Spiritual knight

Chapter Final Case: Christmas Chaos and a New Begining

10 Years Later...

Scarlet is getting everything for the Christmas eve party they are hosting this year, Aron is with his ten year old twins, Vincent and Michaelangelo (Mikey), decorating the Christmas tree. They are bothbecoming handsome kids, Vincent is as energetic as his father, but very reasonable as his mother. Diferent from his twin younger brother, cool and calm as his mother, energetic and possessive as his father.

After Scarlet had the twins, she and Aron got marry, now she is Scarlet Hope Kingston, they been working with the kids and work non-stop for months, Edward and his wife, Blaze decide to take care of the five year olds wield Mommy and Daddy went to a late honeymoon, just to comeback and Scarlet started her mood swings in the midd, middle of a crime scene. To their surprise, she ended up pregnant again.

Now her five year old boy, Giro Mathew Kingston is clinging on her leg, as his hands warm up by the low temperature in the room, trying to keep her temperature warm.

“Aron dear, would you raise the heat, Giro is going to burn my leg at this rate” said Scarlet

“Sure” said Aron walking toward the heater

Giro giggle and hug his father

“Thank you Daddy” said Giro

“But now is hot here” whine Mikey

“Michaelangelo” said Scarlet stern at him

Laugh Vencint “Is alright Mikey, Mom can regulate the temperature later, remember? Giro is starting to use his power” said Vincent

Scarlet and Aron can’t argue with their son about that, surprisely their powers started at the age of five, when the twins started their powers it took every fiber in Scarlet’s body not to roar at them, on the other hand it pissed their father so much that they hid behind her and he suffer her wraph.

The doorbell sounded, arriving the guest for the party, Vincent and Michaelangelo ran toward the door to open to their grandparents, uncles and aunts. One by one they were arriving, the house was full of friends and family, each and one of them with their children and a new generation of dragons, starting with Vincent and Michaelangelo, following with Naomi, daughter of Otto and Brenda, later Ivan, son of Titania and Vlamid, and ending with Giro.

When everyone is having conversation with others, the kids are playing in the backyard of Scarlet and Aron’s new house. They are playing hide and seek. Giro and Ivan hid in a place where no one could see them, then they heard a strange sound, then a low moan of pain was heard from the back of them, they slowly turn around to see a stranger, cover in red liquid and a funny looking face, Ivan and Giro’s eyes tear and they both scream. Frigthen and with tears running their small faces, they ran toward their mothers, mummbling between their arms, that is until Giro pointed a the place where he and Ivan were hiding.

Aron guide Vincent and Mikey toward their mother and she puts them behind her just in case she has to be rough, Aron and Otto when to investigate, even Edward is on guard follow by Blaze and their three years old August Walker. The tree men got their claws and guns ready, when Otto parted the bsh they stop their track of attaking. Edward pull the guy out of the bush.

“Jesus Christ” said Vlamid “I can smell the bood from here and he isn’t a normal human” said Vlamid

“H-help...m-me” said the guy as he pass out

Scarlet atent to his wounds and put him to rest in one of the guest room, they sat down in the living room, checking the things the man was carring, they found some guns, an injections and a set of douments. Aron try to made sence of what the documents are until, Scarlet told him.

“Is demon DNA, this look like formula to create human demons, or human supernatural, more like Mutans” she lft her hand with a small probe with dark red color “I took some blood from him, we can take it to Dr. Stellar tomorrow” said Scarlet

“Dr. Stellar is in Hawaii enjoying his Christmas in the beach” said Otto

“S**t” said Scarlet

“Can’t you analize the blood? I mean you do have a forensic lab in the basement when you couldn’t leave the house during your pregnacy” said Aron

“We have a secret lab?” said the twins

Scarlet look at her boys and laugh “Yes we do have a lab” she turn toward Aron “I don’t want to ruin the kids Christmas with a crime, so I will tell you this as a mother not as a SCIS Forencis, Get. This. Case. Close. Tonight. Or their won’t be a present for you” she whisper yell at his ear

Aron stood up, with determination on his face “Let’s finish this up so we can enjoy the party again, please” said Aron leaving them stund

Scarlet left the room toward the basement, Brenda follow her for sake keeping, and with her tree musketears behind her, when they reach the bottom, she turn on the light, the kids look stun by the basement they were never allow to enter until now.

“Wow” said Mikey

“Amazing” said Vincent

“Cool” repond Giro

Mikey turn around to see a square cube, he enters inside, looking around he notice a lot of scratches and reptile skin, some are black scale, other were like yellow scale, that is until Vincent sees it.

“Is this made of...” said Mikey

“...Gold” finish Vincent

“Oh God, we are rich” yell Mikey

Scarlet sigh “No we are not”

“But mom this is gold” said Vincent

Scarlet shake her head with a sigh, she is not ready to tell her kids who their parents really are, so she let them believe that they found a Gold scale. Scarlet put her lab coat on and started to work. Giro hapen to be more interesting in the science field, he follows his mother everywhere, even taking close look at the things she is doing. Later on, Vincent and Michaelangelo took notice of what their mother is doing, and started to make questions. In one point, the three of them started o help her around, as she orders what they should do or not to touch.

