Say You Swear

: Chapter 4

The sun is warm and inviting today, the complete opposite of yesterday when the four of us woke up to Brady’s loud ass laugh around five in the morning.

We never did make it into the house, passing out on and around the patio set, which is exactly how Brady found us. After getting some sleep, we tried to head down to the water to hang with our cousins and friends, but we didn’t make it past the deck, our hangovers taking a victory lap. So, we turned right back around and threw ourselves onto the couches. It was a movie marathon kind of day.

Today, though, we woke up juiced and ready for some fun. We went for breakfast at Oceans Café, a place Lolli swears by, and then we hit the store to test out Brady’s fake ID there. It worked and we’re double stocked, just in case.

Since we’ve got all we need for the bonfire tonight, we unpack the party favors and hit the sand.

Cam, Mason, and Brady run off, going straight into the cool water, but I lay my beach mat out and waste no time dropping onto it. I close my eyes and smile as the sun soaks into my skin, but the slight shuffle beside me has me looking up.

Chase stands there, staring after our friends with a twisted expression, so I suck it up, and pull on his trunks to get his attention.

He looks down, and I push up on my elbows, using my palm to shield the glare from my eyes. I motion with my head for him to join me.

He hesitates a second, then, without looking at me, drops down, mimicking my position.

A hint of anxiousness washes over me as I know we can’t escape what happened at the club any longer. This is the first moment we’ve had alone since that night and I know I’m not the only one who realizes it.

I admit, I woke up a little embarrassed the next day, but not enough to regret it. Had he shown any sign of anger or ignored me after, I likely would, but he hasn’t. He hasn’t exactly met my eye, but he hasn’t avoided it either. He is right now though, the tension in his shoulders doubling with each passing second as he tries to focus on the others goofing off in the ocean before us, but I know he’s not even seeing what’s in front of him. His mind is muddled by me. Or more, because of me.

His chin meets his chest, and here it comes.

“Are we okay?” he asks, his focus pointed at the sand beneath him.

“Why wouldn’t we be?”

“Come on, Ari. Don’t do that.” He shakes his head, looking off.

A wave of apprehension washes over me and I take a deep breath. “Chase, look at me, please.”

He does, revealing sadness and confusion.

“Talk to me. What’s going on in there?” I ask, tapping my temple with my free hand.

Sighing, he lies down next to me, turning his head to stare directly into my eyes.

How the heck am I supposed to concentrate with him so close, I don’t know, but I give him a small smile, encouraging him to speak.

He’s staring at me so intently that I want to look away, but I won’t.

“What was that at the club?” he eases into the topic.

A knot forms in my throat, but I swallow past it.

“I was letting loose.”

“Having drinks with friends is letting loose.”

His eyes narrow and I sigh, pushing up into a sitting position. “If you’re looking for an apology, I can’t give you one.”

“I’m just trying to understand.”

A wounded, humorless laugh leaves me and I look to the sky. “Don’t pretend you don’t know,” I whisper. “And don’t pretend you weren’t as curious as I was, even if you didn’t want it, I know you thought about it.”

“What does that mean?”

My head jerks his way and I frown. “You might have pulled away, but not before you held me tighter.”

“I was shocked!” he whisper-yells. “That was the last thing I expected you to do.”

“Yeah?” I pop a brow. “Was it the shock that made you hard?”

“Whoa!” His hands fly up, and again, he cuts his gaze around us. “That was the liquor and the mood and—”

“And me.” I shake my head. “Maybe you didn’t want anything to happen, but you can’t deny that. I know we were drunk, trust me, I didn’t need the reminder. I probably would have been too chicken to do it sober, but I’m not sorry I did. I’d do it again.”

“Don’t,” rushes from his lips with his next breath so quickly that he himself didn’t realize it was coming out until it did.

We both tense.

Chase drops his eyes to the sand once more, slowly bringing them up to me. “Don’t,” he whispers, so low it’s almost missed. “That can’t happen again. I love you, Ari, you know that, but this isn’t… we can’t.”

“Can’t as in shouldn’t?” I swallow, forcing my gaze not to drop from his when I want to cower away. “Or can’t as in you don’t want to?”

Chase exhales harshly, a tragic smile pulling at the edge of his lips. “Both, Ari.”

I scoot over, putting more space between us, and he reaches for me, but I tug back.

“I’m sorry.” His shoulders fall in defeat.

I inhale, returning my eyes to his.

I want to be angry. To yell and scream, but I won’t allow my disappointment to cloud the truth, because I know better.

Chase isn’t saying this to be cruel. He isn’t malicious or manipulative.

He’s just… my brother’s best friend.

We stare at each other a moment, and then his lips twitch.


“I’m just a little surprised you had it in you.” He grins.

An embarrassed chuckle slips from my lips, and I bury my face in my palms, but he reaches out, pulling them away.

