Sharkbait Down Under

Chapter Alpha Summit

Luna Adrienne Volkov’s POV

Friday, February 11th, 2034

“How are we going to handle things,” I asked as we drove onto the grounds of the Atchafalaya Pack in Louisiana for the annual Alpha Summit.

“You do the handshakes and conversations, and I’ll stand around looking intimidating?” I laughed, and Leo chuckled. “Hey, it’s what I’m good at.”

“You’re impossible,” I said. “I need your help lobbying the other Midwestern Alphas for Larry Winters. I’ll be busy dealing with the Vampire issue with the Council, and there are a lot of Alphas nervous right now that I need to calm the fuck down.” I wasn’t kidding; Vicki’s abduction and the fake-at-first-but-then-actual death of the Council Chairmen had the Alphas nervous. Add in the formation of a Council containing previous enemies like mermaids and vampires, and tensions were high. I was briefing the Alphas on the situation tomorrow morning, right after the regional Council elections. Alphas could submit nominees for Chairman until ten, but the Alpha voting wouldn’t happen until that evening.

“I’ve got the easy job, then.”

“No shit, Sherlock.” Vicki’s work with Vampires and Mermaids would be easier to take if it was just the Southern Cross Pack in a different Council. I had gone to Master Cyprian and engaged the other species, bringing the dangers right to the North American Alphas. I had to defend our actions plus show everyone what Vicki had accomplished in Australia.

And if I couldn’t get them to understand, the votes would go against us, and we’d be closer to war than peace.

“You’ll do fine, Adrienne. There’s no one I’d rather have speaking to this than you.” He took my hand, his thumb lightly rubbing the back of my fingers to calm me down.

“It would be easier if we had some Aussie Betas with us,” Liv said from the back seat.

“I can’t believe the Council wouldn’t let them come,” Brent added. “Why would you take away opportunities for the scratch ’n sniff?”

“The Southern Cross Pack isn’t part of the North American Council,” Leo said. “If they invited Vicki’s people, they’d have to invite the Europeans. Sure, it would make sense, but that’s why we can’t do it. Petty politics by people who should be above that crap.”

“I’m glad Vicki asked me to present the invitation to the Alphas,” Olivia said as she sat back. “The European Council recognizes her as a peer, and our Council needs to. Without a mutual treaty, she may not be able to return home.” Within a Council, the Alphas granted permission to enter each other’s lands. If you wanted to go to another Council territory, you were supposed to go through the respective Council. “What would we do if they decide Vicki can’t return to film her shows or do her modeling?”

“We can’t let it get to that,” I said. We pulled up in front of the plantation house, and Omegas ran forward to get our luggage and get the doors. We stepped out and were greeted by the Atchafalaya Pack Alphas, then shown to our assigned trailer.

The scratch ’n sniff went off without issues, though only one couple found each other. I spent a lot of time socializing and prepping, answering questions, and talking informally about what happened in Mexico. We were up late into the night at the cocktail party.

The next morning after breakfast, the Midwest Council Alphas met to elect their new chair. After speeches by both candidates, a secret ballot elected Larry Winters as our next Chairman. “Congratulations,” I told Larry and Donna as we reached the front of the line. The Pacific Northwest election didn’t go our way, with a traditionalist taking the spot.

After the new Regional Chairs were seated, the next business was nominations for Council Chairman. Four Alphas gave short speeches nominating three serving Regional Chairs and one former Regional Chair before Alpha Steven Dauntless stood up. “The person I nominate is uniquely qualified for the position. Universally respected, possessing a keen intellect, even temperament, great personal courage, and a vision for a better future. I proudly nominate Luna Adrienne Volkov of the Miesville Pack for Council Chairman.”

There was a short period of silence as the room processed what was just said before it exploded into shouting. I turned to glare at Leo, but he was just as shocked as I was. Steven had said nothing before dropping this turd in the punchbowl, and he was grinning at me in triumph.