Aron, Otto, Vlamid and Edward are scouting on the backyard, with Vlamid sense of smell the surely could finish this case faster. They found the fence where he jump to the backyard, Otto souch it and felt that the blood is pretty much fresh, lamid confirms that the smell is the same of the man. The four men jump the fence to the next door neightboor, following Vlamid that is guiding them toward the backyard of the house, they notice a spot of blood in the floor, Otto sees this and Edward said what they were thingking, the man was shot in the backyard and he manage to escaper.

Titania and Blaze are walking and questioning anyone that comes in her ways, then they stumble into a couple and they spoke about the Kingston’s neightboor, they mention that the guy that live there is a weird on, always lock in his house, rarely comes out and he looks to be a doctor sort off, and that one day as they were walking they cross paths, that he was mumbling somethinng about the perfection or how to archive a perfect speciment. With those words, Titania and Blaze could clearly raise a red flag on the men.

Back at the lab the kids are playing with their aunt, Brenda as Scarlet manage to seperate both blood speciments and place them in diferent probes, that is when Brenda let Giro’s toy fall to the floor. Giro look at his aunt and shoke her leg, Scarlet look back at her kids, when she notice Brenda’s reaction. Scarlet rapidly went to her and then she grabs her shoulder to see her face.

“What do you see?” ask Scarlet

Brenda turn to her “I see a man in a white coat, with a knife, I see the kids inside the cage and you in your nature protecting them” Brenda took a deep breath “I think someone is coming to kill us” said Brenda.

Scarlet grab Giro and the twins, she place them inside the Cage, Brenda grab some of the things they need incase he passes her, which is a dout, due to the fact that Scarlet is a danguorus creature of legends. She lock the door and place a code that only she and Aron knows. The twins were scare of what thei mother is doing and Giro is huging Brenda as she rocks him back and forth. Then Scarlet came back from the top floor, with Naomi, Ivan and little August, she open the Cage and place them with Brenda, the twins and Giro.

Otto manage to open the neighbors house, as they enter the strong stench of death, chemicals, and blood, mix up together, hit their noses. They walk around the place, Aron use his hearing, listening for anysign of life inside the house. He heard tree heart beats including his own, which means that the guy is not home. As they look around they notice that they are body parts and pieces of flesh almost every corner of the place. As they analize the scene in front of them, Aron’s phone started to ring.

“Is Scarlet” said Aron to the rest of the guys, picking up the phone “Hey honey whats-” Aron listen what Scarlet said and his face turn white “Are you sure?...Alright, protect the kids wield I get some dirt in the bastard” said Aron as he hungs up “Scarlet said that Brenda had a vison of a man hurting everyone in the house, a man with white lab coat on” resum Aron

“So the guy that lives here must be the cult print” said Vlamid

“Um guys, I don’t think the good doctor is the suspect” said Otto

“Why is that?” ask Edward

Otto point at the floor of the next room “Because he is dead and his face has been peel off”

The guys realize that what they are dealing is a spirit that steels the peoples faces.

Mean wield, Scarlet continue to analize the blood samples, then with her sharp hearing she head the footsteps of a man comming down the stairs. Scarlet removed her lab coat and left the basement locking the door in case there is a secondary killer. Scarlet reach the living room, searching around, then she felt the presense of a been behind her, so she dodge his attacks. Taking a good look at the guy, it happens to be theinjured men from the backyard.

“So everything is a set up in order to get inside the house” said Scarlet at the man

“Of course, I needed to removed the perfection of this world, perfect people tent to behave and act as the world is on their hands, but in reality, is just an imaginary imagae to hide the truth, behind the perfection, so I am saving the future of this house” said the man

“The fututre? You mean our kids?! Over my dead body” said Scarlet as her eyes turns a bright purple

The man attack her, but Scarlet dodge the attack, she turn her defense into offence in split of seconds, she punch the guy in his face, blasting a bit of curent to his face and blast him toward the kitchen. Scarlet ran toward him, and he jump to the counter with kitchen knifes, trowing at her, she jump and hid behind a pillar. The man stop throwing the knifes, proceing toward the basement, then Scarlet tackel him to the ground, punching him and scarting him with her endores nails. The guy manage to create a punche her hard enought that she blasted to the basement, breaking the door and arriving at the floor in front of the cage.

The guy came slowly down to the basement, looking around to see the lab and them to the cage where the kids and Brenda is hidden.

“Look at that, you see! This is what I meant when I said that every perfect family there is always something bad going on” said the man

Scarlet took a quick glance at her kids and the others, she knew that this day would come, in an blink of an eye, Scarlet got the man ping up against the wall, she is grouling and her arms are starting to enlarge her nails and fangs.

“The thing is, we aren’t a perfect family, we are a family with a dark and crule history, starting with twin brothers, two lovers and a new era of our kind, so if you think coming here to kill my children so you can release them from their suffering? Then you are barking in the wrong family, fill with real monsters” said Scarlet as her body is changing

Vincent and Mikey are shock to see their mother turning into a monster, at first they though that she is just scary, but now they realize that she is even more scarier than their dad. They hug Brenda harder, when she complain of been out of breath, they release her then they saw their mother giving the guy a hard time to keep his life sane. Mikey turn toward Brenda.

