Summoning Bones

Chapter 20. With the Seamstress

The castle’s interior was cold. It sent shivers over Eirene’s arms, but her father didn’t seem to notice. He led her to his office, the path to which Eirene had memorized long ago. Her lessons had taken place there, and therefore the long hallways were heavy with memories.

Right, down the hall, then left, and left again into the room. Skulls hung on the walls, wax from the candles protruding from the top of their heads dripped through their eye sockets.

It was exactly as she remembered. A black chair, golden desk, then two black chairs across from the desk. By the fire to the left was a couch and loveseat. Above the fireplace was a mantle full of small, family portraits. Above the mantle, framed in a golden frame was a map of the Underworld. Eirene was drawn to it, like a moth to a flame, but turned away. She did not plan to stay for long; she wasn’t even sure how she had got here. Hades limped his way behind the desk, and Eirene followed him to sit across in one of the plush chairs.

“Yes, father?” She said, crossing her arms.

When his mouth opened, a tendril of black smoke, like a snake, slithered out and curled on the desk. Then its form began to grow and dissipate into smaller tendrils of smoke. It then began to pour off the edges of the desk and fall onto the ground like a waterfall, and over Eirene’s feet. She shuddered, it felt like ice water lapping around her ankles. The smoke rose higher, over her knees, thighs, waist, neck, strangling her and making the blood in her veins chill. It left Eirene shivering and her teether chattering. The black smoke covered her eyes, leaving the room dark as the dream faded back into blackness.

From the dark Hades spoke. His voice echoed around her as if a hundred versions of him spoke.

“I await your return with bated breath.” His voice faded into cruel laughter as Eirene’s mind floated back to her body in the world of the living, leaving her father back in the Underworld. Visions swam in front of her in a kaleidoscope of light, shadows, and a flurry of colors.

She left her home, and returned to the warm sun. Death often seemed like a harsh reminder that life is short, to convince the living to look at life through a rose colored glass. Yet, no one thinks about what death feels like. Death’s kiss devours your soul and forces you to be a servant under Hades’ rule.

Eirene knew the feeling of darkness filling her soul, plaguing her mind. Yet perhaps that is why she left the Underworld. The feeling of death on her fingertips grew to familiar, too comforting.

She did enjoy things from her mother’s world. The smell of fresh baked bread and the feeling of the sun kissing her skin. She loved the wind through her hair, and watching thousands of people moving through the world on their own path. She valued every drop of rain, every breath of wind, and every crash of the ocean’s waves. With the pleasant memories, Eirene was pulled back into the land of the living.

Her eyes opened as she laid on a loveseat. The plush pillows fit for royalty propped her up while Ms. Lillian sewed and pinned fabric together. Light filtered in through the windows, but the sounds of the room were muffled as if Eirene were hearing them from miles away.

In front go her, a lovey, blood red dress dress began to take shape on a dress form. It’s neckline reached around the top of the dress form. The lace would tickle Eirene’s chin, but set with a detailed lace pattern and jewels, it looked fabulous. The long sleeves draped down like a waterfall, while the bottom of the dress reached to the ground like a melted candle’s wax.

Eirene sat up further and cleared her throat.

“What happened?” She asked, her voice sounded strained and dry. Ms. Lillian spun around, a cluster of pins in her stern mouth. She humphed, and spit the pins into her hand.

“Hello, you’re awake I see. Wonderful, drink your water and then come here,” said Ms. Lillian, pointing to the glass of water on the table next to the loveseat, then she beckoned Eirene closer.

Eirene drank the water and stood. As she did, the room spun and she stumbled forward, latching onto the dress form. She clung to the delicate, red fabric to stay standing.

“Where is she?” Cadmus yelled, bursting through the doors. The loud sound of the door hitting the wall made Eirene flinch. Cadmus’ gaze locked onto her, still holding onto the dress form.

Cadmus rushed to her side, and scooped her into his arms. She tried to push him away, but failed. She soon melted into his arms as he carried her over to the couch again.

“What happened?” He growled. Ms. Lillian rolled her eyes and began to straighten the dress after Eirene leaned on it. Her trial hands, tugging and pulling on the fabric, the pins back in her mouth.

“I don’t know. She looked in the mirror then fell on me, lucky I didn’t fall over with her,” grumbled Ms. Lillian. Cadmus growled low in his throat. “Oh, protective one aren’t you?” She laughed and pinned a piece of lace to the collar. “No harm came to your wife. Don’t fret, now go finish your fitting. I’ll take care of her.” Ms. Lillian stepped away from the dress and then turned to Cadmus. He crossed his arms and planted his feet,reminding Eirene of a tree. She giggled, and Cadmus’ hard face softened.

Ms. Lillian took this opportunity to shove him out the door. He could’ve stopped her, but complied and let the little woman shove him away and snap the door shut in his face.

As she did, Cadmus yelled through the door.

“I want her to eat, she must feel better by this evening. We came all this way, and won’t miss the ball.” Ms. Lillian rolled her eyes, making Eirene giggle again. Cadmus heard the light sound through the door, and took that as his cue she was in good hands.

“Eirene, dearie, why don’t you take a nap, and I’ll order up some food,” she said. Eirene nodded sleepily and closed her eyes. “Silly men and their appearances, couldn’t have a weak wife, oh no,” mumbled Ms. Lillian grumpily as the world faded once again into blackness and Eirene slipped into sleep once more.

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