“SILENCE!” Kurt Markingham slammed his fist on the table, shocking the room into compliance. The Western Canada chair was the oldest member of the Council and interim Chair. “If you have an objection, raise it properly and be recognized.”

“I object,” one of the Idaho Alphas said. “Luna Adrienne is female and is the current Luna of the Miesville Pack. She is not eligible for the position.”

“Alpha Steven?”

“I have the relevant section of Council law, sir. ‘Eligibility for Alpha Council positions. Any person over forty who is a previous Pack Alpha. If serving as Pack Alpha when elected, the person must relinquish control over the Pack before taking the Council position.’ Notice that there is no requirement for the person to be male, and without asking a lady her age, Luna Adrienne meets that requirement.”

“She’s a LUNA, not an Alpha,” the Idaho Alpha objected.

“She was an Alpha of her Pack for months after her first mate died before she turned the Pack over to her son. And thank you for making my second point; she is a Pack Luna, NOT an Alpha. Alpha Leo is and remains Alpha of the Miesville Pack, so Luna Adrienne can serve without changing the head of the Miesville Pack.” I glared at Steven; he was enjoying this.

Do it,” Leo said. “Our people need your leadership, and you are the only one who can rally the Alphas to change.”

“I need this like a hole in the head,” I replied.

“Objection overruled. Luna Adrienne’s name will be on the ballot,” Chairman Kurt said with a sly grin. “Any other nominations?” There were none. “Ten-minute break, then we continue with Council business.”

I made a beeline for Alpha Steven as others gathered around me. “You could have warned me,” I told him.

“You might have said no,” he answered with a grin. “I’ve had a gutful of people who hunger for the power of the job; it’s about time we had the right person reluctantly agree to take it.”

I rolled my eyes, but he slipped away as others talked to me or congratulated me. The Lunas were in my corner; they knew what this could mean. “I’ll get my mate to support you,” was the common refrain.

The next order of business was my presentation. I spoke for over an hour to the assembled Alphas. I started with Vicki’s meeting with Master Alexander, through Timothy and Tracy’s rescue from his Coven, and the events in Mexico. I finished with an update on the Australian Council and the Southern Cross Pack, emphasizing the mateless Beta-ranked wolves and the inter-species cooperation. “Our experiences in the last two months show the value of such an alliance, and there is a path to lasting peace if we are willing to travel it. Thank you.”

I took questions for another hour before we broke for lunch. Our table was popular with Alpha pairs stopping by to ask questions or lend support. In the afternoon, there were other presentations before the speeches by the candidates for Chairman. Under New Business, I spoke out about our current system’s failure to help wolves find their fated mates. “Math doesn’t lie. Only ONE new pair out of all the unmated attending this weekend because we cling to archaic rules, bringing the same wolves together and hoping it will be different this time. If you believe the Moon Goddess has a mate for all of us, the answer is simple. Bring EVERY unmated wolf of age together in one place. North American, European, Australian, rogue, EVERYONE.”

“That’s impossible,” someone said.

“Not at all.” I played the video Chairman Svensson sent; he appeared with Vicki on the screen, inviting all North American single wolves to a meetup in Ireland this June. No one spoke as it finished. “If we care about our people, if we respect our Goddess, we MUST send our people.”

The room exploded in conversation as I stepped down. Leo was grinning as I returned to my seat. “We haven’t had this much excitement at a Summit since Sharkbait first arrived,” he teased me.

No silver collars, trials, or assassination attempts yet,” I replied.

The Lunas were excited about the meetup, and several volunteered to help with planning. Our dinner was just as hectic as lunch, with many stopping by to talk.

Voting that night was by rounds and the candidate with the lowest total out. It was by secret ballot with a simple majority required for election. After the first round, I was shocked to be in second place, but no one had a majority. Recognizing the chance for a reformer to take office, two allied Chairmen withdrew their names and threw their support to me.

I had sixty-one percent on the next ballot.

Minutes later, I was sworn in as Council Chairman Adrienne Volkov.

I had a lot of work to do.

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