I laugh again, but Chase, he doesn’t, and slowly, the humor on his face begins to fade.

I swallow. “Chase—”

“Heads up!”

Before I can react, I’m hit in the head by something, the impact of the foreign object knocking me over slightly.

“Shit!” Chase’s arms lift, freezing midair. “Ari! Are you okay?”

I rub at my head, spotting a football lying near my feet.

“Yeah, I’m fine. It didn’t hurt, it—” My words lodge in my throat as my skin prickles, the weight of a warm hand falling onto my bare back just below my bikini strap.

I peek over my shoulder, and my breath hitches as I lock eyes with a stranger.

A blue-eyed stranger.

A blue so deep, like a tropical stormy ocean’s night.

No, that’s not right.

They’re more like midnight. Like when the moon is at its brightest in the sky, casting a shadow over the dark sea.

Or is it metallic blue, like a rainbow fish?

I can’t say for sure.

I look to his hair, a deep, dark shade of brown; it’s as if he just stepped out of the water, and maybe he did. I don’t know. It does have that slightly styled, messy thing going on. I wonder if it’s soft.

It looks soft.

And those lips. I—


What the hell am I doing?

I don’t even know the guy.

But seriously, though, who has such perfectly shaped lips like this? And the way they move when he speaks is like the perfect sync of a symphony—

Hold up. His lips are moving.

He’s talking to me. And now he’s… grinning?

It’s a really good grin, too, kind of crooked and cute.

Oh, my god, he’s totally laughing at me. My eyes fly up, finding humor and inquisition swimming in his gaze.

“I—” I swallow. “What?”

Heat spreads along my chest, and I know there’s nothing I can do to hide the flush taking over.

Mystery man lets out a low chuckle that causes something to burn in the pit of my stomach.

And it’s official. I’m officially losing my mind.

A throat clears behind us.

It’s Chase.

Oh my god, Chase!

I quickly jump to my feet, giving myself some distance, leaving Chase sitting on the ground with mystery man bent at the knees beside him.

“You okay?” mystery man asks, hiding his grin.

Did I say hiding? I meant attempting to hide his grin and failing. Miserably.

“Yo, nineteen!” a familiar voice calls from somewhere in the distance.

The man turns his head, refusing to take his eyes off mine until the very last second, when he glances over his shoulder.

I follow his line of sight to find Brady walking up.

Brady nods his chin, the universal I’m about to bullet this ball and you better be there to catch it motion all guys seem to understand, and then he does just that.

The guy catches it effortlessly. Seriously. No effort. He pretty much pushed to his feet, lifted his hand and boom. Ball meet open palm.

There’s that laugh again.

Brady jogs over, Mason and Cameron on his tail.

Mystery man looks back at me and smiles, briefly flicking his gaze over my body, but not in a pervy way, maybe not even on purpose. More like, ‘you’re a woman in a tiny bikini and I’m a man with eyes.’

Chase must notice, too, because he snaps out of whatever fog he was in, hops to his feet, and positions himself directly behind me. I’m talking flesh to flesh. So close my head jerks around in shock, spotting the scowl building across his face

Brady reaches us, instantly taking note of mine and Chase’s nearness. He frowns, quirking a blond brow in question. Just like that, Chase shuffles away from me.

My chest heats for an entirely different reason now.

“Wud up, man?” Brady smiles, going in for the infamous bromance handshake, slap thing. “Didn’t know you’d be back in town.”

“Wait.” I look between the stranger and Brady. “You two know each other?”

Mystery guy looks at me with a sly grin. “Ah… she speaks.”

Brady’s gaze narrows expectantly.

So I explain, “I was a casualty of a rogue football.”

Another earned chuckle, but when my eyes pop toward him, I don’t get to see his expression because Brady steps into my space, kissing my hair.

“You okay, Ari baby?” he asks sincerely, petting my hair like a dog.

“Fine.” I try to push him off, but he shifts, now throwing his arm around me.

He nods, facing his apparent friend. “I take it you haven’t met my girl yet?”

Mystery man grows curious, cutting a quick glance toward Chase.

Oh awesome, he thinks I’m a groupie now.

Before I can defend myself, Mason arrives and does it for me.

“She’s not your girl, asshole.” My brother’s annoyance is evident in his tone.

Brady laughs and I slip from his grasp, looking toward my brother.

Mason slides up with a full-blown smile, the kind you wear as a kid when stepping into the stadium at your first pro football game. “Bro, what up? How you doin’?”

Mystery man is staring at me but addresses Mason. “Good, just relaxing while I can.” He cuts a glance toward Mase but quickly makes me his focus once more. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

“I’m fine, no big deal.”

As quickly as I respond, Mason is before me, frown in full effect.

These boys, I swear. “I said I’m fine, Mason. Chill. I got knocked by the ball. I’m alive and breathing. Like I said, no big deal.”