“Aunty, why is mom like that?” ask Mikey

Brenda look at the scare children, with a deep sigh she spoke “A long time ago, your mother met a strange creature near her home, but tragery awaited her at the age of 15. The creature gave it’s life to save hers, she became the first and last of the new generation, your parents are the legendary Dragons” said Brenda

Scarlet was about to claw him out until a pang of pain hit her back, is been so long since she let her wings come out. Then another pang hit her back, then she growls loud enought to scare the kids and her wings spread out. Scarlet is panting and really pissed off, when she ia sbout to fininsh the man off, Aron took a hold of her wrist, she turns and glare at him.

“Easy now, we don’t want to scare the kids” said Aron as Otto and Edward took the change to removed the man before she does something she will forever regrest.

Scarlet stare at Aron like a piece of meet and she lick her lips, seductively, also she is emiting heat making Aron almost lose it in front of an audiance. He let go of her wrist and open the cage, letting Brenda and the kids to leave, they look at their father.

“What is going to happen to mommy?” ask Vincent

“Don’t worry, Mommy will be fine, she just need some special medicen” said Aron almost panting

They left the basement, Brenda made sure to clode the door tight, in that moment Aron turns around and commanded her to enter the cage and strip her clothing off.

Scarlet stood there n***d in all her glorry, Aron took his fair share of clothing, he then turn in the same condition as Scarlet, he began to kiss her and caress her body, no matter the times they made love, is always the same experience, Aron loves it and Scarlet enjoys it. They tangle on each other, panting, crying and connecting, making Scarlet extreamly tierd. This is one of the best Christmas presents that Aron isn’t going to forget, how they made love in Christmas day.

Three in a half hour latter, Brenda left some clothing in front of the door, Thankfully they change and walk back to the room where they were waiting them, althought the kids already open their presents, there was one simngle present under the Christmas tree.

“We were tierd of waiting, sorry” said Vincent

Scarlet and Aron look around the room to see that everyone didn’t wait for them to open the presents, Aron laugh and Scarlet sighs. They walk over the christmas tree to grab two presents that were left, Aron proceed in giving his first. Scarlet open the present and saw a beautiful jewlary with a golden lizzard and a black lizzard crossing over each other. Then Scarlet gave her present to Aron, it was small and it didn’t weigh that much. Aron open the present to find a stick inside, he got confuse as he looks carefully the strick in his hands, that is when it hit hims.

“You...But...another one?” said Aron

Scarlet laugh so loud at his face, Aron sigh in defeat. The kids were confuse and none of the adults would tell them until their parents said something.

“That is right Honey, we are going for a forth child, and I hope that in this one we close shop, because I can’t stand beeing in the labor room for another five years” said Scarlet

“Why is daddy’s present a stick?” ask Giro

Scarlet grab her son in her arms and hugs him “That is becasue you three are going to hava a baby sister or brother” reveal Scarlet

The kids are overjoy to have another sibbling on the way, Aron sigh for the fith time tonight,but he is happy to know that there will be another baby on the way. They hug and kiss, everyone congratulated them for the news of another baby on the way.

“So I am curious, what would the baby be this time, I mean, you have Vincent that happens to be a Wind Dragon, Michaelangelo is a Earth Dragon and Giro is obviously a Fire Dragon by the looks of it, so this baby will probably be a Water Dragon, right?” said Titania

“You are right Titania, there is a hidden story about the legendary seconds in command, also known as the elemental Dragons, I was suspecting the same thing when Giro was born” answer Scarlet

The kids started to play with their new toys and with their cousins and friends, leaving the adults to have their conversation, knowing that the man is SCIS custody, they can enjoy a good Christmas night.

Hours pass and everyone started to leave, once everyone left, Aron and Scarlet pick up their sleeping childrens and tug them to the bed. They walk totheir master bedroom, before going to bed, they decide to take a bath together. Arron kneel in front of Scarlet’s n***d body and kiss her navel, giving his welcome to the new member of this crazy family. They shower giving each other soft kisses and hugs, once they are done, they put their pjs on and got into the bed, they keep talking about the new baby.

“Have you thought about the names of him or her?” ask Aron

“I have one for the girl, you pick the boy name” said Scarlet

“Well, base on our first three kids, I’ll say, Azul or Ocean Charles” said Aron honestly

“True about our kids, but I have a strong feeling that this one is a she and her name will be Yuuki Marina Kingston Walker” said Scarlet with a soft angelic voice

Aron repeted the name and it sounded perfect for the little girl that might be on her way to her father’s arms.

“I love you and thank you for this wonderful family my wife” said Aron huging Scarlet and giving a peck on her forehead

“I love you too, Husban” said Scarlet huging him with everything she has to give

This marks the end of legendary Dragons stroy and a new generation will rise as the legendary Light and Darkness will guide them through their new life.

The End

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