Chapter 0359 I quickly wiped them away , feeling anger bubbling inside of me .
Chapter 0359 I quickly wiped them away , feeling anger bubbling inside of me .
I was so stupid to think that I was the only one that Gavin Landry had been with .
I mean , he was a Lycan Chairman and the most powerful man in the entire world , there was no way he would settle for only me .
Of course , he had other suitors .
I felt sick at the very thought as bile rose in my throat .
I stepped out of the elevator and started towards my room .
Exhaustion was taking over almost completely as I walked the long hallway .
My heart pounded in my chest as started to pass by Gavins room .
I froze momentarily , staring at his closed door .
It was still early , so if there was a woman in there , she would most likely be sleeping , Gavin wasnt back yet because he was meeting with the other Lycans and judges in the gym right now .
I could catch this woman and find out for sure who she was and what her relationship with him was .
That was such a dumb idea for many reasons ; I mean , if shes in his suite , their relationship is obvious .
Not to mention , if Gavin found out , hed most likely fire me , and d never get my father out of prison .
My father was the reason Im here .
If I can become a gamma warrior , part of the elite group , I could pay for his debt and get him out of prison sooner rather than later .
My family would be whole again .
I shouldnt get distracted over a guy .
I started to walk past the room , but my body was conflicted , not wanting to move much further .
I stared at the door again , nibbling on my lower lip .
Shell be sleeping ; I just wanted to get a glimpse of her .
That was all I needed ; I just wanted to see her .
My decision made up , I grabbed the room key from my pocket and walked over to the door .
My heart was in my heart as I swiped the card on the door , and the green light lit to life , indicating that the door was now unlocked .
With a deep breath , I turned the knob and opened the door , peeking my head into the large suite .
I frowned as I glanced around the suite like I was afraid of what I was going to see .
One thing was for sure : a woman was definitely here ; this place reeked of another woman .
As I stepped further into the suite and looked more around , my heart sank when I saw a bra on the ground … a bra that didnt belong to me .
Shes leaving her undergarments here , marking her territory .
It felt like I was completely frozen .
There was nobody in the bed where the bra was lying next to , but the bed was unmade , which wasnt like Gavin at all .
Which meant someone else had slept in it .
Light snoring brought my attention to the pullout couch in the living room area .
My heart sank when I saw there was a figure in the bed .
The blanket was pulled over their head , so I couldnt see who it was .
I walked towards the couch , ready to rip the covers off their head so I could see for myself who it was .
Just as I grabbed the corner of the blanket , about to pull it back , the bathroom door opened , and I heard a deep , loud gasp .
My eyes shot upward at the person standing in the darkness across the suite , their silhouette standing completely still for a moment .
My eyes stayed glued to them , and I was aware I was barely breathing .
1/2 Chapter 0359 The figure let out a breath , and I knew from the exasperated here ? What was wrong with him ? The figure started to walk towards me , her movements fille something anything .
Then , she came into the light .
Chapter 0359 The figure let out a breath , and I knew from the exasperated sound that it was a female .
Did he have two women in here ? What was wrong with him ? The figure started to walk towards me , her movements filled with purpose , and I stood , bracing myself for something anything .
Then , she came into the light .