Storm and Fury: Chapter 24
“He knows I’m here,” I told Jada as I lay in bed the following morning. As promised, my phone was propped against an extra pillow and we were FaceTiming. She looked amazing, all bright-eyed and snuggled into her pink-and-gray paisley comforter. I, on the other hand, was half-hidden by Zayne’s blanket and was beyond grateful that I couldn’t see myself in that tiny square at the top of my phone. “Bael sent two Hellions after me.”
“Holy crap,” she said.
“Yeah.” I held the blanket against my chin. “I didn’t even feel them until they popped out of thin air. I forgot that they could do that. We tried to keep them alive, but Zayne had to kill one and the other impaled itself on my dagger.”
“God, Trin, that’s not good for your first night out there.” She reached out and adjusted her phone, bringing it closer to her face. “He has to know what you and Misha are.”
“I know.” I shuddered. “I mean, I guess that’s good news.”
I saw her mouth drop open. “Why would you think that’s good news?”
“Because it means he’s keeping Misha alive.” I paused. “Probably as bait, which sucks, but he’s alive and that’s all that matters.”
Jada was quiet for a long moment and then she asked, “Is it?”
I frowned. “What do you mean?”
Her sigh was audible. “I don’t want to even think about this, and I know you don’t, but God only knows what they’re doing to Misha and how that is going to affect him. I’m not saying that being dead is better, but…it’s probably going to be really rough when you get him back.”
“I know.” Tears burned my eyes. “I don’t… I can’t think about it. No matter what…condition he’s in, we’ll make him okay again.”
“We will,” she agreed, blinking rapidly and then wiping under her eyes with her palm. “Okay. Tell me something else. Have you gotten to see the city?”
Welcoming the change of subject, I let out a shaky breath. “Not really. We stayed in and got rest yesterday during the day and then went out last night,” I told her, skipping over the meeting with Roth and Layla. I didn’t think Jada would understand seeking help from demons when I didn’t understand it myself.
“Are you going to make time to see some stuff?” she asked.
“I want to, but it seems kind of weird to be out sightseeing while Misha is…” I gave a little shake of my head.
“Yeah, you have a point.” A faint smile came and went. “I would love to see the museums. Always wanted to, but not like that’s going to happen.”
Sympathy rose as I watched her. Female Wardens were kept in jeweled cages. “Maybe Ty will get assigned here next year? They obviously need the help.”
“Maybe,” she said with a sigh. “You know, I get why I can’t just come and see you or help, but it…”
“It sucks,” I told her. “If they’d just train the females to fight, you guys wouldn’t be so…” I trailed off, trying to think of the right word.
“Stuck,” Jada answered for me. “That’s how I feel. Stuck.”
I didn’t know what to say.
“Don’t get me wrong. I’m lucky, you know? I love Ty and I know I’ll be happy with him, but…knowing that my friends are out there and they need help and I can’t do anything just sucks.” She exhaled heavily. “It pisses me off, too, because it doesn’t have to be this way.”
“Then change it,” I told her.
“Thierry listens to you. If anyone can help you change things, it’ll be him.” Thinking I heard Zayne in the living room, I shifted slightly and glanced at the closed bedroom door. I groaned as pain flared along my back.
“I saw that!” Jada exclaimed. “Are you hurt?”
“Not really. Just my back is sore,” I told her. “The Hellion tossed me around like I was a misbehaving toddler. Hey, let me call you back—”
“Wait! Real quick, how are things with Zayne?”
My gaze slid back to my phone. “Fine. I guess. I mean, we haven’t tried to kill each other yet.”
“Have you kissed him again?”
“Oh my God,” I moaned, thinking of last night. “No, but thanks for reminding me. I’m hanging up now.”
She laughed. “Call me later, okay?”
“Will do. Love you.”
“Love you more,” she said, disconnecting the call.
No sooner had I rolled onto my aching back and looked at the picture on the nightstand, tucked close to the book, than Zayne spoke from the other side of the door. “Trinity? Can you come out here?”
