Sinful Mates 1-3

chapter 23

Waking up the next morning, I was alone in my bed, my hands no longer tied. I looked around confused. Did I imagine the whole thing? Moving, my muscles felt sore, like I had just ran a marathon. Standing up on my shaky legs, I stumbled my way to the bathroom and quickly peed. Standing up and flushing the toilet, I made my way to the shower. Hopping in, I flinched at the hot water stinging my skin. Turning the temperature down, I washed quickly, suddenly feeling my tense muscles start to relax under the soothing water. When I ran my loofa over my neck, it stung, and I ripped my hand back. Getting out of the shower, I walked over to the fogged-up mirror above the sink basin. Using my hand, I wiped it across the mirror.

I gasped at my reflection in the mirror. I had a huge bite mark on my neck. It wasn't bleeding but was red and angry with bruising around the edges. I poked it then tried to rub it off but all it did was sting and stand out more. “Argh I'm going to fucking kill him,” I screamed.

Angry, I stormed off and looked for some clothes. Thank god today was Friday. Hopefully it would disappear by Monday and no one notices it today. Grabbing my makeup bag, I walked back into the bathroom and started applying my make up trying to conceal the bite mark Tobias left. So at least I know I didn't imagine it, the bite mark proof that he was indeed here. Shit what if Theo finds out? Will he be pissed off that I got hot and heavy with Tobias? Straightening my hair to cover the mark that was impossible to cover, I wore my hair down. Finding my clothes, I put on a high waisted black skirt and a white blouse, tucking my blouse into my skirt before grabbing my perfume and quickly spraying my wrists and the side of my neck that wasn't a bloody mess. Walking into the kitchen, I slipped my heels on and grabbed my handbag. Walking towards the door, I heard them knocking. “I'm coming jeez.”

Opening the door Theo stood leaning casually on the door frame. “Good morning, Imogen. Damn Tobias got you a good one,” he said staring at my neck.

I brushed my hair over my shoulder trying to cover it. “You know already? Where is Tobias, I would love to give him a piece of my mind right now.”

Theo chuckled at my anger. “Of course, I know. Tobias and I don’t have secrets.” I huffed annoyed that he thought there was nothing wrong with any of this. I knew it was wrong, they are my bosses there is nothing right about any of this. “Calm down, you're always so angry. What did you think? I was gonna fight for you for my man,” he said, jumping up down shadow boxing. I laughed. This is why I liked Theo. Yet I also knew he had a darker side, I had only seen it a few times, but I was quickly removed by Tobias sending me home, or in my case back then to my car. I had only seen him angry twice in the time I have worked for them. Once when we were in a meeting, everyone seemed to scatter, and I was sent home. The second time when him and Tobias had a huge argument, I can't remember what it was about though, each time actually I couldn't remember what it was that set him off. Theo stopped jumping and wrapped his arm around my shoulders pulling me towards the foyer.

Tobias wasn't anywhere to be seen. Theo and I drove to work in a comfortable silence while I scanned my newsfeed on Facebook. When we arrived, Theo opened my door and escorted me inside. I saw Tom in the foyer. He waved then put his hand down when he saw Theo walking beside me, before going back to mopping the already cleaned floor. I thought it was strange that Tom seemed to act strange around both of them. I would have to remember to ask him about it.

Getting in the elevator, we got upstairs but Tobias was still nowhere to be seen. It was very unlike Tobias to not show up at work. I opened his office door and peered inside, but the lights were off and the room was dark.

“Hell no! I am not going to your apartment so you can bite me again, same as you,” I said pointing at Theo. “You're just a sick in the head as him. You both need to just stay away, I'm sick of this little game you're playing,” I said, about to leave and walk out. Tobias hand caught my wrist pulling me towards him.

“Look, I'm sorry I should have asked, but I knew would have said no and I couldn't let you walk around unmarked for much longer.”

Is he mentally challenged? Did I just hear that right, leave me unmarked what the fuck does that mean?