“It was my bad,” the stranger speaks, a hint of hidden humor in his melodic tone. “I misread the pass.”

Mase nods, backing off as a grin splits his lips. “A missed pass, that doesn’t sound like the guy I know.”

“I’m sure I can teach you a thing or two about following through,” Chase spits with unmistakable arrogance.

My spine goes straight, but I force myself not to look his way.

“Harper.” The guy jerks his chin. “How’s the shoulder?”


“Uh,” Cam draws. “Are we about to drop trou, maybe pull out a ruler?”

I can’t keep my gaze from flying to Cameron, who grins at the newcomer.

“Nah, we’re good. I think he’s worried about his girl,” mystery man says, his eyes never leaving mine.

I bite back a smirk, and somehow, he knows it, his tongue slipping out to hide his own.

Now that’s one hell of a way to fish, cast your line out right in the middle of chaos. It’s a guaranteed bite, and he knows it, just like I know Cam will jump on this one.

She doesn’t disappoint.

“Oh, she is sooo not his girl, ain’t that right, Chaser?” Cam pins Chase with a sharp brow in challenge.

Get him, girl.

Instead of allowing Chase to answer, not that he would, Mason takes the lead, as usual.

“Not sure where you got that idea, but you’re way off, bro.” Mase motions toward me. “Ari, this is Noah Riley, he’s our team captain. Noah, this is my twin sister Ari and our friend Cameron.” He points to her. “They’re headed to Avix with us.”

‘Noah,’ as Mason introduced him, smiles a hello.

“Wow.” Cameron speaks the second Mason stops, looking Noah up and down. “If you’re any indication of what’s to come, we’re gonna get into some serious trouble this year.” Eyes on Noah, she cocks her head to the side. “Ain’t that right, Ari?”

“Don’t answer that.” Mason pins me with a hard glare, quickly serving Cameron with it just the same.

“Okay,” I interject before either of them decides to open their mouths again and turn toward Noah. “It’s nice to meet you, Noah, and since I get the feeling, you’re going to ask again, yes, I swear I’m fine. These three have hit me in the head with a football more times than I can count, it’s nothing but normal at this point.”

He stares at me, a flicker of some unknown purpose painted in his eyes. “Right, quarterback for a brother.”

Noah smiles and I will mine not to follow.

God, this guy is too gorgeous. It’s unnerving.

“So, what’s up, man?” Mason asks him. “You stickin’ around for a few days?”

Reluctantly, Noah shifts his attention.

“I wish, I have a couple meetings, so I have to get back to campus. There’re always a few overeager freshmen who show early. If I’m not there to show ‘em the ropes, Coach will have my ass.” He grins, glancing my way. “I’m actually out of here first thing tomorrow.”

Chase pipes up then. “Too bad, guess we’ll see you back at school.”

Noah nods, eyeing Chase a moment.

“Well, tomorrow’s tomorrow, so you have to come to our place for a bonfire tonight.” Cameron swipes her wet hair from her face.

“Yeah, man, come,” Brady adds.

Noah glances behind him, a little unsure. “I came with a few other guys from the team, so I’d hate to crash your party.”

Cam gapes. “There’s more of you?!”

“Jesus fuck,” Mason grumbles.

“There are.” Noah nods, fighting the smile threatening to take over his full lips. “Four of us to be exact and my buddy’s sister is here with a few friends.” Noah meets my gaze.

“Well, the sister we could do without.”

“Cameron!” I hiss.

“I just said what we were both thinking.”

My asshole best friend clearly interprets my wordless What the hell expression and feeds me with her own that screams you know you agree while waving her hand dismissively.

This bitch winks at me.

I’m going to kill her.

“Don’t mind her,” Brady says, then points at Mase. “I think she’s got some pink puff goin’ on.”

Noah’s brows pull in. “Pink puff?”

Oh god, no. Please don’t—

“Yeah.” Brady shrugs as if his nonsense should make total sense. “You know, we get sucked in, tight as fuck, achy ass blue balls and they get swollen, sensitive as hell, pink puffs.”

I bury my face in my hands.

I love my little group to death, but holy what the hell?!

Mason chuckles and I don’t have to look at Cameron to know she’s nodding in agreement.

“Who’s all here?” Chase wonders, his tone cordial for the first time since Noah showed up.

“Nick and Jarrod and my buddy who wasn’t at camp, Trey Donovan.”

My head snaps up, eyes locking with Cam.

“He’s on the team, defensive lineman.”

“Didn’t think camp was optional,” Brady jokes, making Noah smile.

“Trust me, it’s not, but he’s a senior this year, missed the draft last year, so he’s got a little wiggle room. He was invited to a pro day in—”

“Tampa,” Cam and I blurt out at the same time, causing everyone’s head to jerk in our direction.

