Second Life's Revenge

Chapter 76: Sudden Attack

"Laura… thank you for helping me."

The firewood cracked as soon as it was placed into the fire, warming the five people who stayed inside the cave. 

The freshly cooked rabbit meat filled in the cave, making Laura's stomach growl out loud. Though it was Laura's first time eating rabbit meat, the smell had a resemblance to chicken. 

Angelo called for the others to join while the food was still hot. The food setup was a coincidence; it was like they were celebrating the recovery of Zeke.

"When was the last time I ate something this delicious?" J asked himself and took another bite of the cooked meat.

"Stop talking, no one understands you. Don't talk while your mouth is full," Angelo scolded, cutting a piece of meat for Zeke.

A new thing Laura learned today. Never had she expected to see a scary looking guy cook very well. According to Angelo, if he didn't work as an assassin, he would be working in a restaurant as a chef.

Laura then realized something. How is that Angelo works as a personal bodyguard of Erwin? It didn't make sense because it means that he left the organization. 

She did consider that because Silence was weak, they didn't have any control over their employees. But still, it didn't make sense that he didn't get any punishment, unlike Zeke.

"Angelo, you said you came from here," Laura started.

"Yes? I am from here," Angelo affirmed.

"Are you a member of Silence?" Laura asked.contemporary romance

The question made everyone uncomfortable, including Laura, who asked. It may have been a bold question, but it won't hurt to ask, right? Angelo lowered his bowl and nodded his head, and in fact, he has been hiding something from Laura.

To think that the man who used to be Tine's shadow is now an ally of hers. Life is really unpredictable. Angelo wasn't prepared to tell Laura, but he knew that he needed to confess it so that the burden that weighed him down will be lifted.

"I have a confession to make," Angelo said. "This is for you, Miss Laura."

Laura tilted her head and was speechless. She didn't know how to react either after seeing the seriousness his eyes had set on hers.

"Indeed, I was a former member of the organization, and at that time, I worked under someone who you know."

"And that person is…Tine?" Laura asked, and her brows furrowed.

"Yes, that night in the forest, I was ordered to track you and hunt you down, but I couldn't bring myself to do so," Angelo frowned, clenching his fist. "Honestly, I didn't know why I hesitated to kill you."

"And that was around that time was also when I asked him to join me," Erwin joined, and a small smirk formed on his mouth. "Not only that, because of him, but we were also able to make the organization weaker."

"But we didn't fully annihilate them," Angelo sighed.

"I thought we did. It's foolish of me thinking that way," Erwin added.

Is this how Tine ruined Laura in the past or was it different? For sure, it's different. Because she was given the necklace and Tine tried to steal it away from her. From that point, it was clear that Tine didn't have any intentions to hold back.

Laura swallowed Angelo's words like medicine as she tried to accept it. We are humans who only want to start a new chapter in our lives and to see someone do that, it is admirable enough. But still, it was conflicting for her.

She went through so many unexpected situations where she almost got killed by his hands. She dreamt of being killed while she was sleep, but it was a good thing it didn't happen.

Things went very uncomfortable to the point Laura didn't have an appetite to finish her food anymore. There many things in her mind that she needed to clear and accept. Laura placed her bowl onto the ground before standing up.

"I'm just going to clear my head. I'll be by the river," Laura said as she wore her hood on.

"I really am sorry about that time, Miss Laura. I don't know how I can repay you, but for sure, I promise to protect you with all my life," Angelo yelled as softly as he could and stood up from his seat.

"It's alight," Laura muttered and turned her head to look at Angelo with a saddened expression. "You're forgiven."

Angelo didn't feel like he was forgiven mostly, seeing the reaction Laura made. Was it better if he didn't tell her? Angelo assured himself that he made the right decision. It is better to say than to hide it even if the truth hurts.

"It's alright, she's Laura. Eventually, she'll get over it," Erwin said, comforting and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"I don't think it is a good idea for her to go out alone in the night," Zeke reminded as he looked at Erwin.

"You don't have to tell me that," Erwin answers in an annoyed tone. "I'll be back."

