Scarred (Never After Series)

Scarred: Chapter 18

The upstairs of The Elephant Bones Tavern has a narrow hallway with a small bathroom and two bedrooms flanking either side, one of which is kept clean for whenever I choose to stay. Which, I’ll admit, has been sparse as of late. I’ve been spending more of my time at the castle, both because Lady Beatreaux fascinates me, and also because I like to be available when Simon needs to slip away.

But Edward tells me that morale is down since I haven’t been making as many appearances, so tonight, I’m here to remedy that. Apparently, burning the body of the king’s commander wasn’t enough to prove I’m still focused on the cause.

I walk up the stairs and down the hall to the room, confusion lancing through me when I hear muffled noises from behind the door.

My brows draw in and I twist the handle, the air whipping across my face as the door swings open, smacking against the wall. It cracks as if it might shatter from the impact, and it’s enough to startle the two people naked and in the bed.

They jump up, scrambling. The woman squeals when the man moves off her, and she grapples for the sheets, drawing them up around her chest, her eyes growing wide as she takes me in.

I tilt my head, cataloging her features, rage burning through me when I note her frizzy blonde hair and freckles.

Little doe’s lady-in-waiting. Rosy-cheeked and freshly fucked by my most trusted soldier.


How dare he bring her here.

My fists clench at my sides, my gaze swinging to him as he pulls on his garments. “Your Highness, I—”

I raise a hand, cutting him off mid-sentence, my eyes trailing along the form of the girl as she curls in on herself. “Did you bring me a gift, Edward?”

He swallows as he finishes buttoning up his trousers, running his hand through his disheveled hair.

“So thoughtful of you,” I continue.

The girl scoots farther back on the bed, presumably to put more distance between us. I walk toward her until I’m standing at the side of the small mattress, and I reach out, grasping her naked arm, pulling her from the spot before shoving her onto the wood floor.

She makes a screeching noise, and the sound of her fear sends adrenaline coursing through my veins. This seems to snap Edward out of whatever daze he was in, and he moves forward, grabbing the woman’s clothes and walking to stand next to me as he thrusts them at her.

I chuckle. “A bit late for modesty, don’t you think?”

Her cheeks heat, and I wave my hand in a placating motion through the air. “By all means, sweetheart. Get dressed.”

She pulls her garments closer to her chest, but she doesn’t make another move. Irritation vibrates through my bones. “I don’t like to repeat myself.”

“Sheina, please,” Edward pleads. “Do as he says.”

“I don’t want him to see me,” she whispers at the ground.

“I tell you what. You take a few minutes, Sheina. Get yourself together.” Stepping in closer, I reach down, running my hand over her tousled hair. “And then come downstairs where we can figure out just what to do about this… situation.”

“She knows nothing,” Edward whispers.

Anger makes my tongue sharp. “She knows enough.”

He presses his lips together, and for the slightest moment, I think maybe he’ll fight for her. But he simply drops his head and nods.

“Ten minutes,” I say, turning to the door and heading to the staircase.

My shoulders tighten, my mind racing, warring between disbelief and disappointment. I’ve never once questioned Edward’s loyalty. But then again, he’s never given me reason to.

I don’t want to make an example out of him, but sometimes, these things are unavoidable.

The stairs creak as I storm down them, and when I make it to the bottom, I head straight across the room until I reach Belinda, who’s sitting on the lap of Earl, running her hand through his straggly beard and cackling in laughter.

They both straighten as I approach and she jumps up, dropping to the ground. “Sire,” she whispers.

“There’s a woman upstairs with Edward. Make sure they don’t leave.”

“Of course.” She reaches out, grasping my hand and kissing my rings, and a rush of satisfaction flows through my veins at her subservience.

Out of all my followers, she is undoubtedly the most loyal.

“If they try to run, kill her. And bring Edward to me.”

She straightens, her eyes maniacal as they gleam.

I make my way to the raised platform where a singular black velvet, high-back chair sits; a throne for me to watch over my people. It’s nothing close to the real thing—to the one I deserve—but for the moment, it works.

My boots clunk against the wood as I plop down, spreading my legs wide and drumming my fingertips on the arm of the chair, gazing out over the room. Everyone is busy slurping up soup and bread I had Paul send from the castle, and the tabletops are piled high with fur-lined coats to prepare for the winter months. A gift for their loyalty.