Groaning under my breath, I pulled myself out of bed and shuffled out of the bedroom, immediately taking in the scent of coffee and…bacon? My stomach grumbled as I saw Zayne at the stovetop. His hair was pulled back at the nap of his neck. I didn’t realize until that very moment that I did appreciate a well-done man bun.
Jada would laugh her butt off hearing that.
“Come on.” He glanced over to where I lingered in the middle of the room. “Figured you’d be hungry.”
I didn’t realize how hungry I was until that moment. “I am.”
“Then take a seat and let me feed you.”
I did just that, hopping up on the stool. Zayne was turning off the stove. There were already two plates ready, both covered with a paper towel.
“Do you drink coffee?” he asked, looking over his shoulder at me. I shook my head. “I have some orange juice.”
“That’s perfect.” I started to get down. “I can get it if you just—”
“Stay seated.” He went to a cabinet and grabbed a glass, then made his way to the fridge. “Figured after watching you get chased around by naked Hellion demons, breakfast was the least I could do.”
I shuddered. “I’m going to need years of intensive therapy to erase the memories.”
“You and me both.” He placed the plate and glass of OJ in front of me, and I made quick work of the bacon. It was delicious, salty and yet sweet. Maple flavored, and I had to stop myself from licking my fingers when the bacon was gone.
Zayne finished his off with a cup of black coffee as he eyed me over the rim of his mug.
“What?” I demanded, running my finger along the edge of my plate.
“You’re doing really good.”
“At what? Eating bacon? I’m extremely skilled at that.”
He grinned. “At all of this. You’ve never been patrolling before, and while you have fought demons, it’s not an everyday thing for you and you did really well last night.”
Pleased by the compliment, I forced a shrug. “That was what I was trained for, you know? Maybe not fighting naked Hellions, but I’ve spent my whole life training with…” I trailed off, my gaze following to my empty plate. I wished I had more bacon and maybe chocolate.
Lots of chocolate.
“Misha?” he said quietly.
I nodded. “We’ve been training forever for the day we’d be called upon.”
“Called upon for what?”
“You know, that was never really specified,” I told him, sliding off the stool and wincing when it jolted my back. “Only that we’d be summoned by my father at some point, to fight.”
Zayne lowered his mug. “What was that?”
“What was what?”
“You just flinched.” Understanding flickered over his striking face. “Are you hurt?”
“I’m fine,” I said as I took my dish over to his sink, and technically I was fine.
He was still and then he was suddenly behind me, moving faster than I could track.
“I hate when you do that!” I snapped.
“Uh-huh.” He grabbed my shirt, ignoring my protests as he lifted it up. He swore under his breath, and I knew what he saw. I checked it out in the bathroom mirror when I got up this morning to use the bathroom. “Why didn’t you say something, Trinity?”
Pulling my shirt free from his grasp, I walked over to where my OJ was sitting. I snatched it up. “It’s fine.”
“It’s not fine,” he shot back. “Your back looks like a worn-out punching bag.”
I frowned. “Nice description.”
“This happened with the Hellions? Or has it been like this for a while?”
“From the Hellions. Probably when I got thrown off the platform.”
“You should’ve said something.”
Taking a drink, I lifted a shoulder as he stalked around me, his bare feet whispering over the cement.
“Why would you not say something?” He walked behind the island and opened one of the drawers, grabbing a small jar.
“I don’t know.” Honestly, I didn’t want him to think that I was whining.
“You may be this badass Trueborn, but you’re still half-human. You bruise easier than Wardens do, and if you had been fully human, you’d would’ve been killed a dozen times over last night.” He looked at me from where he stood, his stare piercing even if his features were a blur at this distance.
I rolled my eyes. “I just didn’t want to come across like I was complaining and it’s…it’s really not that bad. They’re just bruises and they’ll fade soon.”
“Just bruises?” As he came back over to me, I realized he had something in is hand. “I’m not used to…patrolling with half humans, so I don’t know your limits, and I need to know them so that you don’t hurt yourself.”