“No one thinks you're a toy, although I do like playing with you,” Theo's voice spoke from behind me. His hands going to my shoulder sweeping my hair away exposing my neck. I shivered at the feel of his fingertips brushing my skin.

“I think she likes being played with,” Tobias whispered, making me turn my attention to him. Theo turned me around, his hypnotic eyes glinted burning brighter. I couldnt seem to drag my eyes from his. My breath caught in my throat when he pushed his body into mine, forcing me to lean back against Tobias. Theo's lips only a few centimetres off mine, while his hand moved to my hip leaning in closer.

“Do you like being played with, Imogen?,” he whispered. I couldn't think, I couldn't breathe. All I could focus on was his hand moving slowing up my side to cup my breast. Tobias hands wrapping around my waist while his lips sucked on the bite mark he gave me. I moaned at the feeling of his tongue moving along the bite mark.

Theo's lips brushed mine. “I think you like being our toy.” I could feel the smile on lips when he kissed me. My lips parted and I felt his tongue brush mine before he deepened the kiss. Tobias grabbed my hips pulling me into him. I could feel his erection pressing against my backside.

My mind clouded. This is so wrong, but yet I couldn't seem to pull away. I hated to admit it, but I wanted them both. I like the feel of Theo's cold skin against mine and Tobias unnaturally warm hands on me body, hot and cold, but it felt right. Felt natural, although I knew there was nothing normal about this and I knew I would find myself drowning in the feel of it. When a knock sounded at the door, I jumped startled. The fog lifting as our little bubble was burst, and I realised I would have let them do whatever it was they were going to do.

That thought scared me. I heard Tobias growl from behind me, it was primal and predatory, like a tiger about to rip its prey limb from limb. I felt it vibrate up my spine making me tremble. I looked at Tobias over my shoulder, only his eyes weren't his normal piercing blue, they were black. Pitch black, even his sclera’s were black. I stumbled into Theo trying to get away from him. He looked like something you would see in a horror movie. I felt my hands tremble fear taking over, Theo let me go and I stepped back observing them both. I could feel every hair on my body rise, fight and flight kicking in, adrenaline and fear pulsating through every cell in my body. Tobias eyes went back to their normal colour, but I know what I saw. I also know that wasn't a human thing to do. People’s eyes don't just change like that, and they certainly don't growl.

They both watched me, not moving. They looked like they were worried if they moved, I would run. I truly did feel like running, when the knock sounded again, I glanced at the door. Closing my eyes, I shook my head. Trying to rid the image of what I know I saw. I always felt something was off with the pair of them, but could I be correct in thinking they arent human? I know if I said that out loud it would sound ridiculous and downright crazy. The knock sounded again impatient. Theo moved towards me; his arms outstretched as if he were trying to catch a wild animal.

I turned and bolted for the door, grabbing the handle and running straight into a woman I didn't recognise. She had long black hair and emerald, green eyes just as hypnotic as Theo's, and she was visibly shocked to see me running from the office.

“Sorry” I muttered as I bolted past her. Theo went to stop me but froze when the woman stepped in his way blocking him from exiting. I ran to the stairs, not wanting to wait for the elevator. Slipping my feet out of my heels, I started running down the stairs skipping some in my haste. Coming to the bottom, I opened the foyer door and Tobias was standing there with his arms crossed blocking my exit. How the fuck did he get there so fast? I turned to run up the stairs, but Theo was standing on the stairs, I just came down. Both curiously watching me. Tobias stepped into the stairwell and closed the door behind him. I glanced at the other door that led outside about to make a run for it. My thoughts racing and my breathing becoming rapid.

“Well, isn't this interesting? Your father isn't going to be happy you took a human as your mate, Tobias,” the woman said from where she was sitting on the top step behind Theo. She looked bored and unfazed by this entire scenario. I felt cornered, I had no escape. My heart was pounding in my chest so hard I could hear it. I felt lightheaded and dizzy, I didn't know if it was my fear or the fact that I just ran down twenty floors of stairs, the next thing, I feel like I'm floating the ground moving towards me and then, I see is darkness.00000000

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