Sinful Mates 1-3

chapter 6

They both look concerned. Did I do something alarming? They were just arguing, or did I imagine that too, what were they arguing about, why couldn't I remember anymore? They look like their normal selves. I stand there just as confused as they are. Tobias breaks the silence. His voice forcing me out of my own head.

“Imogen...Imogen what's wrong? Are you hurt?” He seems to sniff the air lightly for a second. I tilt my head observing them. They look between themselves. The room starts to warp and spin, I see Tobias shove past Theo reaching for me. My muscles feel so heavy. Oh no I know what this is, I am having a panic attack. Shit. I try to breathe, but my body gives up functioning and I can't catch my breath. The next thing I see is darkness.

Coming to... I groggily lift myself onto my elbows but am forced down by Theo's hand on my shoulder. “Woah there lay back down for a bit.” I stare, confused. I am laying on the brown leather lounge in Tobias's office. I can see him sitting on the edge of his desk, his arms folded across his chest making him appear even more intimidating than usual. Concern etched on his face as he stares back. Theo on the other hand is sitting beside where I lay on the lounge rubbing my legs. Shit, I did something embarrassing, I know it.

“What happened?” I ask, completely confused; I try to think of the last thing I remember. But only remember eavesdropping on a conversation between Tobias and Theo about... Then not being able to breathe, and then darkness.

“You fainted, just lay down for a bit and here drink this,” says Tobias, walking back over with a glass of water in his hand. I sit up and lean against the armrest. Reaching out I grip the ice-cold glass of water, my fingertips brushing Tobias. He rips his hand away like I burnt him before moving back to his desk.

“It wasn't a choice, Imogen... Eat” Each word was full of authority, but it also sounded like he was daring me to disobey him.

I did as I was told. I could have sworn I saw Tobias smirk at me obeying his demands like a child. Could this be any more awkward and embarrassing? But the food was good, and I was starving. Maybe that's why I fainted between being busted eavesdropping and not eating properly for months, maybe I overwhelmed myself.

When I had finished eating the fried rice and satay chicken, I sat quietly, waiting to be dismissed from his office, but it never came. Instead, Theo picked up the empty food containers and disposed of them. Tobias walked over to the cabinet next to the window and pulled out three glasses, pouring a brown liquid that kind of resembled whiskey. Turning around, he handed me one. Theo walked over and picked up his own, downing it in one mouthful. I watched Theo leave the room quietly, leaving me with Tobias. I suddenly wanted him to come back, I turned staring at the door. My hands started to become sweaty.

Tobias felt less intimidating with Theo in the room. Turning around to face the room and adjusting my sitting position on the lounge, I noticed Tobias watching me over his glass. I fiddled with the cup between my fingers. Bringing his drink to his lips, he downed every drop of it. I smelt my drink before scrounging my nose up, it smelt sweeter than vodka. Nothing was as harsh as vodka or tequila. Bringing the glass to my lips, I downed it in one mouthful. It was sweet and smooth tasting. It burned a bit but not like some of the bottles of liquor I had stored in my boot, especially the cheaper bottles mum liked to drink.

Standing up, I went to place the glass down when Tobias grabbed it and refilled it before passing it back to me. I raised an eyebrow at him, but I accepted the glass. Theo returned, the door lock clicking softly behind him.

In his hands he was clutching some boxes of paperwork. “We are being audited, so we need all these files sorted and all contracts arranged by dates. Get comfortable, it is going to be a long night.” Tobias spoke clearly. I looked at the four boxes Theo carried in, knowing it wasn't even half of them. Downing the glass of whiskey, I sat on the floor and started pulling files from the boxes.

Halfway through the night, someone ordered more food and brought coffees up to us. I am not sure when they had time to order anything, as I never saw them pick up their phones once to order anything, but I was glad. We had worked well into the night and I was exhausted. When it came time to close the building up at 9PM, Tobias looked up at the security guard who had stepped in the office to let us know he was about to lock up.

“You guys go. There isn't much left, and I will get it done and head off soon.” Tobias and Theo looked unsure but eventually agreed to leave. They gave me a set of keys to get out of the building as well as the security code to set the alarms on my way out.

When I finished the last box, I stacked them neatly on top of each other before checking the time, it was 2 am. I only had 3 files sitting out. Getting comfy on the lounge, I dragged them in front of me. My eyes were starting to hurt, and all the words were starting to blur into one. My fingers felt numb from scouring the pages.00000000000

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