Soul Cursed Protector

Chapter 11: Welcome To The Great City Of Wespington

Two days and nights of traveling had now gone by, the horses were getting tired and weak, and the survivors that had decided to abandon their town and follow Micha to his promise of safe passage were getting frustrated. But can you blame them for being upset? Their town that most had help build and protect was ripped right out from underneath them. Now they find themselves being lead to a new homeland by complete strangers that they had no choice but to trust in.

“How much longer until we are there?” Gawain asked Micha. “The horses nor the survivors can handle much more.”

Micha pointed straight ahead, “Do you see the castle that towers over that set of hills?” “I do.” Gawain answered. “That is the great city of Wespington.”

“Ah, so you know of it.” Micha smiled. “Then you must also know of the King.”

“I’ve met him once or twice in my travels with the Academy.” Gawain responded. “His heart is big, and he’s not one to fight a battle needlessly.”

“Yes, that is true for the most part.” Micha said. “Has something changed?” Gawain asked.

“I shall let the King explain that to you.” Micha replied.

A few hours later they found themselves in the streets of the great city. Houses and Inns were around every corner, people crowded the streets, more so than any city they’ve ever been in. There were

tents placed on almost every side of the streets where traders were exchanging their commodities for coin. Micha suggested they ignore all else until they get to the castle, but most of the survivors from Coalfell had already disappeared into the crowds of people. Like most castles located in a city, this one was no different. The castle towered above all else, and was protected by a large steel gate that had to be opened from within.

“Does every castle have a gate?” Leon sarcastically asked.

“Every King needs his castle protected.” Gawain said. “Most castles have great stone walls built around them, not gates.”

“Isn’t that what soldiers are for?” Leon questioned. “Not gates nor stones.”

“You are still young yet, one day you shall understand why things are done this way.” about that time the gates had opened allowing access inside within the courtyard of the castle. Later, four soldiers came up to greet them, but when they noticed Micha their attitudes had changed.

“Why are you back so soon, Micha?” one of the men asked. “Are you not supposed to be on the battlefield?”

“Things have changed Vardis, and not for the better.” Micha answered grimly.

Vardis then seen a group of ten standing a little ways behind Micha, “What of them?” “These people need a safe place to stay, food, water, and clothing.” Micha replied.

Vardis shook his head, “I cannot allow that, these are pressing times and taking in refugees is not a good idea at this point.”

Micha was about to turn and tell the others they had to leave until he remembered Gawain’s words about keeping his promises no matter what happens. He grabbed Vardis by his armor and pulled him close to his face, “I am going to tell you how this is going to go, Vardis. You are going to take these people and get them what they need. And if you don’t then by the gods I swear I will run you through with my fathers blade.” after Micha made his threat he shoved Vardis back. “Is that


“Understood.” Vardis swallowed nervously. “Men, take the refugees and get them whatever they need, after that find a place for them to stay.”

“Glad that we came to an understanding.” Micha smiled and slapped Vardis on the shoulder. He turned and motioned to Gawain and his companions to follow his lead.

There they were standing outside of the castle doors, Micha ushered them inside and wasted no time in heading for the throne room with Micha leading the way, however before they could enter they were stopped short by the King’s most trusted adviser, William. “What are you doing inside this castle strangers.” he said, but not in the way of a question. “Micha, is that you?”

“It is.” Micha nodded. William gave him a hearty hug, you see William was a very kind hearted man, also old and very wise, and one of Micha’s fathers best of friends or so they had thought. Micha even viewed him as a second father figure.

“What brings you back so soon, young man?” William kindly asked. “I have urgent news for the King.” Micha answered.

William looked behind Micha to see if Angmar was near, “Should that not be your father that delivers such news?”

Micha’s gaze shifted, “My father.” he felt his voice choking up, that’s when William caught a glimpse of Angmar’s sword sheathed to Micha’s side.

William placed his hand on Micha’s shoulder, “Say no more. I shall see if the good King will visit with you.” deep down he knew that if Angmar’s son was carrying his blade, his friend had surely fallen in battle. With a saddened half hearted smile, William turned disappearing into the throne room. Moments later he returned, “The King will see you now, however please tell your new companions not to cause any trouble.”

Micha cracked a faint smile, “Do not worry yourself William, these are good people.” William

bowed ever so slightly before allowing them inside. Before Micha took a step further he looked back at Gawain and his pupils. “Please allow me to approach the King by myself, when I need you, I shall call upon you.”

Gawain nodded. “We shall do as you ask.”

“Thank you for understanding.” Micha said. He straightened his posture and composed himself, then walked on inside the throne room where the King awaited. “Your majesty.” he knelt down to one knee.

“To what do I owe this visit, Micha.” the King responded. The King was a whole hearty man, burly chested, with a strong voice that echoed throughout the castle walls. In a way he reminded them of Asher, The King Of Thieves. “And where is General Angmar?”

“My father perished on the battlefield, my lord.” Micha answered, gripping his fist tight. “Everyone is-” he took a deep breath in between his words. “Everyone is dead.”

“Everyone?” the King exclaimed. “Yes.”

“And what of the enemy?”

“They to fell on the battlefield as well.”

The King stood from his throne and walked overt to where Micha was kneeling. “Please rise.” he said. “Tell me all that has transpired.”

Micha stood and answered, “A weapon was fired upon us.” “A weapon?”

“Yes your Majesty. It was a weapon of great destruction, fire fell from the sky and obliterated everything in sight. If not for these brave souls behind me, I would have died as well. ” Micha answered, but he couldn’t bring himself to tell the King the full truth about his father.

“Sir Gawain?” the King said, peering over at the guests that stood off in the distance.

Gawain took a step forward and bowed, “Your Majesty.”

“The last I seen of you, you were still just a student at the Academy.” he smiled faintly. “Tis true, King Peregrine. But now I am a master trainer of students of my own.” Gawain

responded. “However, this is not the time to talk of such things.” even though Gawain was happy to see King Peregrine again so many years later. There was still a dangerous weapon that had to be dealt with, before pleasantries could begin.

“What happened out there, Gawain?” Peregrine asked. “Not that I don’t trust in Micha’s words, but I do wish to hear it from you as well.”

“You are at war with King Adan, are you not?” Gawain asked.

“Yes, you are correct. But what has that got to with anything?” Peregrine responded. “Because it seems as though King Adan has somehow acquired the Reaper Cannon and you

know what I speak of.”

“I see.” King Peregrine snarled. “That blasted thing has been the bane of my family’s existence.” he remembered that it was his father, the king before him, that had the weapon built in the first place.

“Was the weapon and blueprints not destroyed when you became king?” Gawain questioned. “The weapon yes.” King Peregrine answered. “But the blueprints I left in the hands of my most

trusted adviser, William.”

“It seems as though your trusted adviser has betrayed you.” Gawain said.

“William would never betray us.” Micha was none to happy with Gawain’s accusation. He has known William for many a year, to think he would be capable of that kind of treachery would be folly.

“I agree with Micha.” King Peregrine said. “William has been a loyal subject of mine for as long as I can remember, he would give his life for his kingdom.”

“Forgive me, I didn’t mean to upset the both of you.” Gawain humbly replied. “Do we not need

to question William on the whereabouts of those blueprints? At least that much should be done.” “You have my permission to question him but that is all, Sir Gawain.” King Peregrine said.


“Yes my Lord?” Micha bowed his head slightly.

“Go with Gawain. William will be more inclined to answer questions if you are there.” Peregrine asked of him.

“As you wish my Lord.” Micha nodded.

“Meet me back here at days end with your results. For now I must meet with the counsel to determine our next move.” King Peregrine informed them before walking away.

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