“Yeah, actually…” he draws out.

“Holy shit…” Cam whispers, slowly looking to me. Her smile finally grows and then she’s squeezing my arms. “Holy shit!” She beams. “So much for never seeing him again!”

“How do you two—” Noah cuts off mid-thought and a slow grin tips those lips of his. He stares at me for a beat before his eyes fall to his feet. “Butterflies?” He glances up.

“Aw,” Cam gushes. “He told you about us?”

“What the hell is going on?” Chase asks.

“That’s exactly what I wanna know,” Mason snaps.

“I knew it!” Brady yells.

Cam and I freeze, our wide eyes locked on each other in a moment of panic.


“Knew what, damn it?” Mason growls, his eyes flying around the group.

“You two,” Brady accuses, pointing at me and Cam. “Took off the minute we left for camp.” He crosses his arms over his chest, frowning.

“What?!” both Mason and Chase shout, each taking half a step forward.

I gape at Brady. “How do you always do that?”

Noah lifts his hands. “Hey, I didn’t mean to—”

“No, Noah, this isn’t your fault.” Cameron glares. “These assholes try to keep us on a tight leash without the benefits, if you know what I mean. So, yeah, shitheads, we did. We went on vacation without you. Me and my bestie flew free for three whole weeks in St. Petersburg.” She puts her hands on her hips, refusing to feel bad about it. “We met some amazing people, including Trey Donavan, who’s apparently your new teammate, and we had a fan-fucking-tastic time.”

“Son of a bitch!” Mason shouts, lifting his arms just to slap them back down against his sides. “And Mom went for this? Dad?”

I lift a shoulder. “Paul was there for work,” I tell him about Cameron’s dad. “We checked in with him, stayed in a room next to his.”

Mason’s glare doesn’t budge, but his body loses a hint of tension.

It gives him comfort to know we weren’t out there alone, or, well, without him, but not enough to keep him from being pissed off. He’ll call our parents later and feed them every reason in the book why they should never allow that again, but it will fall on deaf ears. Finally. We’re eighteen now. They’ll advise, but my parents aren’t the controlling type. Where Mason gets it from, I don’t know. My dad says he was the same when he was young and that Mase will grow out of it, but I’m not so sure about that.

“All right, let’s put a pause on this, huh?” Brady pats Noah’s shoulder, holding on to Mason’s and taking him with him as he walks away, Chase right behind them. “Noah, we’re the dock property at the end. See you at seven. All of you.”

Cameron sighs, offering Noah a small wave before she too heads to the house.

I stare after them until they reach our back deck, and then turn to face Noah.

“Sorry about that. It’s nothing personal against Trey. It’s just, well…” I let out a defeated sigh, glancing toward the house again. “God, it’s a lot of things, I guess.”

Noah meets my gaze, nodding as if he understands.

Weird thing, I get the sense he does.

“Cam can be complicated on the calmest of days.” I laugh lightly, rubbing my arms with my hands to rid myself of the chill making its way across my skin. “She’s into my brother, but he’s, I don’t even know.”

I peek up at Noah, expecting a bored expression or for him to be searching for a way to get back to his friends, but instead, I find Noah’s ocean eyes staring intently, his head tilted as if he’s interested in what I have to say, even though it has nothing to do with him.

“Sorry, I was rambling.”

The corner of his mouth lifts. “Don’t be, I kind of like the sound of your voice,” he teases.

“Sure, you do.” I laugh lightly, motioning toward the beach house. “I better go help them get ready for the bonfire.”

He nods. “Yeah, that’s probably a good idea.”

“Well, maybe we’ll see you tonight.” I smile and walk away, making the conscious effort not to look back.

My steps are slow as I replay the last half hour.

Chase finally acknowledged our kiss, but not in the way I had hoped he would.

Whether he wants to admit it or not, he was feeling me for at least a moment. He was hard, pressed against my body.

He wanted me.

Or maybe he was just turned on by the mood and the vibe, like he’d said.

Maybe it wasn’t about me at all.

So, what was with the long, slow, wretched expression today?

What was he thinking?

What was he about to say?

He was about to say something, right?

A harsh breath pushes past my lips, and I pause at the foot of the deck stairs.

If only we weren’t interrupted by Noah.

I bite the inside of my cheek.

Noah. A random guy on the beach.

Or not random, but the guys’ new team captain.

My hand meets the railing, and before I know what I’m doing, my eyes are gliding over my shoulder, drawn to the exact spot in which I left Noah Riley.

The spot where the blue-eyed stranger’s still standing, his attention pointed this way.

I don’t know why, but I lift my hand and wave, and the moment I do, my cheeks turn pink because, somehow, I know the action has him chuckling, even if I can’t hear him from here.

I had a feeling this trip would be full of surprises, and it seems there’s more to come.

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