Summoning Bones

Chapter 30. Asleep Under the Stars

The wolf was large, its fierce head at Eirene's shoulder, muscles bulged under its fur. Yellow eyes looked around, scanning for a threat before they turned to her. Its black fur ruffled as it stepped closer to her, its paws were the size of Eirene's head, its fangs were pearly white and sharper than the dagger Zagreus gifted her.

"Wow," she breathed, making the wolf's gigantic tail wag, knocking into trees, making them splinter and crack. Their upper branches swayed. "Careful," she warned, making the wolf attempt to stop its tail form wagging, failing miserably. The wolf looked up at her and leaped, knocking her into the soil, the wolf rested its paws on her shoulders, not pressing hard, but enough to keep her pinned under it. Its large pink tongue lolled out and began to lick Eirene's face.

"Oof, get off you beast," she grumbled. The beast yipped and stepped back, allowing her to sit up. It nuzzled her face, so she reached up to scratch behind its giant ear. "Oh you're adorable," she murmured, making its tail begin to wag again, hitting the tree again, making it crack and sway more than before. The wood groaned as if it was going to snap any moment. "Careful, we can't be found. Okay, well let's see what you can do." Eirene sat up as the wolf shuffled backwards.

"Sit," she commanded, the wolf's head tilted before it slowly sank to sit. Eirene smiled, mirth in her eyes at how easily controllable the terrible 'beast' was.

"Stay," she said, holding out her hand before walking a few steps back. The wolf immediately rose to follow her. "No, stay." The wolf sat as Eirene went to take another few steps, but quickly rose to follow her as took another few steps. It lightly bumped her hand with its head, begging for more pets. She laughed and obliged, scratching behind its ear.

"Well, you are not as clever as you human counter-part, but I can forgive you," she laughed. She and the wolf made their way back to where their packs were. Sitting down next to Eirene, it occasionally nudged her hand with its head. She always scratched its ear. They sat in a peaceful silence, and before long Eirene and leaned onto the wolf, fast asleep.

Cadmus watched through his wolf to see his love fall asleep, a delicate hand gripping his fur tightly. He hummed, but knew his wolf needed to run. As stealthily as he could, he slipped out from under Eirene's sleeping form and began to trot into the forest. He caught the scent of prey, a deer. His mouth watered, as he began to hunt. Following the scent away form his mate, he wove through the trees, finally catching sight of antlers through the brush. He crouched low to the earth, so the smell of rich soil blended with fresh blood.

The wolf crept forward, and leaped, pining the buck to the ground. Quickly, he tore the throat out form the deer, killing it painlessly. Sniffing the buck over, the wolf decided it was indeed edible, and carried back to Eirene, who was now awake.

She saw the wolf come trotting back to through the trees, proudly showing off his kill, obvious by their wagging tail. She crossed her arms and scowled.

"You dare leave me alone? I had no idea where you were," she growled. The wolf dropped the deer and bowed his head shamefully. His tail slowed so it hung down, saddened he had displeased his mate. "But I see you have food, just don't leave me alone again." The wolf's head snapped up and nodded.

Together, they dragged the kill over to the center of the clearing, where Eirene began a fire next to it.

"Ignem veni," she whispered when the wolf was looking away, sniffing through Cadmus' belongings. The fire sprung to life in a circle of rocks. When Eirene looked back to the wolf, Cadmus was standing before her, human form and his torn clothes replaced.

"Your wolf is cute," she said, trying to hide her mocking smile. Cadmus huffed.

"He was anxious to meet his mate," he grumbled, his cheeks warm.

"Are you embarrassed your wolf practically rolled over for me?"

"No," growled Cadmus. Eirene smirked.

"I doubt that." She turned away from him, summoning her silver dagger to her hand. It materialized and she began to skin the deer. Before she could sing around and slice him, Cadmus plucked her up and held her close to his chest, so when he spoke, his breath tickled her neck.

"Careful, witch-"

"I am not a witch," Eirene cut in, but Cadmus growled over her.

"Just because my wolf will follow your every order, does not mean I am so lenient." His voice was low, sending shivers down Eirene's arms, and starting a fire in her stomach which dropped lower towards her core.

"What is this? A threat?" She laughed, trying to ignore the desire blooming in her chest.

"A promise," he whispered. Eirene sharply inhaled as Cadmus set her down. Her heart raced in her chest, and her face glowed red.

"You perverse-"

"Beast?" Eirene growled at his interruption, and faced him.

"You will need to follow my lead in the Underworld. I know it better than you," she said, tossing her dagger into the air so it caught the reflection of the flames on its blade, and caught it.

"And it will be my duty to protect you. But in this land, I do want you to know I am not lovesick puppy."

"Your wolf would disagree," snickered Eirene. "Come, I need your assistance with our meal." She crouched down, beginning her task again of making the deer edible. Camus mumbled under his breath, the words, not some lovesick puppy, were clear, making her smile. He took the knife from her grasp, careful to avoid touching the metal and took over her job. She stood and went to her pack, pulling out the King's crown, still disguised as a straw hat, although bent and crumpled now.

She removed the enchantment, so the gold and jewels caught the fire's light and reflected in her eyes, making them seem to glow gold. She set the crown on the ground, and watched as her meal was cooked.

After finishing dinner, Cadmus and Eirene laid next to each other, one of their cloaks on the ground, the other over them. It would be a cold night, even with the fire so near. Eirene could, of course, use her magic to form a tent of sorts, but then they could not see the stars through the gap in the trees. Nor, though she hated to admit it, have an excuse to curl into Cadmus' side.

"Are you cold?" He whispered as she nuzzled closer to him.

"A little," she hummed. He pulled her on top of his chest, so the top of her head brushed his chin. He breathed in her scent, letting it fill his nose and heart. For as long as he lived, he would remember the smell of her.

"The stars are beautiful," he murmured. She nodded sleepily, her eyes beginning to droop. Her breathing slowed and deepened until Cadmus was sure she had fallen asleep. "Just like you." He pressed his lips gently to her temple, and rolled over with her in his grasp. He held her close to him, ensuring she would not freeze in the night, or that was what he told himself.

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