Second Life's Revenge

Chapter 34: Madness

Time was moving faster as Laura was in the orphanage having fun. Tine locked herself in the room, thinking of another plan. Tine was furious and had gone mad.

Every time a maid entered her room to clean the mess she had made, Tine would laugh out loud as if someone had made the funniest joke ever.

It scared the other's maids to the point that Helga was the only one who could help her. Tine was sitting on the cold floor, plucking the petals off the flower.

Every time she plucked off a single petal, she would rip it to even smaller pieces. And her eyes were hollow, and not as lively as it used to be.

The darkness filled her eyes, and in those eyes held a sense of desperation to kill someone.

The one ally she had was missing. Her plan of killing Laura in the forest failed, and this time poisoning Laura had failed, but it also backfired on her.

Tine couldn't help but feel restless as the days passed and realized that there was only one way for the Count to believe that she was innocent.

It was to blame Helga. Knowing Helga was her maid since she was young means she's loyal to Tine.

The door opened wide, and the lights outside flashed into Tine's eyes. Making her squint and look at the shadow approaching her. Count Harrison looked around Tine's messy room.

'What has gotten into her?' He sighed. She seemed like a different person and not the sweet daughter he knew. He called the other maids to tidy her room up as he sat on the couch, waiting for Tine to go to him.

Tine was ashamed of the amount of mess she created and the unpresentable way she looked. Her lips trembled as she stood up, not knowing what her father wanted to talk to her.

"Tine, answer me, honestly. Did you want to kill your sister?" Count Harrison asked, gripping his cane.

This time things will go well. Tine needed to lie and persuade her father that she didn't do it and was accused falsely.

"I didn't do it. I didn't prepare the tea, and it was Helga who gave it to me," Tine said, acting pitiful, trying to blame Helga.

Helga, who was in the room, wanted to speak but realized that if it's to regain the Count's trust in Tine, she didn't have any issues even if it would take her life away.

The Count took a glance at Helga, not wanting to believe that she had motives to kill Laura.

It was a tough decision for him, but with the way things worked there, trying to kill someone can cause lead to a death sentence.

"Believe me, father. I didn't know that there was poison in the tea. Laura framed me." Tine cried.

"Helga, is that true?" Count Harrison asked.

"Yes, I did," Helga answered.

"You do know that attempting to poison someone can lead to a death sentence?"

"I am aware of that."

"Bring the guards and bring her to the torture room" Suddenly, Helga started to regret doing this. She still didn't want to die. She wanted to fall in love and have children and live a happy life.

But if it's saving Tine, she was willing to do anything for her. Even if that means being put to death.

Tine was filled with satisfaction upon hearing this. Her reputation wasn't broken anymore, and she liked it if the other nobles started to take pity on her and maybe even having the blame on Laura.

After all, it was Laura who had accused her. Two guards entered Tine's room, forcing Helga out of the room.

Helga was scared and didn't want to die. She kneeled on the floor, begging the Count to spare her life. But it was too late. Once the Count has made his decision, he can no longer change it.

"Please spare my life," Helga begged and looked at Tine, asking for help. "Miss Tine, I beg you. Help me."

"It wasn't my fault. I got punished by father because of you," Tine said, sitting beside the Count.

Helga felt betrayed. The years they both had spent together was futile. Betrayal was what lingered in her heart. Tine had revealed Helga, to save herself from death.

It was a disaster; Helga didn't know their relationship was that weak. When the countess was still alive, Helga was appointed to Tine, who was still a baby. She treasured Tine like a daughter, and the last person who she thought would betray her.

On the other side, Tine didn't feel anything. She was happy to be back out in the light. This was the amount it takes for her madness to be fulfilled.

"You have gone mad, Tine!" Helga screamed, being pulled out by the two guards. "You liar!"

Just for Tine's reputation to be built again, she betrayed and blamed someone else for regaining her reputation. It was a pity Helga had to live that way. She served a wicked young lady.

The image of the young and innocent Tine flashed into her head. Her tears continued to stream down her cheeks, laughing, memorizing the bit of happiness she felt with Tine. She hoped to live another life filled with joy instead.

This time it was Helga's life to be put to an end. The room turned bright, but Tine's madness had reached its peak. She didn't feel anything after Helga was sent to be killed.

