Spirit Tales (The Millennium Wolves AU)

Chapter Chapter Thirty

Fred and I didn’t talk about what happened in the infirmary after I was released to go back to my room. Apollo and Strider asked what happened to my arm, and I said I accidentally injured. Fred neither denied nor confirmed.

The week came to an end, and I’d barely seen Fred at all. From what I gathered, the problems in the north with Evander took a drastic turn, and the Alpha was fully occupied with this. Whatever the reason he was far away, I couldn’t help but miss him. My lips still remembered his.

For the first time in my life I was kissed, and no just kissed - but made out with. I couldn’t focus on anything from thinking the kiss through and through, and fighting the need to do it again.

When I asked Apollo one day which one of them was my supposed Mate - the stupid race was still going on strong, to my dismay - and when he told me neither of them could tell me, I was especially bummed. When I inquired what awaited next, he gave me a mysterious smile and said, “It’s a surprise.”

I’d stifled the urge to kick him then

Friday night came by, and with it Christmas Eve. I dressed in the bathroom and when I stood before the mirror and scanned myself, I looked like I was trying too hard. I wore the clothes I bought with Sally; black tight jeans that emphasized how padded I was, a red shirt that made my large breasts look even bigger, and a pair of black boots. I braided my wild hair, trying to restrain the endless curls, and eventually, I looked like I put an effort in trying to look decent, even though I had no makeup on.

“You ready?” Strider called from beyond the door. He, Fred and Apollo dressed in the room, of course Only I, the girl, had to dress in the bathroom because fuck me.

“Almost!” I called back, studying myself one more time in the mirror. I debated whether I should put on some eyeliner but voted against it. I had no one to impress, really.

You sure? Tempest murmured in my head. Because from what happened a few days ago, it seems like you want to impress a very specific someone.

I blushed. Tempest had been present the entire time I’d made out with Fred and hadn’t said a thing until much later. She teased me endlessly ever since, and while I knew she was only being her unique brand of goofy, it annoyed and embarrassed me that I couldn’t savor this moment privately.

I didn’t respond to her and left the bathroom, seeing the guys were already waiting for me by the door. I tensed when I saw them checking me out up and down, but chose to ignore that, even though my blush deepened. When I noticed Fred’s red eyes were on my chest for a split second, I was even more embarrassed than before. Men! Tempest snarled inside my head.

“Shall we go?” I asked them, arching an eyebrow. Fred, Apollo and Strider nodded quietly, and the four of us left the room.

The drive to the restaurant went in silence. Fred drove, while Apollo sat next to him in the passenger seat, while Strider and I were in the backseat. When we reached the restaurant, where all of the wolves waited for us, we sat together, chatting happily, feeling the Christmas air. Even I managed to forget all my worries once we were there.

Everyone ordered food, and I found myself between Apollo and Strider, stuffing a steak. I chatted with everyone, too, but I was much more quiet than the rest. It didn’t bother me this time that I didn’t actually talk that much. All I was aware of was Fred’s eyes on me all night. It made me feel things I wasn’t ready to delve too much into.

When dinner was over, Cora and Samantha suggested we went to a nearby nightclub. Brom and Megan immediately agreed, and Fred, Apollo and Strider agreed as well. Sally smiled prettily after she said yes, and I noticed that only after she agreed, then Greg did too, glancing at her surreptitiously. Something was definitely going on there. In addition, Adria and Louis - both of which were present and sat on the other end of the table, thank God - said they were in as well, and so all of us made our to a nightclub called Octavius.

Fred pulled rank and had us skipping the line waiting to enter. Inside the place was crowded with werewolves, with a bar on its other end, an area full of plush sofas, and a huge dancefloor. Our group disbanded, and before I even wondered who should I go with, Strider and Apollo were by my side. Fred, I saw, had gone to the bar with Greg. “Want to dance?” Strider yelled, trying to be heard beyond the loud music.

“I don’t think so,” I said back. In fact, I was pretty nervous being all alone with Apollo and Strider, not to mention on the dancefloor, when we were in the middle of something sexist and stupid like the Mating Race.

“Give us a chance, Angie,” Apollo winked at me, more playful than I’d ever seen him. “After all, there might be a chance one of us is your Mate.”

I bit my lip nervously, but decided to hell with it. “Fine!” I said, surrendering. They smiled and pulled me into the dancefloor.

