Sovereign of the Ashes

Chapter 37: Unconscious

Chapter 37: Unconscious

When Sein reached his fallen assailant, he discovered that it was still clinging to life.

In the perilous situation, both Sein and the demihuman before him had reacted quickly.

However, luck was not on the side of the demihuman. The corrosive acid released by the Acid Wand did not kill it, but left a gruesome, gaping wound in its abdomen under the left chest.

The size of the wound was devastating for a robust creature like a minotaur but fatal for the demihuman of such small stature.

Sein could not be certain if the acid had reached its heart, but he could see chunks of organ resembling intestines coming out from the gaping hole, along with other stuff.

Sein raised his left hand, conjuring a minor fireball in it.

The demihuman’s black eyes were filled with despair, expressing a desperate plea for survival.

Yet, Sein’s gaze remained unwavering as he launched a fireball, slightly smaller than the usual size.

In a fiery explosion, the demihuman’s head, along with its beseeching eyes, was blown into unrecognizable pieces.

After successfully eliminating the threat, Sein, though battling the creeping paralysis, collected the demihuman’s dagger and the package he had dropped before resuming his journey through the darkness.

Sein did not rush back to Mystralora City, as he was in no condition to walk for another half a day.

Additionally, he was also worried about the further potential threats on this supposedly “safe route”, which was less than a day’s travel to Mystralora City.

For now, his immediate priority was to find a safe location to tend to his wound.

After walking for nearly half an hour, Sein reached the brink of exhaustion. Eventually, he discovered a small rock shelter, about half the height of a man.

With great effort, he squeezed himself inside then used a few rocks to barricade the entrance for protection against the unknown perils lurking outside.

With his makeshift shelter secured, Sein focused on tending to his injuries.

The assailant who had attacked him was an underdwarf, who were known for their cunningness and treacherous nature.

Underdwarves populated Gloomhaven in considerable numbers, with extensive diversity across various subgroups.

They were considered among the lowest beings in the Underworld’s food chain. Nevertheless, their considerable population and strong reproductive capacities allowed them to thrive in the harsh underground environment.

While most were weak, there were exceptions—individuals who displayed remarkable prowess within their race.

The assailant who had ambushed Sein was one such outlier, possessing strength on par with an above-average intermediate initiate.

If not for his Acid Wand, Sein might not have survived the assault. He marveled at his fortune, pondering the dire consequences had his attack missed the mark.

The underdwarf was indeed cunning. It had likely noticed the commotion in Griseo Valley and chose to lay an ambush with the intent of mugging Sein.

Black magic initiates were highly regarded within Mystralora City, dissuading underground demihumans from harboring malicious intent.

However, beyond the city limits, the full-fledged black mages ceased to be a deterrent. The darkness also provided ample concealment for stealthy assassinations without leaving any discernible trace.

Survival of the fittest—this was the law that governed the Underworld.

The demihumans dwelling in Griseo Valley, who could only depend on charity of individuals like Sein, were destined to remain in the lowest rung of the food chain.

“Phew, I was right. It’s just blue moss juice and not any other dangerous poison.”

Sein heaved a sigh of relief after inspecting the underdwarf’s dagger.

While the wound on his neck was not deep, the paralyzing toxin from the blue moss had begun entering its body.

The toxins of blue moss were generally mild. In fact, underground demihuman often applied it around wounds to stem bleeding and alleviate pain.

However, Sein’s case was different due to the wound’s location.

The toxins had partially paralyzed the right side of his body, making him realize the gravity of the situation.

Fortunately, Sein had the potions he had obtained from Bousse.

After much struggle, he took out two potions from his chest pocket, a red and a blue one.

He bit off the stoppers with his teeth, then he consumed them in quick succession.

A surge of invigorating warmth quickly surged in his stomach.

As drowsiness overtook him, Sein’s last conscious thought was his gratitude toward Marie for saving his life.


Some time had passed before Sein awoke in the darkness, and he instinctively scanned his surroundings. contemporary romance

Memories of him completing his task at Griseo Valley and the subsequent ambush rushed back to him, providing clarity about his situation.

The gnawing hunger in his stomach was a reassuring sign that he was still connected to his body.

When he attempted to move, he discovered that the right side of his body remained partially paralyzed. At least, he could raise his right hand now.

Sein pushed aside one of the rocks in front of him. The slightly enhanced vision provided by the Pale Mask enabled him to survey his surroundings.

He recognized that he was in a concealed corner of an interconnected rock passage in the Underworld.

It was a remarkable stroke of luck that he could discover such a small rock shelter.

With no knowledge of how much time had passed, Sein decided that his first priority was to restore his stamina to ensure his safety.

He retrieved the last basic healing potion in his possession, bit off the stopper, and downed its contents in a single gulp. Beyond its healing properties, the potion also provided a stamina boost.

Although it seemed like a bit of a waste to use it now, it was a necessity.

The rations he had carried on his waist were gone, along with a portion of his harvest from Griseo Valley.

However, in light of the perilous circumstances, Sein considered these missing items a minor loss.

Even the hind leg of the King Green Plume, which had hung from his waist, was lost.

Sein had intentionally discarded it before discovering the small rock shelter.

He could not risk attracting more attention, as the aroma of a roasted hind leg from a magic beast might entice other creatures while he rested.

Even an ordinary stray beast from the Underworld could pose a threat to Sein in his weakened state, let alone a magic creature or magic beast.

Upon inspecting his possessions, he discovered that the number of Green Plume Eggs with him had dwindled down to four.

Sein tapped one lightly, creating a thumb-sized crack in it, and then brought the cracked egg to his lips.

The ensuing taste was a far cry from culinary delight. Instead, a briny, fish-like flavor greeted his taste buds.

Nevertheless, it provided a level of satiety that surpassed that of the small basic healing potion.

While consuming the Green Plume Egg, Sein resolved to learn how to craft nutritional potions from Faye after completing this quest.

Despite the unappealing taste of nutritional potions, they were a far better option than consuming raw eggs.

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