“I’m not hurt.”
“I beg to differ.” He took my free hand in his. “And this is the first time you’ve engaged with demons on a daily basis. You don’t even know your limits.”
“You’re overreacting.”
“Have you seen your back?” he demanded, dragging me into the bedroom and then into the bathroom, flipping on the bright lights.
I winced. “I’ve seen it and it’s not a big deal.”
Zayne let go of my hand. “Only you would argue with me over the condition of your back.” He placed the jar on the counter. “I need you undressed from the waist up.”
“What?” I gaped at him. “Usually a guy tells me I’m pretty before he demands that I take my shirt off.”
He shot me a bland look. “Is that all it takes for you to take your shirt off? You’re very pretty, Trinity.”
My eyes narrowed as I placed my OJ on the sink so that I wouldn’t throw it in his face. “That’s not all that it takes, thank you very much, and you didn’t even sound like you meant that.”
“Oh, I meant it.”
“Whatever. Why do I need to take my shirt off?”
“So I can put this—” he picked up the jar “—on your back. It’ll make the bruises heal faster, and unless you’re double-jointed, you’re going to need help putting it on. I need to see your back.”
I stared at him.
He held my glare. “You’re being ridiculous, Trinity. I’m not trying to see you half-naked. I’m trying to make sure you’re not hurt more than I can tell, and also make sure you heal so that we can continue patrolling.”
There was a tiny part of me that was…disappointed he wasn’t trying to get me naked because he was attracted to me. How messed up was that? I had no idea why that disappointed me. It shouldn’t. Zayne was the perpetual gentleman—annoying and a smart-ass, but a gentleman to the bone. However, the weird twinge of disappointment twisted into something explosive.
I don’t know precisely why I did what I did next, but there was a whole list of reasons for me to lose control, so I could blame any one of them for what I did.
Holding his stare, I reached down and whipped my shirt off, then let it drop to the floor. “Happy now?”
Zayne was incredibly still as he continued to hold my stare and he did so for so long that I thought he might’ve fallen asleep standing up with his eyes open, but then his gaze lowered from mine, and now I was holding my breath. I wasn’t wearing anything sexy. Just a normal bra, a plain black one with scalloped edging over the cups.
A muscle feathered along his jaw as his gaze slowly lifted to mine. Without breaking eye contact, he reached over and handed me the towel.
I took it from him, but I didn’t cover myself. “Does the bra need to come off, too?”
Zayne lifted a single brow and a long moment passed. “Probably be easier.”
For a tiny second, I imagined whipping off the bra, too, right in front of him. Zayne would probably die, right then and there. The look on his face would be worth it, but I chickened out before I even gave it serious thought. “Can you turn around?”
Zayne arched a brow and made a show of turning toward the shower, out of the path of the mirror.
Twisting at the waist, I placed the towel on the sink and then unhooked my bra. It slipped down my arms to the floor. I toed it under my fallen shirt and then picked up the towel and held it over my chest. I could see my back in the mirror, and it did look like a chessboard of pink and blue.
“I’m decent-ish,” I said, and I saw Zayne turn around behind me.
“Jesus,” he grunted, and not in response to my near-nakedness. “I can’t believe you haven’t said anything, and don’t tell me it doesn’t hurt. That has to hurt, Trinity.”
It did. “I’m tougher than I look.”
“You are, but I should’ve kept a better eye on you.”
“It’s not your fault,” I said, sniffing the air as he unscrewed the lid on the jar. The scent reminded me of Icy Hot, but there was something else under that. “What is that?”
“A salve that Jasmine made. That’s Dez’s wife. She’s really good at this kind of stuff. It’s a mixture of arnica, turmeric and menthol. I think there may even be some witch hazel in it. It’s an anti-inflammatory and it reduces pain and swelling,” he told me. “The stuff is a miracle worker.”
Zayne then placed his fingers against my skin, and I jolted at the contact.
