She’s the Alpha

Chapter 7

The Alpha Conference was thick with tension for the remainder of the time. After my father's announcement, people treated me like I had a contagious disease. It didn't go without notice. Regardless, I did my best at every single one of the events to try and prove my worth. I never saw Kai again after that night. True to his word, he left my house and the land of the Rigor Moon Pack. I didn't know how I felt about it. Even though Jessie's mark helped ease the pain, I knew that deep inside, I was upset that Kai actually left.

It was my fault anyway.

I'd done nothing but make his life difficult since we met. I stomped on his pride, hurt him, and insulted our mate bond. I knew I was wrong, but as my father always said, I had a one-track mind. My goal was to successfully rule my pack. I couldn't do that from Hawaii as Kai's mate.

The Alpha Conference finally ended on a sour note, and it was time for me to get back to my studies. As a senior, I was close to being done, which was a relief, but it also made the work harder. Most students were getting ready for their college exams while I prepared for my inauguration. It was a bitter pill for the Alpha Family. While others got to move on with their lives, see the world, and meet new people before eventually coming back, the Alpha Family has to stay put as the strong foundation and strength for the others.

"You picked a chosen mate?" My friend, Atri, asked as I sat at the lunch table next to Jessie. I'd almost forgotten that my friends at school didn't know. I nodded before taking a bite of my food.

"Who is it?" Atri followed up. I chuckled as I looked up from my plate.

"Who do you think?" I smirked back at him. His eyes went wide.

"You really let Jessie mark you? What about your fated mate? Don't you want to know who he is?" Atri countered. I sighed and set my fork down.

"You're going to upset my stomach. Just stop. Jessie is my mate, end of story," I stopped him. I knew why they were being apprehensive, but I didn't have enough guilt to worry about their opinion as well. I dropped it for now.

For the most part, expect for me feeling like I was being eaten alive by guilt, things were business as usual for the next week or so. That was all the peace I was allotted.


The bell rang, signaling the start of the next class. Luckily, I wasn't late this time. Jessie slipped into his seat next to me. The lecture started without any hesitation. It was starting to bore me to death, that was until the sirens began to blare.

We were under attack.

Jessie and I exchanged glances before we both jumped out of our seats and headed to the elementary school. We both subconsciously made the decision to go get Micah. It didn't take long, seeing as the elementary and middle school were close to the high school. Wolves had already started fighting around us.

What rogues would be dumb enough to attack in broad daylight?

No, these weren't rogues. They moved tactfully and with purpose. We were being attacked by another pack. At the sight of me, a lot of the attacking wolves started shifting their focus.

So they were after me then.

The puzzle pieces started falling into place. This was an attack because of the decision to make me the next Alpha. I knew some of the other Alphas were upset by it, but I didn't think any of them would go to such lengths to prevent it. Jessie held off a wolf who launched at me as I barely made it into the school. I ran straight to Micah's classroom and picked him up. The teacher gave an acknowledging nod as she huddled the rest of the children low in a corner.

"What's wrong?" Micah asked. I could tell he was scared. I was too, but I had to get us out of there and to my parents immediately.

"Just stay quiet and hold on to me tight, okay?" I responded. I sighed before preparing myself. Getting in was the easy part; getting out would be the problem. I mind-linked Jessie to be ready as I headed towards the back of the school. The fighting seemed to be focused towards the front, which meant we had better chances of going out the back. I couldn't shift with Micah, I couldn't trust that he would be able to hold on tight enough, so it looked like I was going to have to run on foot. I didn't hesitate as I ran out of the back door towards our house. Jessie ran beside us at my pace as he kept an eye on the trees. I felt another presence near, but it didn't seem to be attacking, so I let it be. We ran into a few attacking wolves on the way, but Jessie managed to hold them off.

I saw my dad standing in front of the house, growling at every approaching wolf as we got closer. Jessie swiftly turned to help him as I rushed Micah inside. I found my mom on the fourth floor. She paced nervously.

"Mom?" I announced our arrival. She released a breath before embracing us in a hug.

"Oh thank God," she breathed. She pulled away before she began grabbing things around the room. It was a duffle bag, suitcase, and the car keys.

"I've already talked it over with your dad. Take the luggage and the car and go straight to the airport. The tickets are in the side pocket of the duffle bag," she said quickly.

"What are you talking about? Where are you sending us? I have to stay and help dad," I protested.

"No, Kennedy! Now is not the time to argue with me. They're after you. Once you leave, the fighting will most likely stop. So you have to go, you don't have a choice. Taking Micah with you is to protect you both," she explained.

"Where are we going?" I asked anyway.

"The tickets are in the bag and someone will be waiting to receive you at the airport on the other side. You don't have time! Go!" She said as she pushed me out of the room. I grit my teeth as I carried Micah down to the garage. My mom threw the bags in the front seat as I buckled Micah into his car seat. As I got in the driver's seat, she smiled sadly at me with tears in her eyes. It was a loot I think I would never forget.

"I love you guys. Stay safe... and don't be so stubborn. We're lucky to be receiving any help at all," she said vaguely before she stepped back. I started the car and held my foot over the gas pedal, ready to book it as soon as I could. I would have to outdrive bloodthirsty wolves after all.

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