Some Mate You Are...

Chapter Twenty-Four Hours: Enzo Pt. 2

After a substantial number of shots had been taken, I finally felt the warmth of the alcohol tingling in my brain. I believed that I could empty my mind now and hush my racing thoughts, but I was wrong. Instead, the thought of Marvel only plagued me more. She was all that I could think about and all that I could talk about. Daray had even begun to groan as I went on and on about how wonderful she was, but I could not stop myself.

“Hey Enzo, baby. Long time no see.” A sultry voice cooed from behind me.

I turned around to see a small brunette with big brown eyes looking up at me.

“Lilith.” I acknowledged in return.

“Where ya been, Enzo? I’ve missed you.” She stated as she reached for me, wrapping her hands around my bicep and pushing her chest against me.

I recoiled from her touch, finding it much less pleasant than I used to. Marvel’s touch sent a pleasurable electricity through my body. And while Lilith had never made me feel the way that Marvel does. Now her touch simply felt grimy against my skin. Her fingers running up and down the muscles in my arm, made me shiver in disgust rather than delight. I did not want her touching me.

It suddenly dawned on me, like a slap to the face. I did not want anyone touching me. I did not want to touch anyone else. I only wanted Marvel. Marvel’s touch and the feel of Marvel’s skin beneath my fingertips. No one else could compare. I COULD be with only one she-wolf for the rest of my life as long as that she-wolf was Marvel.

If anyone else would have been able to tempt me, it would have been Lilith. She was a gorgeous she-wolf and I had enjoyed her many times before. I had the buzz of alcohol in my veins which effectively dulled my senses. Yet, with all these factors combined, it still did nothing to sway my heart and mind. Marvel was it for me. No one else would ever do again.

Maybe there was a chance that I could be a worthwhile mate, after all.

I shook Lilith’s claws off me and gently pushed her away. I glanced down at her, a serious look in my eyes.

“Do not do that anymore, Lilith.” I commanded. “We have not been seeing each other anymore for a reason. I am mated now.”

“What?!” She shrieked, distraught.

I was not surprised. Since I had not found my mate previously, many of the desperate she-wolves in the pack had been throwing themselves at me. They had all hoped that I would eventually give in and choose one of them as a mate, making them Luna. But that simply was not going to happen. I had suspected that Marvel was my mate for a long time, that was part of the reason that I had pushed her away like an idiot.

“You heard me.” I stated, calmly. “I have found my mate.”

“Who is it?” She hissed, battling her emotions.

She challenged me, as if she did not believe that I was being truthful about finding my mate.

“Marvel.” I answered with confidence.

“Marvel?!” She growled, losing control of her anger. “That little sl-“

“You better watch your mouth!” I snapped, cutting her off before she could finish her sentence. “That is my mate and your future Luna that you are speaking about.”

“Sorry Alpha.” She ground out through gritted teeth, her eyes dropping to the ground.

I could sense her wolf submitting to my power, so I did not push it any further. Instead, I turned away from her and faced my friends again.

“I’ve got to go.” I told them in haste. “I shouldn’t be here, wasting time like this. I don’t need twenty-four hours; I know what I want.”

Then I rushed out of the bar, prepared to run all the way home. But I did not miss the subtle knowing looks on my friends faces before I left.

When I finally arrived back home, I did not slow my speed at all. I rushed through the door, so quickly that it slammed into the wall, alerting everyone to my presence. But I did not care. None of that mattered, all that mattered to me now was fixing everything with Marvel. I had been a fool and I was going to spend the rest of our lives attempting to make it up to her.

I jumped up the stairs, two at a time and bolted through the hallways, until I reached the area where her room was held. She was there, I could smell her sweet scent radiating from behind her closed door. I did not even hesitate at her doorway; it may have been locked but my determination to reach her was letting nothing get in my way. I wretched it open without a second thought, tearing it from its hinges.

I looked into the room, to find Aida and Marvel stretched out on Marvel’s bed, an empty bottle of rum between them. They both looked at me in shock, rubbing the sleep out of their eyes. They had obviously passed out after their drinking binge and part of me felt badly for waking them so suddenly. However, the other part of me did not care at all. That part needed to be near his mate, to hold her tightly and begin the process of trying to make everything up to her immediately.

“Enzo?” Marvel grumbled, sounding unsure.

“Marvel.” I sighed, finally calming down now that I was in her presence again.

“Sorry for waking you guys. But I needed to see you. I don’t want to waste any more time.” I explained.

I watched her swallow the lump in her throat. She was obviously worried about what I was going to say. But there was no reason for her concern. Unless she had decided that she did not want me after all.

“I’m…uh…gonna give you guys some space.” Aida interjected, clearing her throat, before groggily climbing out of the bed and leaving the room.

“Enzo, why did you break my door?” Marvel questioned.

“I am sorry.” I shrugged. “I needed to get to you and I, kind of, lost control of myself.”

“Okay…” she started before pausing to take a deep breath, releasing it slowly to prepare herself. “Why did you need to see me so badly?”

“Because, Marvel, you are my mate.” I looked deeply into her eyes as I spoke, hoping that I was conveying all the emotions that I felt into that look. “I want to be with you, always. I don’t want to waste another night being apart.”

She met my gaze, looking at me intensely. I could tell that she was trying to determine if I was serious or not. I could not blame her, I had already jerked her around so many times.

“What about my ultimatum? Does that mean that you have decided?” She questioned, her voice barely above a whisper.

“Yes. I knew what I wanted as soon as you walked away from me. I was just being a coward and that is not something that I want to be anymore. I love you, Marvel. I have always loved you and I am sorry for all the pain that I have caused. If you would allow me to, I would like to spend every day for the rest of our lives trying to make it up to you.”

I waited patiently as she considered my words. She chewed on her bottom lip as she mulled it over in her mind. Watching her do that was driving me crazy and I had to fight the itch in my hands that demanded that I reach out to her, kissing her senseless. But she needed to be the one to make this decision for herself. I had taken too many of her choices away from her during this whole ordeal, I would not take another.

“Okay.” She finally responded, sheepishly.

And I could feel my heart mending itself as it burst with joy. The pain finally dissipating. I did not deny myself any longer. I reached forward and twisted my fingers into Marvel’s long, soft locks as I pulled her forward and planted my lips on her plump, addictive ones.

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