Spirit Tales (The Millennium Wolves AU)

Chapter Chapter Forty

Tempest didn’t wait until they realized what was going on. She simply attacked.

With a strong landing, she began shaking the earth. I felt the power flowing down her veins, and the divine feeling when she sent a jet stream of wind toward Apollo. Apollo at once blocked it with fire, but Tempest didn’t stop and sent one stream of air after another mercilessly. Apollo let out a curse when someone behind us - Greg - started closing in on us with assured steps and a ready fist. Fuck! I hissed out in my mind.

But Tempest wasn’t bothered. She simply turned, sent a crack in the earth toward him, and made him to fly a few meters back. The rest came out of the shock then, and before I could think, Tempest was in full combat mode, shooting streams of air everywhere and causing earthquakes. A storm began lighting the sky, showing how much fun Tempest was having.

Of course, she didn’t care she was fighting naked and without protection.

“More!” she screamed gleefully when Apollo sent another shot of fire toward us once more and she cancelled her with a flick of her hand. “Give me more!”

“She’s crazy!” Cora yelled. “There’s no point fighting her!”

“But we have to bring Angela back!” Samantha said back and then let out a curse when Tempest caught her and shot her far away.

A sudden burst of light and fire ignited Apollo up, and in short moments, instead of Apollo with his brown hair and eyes stood a man with a tall, even more toned form than that of Apollo with a short blonde hair and electric blue eyes.

Tempest smiled wildly. “Pyro,” she said.

Everyone stared with their mouths hanging open at Apollo - who was Pyro now. “Tempest,” Pyro nodded toward her with utmost seriousness, but a sinister spark lit up his eyes.

At once the two began circling each other. “For what do I owe the pleasure?” Tempest asked in a drawl, looking at him sharply.

“I can ask the same thing, Tempest,” Pyro smiled wickedly. “I thought Rosangela had full control over you, but it seems I was wrong.”

“Angie gave me the reins, Pyrokinesis,” Tempest shot back. “And I can’t blame here, not after the way your host and his friend treated her.”

“Oh, come on,” Pyro rolled his eyes. “The girl just wants attention. If she doesn’t know how to handle the situation she’s in, she shouldn’t have put herself in that spot to begin with, Tempi.

Tempest narrowed her eyes, freezing in her place. “Where did you hear this nickname from?” she growled, threat coating her voice.

Pyro’s grin became evil. “Alton and I have known each other for a while.”

A spark of true, painful anger lit up in Tempest and before I could tell her something - like not doing what she wanted to do! - everything began shaking. Thunders boomed loudly, lightnings lighting up the sky ominously, and a tornado was being formed while the earth quaked. “Get a shelter!” I heard Albert calling from somewhere in the meadow, and Fred saying the same…

And it was all because of Tempest.

Tempest, no! I thought with all of my power. Don’t let him get to you like that!

“Silence, Rosangela!” Tempest sniped. “Don’t tell me what to do!”

Everything shook and I tried to get control again over my body. I couldn’t let Tempest keep doing this, using our body for such disastrous motives. With all the power I could get, I “pushed” at the invisible wall that prevented me from getting into the “control room” of the body, but I failed.

I closed my spiritual eyes, unable to look anymore, and regretted everything I’d done in the past twenty-four hours. From the fight with Apollo, Strider and Fred, to being jealous when they talked to other girls.

At the same moment I felt ashamed that I even existed, that everything I did resulted in true chaos. I couldn’t do anything but fail.

And I was through with failing.

The helplessness I felt then was great. The lack of control over my actions, with another soul doing things with my body, changing its shape, attacking the people I cared about… It was terrible. And I realized how Tempest must feel every single day when she was inside me, unable to get out. I felt how it was to be in a cage with no key to unlock it.

And suddenly I felt something slicing through Tempest’s body. Both of us gasped, the power leaving us all at once, and without either of us able to control our body it fell face-front onto the earth. With difficulty, we managed to turn our head back and saw faintly three people coming into the meadow. Rain began pouring, and I felt every single drop on Tempest’s naked body.