Some popular EDM song began playing, and I found myself sandwiched between Apollo and Strider with Strider in front of me and Apollo at my back. The music, the heat, all of it made my adrenaline spike and a sweat to gather at my forehead. I moved to the beat, feeling more than seeing Strider and Apollo moving as well. Someone handed shots of Vodka with an extra density of alcohol so it could affect werewolves, and I immediately grabbed one with the other two and downed it at one. The liquor was disgusting - so disgusting I wanted to choke it out at once - but I forced myself to swallow because I really wanted to forget everything for once, and loosen up.

Slowly, I started to get dizzy and happy. I danced more excitedly, and I felt Apollo’s arms wrapping around me from behind. I moved with him, barely aware that Strider left us alone. My clothes stuck to my body from heat and sweat, and as the music screamed in my ears, I wrapped an arm around Apollo’s neck before I even noticed what I was doing. The song suddenly changed to a more quiet, lushious one, and I felt one of Apollo’s hands resting on my abdomen, while the other grabbed my hip. My body moved with perfect synchronization to his, and I felt myself flushing.

“Angela…” Apollo’s lips were on my ear, his breath tickling my earlobe. My mouth gaped when I felt sparks that hadn’t been there before flying from the contact. His lips travelled down my neck, then to my jaw, and with his hand he turned me around and pressed a kiss against my mouth. I didn’t care at all when he made my mouth open and inserted his tongue inside. I even liked it, making out with Apollo on the dancefloor.

I didn’t know how it got to that point, but I found myself sitting on Apollo’s lap while he was on one of the sofas next to many other couples. We made out, and I was both surprised and horny when I simply let him put his hand on my waist as though he was, well, Fred. His lips kept exploring mine, and I went along with it, dizzy and giddy and happy.

After an eternity of making out, he put me down on the sofa, said something I couldn’t quite make out, and left. I wasn’t alone for too long, because Strider appeared and sat next to me. I leaned my head on his shoulder as though it was the most natural thing in the world, and he put an arm around me. Again odd sparks flew, sparks that I’d never had before with Strider. He’d always been too pretty for me, and I’d never been attracted to someone like him. But it seemed when I was drunk I was attracted to anyone, even Apollo, whom I couldn’t stand until not so long ago.

And again, like Apollo, Strider kissed me, and again I didn’t mind and even let him put his hand on my butt. I straddled his lap while he made out with me mercilessly, and I just let it and went along with it. At some point, he led us back to the dancefloor and danced with me such a passionate dance, it felt too intimate, as though we were having sex on the floor. He kissed me even more deeply than before, and his kissing style was different than that of Apollo - less intensive and more sensual. If only Apollo and Strider had kissed me like Fred did - both intensive and sensual - it would’ve been perfect.

Then it came to the point I knew that I wouldn’t be able to look myself in the eye next morning. Strider was again before me, while Apollo danced at my book, and I kissed both of them. I couldn’t care less. I felt like a slut. I felt like I was worth a cent, maybe even less. I felt so easy, so much so that Fred would never want someone like me.

And when morning came and I woke up with the worst hangover ever in our room, I knew I’d only made the situation between Apollo, Strider, Fred and me ever worse, and my proof was breakfast, in which I sat between Greg and Brom - to be on the safe side - and Apollo, Strider and Fred didn’t stop looking at me, or stare at their plates. The four of us now knew I’d kissed all of them - I had no doubt in mind Strider and Apollo knew about my kiss with Fred - and that the four of us knew everything was now much worse than before.

It didn’t help at all that love seemed to land on our table, what with Sally and Greg sitting closer to each other than before, or Megan and Brom openly making out, or Samantha winking at Jason, or Cora clinging on to Albert.

I had no idea you got that much wildness in you, Tempest giggled in my head. Apparently, when you’re drunk, you become something you’re not. Or maybe you are a little skank who liked making out with anything you could graab??

Until a few days ago, I hadn’t been kissed or had any sort of sexual activity with another person, I snapped in response. And now I’m suddenly a girl who made out with three different guys. I have no idea what to think, and you’re sure not helping me out here, Tempest.

Oh, don’t be so dramatic, Angie, she sounded so amused I wanted to choke her. I know you loved it, the feeling of control you have over men. I know this feeling because I’m also like this.

Until not long ago, you didn’t even exist, so how would you know?! I thought furiously.

She simply laughed. And at that same moment, I raised my gaze and caught Apollo, Strider and Fred avoiding looking back at me. My heart skipped a beat - and not in a good way - and dread pooled in my stomach.

Now things were messier, and it was all my fault.

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