happy now. Something Devin said he was worried he’d never see. Her bright smile and light attitude made it hard not to be anything but happy around her.

When we arrived at the facility, the spongy grass clung to my shoes as we walked in the palatial gardens. Spring in California is gorgeous with barely a hint of rain. ‘Chuck!’ Devin yelled to his sister as she came bounding out into the yard. The clouds were clear with the bright blue sky bearing down on us. It was the perfect day for a picnic. Devin placed the wooden basket on the ground as he waited for his sister. She leaped into his arms, her smile emanating from ear to ear when she got close enough to him. You wouldn’t think these two just saw each other a few days ago.

‘I missed you D.’ She trembled; her hazel eyes watered as she took him in. As they smile at each other, I can’t believe I ever thought they were anything but siblings. They’re almost identical, save for the hair color.

‘Reign!’ She exclaimed as though she just noticed I was here. She jumped out of her brother’s embrace and hugged me tightly as I held the checkered blanket. ‘We have so much to talk about.’

‘That we do.’ For the better part of an hour, we let her babble on about the bad choice of Bachelorette and who she would have picked instead Devin occasionally chiming in to ask a question which I knew he knew the answer to. I find it hard to believe she was anything but this vivacious young girl with a healthy appetite for trash TV. Devin laughed along, shaking his head at her antics. He’s mellowed out so much in the last month. Adam mentioned he even laughed at Aiden the other day. I know it’s because of his sister, but there’s a tiny part of me that hopes it has something to do with us.

‘I can’t wait to watch you in the Draft.’ Chloe squealed. ‘I’ve told everyone here about it. we’re going to have a watch party.’

‘I can’t either, Chlo.’ He laughed but I could hear a hint of hesitancy there. He’s nervous about leaving her behind, knowing it would be at least a month before he’d be able to come back. He’s also nervous about leaving everything behind, especially since he hadn’t finished his degree. I like to think he’s also nervous about leaving me. I know I am. He sits up with an air of seriousness. ‘Are you going to be okay with not seeing me until I can get you transferred to a facility closer to my new home?’

Her eyes flit from me to Devin, finally choosing to rest them on him. ‘I really like it here, Dev. I’ve got friends now and I feel better and like it’s working. I don’t want to move and have to start over.’ She spoke quickly, trying to get it out before Devin could interrupt.

His smile falls. It’s something I know he and his mom have talked about before. The facility has also recommended she should stay put for at least the first four months. He squeezed her knee, ‘But you’ll be here on your own Chlo. Mom and I will be in Texas until I move. That’s hours away from here. Wouldn’t you rather be closer to us in case something happens?’

She threw her hand in the air. ‘I’m nearly eighteen D. Soon, I won’t need parental permission to discharge myself.’ She said with a glint in her eyes. ‘Plus, Reign’s here. I’ll be fine.’ She pointed to me and Devin’s back shot up straight in shock. ‘She’s like family now.’ Her voice is relaxed, and her smile is eager for me to reciprocate. I wrapped my arms around her, silently hugging her close. It’s only been a month, but I’ve grown just as attached to her. Something I wouldn’t admit to Devin, in fear of freaking him out.

‘You’ll be there if I need something, won’t you?’ She asked.

‘Of course,’ I replied without thinking because I would. She’s the closest thing I’ve felt to a family in a long time. Her grin grew wider, hugging me tight.

‘See Dev, it’s all going to work out.’ She cooed. I glanced over at Devin and I could tell he wasn’t as convinced.

‘Sorry about that whole thing with Chloe,’ Devin says, kicking some dust as we stand by his car. He was quiet the whole way back to college, deep in thought. I didn’t bother to question it because I figured he would tell me when he was ready. ‘You’re the first girlfriend of mine she’s ever met and I think she’s a little infatuated with you.’ He scratched the back of his head, a look of unease etched across his face.

I tilted my head, studying the gorgeous man before me as he stuffed his hands in his pockets, looking more like an awkward teenager. ‘You didn’t have a high school girlfriend?’

He rocked back on his heels, giving me an easy smile. ‘I mean there were girls.’ He choked out. ‘None that I would ever bring home to my mom or sister.’ He shrugged it off like what he said was no big deal, like bringing me into his life was nothing. I knew better than that though.

I hid my grin. ‘You know D, I’m more than happy to be put down as an emergency contact for Chloe if that would make you feel better while you’re setting up in your new town.’ The words hurt to say because in reality, we don’t know where that new town is.

He shook his head vehemently. ‘No. I couldn’t ask you to do that. This is my responsibility. I couldn’t put you in that position.’ His eyes dart from side to side, I know he’s trying to think of a solution for Chloe, to make her happy while keeping himself calm too.

I moved to stand in front of him, holding his shoulder and begging him to look at me instead of keeping it all to himself. His eyes met mine and I could feel his shoulders relax as his smile eased. ‘Why don’t you let me take some of the burden off your shoulders? It’s not like I would be the sole emergency contact and it means you won’t have to rush over if something happens.’

It makes sense, he knows it does, but there’s still the question of what’s going to happen to us once he’s gone. I know that’s playing on his mind because it’s been playing on mine too. ‘I just couldn’t ask you to do that.’ He spurted out.

My smile softened. ‘You didn’t ask, I offered. It’s not like I would be going over there all the time, I’m just here if she needs something. Your sister is a sweet girl, she wants to stay here and it’s not like I’m going anywhere for the time being. I’m happy to help.’ I stressed and when Devin didn’t answer, I continued. ‘If something major happens and you aren’t around, I could always get Adam to come and help me. Chloe mentioned they hit it off when she met him.’ I smiled, knowing that would rile him up.

He grumbled, looking back at me and forcing me into a hug. ‘Will you stop trying to make Adam and Chloe a thing. I have enough things to worry about.’ He smiled into my hair as he planted a small kiss on my forehead. ‘You know you’re perfect, right?’ He whispered as though he didn’t want me to hear it.

‘And you know you don’t have to do everything yourself? Just because you’re a big burly man doesn’t mean you can take everything on.’

He chuckled. ‘Will you let me think about the emergency contact thing? I’m already having heart palpitations wondering what my sister and girlfriend are going to talk about while I’m away. The idea that she can call you in at any moment might give me a heart attack before I even step onto the field.’ I neglect to remind him that she already has my email and messages me on the regular.

His hand threaded through my hair, tipping my face up and leading me to him. He kissed me so hard, I could feel the passion behind it in my toes. ‘Just think about it okay?’ I husked out as his lips parted mine.

‘I will.’

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