The only thing that mattered to her was being alive, standing tall, and using others to gain for herself.

Tine was the lowest amongst them all. Tine would do anything to save herself from trouble. She uses the people around her as tools. Tools to bring her to the goal she aims. This time things won't go wrong.

The hatred and madness that filled in Tine were at its peak. Now all she needed to do was to persuade Prince Winston and a few more powerful people.

Then she can proceed into killing Laura. The girl who stole her happiness, the attention she received, and the popularity she used to have. She swore to get them all back, in her own way.

"My daughter, are you alright? I'm sorry if I didn't listen to you," Count Harrison apologizes, giving Tine a hug.

"It's alright. I was lost for words that, day and I didn't want Helga to be blamed," Tine said.

"I'm sorry, my daughter. I'll lift your punishment up and let you do whatever you want now. I'll need to appoint a new maid for you and so, for now, have some rest. Look at your eye bags."

"I will father," Tine smiled, watching his father and the other servants leaving her room.

The room was now quiet, and in that quiet room, she revealed her true personality. She sat casually on the couch, laughing, recalling the face Helga made.

How stupid is the Count is, not to see it was all fabricated. Now that Tine was free again, she needed to act fast; she needed to gain more allies.

The first person that came into her mind was Viola. She was the perfect person for the job. Viola was the right person to spread rumors amongst the nobles.

If ever the rumor about Laura had gone wrong, the blame won't go to Tine, but to Viola. It was a win-win situation for her.

"Laura's a fake. Maybe we can start from there," Tine smirked evilly, writing on the letter.

This time she'll make it. She'll make the people believe that Laura was the cause of her pain. It was the start of the fight and the start of the big battle between the two sisters.


"What? Her punishment was lifted?" Laura asked in disbelief.

"Yes…" Mary said. Laura placed a hand on her chin, wondering how this could be. She let her guard down just for a day, and everything was different.

This wasn't supposed to be happening. Laura didn't know the full details of what exactly happened, but once she got back to the estate, she felt that things would be different.

The thought of not being able to change her fate scared her.

"Miss?" Mary asked, closing her luggage. "Hmm?" Laura turned her head, looking at Mary.

"I've been asking you if you're ready to leave."

"Oh, I am. Let's go."

For the last time, Laura touched her bed and wished to come back sooner. She hopes to see the other children grow into fine people and maybe be in a family without problems.

Luke leaned on the wall, waiting for Laura to leave her room. He didn't like Laura leaving because the orphanage would be quiet and hectic.

But he knew that it was a better decision for Laura to be with her new family. Mary opened the door and noticed Luke waiting for them to leave. She hopped in front of Luke, who was daydreaming and got startled, seeing Mary.

Mary grinned and slapped his shoulder, making him groan softly. Luke wondered how Mary can be so energetic, but that's the part he liked about her.contemporary romance

It was sad that they only met for a short period, but it felt like years since they have met each other for him.

"See you soon... maybe," Luke laughed.

"It's not maybe. We will if Miss comes back," Mary smiled. "Were you waiting for me?" Laura asked, closing the door.

"Escorting Miss Laura," Luke joked, bowing and pointing at the stairs.

"Don't treat me like that. It's weird," Laura said, rolling her eyes, then walked down the stairs.

"I'm going to become a soldier, soon and I have to talk that way anyway. So get used to it."

"I will not," Laura laughed.

"Not cute at all."

Sister Abby stood by the door, waiting for Laura. As soon as she saw Laura, she gave her a hug and held her tears in. She didn't want Laura to leave, but she needed to.

The other children gathered around Laura, pulling her and telling her not to leave. But the happy journey had come to an end. She placed a hand on her knee and patted their heads one by one.

Knowing that it might take a while to see them again, she wanted to create happy memories before leaving. Who knows, she might never see them again?

"I'll see you soon. Stay safe everyone," Laura said and headed to the carriage.

"See you soon, Laura!" Micky smiled sniffing.

It was one of the days when Laura wanted never to end and to keep repeating all over again. But at the same time, things need to move.

Time is precious and should be spent properly, it should not be wasted with meaningless things. Time is everything.

Once the hands on the clock start to move, it could no longer be reversed.

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