Stone Cold Notes: A Rock Star Romance (The Seasons Change)

Stone Cold Notes: Chapter 20

I DIDN’T KNOW WHAT I WAS MORE NERVOUS FOR: spending my first night away from Ezra or spending my first evening inside a sex club with Callum. It was a true toss-up. The insane fact that this was my life and something I was actually contemplating had not escaped me.

Ezra and I had an extra-long snuggle session before he went to bed to make up for the fact that I wouldn’t be home in the morning. Jenny was there, so he really didn’t seem to mind. I was crumbling to pieces…just a little bit.

As I fretted by the front door waiting for Callum to pick me up, Jenny took my hand and slapped it. Not lightly either.

“Relax, Birdie. The world won’t end because you miss a morning with Ezra.”

I huffed and smoothed my hands over my silky red dress. Despite my best efforts to avoid her, Natalie had corralled me during my lunch break and taken me shopping, leaving Marissa to man my desk. Fortunately, it was the one day this week Callum couldn’t meet me. Double fortunate, I found this dress—and it was hot.

“I know it won’t. My son will be just fine without me, and I don’t know if that makes this easier or harder.”

Jenny snorted. “He’s not graduating college, babe. You still get to wipe his snotty nose and tie his shoes.”

I laughed. “Thanks for the perspective.” Headlights illuminated the street, stopping in front of our house. “That’s Callum. I’ll see you in the morning. Call me if you need me. I’ll be close and—”

She smacked my butt. “Get out, girl. Don’t come back until at least noon tomorrow.”

I had no choice but to leave when Jenny physically shoved me out the door and slammed it behind me. Seeing Callum on the sidewalk at the bottom of the steps made it that much easier not to turn back.

He took my hand as soon as I was close enough, pulling me into his body and wrapping me tight. I didn’t comment on his leather jacket being too light for the cold. Well, I couldn’t anyway, not with his mouth covering mine so thoroughly. His hands slid into the sides of my coat to my backside, cupping it in his palms and groaning.

“What are you wearing?” He practically grunted at me.

“A dress.”

“I can feel your skin through it, baby. I don’t know if I’m gonna let you out of the car.”

I grinned, pleased with myself, and more than a little turned on. “We have to get in the car before you can trap me in it.”

“First, tell me you’re wearing panties.”

“I’m wearing panties.”

He pulled back to frown down at me. “I don’t believe you.” His hand curved around my ass. “All I feel is you.”

I shrugged. “They’re very small panties.”

He groaned again, gripping my butt hard enough to bruise. “Neither of us are gonna be able to walk by morning.”

I lifted my eyes to his, fluttering my lashes. “Promise?”

“Trouble,” he gritted out. “Nothin’ but trouble.”

Eventually, he let me get in the car, and eventually, we arrived at the club. The outside was nondescript. Nothing boasting sex shows or arrows pointing to the door with the words “Kink Inside” in neon.

Callum held my hand tight as he led me into the club. At first glance, we were entering a high-class bar. Low lighting, plush seating, faint, rhythmic music in the background. The bar occupied one side of the space, and there were several well-dressed patrons around it.

Callum slipped off my jacket and his, handing it over to the coat check. Then he led me a few steps away, stopped, took a step back, and swore under his breath.

Then he swore louder. “Fuck.” His icy eyes were on fire, trailing over my exposed shoulders, my deep cleavage, the red satin of my dress skimming my lower body until it stopped a couple inches above my knees, my sky-high heels and red toenails. I wasn’t always confident, but I knew I looked good tonight.

“I wore this for you,” I purred. Yeah, I purred. Callum brought that out in me.

“I have no words.” He stepped into my space again, drawing me to him with a hard jerk. His lips landed on my shoulder. “Fuck,” he groused.

“You sound grumpy.”

“I’m pissed, Wren. I know you’re not gonna let me drag you out of here, so I’m gonna sit here with a hard cock all night until you finally take mercy on me.”

“You’re right, I’m not. But you have me all night, and you can do anything you want with me…later.”

He stared at me for a long time, his chest rising and falling rapidly. He was hard against my belly. His fingers on my back were digging into my spine. I reached up, stroking his beard the way we both liked. At the last second, he caught my hand and kissed my wrist the way I loved. Then he took my hand in his and continued leading me into the main area of the club.

“Drink?” Callum asked.

“Yes.” My jitters were flaring high. I needed something to soothe them so I could actually enjoy myself.

really wanted to enjoy myself.

Callum wrapped his arm around my torso, settling his hand just beneath the curve of my breast, and walked me to a table set against a wall. I sat down on the velvet bench, giving me a clear shot of the room. Callum remained standing.