Tempest forced herself back onto her feet, but it was hard, because our body felt like it took in some electric shock. I couldn’t see clearly the people who closed in on us, those unfamiliar people, and then, one of the three put his hand to the center of my forehead.

Nature calmed down, and the storm got all silent. Everything stopped, as though everyone expected something to happen. At once Tempest began screaming, and I screaming along with her, while I felt panic crawling inside me. Because our body began misshaping itself again; the chest grew bigger, and so did the abdomen and thighs. The body elongated upward, growing tall. The hair became shorter, and even my eyes prickled a little. In a few moments it was over and I was again myself, with full control over my body.

I was again Angela Wayne, and my body was completely exposed in front of everybody.

The man who touched me stepped back, but I couldn’t see clearly. Then exhaustion poured over my body and I passed out into warm, strong arms.

I woke up, again, in the college infirmary, only this time I wasn’t alone.

Next to my bed sat Fred and Apollo and with them three other men I didn’t know. My gaze went from one of them, a guy who was about my age, with cropped blonde hair, a pair of eyes the color of grayish-blue, and who was a werewolf, thanks to this wolfish halo of beauty that encompassed every werewolf in the world. In addition, he was muscular, but not very tall. He also didn’t seem aggressive or threatening like other wolves. In fact, he reminded me with his gentleness of… Maria.

I bet everything I had he was a healer wolf.

The man next to him was hot for a human - kind of like Apollo - with black curly hair and a pair of eyes so blue until they were almost white -

He reminded me of the guy from the New Year’s party, only the two didn’t look the same, despite their similar eye color. Both were beautiful, of that there was no doubt, but their beauty was different. The eyes… Only the eyes showed they must’ve been related.

And the guy next to the white-eyes was… words escaped me. He was the most beautiful man I’d ever seen. Even more so than Strider, or Apollo, or Fred. He was a sex-on-a-stick kind of guy, so much hotter than any other werewolf I’d ever seen - and he was human. He had muscles that probably turned every woman into goo. He had a wild hair the color of goldish-brown that looked so natural and sexy it was unbelievable. And his eyes… His eyes were gold. Light-brown. They reminded me of my eyes.

Who the hell were these three dudes?

“Angela,” Fred said quietly, and I turned to look at him. “How do you feel?”

I nodded to show I was fine - and I truly was, somehow. Apollo saw the confusion on my face, probably, because he sighed and said, “Bastien Grayson here healed you.”

“Bastian?” I turned to look at the gray-blue-eyed wolf. He smiled amicably at me.

“Let me introduce you,” Fred said a little roughly, “these are Ryan England, Magnus Oding and Bastien Grayson. England, Odin, Grayson - meet Angela Wayne.”

“Oh, we’re acquainted,” gold-eyed Magnus said, watching me enigmatically. “But just for formality sake, I’m Magnus Camden Oswy Odin, the host of the Spirit of Electricity, Vadim.”

“I’m Ryan Englad, descendant of the ancient England bloodline, and the third host of the Spirit of Time, Alton,” Ryan introduced himself with a serious nod, and the moment he said Alton’s name, I heard Tempest for the first time since I awoke murmuring a curse.

“And I’m Bastien Grayson, a healer werewolf,” Bastien smiled again.

Shock settled in then, and I stared at Fred wide-eyed. “Why are they here?” I found myself asking in a whisper.

But before Fred said anything, Magnus replied. “We’re here to visit Freddie, and to also explain to you, Rosangela Martinelli Wayne, a few things we believe you should know.”

My head snapped to him at once. “How do you know my full name?” I asked, my voice shaking, snuggling in my blanket as though trying to shield myself from them.

Magnus’s smile died down, and an inscrutable emotion passed through his eyes. “I know everything about you, Rosa,” he said softly, causing shivers to crawl down my spine, hearing my old nickname.

“Who are you?” I asked, not even bothering to hide my panic.

He smiled a little sadly. “I’m your big brother, Rosa.”

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