Should Have Let Me Die

Chapter 65: That's Yes, Babe!

Weird, I could see the waves and glowing red, yet, I couldn't feel any heat coming from the pot. Someone had installed a door, and it was glowing red as well; how was I supposed to open this?

'Mesh's dragonic evolution has given you immunity from fire. You can only have one immunity at a time until you gain them all.' -Nina.

Savage, ignore everything like a walking god, nevermind that Nina would be my autopilot for info? That was a tremendous help now that I think about it. I sorely lacked in that department; Nina would make a good addition and far sexier of a voice than the Grip.

'Hey, you don't like the sound of my voice?' -Gripton.

'Not as much as you do!'

'Owo!' -Nina.

'Ugh, now it's two on one! I'm going to read!' -Gripton

I took a deep breath in, the hot air not even bothering me, and then I let it go. Alright, my wife thinks she failed me, and it's her fault—time to go correct this before it does something to her as it did to my dad. 

I reached forward and gripped the glowing red handle and turned it with ease, open the door. I was greeted by a rush of fire that would have blown my hair back if I had any, and then the fire stopped. Inside the bright room was a panting Kadence, dripping with sweating in a set of red panties and a yellow bra, pre my specs to Kara, but I didn't pick those color schemes.

"Okay, who picked the color scheme for your underwear?"


I pulled the door closed and walked to meet her. Kadence fell into my arms, and I could feel her body shake.

"I... I tried to get to you, but you fell so fast, and Marly and Mesh caught the other two no problem, but I...When you hit the ground, Hyde...I couldn't make it... and I...I thought..."


I pulled her close, pushed her head into my chest, and then walked over to the wall and sat down. I pulled Kadence down into my lap and pulled her close to me again. 

"None of this was your fault; this has nothing to do with not being fast enough. I caused the whole mess, I am the one who put my friends at risk, and now I've made you think that this was in some way your fault. Not true at all; this is the result of the bad choice that I made to try and show off my new abilities."

"You mean you being a big black dragon?"

"Yup, I gained the ability to turn into a dragon, but I leak magic like a sieve, and I knew this before I ran out of magic. If I was smart, the second I figure this fact out, I should have landed and switched over to the fire magic. I put Kalita, Cable, and myself at risk, babe. I'm sorry."contemporary romance

It felt good to be able to admit my weakness to someone that I knew respected me. I felt Kadence slowly calm down and stop shaking. Suddenly, She drove the air from my lungs! Kadence had just punched me in the solar plexus and left me gasping for air. 

" the...he...ll?"

"Don't ever do that again! Do you hear me, you idiot?!"


"Ugh, yes, mam."

"That's yes, Babe!" 

"Hey, who is the boss here?"

*Bladed stare*

"Yes, Babe."

"Now, we can't be mopping around here; Nina has been contacting us and giving updates and telling us things about your world. The problem is that we are four days from the capital, so we don't have time to deal with those things right now. We are going to put the dates on hold until after we finish with Landokingson."

"You know I really hate that name, that will be the first thing I do when we take the city! We will give it a proper name!"

Kadence kissed and then stood up from my lap, offering me her hand.

"Oh, and what would you call it?"

"Badassdom, hehe, just kidding. No, I would call it Calgary; that place might not have all the best memories, but it's where I came from, hell we might even make a flag and think of a new name for the country! What is this place called anyways, the continent I mean."

"We are on Bjrothrone."

"Eh, not bad, but we will work on it, but bet it was a french hero that named this continent!"


"Never mind, not important. Okay, let's get out of the kettle so I can apologize some more and let everyone know I am still alive. Man, everyone seemed super stressed; I really gotta work on getting my shit together."

"Nina is there now, and she will try to keep you on track, and you know we are all here for you!"

"Yeah, let's go."

We both stepped out to a waiting crowd that cheered as soon as they saw me. My wives were all waiting in the front, and they flooded over to me, assault me with questions, and scolding me from every direction. The whole thing was starting to give me a headache, but I bared it all and answered each question to the best of my ability. 

After an hour of jostling and question, talking to Mesh and Marly, I was tired, fuck. There was so much to do and so little time, and now I needed a fucking nap after just getting up! I was just sitting before!

Alex noticed me start to wave back and forth. She came over and put a hand up to everyone asking for them to let me have a break since I only fell last night. Hearing that made me feel a little bit better about taking a nap. Mesh and Buddy came over and gave me a hand back down to my bedroom. 

Kadence came and tucked me in with Alex, telling me to get some sleep. I watched them close the door, and then I felt the bed filled beside me. I turned to see my green and black beauty, her new dragonic scale acting as a dress, flaring out under her chin; She would need glasses.

Suddenly, like she had read my mind, glasses grew from vines onto her face.

"Better? Lay your head down on my chest and get to sleep."

"You're the best, Nina. I love you."

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