“Stay here, but look around. I’m gonna make arrangements for us and I’ll come back with drinks.” When I licked my lips, he bent down. “Everyone saw you come in with me. They know you’re mine. No one will bother you.”

I nodded, and with one last look, he crossed the room, heading back to the bar.

At second glance, it was obvious this wasn’t any old club. A St. Andrew’s cross took up the center of the small stage at the front of the room. Two men sat at a table, each with women kneeling at their feet. Leather seemed to be the most popular fabric for clothing, lace coming in a close second for the women. And if the visuals hadn’t been enough of a hint to the type of place this was, the stir in the air would have given it away. Nothing overt, there was just a sexual vibe that couldn’t be ignored, like heat waves coming off asphalt.

A silver-haired man approached my table, stopping right in front of me. “I know you,” he announced.

My breath caught in my throat. I knew him too. “Oh, hi. It’s nice to see you.” It really wasn’t. Benson Martin had given me the creeps the first time we met, and that hadn’t waned.

His eyes traveled over me, paying special attention to my breasts, which were pushed up high and on display beneath the deep V of my halter dress.

“Oh, it’s very nice to see you again, peach. You look even more beautiful and ripe than the last time I saw you.” He helped himself to the bench beside me, only leaving a small space between us. “Did Wainwright leave you all alone? In a place like this?”

I tried to scoot away subtly—why I was trying to spare his feelings, I didn’t know, I just was—but he was watching me too closely for me to make a run for it. He hadn’t done anything wrong, I just didn’t love him being there.

“I’m not with Adam.”

“Oh?” He cocked his head. “Who brought you here, beautiful?”

I rubbed my hands on my legs, stopping myself from searching Callum out. If he were anywhere within sight, he’d be beside me, removing Benson from my space.

“My boyfriend.” That was all I was offering.

Benson laughed, his shiny white teeth gleaming even in the dim light. “A taciturn little peach, hmm? I like a woman who keeps things private. I find it freeing.” He draped his arm across the back of the bench, behind my head. “Tell me, what was your favorite part of my party?”

My chin had begun to quiver, but I clamped down on my lip to stop it. I wasn’t afraid of this man, not in this space at least, but I was uncomfortable and had no desire to continue this conversation.

“As you said, I’m private. I’ll keep that between me and my partner.” I barely kept the tremble out of my voice, but I managed.

Benson found me amusing, laughing once again. “I suppose I did.” He dipped his head at the same time his arm came around my shoulder, cupping my bicep. “This boyfriend of yours, does he share? Because I am very much interested in finding out your secrets, peach.”

I shook my head hard. “No, no he doesn’t. I don’t either.”

“Aw, come o—”

Benson was gone before he could complete his cajole. Callum leaned over him, Benson’s shirt in his fist, pressing him into the bench.

“You touchin’ my woman, Martin?” he growled.

“Fuck, Rose, get off me.” Benson Martin tried to push Callum away, but that wasn’t happening.

“What makes you think she wants her hands on you?” He shook Benson hard, until his gleaming white teeth rattled. “I know she told you she was with someone. I didn’t have to hear her to know that’s how this went down.”

Callum’s words were slow, low, and dripping with threat. He hadn’t heard what I’d said to Benson, but he had no doubt in me.

“Take it easy. We were just talking.”

Callum braced a knee on the bench, right between Benson’s legs, and got even deeper into the other man’s face. “You were touchin’. I know you know better. That woman is mine. say who can talk to her. say who can touch her. say who can look at her. You were not given that privilege.”

Benson stopped struggling and held up placating hands. “You’re right, you’re right. You have a treasure. I messed up.”

Callum grunted in acknowledgment, and in a movement that seemed far too easy, reared back and yanked Benson to his feet. “I’m gonna let go of you, and you’re gonna walk away. You will not look at my woman without my permission. You’ll forget she exists unless I allow you to remember. This isn’t a discussion. We’re done here.” Another tooth-rattling shake. “You feel me, boy?”

“Yeah, shit, I feel you. I hope you feel me when I tell you you’re not welcome at my parties any longer.”

Callum released him with a violent shove. “Don’t need your parties. Got everything I need and more right here in a pretty red dress. Go fuck yourself.”

Benson Martin’s hands balled at his sides. “I liked you a hell of a lot better when you didn’t talk, asshole.” He stormed off, grabbing a statuesque blonde and dragging her along with him toward the exit.

Callum was a stone statue, facing away from me. Just as I’d felt the vibrations in the air when we entered the club, he was disrupting the air with his rage. I stood, walking around to his front and laying a hand on the center of his chest. He stared at me, nostrils flared. I circled my arms around his middle, my head taking the spot my hand had vacated. It took a moment or two, then Callum was holding me tight, bending down to bury his nose in my hair.

