Should Have Let Me Die

Chapter 72: Still Not Enough!

Gweneth started to sing; her voice brought calmness to everyone but Cable. He had a panicked deer in the headlights look; he wanted to run but was frozen in place. Gweneth's song was to Cable after all, and now I was the one sporting the face splitting grin.

"I know it's been less than a day, but I already miss you when you're away. The time has been short, but my feelings are strong. Let me stay by your side to see every dawn!"

There were more lines, a lot more, but I was almost in tears trying not to burst out laughing at the Cable's gaping mouth and also thinking about my next evolution. The soothing helped me, but Cable still looked like a fish on land. Finally, Gweneth was finish serenading Cable, and I called everyone over to the table. 

Cable was glaring at me, but he came over with Gwenth arm around his elbow like he was still a knight, which looked hilarious in his black baggy pants and hoodie. They passed me and sat down, so I stepped off the chair I was straddling and turned to face the people gathered.

"I'm sorry that we don't have more time to train everyone, but I will need most of your strength for the upcoming battles. I will need the rest of you later for other essential tasks. I don't want to lose people, and I will try to keep everyone alive, but we are going to war."

I let that sit with everyone as I stepped back into the open space where the others had demonstrated their abilities. I still felt good, so now would be the best time. I used Kara's magic to change into shorts that would stretch with me; sewing magic, who would have thought it so useful?

"Okay, this is another one of those times where I have no idea what is going to happen. I want everyone to gather by the stairs, so you can get out of here if I lose control."

Everyone listened and moved to the stairs. All of my wives and friends had gathered now with some of the troops. Didn't I just decide this? In my head?

'I heard you thinking about it, so I let everyone know! It is a big event; you know.' -Nina.contemporary romance

'Just make sure you have a firm grip on yourself and what you want, don't let it consume you.' -Gripton.

Man, there were way too many people that could tell what I was thinking, but neither was wrong. Many people changed today; I would just be further inspiration for the two percent and the others that hadn't made the leap, like Harmonie and Ganth. There were more, so I asked the girls to get all the people that hadn't evolved yet and to bring them up top. 

One thing that was bugging me as I waited was what to do about the capital? Did I just storm the place? Or was there another way?

'I wouldn't put too much stock in it, Hyde; I am sure the plan will come to you when it is needed.' -Gripton.

Did he sound off? Alex touched my arm and jolted me from my thoughts and gave me a smile, Vik, and Kia behind her. It was weird to see the twins so human now, and it was hard to believe these two were almost wholly spiders before. 

"Sorry, Alex, I was talking to your dad, and then I got lost in thought."

"Oh? What was he saying?"

"Nothing useful, besides his normal cloak and dagger bullshit."

"You know there are certain things he can't reveal; that is the price for being your guide. The Almighty Gripton that had full control of this world, next to the Game Master, is now in charge of your thoughts."

"I guess I can see where he is coming from, but it doesn't help me when he is hiding something from me that could be very important!"

"No, point getting upset about it, everyone is here, so, try not to blow up, Okay?"

Alex leaned in and gave me a peck on the cheek and walked away, but Vik came and hugged me while Kia waited.

"Hmm? What's this for?"

"Just saying thank you from our ninja brothers, they don't think hugging you would be proper, so I said I would."

Vik ran off and grabbed Kia's hand, chasing after Alex. Alex was right, and Vik helped me see the point. I could only keep going and roll with the punches. I took a deep breath in and gathered myself; this was going to be intense.

I looked around at all the people gathered and at my friends and family. I took one more deep breath and closed my eyes, putting my hand to my chest.


Darkness took me swiftly, almost the instant I spoke the word. I was plunged into darkness and drifted through my people's hopes and dreams. They all flowed past me and soon became a blur; as they did, power was welling up inside of me.

My body grew, but only slightly, making me more robust and thicker. I kept a firm image of myself as everything happened; even when the magic tried to tear out of my body, I held fast to the image. I could not protect my people if I became a monster; my people needed me whole and healthy, not some savage beast.

Suddenly I was back on the battlefield again, but this time I was surrounded by my people. When the army came this time, we were ready and crashed into them, pushing the tide back. Everything was going well until massive behemoth like monsters started to storm the fields with collars and human rider.

The towering four legged beasts smashed through my people with ease, but we were able to start taking them down, but then a new threat came. Red skinned men with horns and wings and flaming swords. Did it ever stop?

I woke with a start to a crowd standing around me.

Still not enough!

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