A handful of minutes pass until I hear the heavy thud of footsteps. My eyes flicker to the corner of the room, past the long picnic-style tables, to where the edge of the bar meets the staircase. Edward and his new love step down, their heads close together as they make their way toward me, Belinda prodding at their backs.

I rest my chin on my knuckles, watching while they weave through the tables and benches until they reach the edge of the platform. The noise around us quiets as people take note of something happening, and it pleases me that I don’t have to call their attention.

“Kneel before greatness, girl,” Belinda hisses, shoving at the girl’s shoulders until she drops to her knees.

Edward cuts Belinda a strong glare, stepping forward until he’s placed himself between them.

I smirk at his obvious attachment and wait for him to follow suit.

He doesn’t, and my grin drops, my insides seething. “Do you no longer bow before me, Edward?”

His eyes lock on mine as he drops to his knees.

Unease trickles through me at his hesitancy.

“Friends.” My fingers grip the edge of my throne as I lean forward and look out into the crowd. “It would appear we have a new comrade in our midst. And from the castle, no less.”

Grumbles spread through the crowd.

“Tell me, are you here to join our cause?” My fingers scratch against my jaw.

Sheina doesn’t respond, her shoulders trembling as she stares at the ground.

Her disobedience makes my blood crackle, aching to string her up and make her scream; use her as an example to show what happens when you displease me.

“Or maybe you were only here to get fucked by the king’s commander,” I spit.

She gasps, her head snapping to mine, her cheeks growing ruddy.

Edward moves forward. “Stop.”

That word.

That simple, silly word is the knife that severs my control, and I surge from my seat, flying down the platform until I’m in front of him, the back of my hand striking out across his face. His head whips to the side, blood splattering on the ground from where my rings cut into his flesh, and he stumbles, catching himself before he falls.

I wait until he rises before snatching his arm and twisting until the ligaments pop beneath my fingers. He drops to his knees, a small groan escaping from his gritted teeth.

“You do not tell me to stop,” I hiss.

He winces. “I… I brought her here for you.”

My brows jump, surprise filtering through me. I hadn’t expected him to say this.

“Oh?” I ask, my eyes glancing at her, wondering if he’s simply trying to save her from death. “So, you are a gift.”

I release Edward and move toward her instead.

“Tell everyone your name,” I command.

“Sheina,” she whispers, tears streaking down her face.

“Sheina.” I let the syllables roll off my tongue, debating whether to announce that I know exactly who she is. But at the last moment, I decide against it. “And who are you to the king?”

“No one.”

My nostrils flare as I stare down at her. “Speak louder so everyone can hear.”

She sits up straighter, her chest heaving with heavy breaths. “I said… I’m no one.”

“And his new queen?” I quirk a brow.

Her breathing falters, and even I can feel the eyes of the people as their stares burn through her back.

“No answer for that one, is there?” I murmur, crouching down and lifting her chin. “And who are you to me?”

Her tongue swipes across her lips and she swallows, glancing at Edward. He nods at her, his hand rubbing up and down his arm.

She turns back, her dull gaze locking on mine. “I’m whoever you need me to be.”

I huff out a small breath, pinching her jaw before dropping my hand and standing upright. She’s not loyal to the cause, and even if she was, it doesn’t change the fact that Edward brought an outsider—a dangerous outsider—into our home base, and into our operation without telling me. But she’s a new tool in my arsenal, one that I can find use for.

Crossing my arms, I stare down at her. “You may rise.”

She puts her hands in front of her, pushing off the dirty wood floor as she stands, brushing her fingers down the front of her dress. Stepping in close, I palm the back of her head, leaning in so no one can hear. “You will be loyal to me, or I will make you watch as I disembowel everyone you love.”

Her body shakes beneath my touch.

“And then I’ll chain you up like a broodmare and let the hyenas stick their cocks wherever they please until you’re gaping and broken. I will keep you alive solely for their savage pleasures.” I pull back to look into her glossy, terrified eyes, and my free hand cups her cheek. “I’ll continue even when you’re begging for death. Do you understand?”

She nods and then hiccups, her cheeks wet with tears.

I step back, smiling as I face the rest of the room with my arms out wide.

“Everyone, welcome our newest warrior. She’s here to join the fight.”

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