“I shouldn’t have left you.”

I shook my head. “I’m fine. I promise. He was creepy, but he didn’t do anything bad.”

“He was touchin’ you. Do you know what I wanted to do when I saw that?”

“No,” I murmured. “I’m okay, baby.”

He went on like he hadn’t heard me. “I would have killed him if I wouldn’t have been taken away from you after.”

That was a scary thought, but I wasn’t afraid of him. “You didn’t, though. I’m safe, and he got the message.”

Cupping my face with both hands, he tilted my head side to side. “You’re okay?”

“Yes, baby. I’m just fine, but I really love knowing you’ll protect me like you do.”

His brow pinched then settled. “I like when you call me baby. No one’s ever done that.”

“Good. That’s my thing for you.” I lifted onto my toes to touch my lips to his. “I’m just as possessive over you, you know.”

His lips twitched. “That isn’t possible, Little Bird. Not possible at all.”

“Watch me the first time a groupie throws her panties at you. I will…talk very sternly to her under my breath.”

That broke him. He laughed and tipped my head back so he could cover my mouth with his in a deep, thorough kiss I felt all the way to my toes. No doubt we were being watched since Callum had made somewhat of a spectacle of us and he was only continuing it, but for once, I didn’t mind.

He pulled back, his gaze searching me. “You want to stay?”

“Yeah, I do.” I smoothed my hands up and down his back. “Do you?”

“Mmm. I have a private room arranged for us.”

“Okay,” I whispered. “Let’s go.”

The room Callum took us to was small and cozy, with a sleek leather couch, low tables, dimly lit sconces on the burgundy walls, and not much else. That was because on the wall facing the couch was a large window, and beyond that window was another room, and in that room was a couple, standing by a bed.

Callum cupped my nape and directed me to the window. “They can’t see us. All they see is a mirror.”

“But they know someone’s watching?”

“Yeah. They get off on it.”

The woman was pretty, with full curves and silky black hair. She was older, maybe in her forties, but well kept. The man was tall, with lean muscles and smooth, bronze skin. He couldn’t have been older than his midtwenties.

He was undressing her slowly, kissing each piece of skin he revealed. Her head was tossed back, pink lips parted as she enjoyed him. They were soft with each other, careful and sweet—so unlike the way Callum and I were with each other.

“Do you like this?” he murmured beside my ear.

“I do. They’re different from us.”

His hand flexed on my neck. “Jealous?”

“No. I love how we are.” I leaned my head back on him. “But I like watching them.”

“Turned on?”

“Since the second I saw you tonight.”

His erection skimmed my lower back. “Sit down on the couch. I’ve been needing to get my hands on you since first saw you.”

I didn’t sit down on the couch. Callum placed me in his lap, but first, he pulled up the back of my dress so my bare ass was seated directly on his crotch. He laid a palm on the center of my back, bending me forward, and took a long perusal of my red, lacy thong. While he did that, running his fingertips along the material that disappeared between my cheeks, my eyes were on the other couple.

She was down to her underwear, the man in his briefs. He carefully folded down the cup of her bra and sucked her beaded nipple into his mouth. Her fingers combed through his black hair and down his shoulders. He moved to her other nipple, running his tongue around it in tight circles.

Callum squeezed my ass and spread my cheeks apart, then he tugged on my thong, wedging it into my soaked pussy. I couldn’t help the moan that fell from my lips, and for once, I didn’t try to keep it in.

“I had all these ideas. Things I wanted to try.” Callum’s arm banded around my shoulders, and he pressed me against him. “But all I can think of now is havin’ your pussy on my face, dripping into my mouth.”

“Oh.” My thighs would have clenched if he hadn’t lifted my dress in the front to cup between them. My eyes went wide as the man laid the woman down on the bed and ran his tongue from her throat to her belly button. “I want that too.”

Callum helped me take my dress off, and with a look of pained regret, divested me of my underwear then reclined on the sofa and settled me over him, so my thighs surrounded his head. He grasped my hips, drawing my pussy to his eager mouth.

A month ago, I would have blushed at the very idea of sitting on a man’s face, let alone this man’s. The first time Callum told me where to park myself, I tried to insist my thighs would smother him.

“Do I look like I’m jokin’ with you, Little Bird? Pussy on my mouth. Now.”

“But I don’t think girls like me do that…”

“What? Beautiful girls with delicious, dripping cunts? Women whose bodies are the kind of soft a man could lose himself in and be fuckin’ happy to be gone?”


“Be quiet, Wren. No more talkin’. Watch me eat you then tell me girls like you don’t do that. Tell me.”

After that, when Callum asked me to sit on his face, I complied without hesitation. And because I was luckier than I had any right to be, he asked me often. Often.