“Sorry,” he muttered. The salve was cold and slimy, but it was his fingers that caused the reaction. Other than occasionally taking my hand or knocking me over, Zayne didn’t make a habit of touching me.
And he was really touching me now.
He worked the thick balm across my skin and then up and around. His fingers brushed the side of my breast, and my skin felt strangely warm as I lifted my gaze to the mirror.
All I could see was him standing behind me, so incredibly tall and broad, his golden head bowed as he concentrated on what he was doing.
Seeing him behind me so didn’t help cool my skin down.
“What is Jasmine like?” I asked, trying not to think about the fact I was utterly topless.
He chuckled. “She and her sister, Danika, sort of buck the system whenever they can, but she and Dez are lucky. They love each other, the real-deal kind of thing, and they have two young ones. They’re both a trip. Their girl, Izzy? She’s just learning to shift and fly. Keeps going right to the ceiling fan.”
“Oh, my,” I murmured, my body jerking all on its own, thinking of Peanut when he was near fans. Which made me pray that Peanut didn’t suddenly appear. “I always like to watch the little ones in the community when they begin to shift. It’s adorable watching them learn how to walk and use their wings.”
“Sorry,” he murmured when I jerked again.
“It’s okay.” I felt really, strangely hot, which was weird, because the balm was so cold.
Zayne continued quietly, his fingers skimming under the edges of the towel and along my ribs, causing me to shiver, and I wasn’t sure if there were bruises there or not. When his hands slid back, I wasn’t sure if I should be relieved or disappointed.
“Do you think I’ll get to meet Danika and Jasmine?” I asked, desperately trying to distract myself.
“If you want to, I don’t see why not.” His quiet answer warmed me inside, too.
“I’d like that.”
His gaze flickered up, meeting mine in the mirror for a second. “Then I’ll make sure that happens.”
Several more seconds passed and I started thinking about strange things—anything, really—to keep my mind away from his hands. “Before I knew what I was…or I guess, before I understood what I was, I thought I was normal and I wanted to be a thousand different things when I was a kid. None of them was this, but…”
“What were some of the things you wanted to be?”
“Oh, some of them were really stupid.”
“I doubt that.”
I snorted. “After watching Jurassic Park, I wanted to be an archaeologist.”
“I don’t think that’s dumb,” he said, and even though I couldn’t see his smile, I could feel it.
“And I wanted to raise llamas.”
Zayne’s hand stilled again. “Llamas?”
“Yeah.” I giggled. “And don’t even ask why. I have no idea. I just wanted a llama farm. I think they’re the most amazing animals ever. Did you know children can ride them? Adults can’t. It wouldn’t be very comfortable for you or the llama.”
“No, I didn’t.” He chuckled. “That is probably the strangest thing I’ve heard in a while.” His deft fingers slid over my spine. “Did you want to go to college?”
“I did.” I took a steadying breath, and the cool scent of menthol reached me. “But my mom was always against it, you know, before I understood what I was,” I admitted, closing my eyes. “I wanted to see the world a little and it’s weird, because the first time I got to see DC, when we went to Roth’s place, it freaked me out. That sounds stupid, doesn’t it?”
Zayne’s hand stilled. “No, it doesn’t. The city is a lot to take in if you’re not used to seeing all the people.”
A wry grin pulled at my lips. “It was overwhelming. So many people. I can’t tell you how many times I couldn’t tell if a person was dead or alive when we passed them on the street.”
“That has to be inconvenient.” His hand started moving again, and my back arched a little.
It took me a moment to collect my thoughts. “It is a little.”
“Speaking of ghosts, the one that came with you?”
“Yeah.” A pause. “Him. Can he…move things?”
I grinned. “Yes. Did he move something?”
“This morning my shoes were in the fridge.”
A giggle snuck out of me. “Sorry. Peanut is very…very weird, but he’s harmless. He just wants your attention and has a weird way of showing it.”
“Can I be honest?”
“I’m trying to ignore the fact that he’s now haunting my place.”