Walking late at night in the forest is scary enough for any person, but Laura didn't care where she was going even if she did say she would be near the lake. As the night was cold, she hugged herself, reputing body heat for herself. Why didn't she think of getting a coat?

As Laura continued walking with her head low, she was suddenly stopped when a hand was placed on her forehead and was being pushed back. When she raised her head to complain who it was, she sees a tree five centimeters away from her head. 

She turned around, seeing Erwin flash a smile and spoke, "That was close."

Instead of thanking him, she grumbled softly and said, "Why are you here?"

"I can't let a lady walk at night alone in a forest," Erwin answered as he removed his hands off her forehead.

"Thanks," Laura muttered, continuing her path.

"Are you angry about it?" Erwin asked, knowing it will still not be solved. But it is better to say it than hide it to yourself.

"I'm not angry. It's more than frustration that I didn't notice it was him."

Erwin laughed out loud while Laura gave him an annoyed look. "How will you know it is him? When his face was fully covered?"

Laura gave Erwin a glare and started to ignore him. Erwin was right. How could she have recognized that the man who tried killing her was Angelo? 

She sighed out of frustration as she reached the lake. She sat on the grass, looking at the moon's reflection that painted on the clear water.

And as she sat down, an idea entered her head. If Angelo worked for Tine, then that means that she has proof that Tine was trying to kill her. She gasped out loud and startled Erwin, making him confused.

"Laura?" Erwin asked in a concerned tone.

"That's it!" Laura jumped in happiness. "Then, I can finally bring Tine down."

Erwin's confused face turned into a serious one, and seeing his face, Laura was confused and thought shouldn't he be happier? Even if Laura had proof that could bring Tine down, it was still invalid.

That's because no one can confirm Angelo's face, and there was no witness to add onto. 

"Don't get your hopes up. Even if Angelo is there to admit he might be thrown into prison for stating that he is one of them."

The smile on Laura's face was wiped instantly. Erwin was right. If Angelo was there to be a witness for her, he, in exchange, might go into prison, and she didn't want that to happen.

"Right…" Laura frowned.

"But don't lose hope. There might be someone out there who might be a victim of Tine. That's why you shouldn't give up," Erwin positively said.

Laura's cheeks slightly turned red after hearing his words. It's not unusual to hear encouraging words from him, but it felt nice hearing it. She liked it.


Upon hearing the yell, Erwin and Laura turned their backs, seeing Angelo covered in blood, holding his sword.

"What's going on here?" Erwin asked, rushing to his side.

"The enemy is back. You need to run!" Angelo desperately said.

"What about Zeke and J?" Laura stood.

"They're alright. Please get out of this place, save yourselves!" Angelo pleaded, looking at Erwin.

The bushes behind Angelo rustled, and a man yelling to find them was clearly heard. Erwin grabbed Laura's wrist and ran, leaving Angelo behind. While Laura tried getting out of his grip.

"What are you doing?" Laura asked.

"Just run," Erwin calmly answered.

"We can't just leave them!" Laura insisted as she finally removed his grip out of her wrist.

Erwin stopped running and looked at the desperate face she made. He sighed out loud, ruffling his hair, and grabbed Laura's wrist, running back to the cave's direction.

It was dangerous to go back because Erwin was unarmed, but then he decided to use his mana for now. Even if it was risky, he couldn't bear to see the expression Laura made. 

Out of nowhere, a man jumped out of the bush, directing his sword at Erwin. The man charged towards Erwin but was flicked away with his mana. 

When they both reached the cave, the enemy's body was on the ground, not breathing. Erwin unconsciously released Laura's grip, who cautiously passed the dead bodies. 

Laura entered the cave seeing bodies on the ground, but she did not recognize any of them. She was worried about Zeke because his wounds weren't fully closed. If his wounds open, he might start bleeding, and it might be fatal for him.

"Anyone alive?" Laura yelled as her voice echoed.

No one answered back, and she thought they might have escaped, but Larua feared that they were dead. But how did they even find them here? They weren't near the town, just how?

Laura was about to take a step, not until she heard a familiar voice calling her name. She looked around once more and still didn't see anyone. Again the voice called. 

"Laura! Over here!"

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