He ate me hungrily. He went at me hard, almost vicious, licking and sucking. He didn’t sip, he gulped and devoured. My eyes threatened to close, but the couple on the bed caught my attention. I rode Callum’s gorgeous face as the man worshiped between the woman’s thighs. Her back arched as his tongue speared into her, thrusting in and out slowly. Her face was a picture of bliss. She loved what he was doing just as much as I was going out of my mind with Callum’s relentless tongue fucking.

In my head, they were watching us too. Seeing the differences between us. Finding us just as hot and erotic as I found them.

I came hard and fast, my entire body seizing into one violent spasm. My nails clawed at the arm of the couch, and it was all I could do not to go tumbling to the ground. Callum held me tight to his face, eating every drop I gave him. Keeping me safe from the fall, always, no matter how deep into pleasure we both were.

The woman’s mouth fell open, and her fingers laced with her partner’s as she came. He licked her through her climax, then kissed her thighs and belly as she lay panting.

Callum kept going, grunting as he ate me, and I went off again, screaming this time. I couldn’t stop myself. And I didn’t care who heard. My beautiful man did wild and crazy things to my body.

I needed him. I needed him so badly, I could taste the desire on my tongue.

I scrambled off him to the floor and ripped his jeans open, releasing his swollen cock. Without a second’s delay, I wrapped my lips around him and sucked him just as hungrily as he’d eaten me. The guttural groan I wrenched out of him went straight to my head, making me dizzy with pleasure.

Callum let me suck him for a while, stroking my hair and cheeks as I took my fill. I was no expert, but god, I just needed this with him so badly. And he liked it. I knew he did, from the sounds he made no effort to tamp down. From the strain in his abs and his barely controlled grip on my head.

“That’s enough, Little Bird.”

Ignoring him, I sucked him all the way to the root, savoring every inch. He groaned and sat forward, gripping me under the arms.

“Enough, Wren.”

He pulled at me, and I whined, keeping him in my mouth until he popped out. Then I was straddling his lap, and he entered me in one powerful thrust. His mouth was all over my breasts, sucking my nipples deep. Tossing my head back, I cried out, in pain, in ecstasy, both at once.

He controlled me, holding my hips and shoving me down on him at the same time he surged up, again and again. His lips were red and swollen from his time between my thighs, brow pinched, beads of sweat at his hairline. Callum was beautiful, and he was mine. Only mine.

“I’m gonna come, baby.” I didn’t know why I told him. He had to feel me fluttering around him.

His eyes shot to mine, and one of his fingers found my clit, circling it so expertly, it was like he’d been doing it for years instead of weeks. I detonated then, looking into his eyes, his cock buried so deep in me, I nearly felt it in my chest. The couple was probably fucking behind us, but I was so all about Callum, they only crossed my mind for a second before they were forgotten and it was just me, soaring through bliss.

Callum jerked me to his chest, his face in my throat, powering into me from beneath. Then he moved, flipping me onto my back, one knee hooked over his arm. He went at me, working in deep, pounding into my very being with his. I cried. He grunted. Our skin slapped. It was loud, messy, perfect. Then he reared back, his throat arced and exposed, and something like a roar shot from his parted lips. My hips were in his hands, and he rutted into me until I was filled with his liquid heat.

Panting, he fell over me, and I turned my head to the window, curious. The window was shuttered, a screen over it, so it was just Callum and me. He’d closed it when I wasn’t looking, and for reasons I couldn’t explain in words, that filled my chest with warmth.

“Shit, Wren.” His mouth was on my skin, not kissing really. Just there, like he couldn’t stand to be anywhere else.

“Yeah.” I nuzzled my face in his throat. “You closed the window.”

He tipped his face to mine. “They were distracting me from the real show. My beautiful girl so tight on my cock I could barely move. Those tits bouncin’ in my face, red cheeks, pouty lips. Best show I’ve ever seen.”

“Does that mean you don’t want to watch anymore?”

He shook his head. “Fuck no. If bringin’ you here gets me all that, we’re gonna keep doin’ it. Not every day, think it might kill me, but I’m gonna need more of that from you.”

I nodded, grinning happily. “I’d like that.”

“Anything you want, it’s yours. You know that, right?” He peered down at me with an unwavering, intense gaze, waiting for my answer.

“I’m getting there.”

That was the honest truth. I’d never been given a thing in my life besides love from Jenny and Ezra. It’d been a hard road, getting where I was. And I thought, if I held on to Callum’s offered hand, it could be smooth going from here. It would take me some time to trust and believe I could really have something like that and it would be so easy and perfect in the long run.

“Get there.” His nose slid along mine. “Now, I’m takin’ you home.”

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