“He’s not really haunting it,” I said. “Think of it as cohabitation.”
Zayne snorted. “I’m almost done.” His hand was on the other side, smoothing the salve up my side. “You should already be starting to feel better.”
“I am.”
And that was true, but as we both fell silent, I could no longer ignore Zayne’s hands on my skin and how they were making me feel. It was like electricity flowed from his fingers over my skin, and when those long fingers brushed the sensitive swell near my ribs, I sucked in a soft breath.
“Sorry.” His voice sounded different, thicker even. “You okay?”
“Yeah.” I cleared my throat. “Yes.” I tried to find another distraction. “You know what I’m jealous of the most when it comes to Wardens?”
“Your ability to fly. I’m this badass Trueborn, but I don’t have wings. That sucks.”
He chuckled.
“It’s not funny.” I pouted. “I’d love to fly and get close to the stars. I used to try to get Misha to take me up in the sky, but he’d never do it even though you guys could probably carry a car into the air. Such a punk.”
Zayne carefully turned me around and then his hands left me. I looked into his eyes. I was immediately snared, feeling hot and dizzy, like I’d been sitting out, sunning on the sandy white beaches, and even though he wasn’t touching me any longer, I could still feel his palms and fingers. I couldn’t stop wondering what would happen if I dropped the towel.
Every muscle in my body locked up. Drop my towel and be topless in front of Zayne? My God, he’d have a stroke. What was I thinking?
But I wanted to, because I wanted… I wanted to feel his hands on my skin again. I wanted to feel his mouth on mine, and this time I wanted him to kiss me.
Something changed in his expression.
Those pale eyes, usually so chilly, were full of fire, and that jaw was a hard, straight line. His features were both beautiful and brutal, a raw combination.
“We may have to do this again,” he said, and his voice sounded off, deeper and rougher.
I was so looking forward to that.
His lips parted as if he were about to say something else, but his phone rang in the other room. He hesitated, his gaze still latched to mine, and then he put the jar on the counter before pivoting on his heel and walking out.
“God,” I whispered, turning back to the mirror.
Still feeling way too hot, I drew in another shaky breath. I really needed to put my shirt and my bra back on. That was the appropriate thing to do, especially before Zayne returned, but I stood there, staring at my reflection in the mirror.
I didn’t look like myself.
Well, the messy, half-fallen topknot was all me, but the glassy eyes, parted lips and flushed skin looked nothing like me. Another fine shiver danced its way over my skin as heat pooled low in my core. Zayne wasn’t even in the bathroom with me anymore, but I could still feel his hands on the skin of my back, along my sides to where just the tips of his fingers had grazed the sides of my breasts.
A sharp buzz hit my veins as I sucked in air, and a warm, pleasant heaviness settled over me.
It’s normal.
That’s what I kept telling myself. What I was feeling was just my body reacting to the touch of someone I was attracted to, and I was attracted to Zayne, but that was all, just a…a carnal attraction, one that I was positive wasn’t two-sided.
But if it were?
My breath hitched. That would complicate things, wouldn’t it? My body didn’t care about that at all, though. Neither did that primal part of my brain that was suddenly flashing images to accompany the memory of his bare hands, slippery and smooth against my skin, and those images were as clear as reality.
Zayne’s reflection appeared in the mirror, causing me to gasp. His gaze met mine in the mirror. “I thought you’d be dressed,” he said.
“I…” I really had no idea what to say as I turned to him, figuring the towel was more discreet than my bare back. “I, um, I’m still wet.”
Those pale eyes flared with wintry heat as his gaze dipped. “Really?” he said, and I swore it sounded like a purr against my skin.
My face burned as I realized what I’d said and how that could be perceived. “The salve—the salve is still wet and I thought I’d let it dry a little.”
Zayne nodded slowly as he bit down on his lower lip. Those thick lashes lowered, shielding his gaze.
“Who just called?” I asked.
“Roth,” he answered, and my skin immediately chilled. “He wants to meet with us. Tonight.”